public override void Update() { if (this._mode != null) { this._mode.DoUpdate(); } if (this._level == "RANDOM") { if (this.wait < 4) { ++this.wait; } if (this.wait == 4) { ++this.wait; foreach (AutoBlock autoBlock in this.things[typeof(AutoBlock)]) { autoBlock.PlaceBlock(); } foreach (AutoPlatform autoPlatform in this.things[typeof(AutoPlatform)]) { autoPlatform.PlaceBlock(); autoPlatform.UpdateNubbers(); } foreach (BlockGroup blockGroup in this.things[typeof(BlockGroup)]) { foreach (Block block in blockGroup.blocks) { if (block is AutoBlock) { (block as AutoBlock).PlaceBlock(); } } } } } if (this._showInfo && !GameMode.started) { this._infoSlide = Lerp.Float(this._infoSlide, 1f, 0.06f); if ((double)this._infoSlide > 0.949999988079071) { this._infoWait += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._infoWait > 2.5) { this._showInfo = false; } } } else { this._infoSlide = Lerp.Float(this._infoSlide, 0.0f, 0.1f); } base.Update(); }
public static void TickWeather() { RockWeather._timeOfDay += 6.17284E-06f; RockWeather._weatherTime += 6.17284E-06f; if (RockWeather._weather == Weather.Raining) { RockWeather._timeRaining += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } if ((double)RockWeather._timeOfDay <= 1.0) { return; } RockWeather._timeOfDay = 0.0f; }
public override void Update() { if (!Level.current.simulatePhysics) { return; } if (!this._started) { this.PopUpItems(); this._started = true; } if (this._up.Count > 0) { for (int index = 0; index < this._up.Count; ++index) { if (this._up[index].finished) { this._lastUp = this._up[index]; this._up[index].Reset(); this._up.Remove(this._up[index]); --index; } } } if (this._up.Count >= (int)this.max_up) { return; } if (this._up.Count == 0) { this.PopUpItems(); this._waitCount = 0.0f; } else { this._waitCount += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._waitCount < (double)this.wait.value) { return; } this._waitCount = 0.0f; this.PopUpItems(); } }
public bool Update() { if (Network.activeNetwork.core.networkTimeFallback) { this.waitTime -= (double)Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (this.waitTime <= 0.0) { return(true); } } else { if (Math.Abs(this.waitTime - (double)Network.activeNetwork.core.networkTime) > 3000.0) { this.waitTime = (double)(Network.activeNetwork.core.networkTime + 1000UL); } if ((double)Network.activeNetwork.core.networkTime >= this.waitTime) { this.waitTime = -1.0; return(true); } } return(false); }
public override void Update() { if (Network.isActive && this._prevVisible && !this.visible) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SmallSmoke s = SmallSmoke.New(base.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), base.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f)); s.hSpeed += this.hSpeed * Rando.Float(0.3f, 0.5f); s.vSpeed -= Rando.Float(0.1f, 0.2f); Level.Add(s); } } if (this._duckOwner == null) { return; } this._framesSinceTransfer++; base.Update(); if (base.y > Level.current.lowestPoint + 100f) { this.OnDestroy(new DTFall()); } this.jumpCountdown -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); this._prevVisible = this.visible; this._shakeInc += 0.8f; this._shakeMult = Lerp.Float(this._shakeMult, 0f, 0.05f); if (Network.isActive && this._duckOwner._trapped == this && !this._duckOwner.isServerForObject && this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Pressed("JUMP", false)) { this._shakeMult = 1f; } if (this._duckOwner.isServerForObject && this._duckOwner._trapped == this) { if (!this.visible) { base.y = -9999f; } if (!this.infinite) { this._duckOwner.profile.stats.timeInNet += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Pressed("JUMP", false)) { this._shakeMult = 1f; this._trapTime -= 0.007f; this.jumpCountdown = 0.25f; } if (base.grounded && this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Pressed("JUMP", false)) { this._shakeMult = 1f; this._trapTime -= 0.028f; if (this.owner == null) { if (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) < 1f && this._framesSinceTransfer > 30) { this._duckOwner.Fondle(this); } this.vSpeed -= Rando.Float(0.8f, 1.1f); if (this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Down("LEFT") && this.hSpeed > -1f) { this.hSpeed -= Rando.Float(0.6f, 0.8f); } if (this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Down("RIGHT") && this.hSpeed < 1f) { this.hSpeed += Rando.Float(0.6f, 0.8f); } } } if (this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Pressed("JUMP", false) && this._duckOwner.HasEquipment(typeof(Jetpack))) { Equipment e = this._duckOwner.GetEquipment(typeof(Jetpack)); e.PressAction(); } if (this._duckOwner.inputProfile.Released("JUMP") && this._duckOwner.HasEquipment(typeof(Jetpack))) { Equipment e2 = this._duckOwner.GetEquipment(typeof(Jetpack)); e2.ReleaseAction(); } this._trapTime -= 0.0028f; if (this._trapTime <= 0f || this._duckOwner.dead) { this.OnDestroy(null); } } if (this.owner == null) { base.depth = this._duckOwner.depth; } this._duckOwner.position = this.position; this._duckOwner.UpdateSkeleton(); } }
