// TODO(lukechurch): Move this to a support class protected void ExecuteAndWait() { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); SpinWaitForExecution(); }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var valueMap = new Dictionary<Guid, String>(); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); //Get node connectors foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; if (!valueMap.ContainsKey(guid)) { Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } } } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); Thread.Sleep(100); } writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of NumberSequence"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { String valmap = valueMap[connector.Start.Owner.GUID].ToString(); Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String nodeVal = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; if (valmap != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of NumberSequence is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valmap); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of NumberSequence is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of NumberSequence complete"); writer.Flush(); return pass = true; }
private void RunExpression(object parameters) { bool displayErrors = Convert.ToBoolean(parameters); var command = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(displayErrors, false); dynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(command); }
private void CancelRun(object parameter) { var command = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, true); dynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(command); }
public void CancelRunCmd(object parameter) { var command = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, true); this.ExecuteCommand(command); }
internal void RunExprCmd(object parameters) { bool displayErrors = Convert.ToBoolean(parameters); var command = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(displayErrors, false); this.ExecuteCommand(command); }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var types = LoadAllTypesFromDynamoAssemblies(); foreach (Type type in types) { string nodeName = GetName(type); var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); double coordinatesX = node.X; double coordinatesY = node.Y; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName)) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { var newNode = type.GetDefaultConstructor<NodeModel>()(); DynamoModel.CreateNodeCommand createCommand = new DynamoModel.CreateNodeCommand( newNode, coordinatesX, coordinatesY, false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(createCommand); })); var valueMap = new Dictionary<Guid, String>(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of CustomNode"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { NodeModel nodeAfterUndo = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault( (t) => (t.GUID == node.GUID)); if (nodeAfterUndo != null) { var firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo = nodeAfterUndo.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; if (valueMap[guid] != val) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + val); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valueMap[guid]); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of CustomNode complete"); writer.Flush(); } } return pass = true; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var valueMap = new Dictionary<Guid, String>(); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { Guid guid = node.GUID; Object data = node.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand( DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); Thread.Sleep(10); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning readback"); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of DirectoryPath"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { string valmap = valueMap[node.GUID].ToString(); object data = node.GetValue(0, engine).Data; string nodeVal = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; if (valmap != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of DirectoryPath is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valmap); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of DirectoryPath is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of DirectoryPath complete"); writer.Flush(); return pass = true; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; int workspaceIndex = DynamoViewModel.CurrentWorkspaceIndex; var firstNodeConnectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList(); var valueMap = new Dictionary<Guid, String>(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectors) { if (connector.End.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Guid guid = connector.Start.Owner.GUID; Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } } string customNodeFilePath = string.Empty; var function = node as Function; CustomNodeInfo info = null; if (function != null) { var id = function.Definition.FunctionId; if (DynamoViewModel.Model.CustomNodeManager.TryGetNodeInfo(id, out info)) { customNodeFilePath = info.Path; } } var workspaces = DynamoViewModel.Model.Workspaces; if (File.Exists(customNodeFilePath)) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.OpenFileCommand openFile = new DynamoModel.OpenFileCommand(customNodeFilePath); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(openFile); })); Thread.Sleep(100); var nodesInCustomNodeBeforeMutation = workspaces.FirstOrDefault((t) => (t.Name == info.Name)).Nodes.ToList(); var customNodeStructureBeforeMutation = GetDictionaryOfConnectedNodes(nodesInCustomNodeBeforeMutation); int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); Thread.Sleep(100); } writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.SwitchTabCommand switchCmd = new DynamoModel.SwitchTabCommand(workspaceIndex); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(switchCmd); })); Thread.Sleep(100); var nodesInCustomNodeAfterMutation = workspaces.FirstOrDefault((t) => (t.Name == info.Name)).Nodes.ToList(); var customNodeStructureAfterMutation = GetDictionaryOfConnectedNodes(nodesInCustomNodeAfterMutation); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of CustomNode structure"); if (customNodeStructureBeforeMutation.Count == customNodeStructureAfterMutation.Count) { foreach (var item in customNodeStructureAfterMutation) { if (item.Value != customNodeStructureBeforeMutation[item.Key]) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode structure is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } } else { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode structure is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of CustomNode"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { NodeModel nodeAfterUndo = workspaces.SelectMany(ws => ws.Nodes) .FirstOrDefault(t => t.GUID.Equals(node.GUID)); if (nodeAfterUndo == null) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } var firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo = nodeAfterUndo.AllConnectors.ToList(); foreach (ConnectorModel connector in firstNodeConnectorsAfterUndo) { if (connector.End.Owner.GUID != node.GUID) { Object data = connector.Start.Owner.GetValue(0, engine).Data; String nodeVal = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; if (valueMap[connector.Start.Owner.GUID] != