public static object DupireSsviAsianOptionPriceMC(
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "the current risky asset price")] double S0,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "constant continuously compounded rate of return")] double riskFreeRate,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "parameter in theta(t) := alpha^2(e^(beta^2 t)  - 1)")] double alpha,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "parameter in theta(t) := alpha^2(e^(beta^2 t)  - 1)")] double beta,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double gamma,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double eta,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "SSVI parameter")] double rho,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "option maturity (time to expiry)")] double maturity,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "option strike")] double strike,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "an Nx1 XL range of values over which the average is taken")] object monitoringTimes,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "option type, 'C' for call 'P' for put")] string type,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "number of time steps e.g. 252")] int numSteps,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "number of trials e.g. 10 000")] int numTrials)

                double[] monitoringT = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToVector <double>(monitoringTimes);
                double[] ssviParams  = new double[] { alpha, beta, gamma, eta, rho };
                MonteCarloPricingLocalVol McPricer = new MonteCarloPricingLocalVol(riskFreeRate, numTrials, numSteps, ssviParams);
                if (type == "Call" || type == "call" || type == "C" || type == "c")
                    return(McPricer.CalculateAsianCallOptionPrice(S0, strike, monitoringT, maturity));
                else if (type == "Put" || type == "put" || type == "P" || type == "p")
                    return(McPricer.CalculateAsianPutOptionPrice(S0, strike, monitoringT, maturity));
                    throw new ArgumentException("Input must be either Call, call, C, c, Put, put, P or p.");
            catch (Exception e)
                XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("DupireSsviAsianOptionPriceMC error: " + e.Message);
        public static object[,] CalibrateDupireSsviParametersNonATM(
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "A 3x2 XL Range with guess values for gamma, eta, rho")] object guessModelParameters,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "constant continuously compounded rate of return")] double riskFreeRate,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "the current risky asset price")] double underlyingPrice,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "the SSVI alpha from ATM calibration")] double alpha,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "the SSVI beta from ATM calibration")] double beta,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "An Nx1 XL Range of option strikes")] object strikes,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "An Nx1 XL Range of option maturities")] object maturities,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "An Nx1 XL Range of option either C or P for Calls and Puts")] object type,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "An Nx1 XL Range of option prices")] object observedPrices,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "Accuracy parameter for calibration")] double accuracy,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "Number of iterations parameter for calibration")] int maxIterations)
                if (ExcelDnaUtil.IsInFunctionWizard())

                double[] strikesArray        = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToVector <double>(strikes);
                double[] maturitesArray      = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToVector <double>(maturities);
                string[] typeArray           = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToVector <string>(type);
                double[] observedPricesArray = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToVector <double>(observedPrices);

                if (strikesArray.Length != maturitesArray.Length ||
                    maturitesArray.Length != typeArray.Length ||
                    typeArray.Length != observedPricesArray.Length)
                    XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("CalibrateSsviParameters: strikes, maturites, types and observedPrices must be of same length.");

                KeyValuePair <string, double>[] paramPairs = XLInterfaceBase.ConvertToKeyValuePairs(guessModelParameters);
                if (paramPairs.Length != 3)
                    XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("CalibrateSsviParameters: guessModelParameters must be three key - value pairs.");

                double eta = 0; double gamma = 0; double rho = 0;
                for (int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < paramPairs.Length; ++paramIdx)
                    KeyValuePair <string, double> pair = paramPairs[paramIdx];
                    string key   = pair.Key;
                    double value = pair.Value;
                    if (key.Equals("eta", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        eta = value;
                    else if (key.Equals("gamma", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        gamma = value;
                    else if (key.Equals("rho", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        rho = value;
                        XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("CalibrateSsviParameters: guessModelParameters: unknown key: " + key);

                SsviCalibrator ssviCalibrator = new SsviCalibrator(riskFreeRate, underlyingPrice, accuracy, maxIterations);
                ssviCalibrator.SetGuessParameters(alpha, beta, gamma, eta, rho);

                int numObservedOptions        = strikesArray.Length;
                for (int optionIdx = 0; optionIdx < numObservedOptions; ++optionIdx)
                    ssviCalibrator.AddObservedOption(maturitesArray[optionIdx], strikesArray[optionIdx], observedPricesArray[optionIdx], typeArray[optionIdx]);
                CalibrationOutcome outcome          = CalibrationOutcome.NotStarted;
                double             calibrationError = 0;
                ssviCalibrator.GetCalibrationStatus(ref outcome, ref calibrationError);

                Ssvi calibratedModel = ssviCalibrator.GetCalibratedModel();

                // for output
                const int numCols = 2;
                const int numRows = 5;
                object[,] output = new object[numRows, numCols];
                output[0, 0]     = "Gamma"; output[0, 1] = calibratedModel.GetGamma();
                output[1, 0]     = "Eta"; output[1, 1] = calibratedModel.GetEta();
                output[2, 0]     = "Rho"; output[2, 1] = calibratedModel.GetRho();

                output[3, 0] = "Minimizer Status";
                if (outcome == CalibrationOutcome.FinishedOK)
                    output[3, 1] = "OK";
                else if (outcome == CalibrationOutcome.FailedMaxItReached)
                    output[3, 1] = "Reached max. num. iterations.";
                else if (outcome == CalibrationOutcome.FailedOtherReason)
                    output[3, 1] = "Failed.";
                    output[3, 1] = "Unknown outcome.";

                output[4, 0] = "Pricing error"; output[4, 1] = Math.Sqrt(calibrationError);
            catch (Exception e)
                XLInterfaceBase.AddErrorMessage("CalibrateParameters: unknown error: " + e.Message);