public override void Update() { this._scroll += 0.1f; if ((double)this._scroll > 9.0) { this._scroll = 0.0f; } this._dots += 0.01f; if ((double)this._dots > 1.0) { this._dots = 0.0f; } if ( { foreach (BlacklistServer failedAttempt in this._failedAttempts) { failedAttempt.cooldown = Lerp.Float(failedAttempt.cooldown, 0.0f, Maths.IncFrameTimer()); } if (this._signalCrossLocal.currentAnimation == "idle") { if (UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal) { this._signalCrossLocal.SetAnimation("flicker"); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = false; } } else if (this._signalCrossLocal.finished) { this._signalCrossLocal.SetAnimation("idle"); } if (this._signalCrossNetwork.currentAnimation == "idle") { if (UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork) { this._signalCrossNetwork.SetAnimation("flicker"); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork = false; } } else if (this._signalCrossNetwork.finished) { this._signalCrossNetwork.SetAnimation("idle"); } if (Network.connections.Count > 0 && UIMatchmakingBox._state != MatchmakingState.Connecting) { this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Connecting); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Network appears to be connecting...", Color.White); } if (DuckNetwork.status == DuckNetStatus.Connected) { if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { (Level.current as TeamSelect2).CloseAllDialogs(); Level.current = (Level) new TeamSelect2(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Finished! (HOST).", Color.White); return; } if (Level.current is TeamSelect2) { (Level.current as TeamSelect2).CloseAllDialogs(); Level.current = (Level) new ConnectingScreen(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Finished! (CLIENT).", Color.White); return; } Network.Disconnect(); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Last minute connection error.", Color.White); return; } switch (UIMatchmakingBox._state) { case MatchmakingState.ConnectToMoon: Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "true", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); Steam.RequestGlobalStats(); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.ConnectingToMoon); break; case MatchmakingState.ConnectingToMoon: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { if (this.searchTryIndex == 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._totalInGameLobbies < 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = 0; } ++this.searchTryIndex; Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); break; } UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork = true; this._totalLobbiesFound = Steam.lobbiesFound; List <User> users = Steam.GetSearchLobbyAtIndex(0).users; this._newStatusList.Add("|DGGREEN|Connected to Moon!"); this._newStatusList.Add(""); this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching for companions."); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); break; } break; case MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies: if (this._triesSinceSearch == 3) { Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "true", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.CheckingTotalGames); return; } if (this._tries > 0 && this._tryHostingLobby == null) { DuckNetwork.Host(TeamSelect2.GetSettingInt("maxplayers"), NetworkLobbyType.Public); this._tryHostingLobby = (Network.activeNetwork.core as NCSteam).lobby; if (!this.triedHostingAlready) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching even harder."); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching."); } this.triedHostingAlready = true; DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Opened lobby while searching.", Color.White); this._tryHostingWait = 5f + Rando.Float(2f); } foreach (MatchSetting matchSetting in TeamSelect2.matchSettings) { if (matchSetting.value is int) { if (matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (int)matchSetting.value, (SteamLobbyComparison)matchSetting.filterMode); } else if (!matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (int)matchSetting.defaultValue); } } if (matchSetting.value is bool) { if (matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (bool)matchSetting.value ? 1 : 0, (SteamLobbyComparison)matchSetting.filterMode); } else if (!matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (bool)matchSetting.defaultValue ? 