public static List <TriangleMeshNode> GetAllNodesInRadius(Vector3 origin, float radius) { //float radiusSquared = radius * radius; TriangleMeshNode root = AStarPathfindingUtils.GetNearestNodeOnNavMesh(origin); List <TriangleMeshNode> validNodes = new List <TriangleMeshNode>(); EB.Collections.Queue <TriangleMeshNode> toCheck = new EB.Collections.Queue <TriangleMeshNode>(); HashSet <TriangleMeshNode> visited = new HashSet <TriangleMeshNode>(); toCheck.Enqueue(root); while (toCheck.Count > 0) { TriangleMeshNode curNode = toCheck.Dequeue(); if (SphereXZTriangleIntersect(origin, radius, (Vector3)curNode.GetVertex(0), (Vector3)curNode.GetVertex(1), (Vector3)curNode.GetVertex(2))) { validNodes.Add(curNode); for (int i = 0; i < curNode.connections.Length; i++) { TriangleMeshNode connection = curNode.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode; if (!visited.Contains(connection)) { toCheck.Enqueue(connection); } } } visited.Add(curNode); } return(validNodes); }
public static Dictionary <int, GameObject> FindIndexedComponents(Transform root) { Dictionary <int, GameObject> allComponents = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(); EB.Collections.Queue <Transform> queue = new EB.Collections.Queue <Transform>(16); queue.Enqueue(root); while (queue.Count > 0) { Transform it = queue.Dequeue(); IndexedZoneComponent indexer = it.GetComponent <IndexedZoneComponent>(); if (indexer != null) { allComponents.Add(indexer.Index, indexer.gameObject); } int childCount = it.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { queue.Enqueue(it.GetChild(i)); } } return(allComponents); }
// recursively fine the transform include inRoot and the whole hierarchy under the inRoot, this also include the object that is deactivate public static Transform SearchHierarchyForBone(Transform inRoot, string inName, bool ignoreDisabled = false) { if (inRoot == null || inName.Length <= 0) { return(null); } // check if the current bone is the bone we're looking for, if so return it if ( { return(inRoot); } EB.Collections.Queue <Transform> queue = new EB.Collections.Queue <Transform>(16); Transform result = null; queue.Enqueue(inRoot); while (queue.Count > 0) { Transform it = queue.Dequeue(); result = it.Find(inName); if (result && (!ignoreDisabled || result.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)) { return(result); } int childCount = it.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { queue.Enqueue(it.GetChild(i)); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 添加进入将要更新的缓存数据队列 /// </summary> /// <param name="dataID">数据的唯一id</param> /// <param name="value">数据对象</param> private void StashUpdateLookupsCall(string dataID, object value) { updateLookupsCallsStack.Enqueue(new UpdateLookupsCall() { DataID = dataID, Value = value }); }
public void Destroy(T obj) { GameUtils.FastRemove <T>(_active, obj); _inactive.Enqueue(obj); obj.OnPoolDeactivate(); }
public void Destroy(object obj) { GameUtils.FastRemove <object>(_active, obj); _inactive.Enqueue(obj); (obj as IPoolable).OnPoolDeactivate(); }
private void LoadTexture(string textureName, System.Action <bool, Texture2D> cb) { #if TEXTUREPOOL_SPEW EB.Debug.Log("Trying to load texture " + textureName); #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureName)) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("Attempt to load empty texture."); return; } var info = GetTextureInfo(textureName); if (info != null) { info.refCount++; // inc the refcount info.time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (info.texture != null) { if (cb != null) { cb(info.successfullyLoaded, info.texture); } } else { info.callbacks.Add(cb); _loads.Enqueue(textureName); } return; } // create new info info = new TextureInfo(); info.textureName = textureName; info.refCount = 1; info.time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; info.callbacks.Add(cb); _all.Add(info); _loads.Enqueue(textureName); }
/// <summary> /// ui入栈 /// </summary> /// <param name="stackable"></param> /// <param name="queued"></param> /// <param name="manualDepth"></param> public void EnStack(IStackableUI stackable, bool queued = false) { if (!queued || CanDisplayNextOnQueue()) { StartCoroutine(EnStackCoroutine(stackable)); } else { stackable.Show(false); _toEnstackWhenPossible.Enqueue(stackable); } }
/// <summary> /// 让指定的ui队列中移除 /// </summary> /// <param name="ui"></param> public void Dequeue(IStackableUI ui) { EB.Collections.Queue <IStackableUI> tmpQueue = new EB.Collections.Queue <IStackableUI>(); while (_toEnstackWhenPossible.Count > 0) { IStackableUI q = _toEnstackWhenPossible.Dequeue(); if (q == ui) { break; } tmpQueue.Enqueue(q); } while (_toEnstackWhenPossible.Count > 0) { tmpQueue.Enqueue(_toEnstackWhenPossible.Dequeue()); } _toEnstackWhenPossible = tmpQueue; }
private IDebuggable[] GetAllSystemsFromPath(string systemPath, IDebuggable parent = null) { if (systemPath == null) { return(new IDebuggable[0]); } string[] names = systemPath.Split('/'); if (names.Length == 0) { return(new IDebuggable[0]); } EB.Collections.Queue <IDebuggable> currents = new EB.Collections.Queue <IDebuggable>(); foreach (IDebuggable sys in GetAllSystemsFromName(names[0])) { if (_gameSystems[sys].parent == parent && _gameSystems[sys].systemName == names[0]) { currents.Enqueue(sys); } } for (int i = 1; i < names.Length; i++) { while (currents.Count > 0 && _gameSystems[currents.Peek()].systemName == names[i - 1]) { foreach (IDebuggable sub in _gameSystems[currents.Dequeue()].subSystems) { if (_gameSystems[sub].systemName == names[i]) { currents.Enqueue(sub); } } } } return(currents.ToArray()); }
public virtual void Show(UIDialogeOption option) { if (IsOpen()) { mQueue.Enqueue(option); return; } if (mQueue.Count > 0) { mQueue.Enqueue(option); return; } mClearQueue = true; Option = option; Open(); if (header != null) { header.SetActive(option.title != null); if (header.activeSelf) { UILabel titleLabel = header.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>(); titleLabel.text = option.title; } } if (body != null) { body.SetActive(option.body != null); if (body.activeSelf) { UILabel bodyLabel = body.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>(); string [] strs = option.body.Split('\n'); if (strs.Length > 5) { bodyLabel.text = strs[0]; } else { bodyLabel.text = option.body; } } } if (input != null) { input.SetActive(option.input != null); if (input.activeSelf) { UIInput inputComponent = input.GetComponentInChildren <UIInput>(); inputComponent.value = option.input; } } if (acceptButton != null) { acceptObject.SetActive((option.buttons & eUIDialogueButtons.Accept) == eUIDialogueButtons.Accept); acceptButton.onClick.Clear(); if (acceptObject.activeSelf) { acceptButton.onClick.Add(new EventDelegate(OnAcceptButtonClick)); } } if (declineButton != null) { declineObject.SetActive((option.buttons & eUIDialogueButtons.Decline) == eUIDialogueButtons.Decline); declineButton.onClick.Clear(); if (declineObject.activeSelf) { declineButton.onClick.Add(new EventDelegate(OnDeclineButtonClick)); } } if (cancelButton != null) { cancelObject.SetActive((option.buttons & eUIDialogueButtons.Cancel) == eUIDialogueButtons.Cancel); cancelButton.onClick.Clear(); if (cancelObject.activeSelf) { cancelButton.onClick.Add(new EventDelegate(OnCancelButtonClick)); } } }