public override void ChangeCursorType(IHistoryCursor thc)
            UserControlCommonBase uccb = tabStrip.CurrentControl as UserControlCommonBase;

            if (uccb != null)           // if we get a change cursor, must tell our tab child
        public override void ChangeCursorType(IHistoryCursor thc)                       // a grid below changed its travel grid, update our history one
            bool changedinuse = Object.ReferenceEquals(ucursor_inuse, ucursor_history); // if we are using the history as the current tg

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Splitter CTG " + ucursor_history.GetHashCode() + " IU " + ucursor_inuse.GetHashCode() + " New " + thc.GetHashCode());
            ucursor_history = thc; // underlying one has changed.

            if (changedinuse)      // inform the boys
                ucursor_inuse = ucursor_history;

                (panelPlayfield.Controls[0] as SplitContainer).RunActionOnSplitterTree((p, c) =>        // runs on each split panel node exactly..
                    UserControlCommonBase uccb = ((c is ExtendedControls.TabStrip) ? ((c as ExtendedControls.TabStrip).CurrentControl) : c) as UserControlCommonBase;
                    if (uccb != null)     // tab strip may not have a control set..
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Change cursor call to " + c.Name + " " + uccb.Name);
        private void AssignTHC()
            IHistoryCursor uctgfound = FindTHC();

            if ((uctgfound != null && !Object.ReferenceEquals(uctgfound, ucursor_inuse)) ||    // if got one but its not the one currently in use
                (uctgfound == null && !Object.ReferenceEquals(ucursor_history, ucursor_inuse)) // or not found, but we are not on the history one
                ucursor_inuse = (uctgfound != null) ? uctgfound : ucursor_history;    // select
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Children of " + this.GetHashCode() + " Change to " + ucursor_inuse.GetHashCode());

                (panelPlayfield.Controls[0] as SplitContainer).RunActionOnSplitterTree((p, c) =>        // runs on each split panel node exactly..
                    UserControlCommonBase uccb = ((c is ExtendedControls.TabStrip) ? ((c as ExtendedControls.TabStrip).CurrentControl) : c) as UserControlCommonBase;
                    if (uccb != null)     // tab strip may not have a control set..
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Change cursor call to " + c.Name + " " + uccb.Name);

                ucursor_inuse.FireChangeSelection();       // let the uctg tell the children a change event, so they can refresh
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Children of " + this.GetHashCode() + " Stay on " + ucursor_inuse.GetHashCode());

            UserControlTravelGrid tg = GetTravelGrid;       // this is called whenever deployment changes.. so see if TG is there..

            if (tg != null)
                tg.OnKeyDownInCell -= Tg_OnKeyDownInCell;
                tg.OnKeyDownInCell += Tg_OnKeyDownInCell;