1 : 0); } } } foreach (MatchSetting onlineSetting in TeamSelect2.onlineSettings) { if (onlineSetting.value is int) { if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (int)onlineSetting.value, (SteamLobbyComparison)onlineSetting.filterMode); } else if (!onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (int)onlineSetting.defaultValue); } } if (onlineSetting.value is bool) { if ( == "modifiers") { if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.value ? "true" : "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); } } else if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.value ? 1 : 0, (SteamLobbyComparison)onlineSetting.filterMode); } else if (!onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.defaultValue ? 1 : 0); } } } Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("beta", "2.0", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("dev", DG.devBuild ? "true" : "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("modhash", ModLoader.modHash, SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); if (!Steam.waitingForGlobalStats) { this._globalKills = (long)Steam.GetDailyGlobalStat("kills"); } Steam.RequestGlobalStats(); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Searching); ++this._triesSinceSearch; ++this._tries; break; case MatchmakingState.CheckingTotalGames: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { this._totalInGameLobbies = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._totalInGameLobbies < 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = 0; } this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); this._triesSinceSearch = 0; break; } break; case MatchmakingState.Searching: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { this._totalLobbiesFound = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { --this._totalLobbiesFound; } List <Lobby> lobbyList = new List <Lobby>(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |LIME|found " + (object)Math.Max(this._totalLobbiesFound, 0) + " lobbies.", Color.White); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1) { int num1 = index1 != 0 ? lobbyList.Count : Steam.lobbiesFound; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < num1; ++index2) { Lobby lobby = index1 != 0 ? lobbyList[index2] : Steam.GetSearchLobbyAtIndex(index2); if (this._tryHostingLobby == null || (long) != (long) { if (index2 == Steam.lobbiesFound - 1) { this._failedAttempts.RemoveAll((Predicate <BlacklistServer>)(x => (double)x.cooldown <= 0.0)); } if (UIMatchmakingBox.nonPreferredServers.Contains( && index1 == 0) { lobbyList.Add(lobby); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGRED|Skipping " + (object) + " (NOT PREFERRED)", Color.White); } else if (this.IsBlacklisted( { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGRED|Skipping " + (object) + " (BLACKLISTED)", Color.White); } else { if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { int num2 = -1; try { string lobbyData = lobby.GetLobbyData("randomID"); if (lobbyData != "") { num2 = Convert.ToInt32(lobbyData); } } catch { } if (num2 == -1) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Bad lobby seed.", Color.White); num2 = Rando.Int(2147483646); } if (num2 >= this._tryHostingLobby.randomID) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Lobby beats own lobby, Attempting join.", Color.White); } else { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Skipping lobby (Chose to keep hosting).", Color.White); NCSteam.UpdateRandomID(this._tryHostingLobby); continue; } } this._tryConnectLobby = lobby; if (lobby.owner != null) { this._newStatusList.Add("|LIME|Trying to join " + + "."); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|LIME|Trying to join server."); } this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Disconnect); break; } } } } if (this._tryConnectLobby == null) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Found no valid lobbies.", Color.White); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies, 3f); break; } break; } break; case MatchmakingState.Waiting: this._stateWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._stateWait <= 0.0) { this._stateWait = 0.0f; this.OnStateChange(this._pendingState); break; } break; default: int state = (int)UIMatchmakingBox._state; break; } if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._quit = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Disconnect); } } if (this._newStatusList.Count > 0) { this._newStatusWait -= 0.1f; if ((double)this._newStatusWait <= 0.0) { this._newStatusWait = 1f; while ((double)this._fancyFont.GetWidth(this._newStatusList[0]) > 98.0) { this._newStatusList[0] = this._newStatusList[0].Substring(0, this._newStatusList[0].Length - 1); } this._statusList.Add(this._newStatusList[0]); if (this._statusList.Count > 7) { this._statusList.RemoveAt(0); } this._newStatusList.RemoveAt(0); } } base.Update(); }
public void Tick() => this._timeSinceReceived += Maths.IncFrameTimer();
