public void CollectEnumValue(EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPEnumeration en) { EAPEnumValue enValue = new EAPEnumValue(); enValue.Name = l_Attr.Name; enValue.Description = l_Attr.Notes; enValue.Value = ReturnValue(enValue, l_Attr, en); if (enValue.Description.Split(':').Length > 1) { enValue.Title = enValue.Description.Split(':')[0]; enValue.Description = enValue.Description.Remove(0, enValue.Title.Length + 1).Trim(); } else { enValue.Title = ""; enValue.Description = enValue.Description.Trim(); } enValue.Title = enValue.Title.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Trim(); enValue.Description = enValue.Description.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Trim(); //enValue.Value = (long)Convert.ChangeType(Enum.Parse(proba, enValue.Name), typeof(long)); if (!(en.AddEnumValue(enValue))) { if (Validate) { tw.WriteLine("Enum value name:" + l_Attr.Name + ", already exists in Enum name: " + en.Name + ". (Look at EAP)"); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } }
public int GetCardinality(EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPAttribute l_MyAttr) { int cardinality = 0; foreach (EA.AttributeConstraint str in l_Attr.Constraints) { if (str.Name.ToLower() == "cardinality") { try { cardinality = Convert.ToInt32(str.Notes.Trim()); return(cardinality); } catch { if (Validate) { tw.WriteLine("Model Code: {0},", l_MyAttr.Code); tw.WriteLine("Name: {0},", l_MyAttr.Name); tw.WriteLine("Cardinality: {0},\n", str.Notes); tw.WriteLine(str + "cardinality value can not be converted in int."); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } } } return(cardinality); }
public static AttributeTag AddTaggedValue(this Attribute attribute, string name) { var taggedValue = (AttributeTag)attribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(name, string.Empty); taggedValue.Value = string.Empty; taggedValue.Update(); return(taggedValue); }
/// <summary> /// Execute the given actions for the attribute (e.g. setting its tagged value, ...) and save the attribute to the EA.Repository. /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="doSomethingWith"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Attribute With(this Attribute attribute, params Action <Attribute>[] doSomethingWith) { foreach (var action in doSomethingWith) { action(attribute); } attribute.Update(); return(attribute); }
public bool GetAttribute(out EA.Attribute attribute) { attribute = null; int attributeId; if (GetEAObjectId(AttributeID, out attributeId)) { attribute = repository.GetAttributeByID(attributeId); return(attribute != null); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// GUIDを指定してEA上の属性オブジェクトを取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="attributeGuid">検索対象属性のGUID</param> /// <returns>合致するGUIDでヒットした属性オブジェクト。ヒットしなかったらnull</returns> private static EA.Attribute getAttributeByGuid(string attributeGuid) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Attribute attrObj = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(attributeGuid); if (attrObj != null) { return(attrObj); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 属性の更新前、更新後の情報をログファイルに出力 /// </summary> /// <param name="attr">対象のEA.Attributeオブジェクト</param> /// <param name="afterUpdateFlag">更新前/更新後を示す(true=後)</param> private static void writeUpdateLogAttribute(EA.Attribute attr, bool afterUpdateFlag) { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\ea-artifacts\DiffViewerUpdate.log", true); if (afterUpdateFlag) { sw.WriteLine("■属性の書き込みが完了しました(ID={0}, GUID={1})。", attr.AttributeID, attr.AttributeGUID); } else { sw.WriteLine("〇属性の更新前情報を表示します(ID={0}, GUID={1})。", attr.AttributeID, attr.AttributeGUID); } sw.WriteLine(" AttributeID = " + attr.AttributeID); sw.WriteLine(" AttributeGUID = " + attr.AttributeGUID); sw.WriteLine(" Name = " + attr.Name); sw.WriteLine(" Alias = " + attr.Alias); sw.WriteLine(" StereotypeEx = " + attr.StereotypeEx); sw.WriteLine(" Notes = " + attr.Notes); sw.WriteLine(" AllowDuplicate = " + attr.AllowDuplicates); sw.WriteLine(" ClassifierID = " + attr.ClassifierID); sw.WriteLine(" Container = " + attr.Container); sw.WriteLine(" Containment = " + attr.Containment); sw.WriteLine(" Default = " + attr.Default); sw.WriteLine(" IsCollection = " + attr.IsCollection); sw.WriteLine(" IsConst = " + attr.IsConst); sw.WriteLine(" IsDerived = " + attr.IsDerived); sw.WriteLine(" IsOrdered = " + attr.IsOrdered); sw.WriteLine(" IsStatic = " + attr.IsStatic); sw.WriteLine(" Length = " + attr.Length); sw.WriteLine(" LowerBound = " + attr.LowerBound); sw.WriteLine(" Precision = " + attr.Precision); sw.WriteLine(" Pos = " + attr.Pos); sw.WriteLine(" Scale = " + attr.Scale); sw.WriteLine(" Stereotype = " + attr.Stereotype); sw.WriteLine(" StyleEx = " + attr.StyleEx); sw.WriteLine(" Type = " + attr.Type); sw.WriteLine(" UpperBound = " + attr.UpperBound); sw.WriteLine(" Visibility = " + attr.Visibility); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
void EASelectObjectToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; if (repo != null) { // 選択された属性に対する更新処理 if (selectedAttribute != null) { EA.Attribute attr = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(selectedAttribute.guid); if (attr != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(attr); } else { // 属性がGUIDで空振りしたら要素GUIDで再検索 EA.Element elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(elem); } } } // 選択された操作に対する更新処理 if (selectedMethod != null) { EA.Method mth = (EA.Method)repo.GetMethodByGuid(selectedMethod.guid); if (mth != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(mth); } else { // 操作がGUIDで空振りしたら要素GUIDで再検索 EA.Element elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(elem); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("EAにアタッチしていないため、選択できません"); } }
public static void AttributesAreEqual(Attribute expectedAttribute, Attribute actualAttribute, Path path) { if (expectedAttribute == null) { Assert.IsNull(actualAttribute); } else { Assert.IsNotNull(actualAttribute, "Target attribute for " + expectedAttribute.Name + " is null at /" + path); Path attributePath = path / expectedAttribute.Name; attributePropertiesAreEqual.AssertFor(expectedAttribute, actualAttribute, attributePath); AssertCollectionsAreEqual <AttributeTag>(expectedAttribute.TaggedValues, actualAttribute.TaggedValues, attributePath, AttributeTagsAreEqual); } }
public static bool isLiteralValue(Attribute eaAttribute, EaUmlClassifier owner) { //if the field StyleEx contains "IsLiteral=1" then it is a literal value //of if the StyleEx field is empty and the owner of this attribute is of type Enumeration var styleEx = eaAttribute.StyleEx; if (styleEx.Contains("IsLiteral=1")) { return(true); } if (styleEx.Contains("IsLiteral=0")) { return(false); } //no information in the StyleEx, check the owner return(owner.isEnumeration); }
public void FindType(EAPClass l_Class, EAPAttribute l_MyAttr, EA.Attribute l_Attr) { //PropertyType type = 0; if ((l_MyAttr.Code != null && l_MyAttr.Code != "") || true) { if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MeasurementType), l_Attr.Type.ToUpper())) { l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = l_Attr.Type; } else { List <string> typeStr = new List <string>() { "bool", "int", "long", "string", "short", "double", "float", "byte", "modelcode", "lid", "gid" }; if (l_Attr.Type.Split('<').Length > 1) { string helpString = l_Attr.Type.Remove(0, (l_Attr.Type.IndexOf('<') + 1)); // l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = helpString.Remove(helpString.IndexOf('>')); l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = l_Attr.Type; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MeasurementType), helpString.Remove(helpString.IndexOf('>')))) { l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = helpString.Remove(helpString.IndexOf('>')); } else { l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = l_Attr.Type; } } else { if (!typeStr.Contains(l_Attr.Type.ToLower())) { l_MyAttr.MeasurementType = l_Attr.Type; } else if (typeStr.Contains(l_Attr.Type.ToLower())) { //GenerateUIControlsBasedOnPropType(l_Attr.Type.ToLower(), l_MyAttr, false); } } } } }