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valueMap[connector.End.Owner.GUID]); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CustomNode is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } var workspacesOfCustomNodes = DynamoViewModel.Workspaces.Where((t) => { return (t.Model is CustomNodeWorkspaceModel); }).ToList(); if (workspacesOfCustomNodes != null) { foreach (var item in workspacesOfCustomNodes) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.SwitchTabCommand swithCommand = new DynamoModel.SwitchTabCommand(workspaceIndex); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(swithCommand); DynamoViewModel.Workspaces.Remove(item); })); } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of CustomNode complete"); writer.Flush(); } return pass = true; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; var nodes = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes; if (nodes.Count() == 0) return true; int nodesCountBeforeDelete = nodes.Count(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning readout"); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning delete"); writer.WriteLine("### - Deletion target: " + node.GUID); int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(0); writer.WriteLine("### - delete complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); Thread.Sleep(0); writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); int nodesCountAfterDelete = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count(); if (nodesCountBeforeDelete > nodesCountAfterDelete) { for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand( DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); Thread.Sleep(0); } writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); ExecuteAndWait(); writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); int nodesCountAfterUbdo = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count(); if (nodesCountBeforeDelete == nodesCountAfterUbdo) writer.WriteLine("### - Node was restored"); else { writer.WriteLine("### - Node wasn't restored"); return pass; } writer.Flush(); } else { writer.WriteLine("### - Error removing a node"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } return pass = true; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, EngineController engine, StreamWriter writer) { const bool pass = false; var nodes = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes; if (nodes.Count() == 0) return pass; int nodesCountBeforeCopying = nodes.Count(); int numberOfUndosNeeded = this.Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand(DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); Thread.Sleep(100); } writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!DynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning test of CopyNode"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { int nodesCountAfterCopying = DynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count(); if (nodesCountBeforeCopying != nodesCountAfterCopying) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CopyNode is failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodesCountAfterCopying); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + nodesCountBeforeCopying); writer.Flush(); return pass; } else { writer.WriteLine("### - test of CopyNode is passed"); writer.Flush(); } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! - test of CopyNode is failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } writer.WriteLine("### - test of CopyNode complete"); writer.Flush(); return true; }
public override bool RunTest(NodeModel node, StreamWriter writer) { bool pass = false; writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning readout"); var valueMap = new Dictionary<Guid, String>(); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { Guid guid = node.GUID; Object data = node.GetValue(0).Data; String val = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; valueMap.Add(guid, val); writer.WriteLine(guid + " :: " + val); writer.Flush(); } writer.WriteLine("### - Readout complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning delete"); writer.WriteLine("### - Deletion target: " + node.GUID); int numberOfUndosNeeded = Mutate(node); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - delete complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning undo"); for (int iUndo = 0; iUndo < numberOfUndosNeeded; iUndo++) { DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand undoCommand = new DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand( DynamoModel.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(undoCommand); })); } Thread.Sleep(100); writer.WriteLine("### - undo complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning re-exec"); DynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); Thread.Sleep(10); while (DynamoViewModel.Model.Runner.Running) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - re-exec complete"); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning readback"); if (node.OutPorts.Count > 0) { try { String valmap = valueMap[node.GUID].ToString(); Object data = node.GetValue(0).Data; String nodeVal = data != null ? data.ToString() : "null"; if (valmap != nodeVal) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! Read-back failed"); writer.WriteLine(node.GUID); writer.WriteLine("Was: " + nodeVal); writer.WriteLine("Should have been: " + valmap); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } catch (Exception) { writer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! Read-back failed"); writer.Flush(); return pass; } } return pass = true; }
private void InvokeTest(AbstractMutator mutator, StreamWriter writer) { bool passed = false; Type type = mutator.GetNodeType(); if (type == null) return; var att = (MutationTestAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mutator.GetType(), typeof(MutationTestAttribute)); var nodes = dynamoViewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.ToList(); if (type != typeof(NodeModel)) nodes = nodes.Where(t => t.GetType() == type).ToList(); if (nodes.Count == 0) { writer.WriteLine("No nodes for mutator: " + mutator.GetType()); return; } try { Random rand = new Random(1); for (int i = 0; i < mutator.NumberOfLaunches; i++) { NodeModel node = nodes[rand.Next(nodes.Count)]; writer.WriteLine("##### - Beginning run " + att.Caption + ": " + i); writer.WriteLine("### - Beginning eval"); dynamoViewModel.UIDispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand runCancel = new DynamoModel.RunCancelCommand(false, false); dynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(runCancel); })); while (!dynamoViewModel.HomeSpaceViewModel.RunSettingsViewModel.RunButtonEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(10); } writer.WriteLine("### - Eval complete"); writer.Flush(); var engineController = dynamoViewModel.EngineController; passed = mutator.RunTest(node, engineController, writer); if (!passed) { writer.WriteLine("### - Test failed"); break; } } } catch(Exception ex) { dynamoViewModel.Model.Logger.Log(att.Caption + ": FAILED: " + ex.Message); } finally { dynamoViewModel.Model.Logger.Log(att.Caption + ": " + (passed ? "pass" : "FAIL")); } }