public static void Update() { foreach (KeyValuePair <NetworkConnection, ConnectionIndicatorElement> connection in ConnectionIndicator._connections) { if ( != null && ( || != Level.current)) { = (Duck)null; } connection.Value.position = == null ? new Vec2(-1000f, -1000f) :; foreach (KeyValuePair <ConnectionIndicatorType, ConnectionIndicatorDetail> detail in connection.Value.details) { detail.Value.buildup -= Maths.IncFrameTimer() * 0.25f; if ((double)detail.Value.buildup > (double)detail.Value.maxBuildup) { detail.Value.buildup = detail.Value.maxBuildup; } if ((double)detail.Value.buildup < 0.0) { detail.Value.buildup = 0.0f; detail.Value.popOut += 0.02f; if ((double)detail.Value.popOut > 1.0) { detail.Value.popOut = 1f; } detail.Value.grow -= 0.1f; if ((double)detail.Value.grow < 0.0) { detail.Value.grow = 0.0f; } } else { detail.Value.popOut = 0.0f; detail.Value.grow = Lerp.FloatSmooth(detail.Value.grow, 1f, 0.2f); if ((double)detail.Value.grow > 1.0) { detail.Value.grow = 1f; } } } } foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)]) { NetworkConnection key = (NetworkConnection)null; if (duck.profile != null && duck.profile.connection != null) { key = duck.profile.connection; } if (Network.isActive && key != null) { ConnectionIndicatorElement indicatorElement = (ConnectionIndicatorElement)null; if (!ConnectionIndicator._connections.TryGetValue(key, out indicatorElement)) { indicatorElement = new ConnectionIndicatorElement(); ConnectionIndicator._connections[key] = indicatorElement; } = duck; if ((double) > 0.25) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Lag).buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } if ((double) > 0.899999976158142 || key.status != ConnectionStatus.Connected) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Failure).buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } if (key.manager.lossThisFrame) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Loss).buildup += 0.2f; key.manager.lossThisFrame = false; } if ((double)key.manager.jitter > 0.800000011920929) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Loss).buildup += 0.25f; } ConnectionIndicatorDetail detail1 = indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.AFK); if (!duck.afk) { detail1.buildup = 0.0f; } else { detail1.buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } ConnectionIndicatorDetail detail2 = indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Chatting); if (duck.chatting) { detail2.buildup += 0.25f; } else { detail2.buildup = 0.0f; } } } if (ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons != null) { return; } ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons = new SpriteMap("lagturtle", 16, 16); ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons.CenterOrigin(); ConnectionIndicator._rainbowGradient = new Sprite("rainbowGradient"); }
public override void Update() { this.impacting.Clear(); if (this._up && this._popup && this.holdObject is Gun) { Gun holdObject = this.holdObject as Gun; float num = 300f; if (holdObject.ammoType != null) { num = holdObject.ammoType.range; } Vec2 vec2 = this.holdObject.position + new Vec2((float)this.offDir * num, 0.0f); foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)].Where <Thing>((Func <Thing, bool>)(d => !(d is TargetDuck)))) { if ((Collision.Line(this.holdObject.position + new Vec2(0.0f, -5f), vec2 + new Vec2(0.0f, -5f), duck.rectangle) || Collision.Line(this.holdObject.position + new Vec2(0.0f, 5f), vec2 + new Vec2(0.0f, 5f), duck.rectangle)) && Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.holdObject.position, duck.position) == null) { this._waitFire -= 0.03f; break; } } bool flag = false; if ((double)this._autoFireWait > 0.0) { this._autoFireWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._autoFireWait <= 0.0) { flag = true; } } if ((double)this._waitFire <= 0.0 || flag) { holdObject.PressAction(); this._waitFire = 1f; } if ((double)this._waitFire < 1.0) { this._waitFire += 0.01f; } } this.UpdateCollision(); this.UpdateSkeleton(); if ((double)this._hitPoints <= 0.0) { this.Destroy((DestroyType) new DTCrush((PhysicsObject)null)); } if (!this._up) { this._timeCount = 0.0f; if (this._popup) { this._upSpeed += 0.1f; } if (this._stance != TargetStance.Fly) { this.yscale += this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.yscale < 1.0) { return; } this.yscale = 1f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = true; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.7f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this.SpawnHoldObject(); if (this.helmet) { Helmet helmet = new Helmet(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)helmet); this.Equip((Equipment)helmet); } if (!this.chestPlate) { return; } ChestPlate chestPlate = new ChestPlate(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)chestPlate); this.Equip((Equipment)chestPlate); } else { this.xscale += this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.xscale < 1.0) { return; } this.xscale = 1f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = true; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.7f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); if (this.helmet) { Helmet helmet = new Helmet(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)helmet); this.Equip((Equipment)helmet); } if (!this.chestPlate) { return; } ChestPlate chestPlate = new ChestPlate(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)chestPlate); this.Equip((Equipment)chestPlate); } } else { this._timeCount += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (this._popup && (double)this.time.value != 0.0 && (double)this._timeCount >= (double)this.time.value) { SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); this.PopDown(); } else { if (!this._popup) { this._upSpeed += 0.1f; } if (this._stance != TargetStance.Fly) { this.yscale -= this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.yscale >= 0.0) { return; } this.yscale = 0.0f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = false; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this._hitPoints = this._maxHealth = 0.1f; } else { this.xscale -= this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.xscale >= 0.0) { return; } this.xscale = 0.0f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = false; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this._hitPoints = this._maxHealth = 0.1f; } } } }
public override void Update() { Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; if (this.spawnKey) { if ((double)this.spawnKeyWait > 0.0) { this.spawnKeyWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } else { SFX.Play("ching"); this.spawnKey = false; Key key = new Key(this._prizeTable.x, this._prizeTable.y); key.vSpeed = -4f; key.depth = this._duck.depth + 50; Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)key); } } Chancy.Update(); if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); this._duck = pendingSpawn; this._arcade = this.things[typeof(ArcadeMode)].First <Thing>() as ArcadeMode; } Layer.Lighting.fade = Layer.Lighting2.fade = 1f - Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0.0f, (float)((1.0 - (double)Layer.Game.fade) * 1.5))); this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade > 0.00999999977648258) { return; } Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); return; } } if (this._paused) { return; } if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } if (Unlockables.HasPendingUnlocks()) { MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent) new UIUnlockBox(Unlockables.GetPendingUnlocks().ToList <Unlockable>(), / 2f, / 2f, 190f); } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { ArcadeLevel.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; this.launchSpecialChallenge = false; } } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { if (!this.basementWasUnlocked && Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0])) { this.spawnKey = true; this.basementWasUnlocked = true; } = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { = false; if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@CANCEL"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { = false; ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); arcadeHatConsole.Open(); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { = false; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@BACK"); } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { return; } this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (Chancy.hover && Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } else { ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole != null && Input.Pressed("SHOOT") && arcadeHatConsole.hover) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; } else { Chancy.hover = false; if (!Chancy.atCounter) { if ((double)(this._duck.position - Chancy.standingPosition).length < 22.0) { obj = (object)Chancy.context; Chancy.hover = true; } if ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.x < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.x > (double) + 16.0 || ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.y < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.y > (double) + 16.0)) { Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; } } else if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { obj = (object)this._arcade; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); Chancy.OpenChallengeList(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; return; } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@"); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge1 in { ChallengeData challenge2 = Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge1); if (challenge2 != null) { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(challenge2.levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else if (this._prizeTable.hover) { if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { switch (obj) { case ArcadeMode _: if (!this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { break; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); break; case Chancy _: HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "CHANCY@SHOOT@"); break; } } } } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Lighting2.targetFade, 0.5f, 0.01f); if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; if (Chancy.activeChallenge != null) { return; } List <ChallengeData> chancyChallenges = Challenges.GetEligibleIncompleteChancyChallenges([0]); if (chancyChallenges.Count <= 0) { return; } Vec2 position = this._duck.position; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine = Level.Nearest <ArcadeMachine>(this._duck.x, this._duck.y); if (arcadeMachine != null) { position = arcadeMachine.position; } chancyChallenges.OrderBy <ChallengeData, int>((Func <ChallengeData, int>)(v => v.GetRequirementValue())); Chancy.AddProposition(chancyChallenges[chancyChallenges.Count - 1], position); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { if (!this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { if (this.returnToChallengeList) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } this.launchSpecialChallenge = true; SFX.Play("consoleSelect"); } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } this._hud.launchChallenge = true; this._hud.selected = new ChallengeCard(0.0f, 0.0f, Chancy.activeChallenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } Chancy.AddProposition(Chancy.selectedChallenge, Chancy.standingPosition); this.returnToChallengeList = true; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { return; } Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null || arcadeHatConsole.IsOpen()) { return; } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._unlockMachines.Clear(); this.UpdateDefault(); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public override void Update() { if (this._testMode) { this._wait += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.F5) || (double)this._wait > 0.1) { this._wait = 0.0f; try { this._tie = new SpriteMap((Tex2D)ContentPack.LoadTexture2D("tieTest.png"), 64, 64); = new Vec2(26f, 27f); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } DuckGame.Graphics.fadeAdd = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fadeAdd, 0.0f, 0.01f); if (Main.isDemo && this._skip && !this._firedSkipLogic) { this._firedSkipLogic = true; Vote.CloseVoting(); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this.DoSkip(); } if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade > 0.990000009536743 && !this._skip && Vote.Passed(VoteType.Skip)) { this._skip = true; } if (this._talker.finished || !HighlightLevel._cancelSkip && this._skip && !Main.isDemo) { this._done -= 0.04f; } DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, (double)this._done < 0.0 ? 0.0f : 1f, 0.02f); if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade < 0.00999999977648258 && (this._talker.finished || this._skip)) { if (this._endOfHighlights || this._skip) { Vote.CloseVoting(); Level.current = (Level) new RockScoreboard(RockScoreboard.returnLevel, ScoreBoardMode.ShowWinner, true); } else { Level.current = (Level) new HighlightPlayback(4); } } if (this._state == TVState.ShowPedestals) { this._waitZoom -= 0.008f; if ((double)this._waitZoom < 0.00999999977648258) { this._waitZoom = 0.0f; this._desiredState = TVState.ShowNewscaster; } } if (this._state == TVState.ShowHotness && this._hotness.ready) { this._talker.Resume(); } if (this._state == TVState.ShowInterview) { this._interviewWait -= 0.02f; if ((double)this._interviewWait < 0.0 && !this._askedQuestion) { this._talker.InsertLine(Script.winner() + "! To what do you attribute your success?", this._interviewIndex); this._talker.Resume(); this._askedQuestion = true; } } this._cameraOffset.x = Lerp.Float(this._cameraOffset.x, HighlightLevel._image != null ? 20f : 0.0f, 2f); = this._talker.visible = this._state != TVState.ShowPedestals; if (this._state == this._desiredState) { return; } = false; this._transition.PlaySwipe(); if (!this._transition.doTransition) { return; } this._state = this._desiredState; }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); this._sprite.frame = this._owner == null || this._raised ? 