public void OnUnlockAllRewards()
     GlobalUI.ShowPrompt(true, "Unlock some rewards rewards?", GoUnlockAllRewards);
 public void OnExportData()
     GlobalUI.ShowPrompt(true, "Export the current Database?\n(not yet functional: will save the db into the device or send it to our data gathering center)", GoExportData);
 public void OnDeleteProfile()
     GlobalUI.ShowPrompt(true, "delete this profile?", GoDeleteProfile);
 public void OnResetEverything()
     GlobalUI.ShowPrompt(true, "ATTENTION\nReally Reset all data and everything?", GoResetEverything);
 public void OnUnlockAllGameData()
     GlobalUI.ShowPrompt(true, "UNLOCK EVERYTHING? (also adds fake scores)", GoUnlockAllGameData);