public string ReturnValue(MetaEntity obj, EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPEnumeration en = null) { if (l_Attr.Default != null && (l_Attr.Default != "")) { if (!l_Attr.Default.StartsWith("0x", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { return(l_Attr.Default); } else { string helpString = l_Attr.Default.Remove(0, 2).Trim(); try { long val = Convert.ToInt64(helpString, 16); return(val.ToString()); } catch { if (Validate) { if (en != null) { tw.WriteLine("Model Code for enum: {0},", en.Code); tw.WriteLine("Name for enum: {0},", en.Name); } else { tw.WriteLine("Model Code: {0},", obj.Code); } tw.WriteLine("Name: {0},", obj.Name); tw.WriteLine("Value Default {0},\n", l_Attr.Default); tw.WriteLine(l_Attr.Default + " value can not be converted in number."); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } } } return(null); }
private void AddMissingTaggedValues(Path path, Attribute attribute, params string[] requiredTaggedValues) { IEnumerable <string> existingTaggedValues = AsEnumerable <AttributeTag>(attribute.TaggedValues).Convert(tv => tv.Name); foreach (string missingTaggedValue in requiredTaggedValues.Except(existingTaggedValues)) { var taggedValue = (AttributeTag)attribute.TaggedValues.AddNew(missingTaggedValue, string.Empty); taggedValue.Value = string.Empty; taggedValue.Update(); TaggedValueFixed(path / missingTaggedValue); } if (removeUndefinedTaggedValues) { foreach (string unneededTaggedValue in existingTaggedValues.Except(requiredTaggedValues)) { attribute.TaggedValues.Delete(indexOf(attribute.TaggedValues, unneededTaggedValue)); } } attribute.TaggedValues.Refresh(); }
public static AttributeVO getAttributeFromEAObject(EA.Attribute eaAttributeObj) { AttributeVO attvo = new AttributeVO(); = excludeSpecialChar(eaAttributeObj.Name); attvo.alias = excludeSpecialChar(eaAttributeObj.Alias); if (eaAttributeObj.StereotypeEx != null && !"".Equals(eaAttributeObj.StereotypeEx)) { attvo.stereoType = excludeSpecialChar(eaAttributeObj.StereotypeEx); } else { attvo.stereoType = null; } attvo.eaType = eaAttributeObj.Type; attvo.notes = eaAttributeObj.Notes; attvo.guid = eaAttributeObj.AttributeGUID; attvo.pos = eaAttributeObj.Pos; attvo.allowDuplicates = eaAttributeObj.AllowDuplicates; attvo.length = convStringToInt(eaAttributeObj.Length); attvo.classifierID = eaAttributeObj.ClassifierID.ToString(); attvo.container = eaAttributeObj.Container; attvo.containment = eaAttributeObj.Containment; attvo.isDerived = eaAttributeObj.IsDerived; attvo.isID = eaAttributeObj.IsID; attvo.lowerBound = convStringToInt(eaAttributeObj.LowerBound); attvo.upperBound = convStringToInt(eaAttributeObj.UpperBound); attvo.precision = convStringToInt(eaAttributeObj.Precision); attvo.scale = convStringToInt(eaAttributeObj.Scale); attvo.visibility = excludeSpecialChar(eaAttributeObj.Visibility); List <TaggedValueVO> outTagList = new List <TaggedValueVO>(); foreach (EA.AttributeTag atag in eaAttributeObj.TaggedValuesEx) { outTagList.Add(getAttributeTagFromEAObject(atag)); } attvo.taggedValues = outTagList; return(attvo); }