0 : 1; this._raiseArm = Lerp.Float(this._raiseArm, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._preachWait = Lerp.Float(this._preachWait, 0.0f, 0.06f); this._ringPulse = Lerp.Float(this._ringPulse, 0.0f, 0.05f); if (Network.isActive) { if (this.isServerForObject) { if (this.controlling1) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(0); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling1 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling2) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(1); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling2 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling3) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(2); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling3 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling4) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(3); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling4 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } } else { Duck duck1 = this.GetDuck(0); if (duck1 != null) { if (this.controlling1) { duck1.listening = true; duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck1._equipment) { duck1.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._ragdollInstance); duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._trappedInstance); duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling1 && this.prevControlling1) { duck1.listening = false; } this.prevControlling1 = this.controlling1; } Duck duck2 = this.GetDuck(1); if (duck2 != null) { if (this.controlling2) { duck2.listening = true; duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck2._equipment) { duck2.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._ragdollInstance); duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._trappedInstance); duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling2 && this.prevControlling2) { duck2.listening = false; } this.prevControlling2 = this.controlling2; } Duck duck3 = this.GetDuck(2); if (duck3 != null) { if (this.controlling3) { duck3.listening = true; duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck3._equipment) { duck3.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._ragdollInstance); duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._trappedInstance); duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling3 && this.prevControlling3) { duck3.listening = false; } this.prevControlling3 = this.controlling3; } Duck duck4 = this.GetDuck(3); if (duck4 != null) { if (this.controlling4) { duck4.listening = true; duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck4._equipment) { duck4.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._ragdollInstance); duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._trappedInstance); duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling4 && this.prevControlling4) { duck4.listening = false; } this.prevControlling4 = this.controlling4; } } } if (this._triggerHeld && this.isServerForObject && ( != null && (double)this._preachWait <= 0.0 & < 1) && { if (Network.isActive) { this._netPreach.Play(); } else { SFX.Play("preach" + (object)Rando.Int(5), Rando.Float(0.8f, 1f), Rando.Float(-0.2f, -0.3f)); } = (int)(byte)Rando.Int(12, 30); += (float) / 0.1f * Maths.IncFrameTimer(); this._preachWait = Rando.Float(1.8f, 2.5f); this._ringPulse = 1f; if (Rando.Int(1) == 0) { this._raiseArm = Rando.Float(1.2f, 2f); } Ragdoll ragdoll = Level.Nearest <Ragdoll>(this.x, this.y, (Thing)this); if (ragdoll != null && ragdoll.captureDuck != null && (ragdoll.captureDuck.dead && Level.CheckLine <Block>(, ragdoll.position) == null) && (double)(ragdoll.position - < (double)this._ammoType.range) { if (Network.isActive) { this.Fondle((Thing)ragdoll.captureDuck); this.Fondle((Thing)ragdoll); Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMLayToRest(ragdoll.captureDuck.profile.networkIndex)); } ragdoll.captureDuck.LayToRest(; } foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)]) { if (duck != && duck.grounded && (!(duck.holdObject is GoodBook) && Level.CheckLine <Block>(, duck.position) == null) && (double)(duck.position - < (double)this._ammoType.range) { if (duck.dead) { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); duck.LayToRest(; } else if (duck.converted != && != duck && != { if (Network.isActive) { if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)0) { this.controlling1 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)1) { this.controlling2 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)2) { this.controlling3 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)3) { this.controlling4 = true; } } duck.listening = true; this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); duck.listenTime = 80; if ((double)this.owner.x < (double)duck.x) { duck.offDir = (sbyte)-1; } else { duck.offDir = (sbyte)1; } duck.ThrowItem(false); duck.conversionResistance -= 30; if (duck.conversionResistance <= 0) { duck.ConvertDuck( != null ? :; if (Network.isActive) { Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMConversion(duck.profile.networkIndex,; } duck.conversionResistance = 50; } } } } } this._haloAlpha = Lerp.Float(this._haloAlpha, !this._triggerHeld || == null || ! ? 0.0f : 1f, 0.05f); }