private string FormAttributeModificators(Attribute attribute) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (attribute.IsCollection) { sb.Append("Collection"); } if (attribute.IsStatic) { if (sb.Length != 0) { sb.Append(','); } sb.Append("Static"); } if (attribute.IsOrdered) { if (sb.Length != 0) { sb.Append(','); } sb.Append("Ordered"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Scale)) { if (sb.Length != 0) { sb.Append(','); } sb.Append("Scale"); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private string FormAttributeName(Attribute attribute) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (attribute.Visibility) { case "Public": sb.Append('+'); break; case "Private": sb.Append('-'); break; case "Protected": sb.Append('#'); break; } sb.Append(attribute.Name); sb.Append(": "); if (attribute.IsConst) { sb.Append("const "); } sb.Append(attribute.Type); if (attribute.LowerBound != "1" || attribute.UpperBound != "1") { sb.Append($"[{attribute.LowerBound}..{attribute.UpperBound}]"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.Default)) { sb.Append("="); sb.Append(attribute.Default); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public bool GetSearchable(EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPAttribute l_MyAttr) { bool searchable = false; foreach (EA.AttributeConstraint str in l_Attr.Constraints) { if (str.Name.ToLower() == "searchable") { try { if (str.Notes.Trim() == "0") { return(false); } else if (str.Notes.Trim() == "1") { return(true); } searchable = Convert.ToBoolean(str.Notes.Trim()); return(searchable); } catch { if (Validate) { tw.WriteLine("Model Code: {0},", l_MyAttr.Code); tw.WriteLine("Name: {0},", l_MyAttr.Name); tw.WriteLine("Searchable: {0},\n", str.Notes); tw.WriteLine(str.Notes + "searchable value can not be converted in bool."); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } } } return(searchable); }
public bool GetAggregated(EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPAttribute l_MyAttr) { bool aggregated = false; foreach (EA.AttributeConstraint str in l_Attr.Constraints) { if (str.Name.ToLower() == "aggregated") { try { if (str.Notes.Trim() == "0") { return(false); } else if (str.Notes.Trim() == "1") { return(true); } aggregated = Convert.ToBoolean(str.Notes.Trim()); return(aggregated); } catch { if (Validate) { tw.WriteLine("Model Code: {0},", l_MyAttr.Code); tw.WriteLine("Name: {0},", l_MyAttr.Name); tw.WriteLine("Aggregated: {0},\n", str.Notes); tw.WriteLine(str + "aggregated value can not be converted in bool."); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } } } return(aggregated); }
/// <summary> /// Get Tagged Value with 'Name'. If TV not exists return "". /// </summary> /// <param name="attr"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="caseSensitive"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetTaggedValue(EA.Attribute attr, string name, bool caseSensitive = true) { foreach (EA.AttributeTag taggedValue in attr.TaggedValues) { if (caseSensitive) { if (taggedValue.Name == name) { return(GetTaggedValue(taggedValue)); } } else { if (taggedValue.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) { return(GetTaggedValue(taggedValue)); } } } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// EAのAttributeを上書きもしくは追加する /// </summary> internal static void updateEaAttributeObject(ElementVO myElement, AttributeVO selectedAttribute) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Element elem = null; int tmp = -1; // EAのAPIを使って属性をGUIDより検索 EA.Attribute attrObj = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(selectedAttribute.guid); // 取得できなかったら(該当するGUIDの属性が存在しなかったら) if (attrObj == null) { // この属性を持っているはずの要素をGUIDより検索 elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } attrObj = (EA.Attribute)elem.Attributes.AddNew(, selectedAttribute.eaType); } // 更新前後で更新ログ出力 writeUpdateLogAttribute(attrObj, false); attrObj.Name =; attrObj.AttributeGUID = selectedAttribute.guid; attrObj.Alias = selectedAttribute.alias; attrObj.StereotypeEx = selectedAttribute.stereoType; attrObj.Notes = selectedAttribute.notes; attrObj.AllowDuplicates = selectedAttribute.allowDuplicates; if ("".Equals(selectedAttribute.classifierID) || !Int32.TryParse(selectedAttribute.classifierID, out tmp)) { selectedAttribute.classifierID = "0"; } else { attrObj.ClassifierID = tmp; } attrObj.Container = selectedAttribute.container; attrObj.Containment = selectedAttribute.containment; attrObj.Default = selectedAttribute.defaultValue; attrObj.IsCollection = selectedAttribute.isCollection; attrObj.IsConst = selectedAttribute.isConst; attrObj.IsDerived = selectedAttribute.isDerived; // attr.IsID = selectedAttribute.; attrObj.IsOrdered = selectedAttribute.isOrdered; attrObj.IsStatic = selectedAttribute.isStatic; attrObj.Length = selectedAttribute.length.ToString(); attrObj.LowerBound = selectedAttribute.lowerBound.ToString(); attrObj.Precision = selectedAttribute.precision.ToString(); attrObj.Pos = selectedAttribute.pos; // attr.RedefinedProperty = selectedAttribute.; attrObj.Scale = selectedAttribute.scale.ToString(); attrObj.Stereotype = selectedAttribute.stereoType; // attr.Style = selectedAttribute.; // attr.SubsettedProperty = selectedAttribute.; attrObj.StyleEx = selectedAttribute.styleEx; attrObj.Type = selectedAttribute.eaType; attrObj.UpperBound = selectedAttribute.upperBound.ToString(); attrObj.Visibility = selectedAttribute.visibility; attrObj.Update(); // elem.Update(); // 更新前後で更新ログ出力 writeUpdateLogAttribute(attrObj, true); }
public EaUmlAttribute(Repository eaRepository, Attribute eaAttribute) { this.eaRepository = eaRepository; this.eaAttribute = eaAttribute; this.repository = EaUmlRepository.getRepository(eaRepository); }
public void CollectAttribute(EAPModel model, EA.Attribute l_Attr, EAPClass l_Class, bool group, EAPClass l_ClassGroup = null) { EAPAttribute l_MyAttr = new EAPAttribute(); l_MyAttr.Description = l_Attr.Notes; l_MyAttr.Settable = !l_Attr.IsConst; l_MyAttr.Max = l_Attr.UpperBound; l_MyAttr.Min = l_Attr.LowerBound; l_MyAttr.Index = l_Attr.Pos; l_MyAttr.Default = ReturnValue(l_MyAttr, l_Attr); l_MyAttr.Visible = !l_Attr.IsStatic; if (model.Enums.ContainsKey(l_Attr.Type)) { l_MyAttr.TypeCode = "Enum"; } if (model.Classes.ContainsKey(l_Attr.Type)) { l_MyAttr.TypeCode = "Class"; } if (group) { if (l_ClassGroup == null) { l_MyAttr.Group = l_Class.Code; } else { l_MyAttr.Group = l_ClassGroup.Code; } } if (l_MyAttr.Description.Split(':').Length > 1) { l_MyAttr.Title = l_MyAttr.Description.Split(':')[0]; l_MyAttr.Description = l_MyAttr.Description.Remove(0, l_MyAttr.Title.Length + 1); } else { l_MyAttr.Title = ""; l_MyAttr.Description = l_MyAttr.Description.Trim(); } l_MyAttr.Title = l_MyAttr.Title.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Trim(); l_MyAttr.Description = l_MyAttr.Description.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Trim(); l_MyAttr.Code = l_Attr.Style; l_MyAttr.Name = l_Attr.Name; FindType(l_Class, l_MyAttr, l_Attr); l_MyAttr.Aggregated = GetAggregated(l_Attr, l_MyAttr); l_MyAttr.Searchable = GetSearchable(l_Attr, l_MyAttr); l_MyAttr.Cardinality = GetCardinality(l_Attr, l_MyAttr) == 0 ? null : GetCardinality(l_Attr, l_MyAttr).ToString(); if (!(l_Class.AddAttribute(l_MyAttr))) { if (Validate) { tw.WriteLine("Attribute Model Code:" + l_Attr.Style + ", already exists in Class name: " + l_Class.Name + ". (Look at EAP)"); tw.WriteLine("*************************************************************************"); tw.WriteLine("\n\n"); } } }
void ReflectToEAToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Element elem = null; int tmp = -1; if (repo != null) { // 選択された属性に対する更新処理 if (selectedAttribute != null) { //メッセージボックスを表示する DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("EAのリポジトリの属性を上書き、もしくは追加します。よろしいですか?", "質問", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //何が選択されたか調べる if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { EA.Attribute attr = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(selectedAttribute.guid); if (attr == null) { elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } attr = (EA.Attribute)elem.Attributes.AddNew(, "String"); } attr.Name =; attr.AttributeGUID = selectedAttribute.guid; attr.Alias = selectedAttribute.alias; attr.StereotypeEx = selectedAttribute.stereoType; attr.Notes = selectedAttribute.notes; attr.AllowDuplicates = selectedAttribute.allowDuplicates; if ("".Equals(selectedAttribute.classifierID) || !Int32.TryParse(selectedAttribute.classifierID, out tmp)) { selectedAttribute.classifierID = "0"; } else { attr.ClassifierID = tmp; } // attr.ClassifierID = Int32.Parse( selectedAttribute.classifierID ); attr.Container = selectedAttribute.container; attr.Containment = selectedAttribute.containment; attr.Default = selectedAttribute.defaultValue; attr.IsCollection = selectedAttribute.isCollection; attr.IsConst = selectedAttribute.isConst; attr.IsDerived = selectedAttribute.isDerived; // attr.IsID = selectedAttribute.; attr.IsOrdered = selectedAttribute.isOrdered; attr.IsStatic = selectedAttribute.isStatic; attr.Length = selectedAttribute.length.ToString(); attr.LowerBound = selectedAttribute.lowerBound.ToString(); attr.Precision = selectedAttribute.precision.ToString(); // attr.RedefinedProperty = selectedAttribute.; attr.Scale = selectedAttribute.scale.ToString(); // attr.Stereotype = ; // attr.Style = selectedAttribute.; // attr.SubsettedProperty = selectedAttribute.; // attr.StyleEx = selectedAttribute.; attr.Type = selectedAttribute.eaType; attr.UpperBound = selectedAttribute.upperBound.ToString(); attr.Visibility = selectedAttribute.visibility; attr.Update(); // elem.Update(); } else { return; } } // 選択された操作に対する更新処理 if (selectedMethod != null) { //メッセージボックスを表示する DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("EAのリポジトリの操作を上書き、もしくは追加します。よろしいですか?", "質問", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //何が選択されたか調べる if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { EA.Method mth = getMethodByGuid(selectedMethod.guid); if (mth == null) { elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } mth = (EA.Method)elem.Methods.AddNew(, selectedMethod.returnType); } mth.Name =; mth.MethodGUID = selectedMethod.guid; mth.Alias = selectedMethod.alias; mth.StereotypeEx = selectedMethod.stereoType; mth.Notes = selectedMethod.notes; mth.Behavior = selectedMethod.behavior; mth.Abstract = selectedMethod.isAbstract; mth.ClassifierID = selectedMethod.classifierID; mth.Code = selectedMethod.code; mth.Concurrency = selectedMethod.concurrency; mth.IsConst = selectedMethod.isConst; mth.IsLeaf = selectedMethod.isLeaf; mth.IsPure = selectedMethod.isPure; mth.IsQuery = selectedMethod.isQuery; mth.IsRoot = selectedMethod.isRoot; mth.IsStatic = selectedMethod.isStatic; // mth.IsSynchronized = selectedMethod.s isSynchronized; mth.Pos = selectedMethod.pos; mth.ReturnIsArray = selectedMethod.returnIsArray; mth.ReturnType = selectedMethod.returnType; mth.StateFlags = selectedMethod.stateFlags; // mth.StyleEx = selectedMethod.StyleEx; mth.Throws = selectedMethod.throws; mth.Visibility = selectedMethod.visibility; mth.Update(); // 既にパラメータが設定されている場合は一旦削除 for (short i = 0; i < mth.Parameters.Count; i++) { mth.Parameters.Delete(i); } // XMLから読み込まれたパラメータの値を設定する foreach (ParameterVO prm in selectedMethod.parameters) { EA.Parameter paramObj = (EA.Parameter)mth.Parameters.AddNew(, prm.eaType); paramObj.Alias = prm.alias; paramObj.ClassifierID = prm.classifierID; paramObj.Default = prm.defaultValue; paramObj.IsConst = prm.isConst; paramObj.Kind = prm.kind; paramObj.Name =; paramObj.Notes = prm.notes; paramObj.ParameterGUID = prm.guid; paramObj.Position = prm.pos; paramObj.StereotypeEx = prm.stereoType; // paramObj.Style = prm.Style ; // paramObj.StyleEx = prm.StyleEx ; paramObj.Type = prm.eaType; paramObj.Update(); } // elem.Update(); } else { return; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("EAにアタッチしていないため、反映できません"); } }
public EaUmlEnumerationLiteral(Repository eaRepository, Attribute eaAttribute, IUmlClassifier owner) { this.eaAttribute = eaAttribute; this.eaRepository = eaRepository; this.Owner = owner; }
public EaUmlEnumerationLiteral(Attribute eaAttribute) { this.eaAttribute = eaAttribute; }
public EaUmlAttribute(Repository eaRepository, Attribute eaAttribute) { this.eaRepository = eaRepository; this.eaAttribute = eaAttribute; }