public override void Update() { this._sprite.frame = (int)((double)this._heat * 7.0); if (this._equippedDuck != null) { float num1 = 0.0f; this._offset = new Vec2(-3f, 3f); this.angle = 0.0f; if (this._equippedDuck.sliding && this._equippedDuck._trapped == null) { if (this._equippedDuck.offDir > (sbyte)0) { this.angle = -1.570796f; } else { this.angle = 1.570796f; } this._offset.y += 12f; num1 -= 6f; } if (this._equippedDuck.crouch && !this._equippedDuck.sliding) { this._offset.y += 4f; } this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, -9999f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); this.solid = false; PhysicsObject physicsObject1 = (PhysicsObject)this._equippedDuck; if (this._equippedDuck._trapped != null) { physicsObject1 = (PhysicsObject)this._equippedDuck._trapped; } else if (this._equippedDuck.ragdoll != null && this._equippedDuck.ragdoll.part1 != null) { physicsObject1 = (PhysicsObject)this._equippedDuck.ragdoll.part1; } this._sprite.flipH = this._equippedDuck._sprite.flipH; if (this._on && (double)this._heat < 1.0) { if (this._equippedDuck._trapped == null && this._equippedDuck.crouch) { this._equippedDuck.sliding = true; } if (this.isServerForObject) { += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } this._heat += 11f / 1000f; if (physicsObject1 is RagdollPart) { float angle = this.angle; this.angle = physicsObject1.angle; Vec2 vec2_1 = this.Offset(new Vec2(0.0f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new JetpackSmoke(vec2_1.x, vec2_1.y)); this.angle = angle; if ((double)physicsObject1.velocity.length < 7.0) { RagdollPart ragdollPart = physicsObject1 as RagdollPart; ragdollPart.addWeight = 0.2f; this._equippedDuck.ragdoll.jetting = true; float num2 = (float)-((double)physicsObject1.angle - 1.57079637050629); Vec2 vec2_2 = Vec2.Zero; if ((double)this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.leftStick.length > 0.100000001490116) { vec2_2 = new Vec2(this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.leftStick.x, -this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.leftStick.y); } else { vec2_2 = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); if (this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.Down("LEFT")) { --vec2_2.x; } if (this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.Down("RIGHT")) { ++vec2_2.x; } if (this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.Down("UP")) { --vec2_2.y; } if (this._equippedDuck.inputProfile.Down("DOWN")) { ++vec2_2.y; } } if ((double)vec2_2.length < 0.100000001490116) { vec2_2 = new Vec2((float)Math.Cos((double)num2), (float)-Math.Sin((double)num2)); } PhysicsObject physicsObject2 = physicsObject1; physicsObject2.velocity = physicsObject2.velocity + vec2_2 * 1.5f; if (ragdollPart.doll != null && ragdollPart.doll.part1 != null && (ragdollPart.doll.part2 != null && ragdollPart.doll.part3 != null)) { ragdollPart.doll.part1.extraGravMultiplier = 0.4f; ragdollPart.doll.part2.extraGravMultiplier = 0.4f; ragdollPart.doll.part3.extraGravMultiplier = 0.7f; } } } else { Level.Add((Thing) new JetpackSmoke(this.x, this.y + 8f + num1)); if ((double)this.angle > 0.0) { if ((double)physicsObject1.hSpeed < 6.0) { physicsObject1.hSpeed += 0.9f; } } else if ((double)this.angle < 0.0) { if ((double)physicsObject1.hSpeed > -6.0) { physicsObject1.hSpeed -= 0.9f; } } else if ((double)physicsObject1.vSpeed > -4.5) { physicsObject1.vSpeed -= 0.38f; } } } if ((double)this._heat >= 1.0) { this._on = false; } if (physicsObject1.grounded) { if ((double)this._heat > 0.0) { this._heat -= 0.25f; } else { this._heat = 0.0f; } } } else { this._sprite.flipH = false; this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-5f, -5f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(11f, 12f); this.solid = true; } base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (RockWeather.alwaysRainbow) { RockWeather.rainbowFade = 1f; RockWeather.rainbowTime = 1f; } RockWeather.rainbowFade = Lerp.Float(RockWeather.rainbowFade, (double)RockWeather.rainbowTime > 0.0 ? 1f : 0.0f, 1f / 1000f); RockWeather.rainbowTime -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (RockWeather._weather != Weather.Sunny) { RockWeather.rainbowTime -= Maths.IncFrameTimer() * 8f; } if ((double)RockWeather.rainbowTime < 0.0) { RockWeather.rainbowTime = 0.0f; } if (RockWeather.neverRainbow) { RockWeather.rainbowFade = 0.0f; } RockWeatherState weatherState = this.GetWeatherState(RockWeather._timeOfDay); this.rainbowLight = weatherState.rainbowLight * RockWeather.rainbowFade; this.rainbowLight2 = weatherState.rainbowLight2 * RockWeather.rainbowFade; this.ApplyWeatherState(weatherState); RockWeather._prevWeatherLerp = Lerp.Float(RockWeather._prevWeatherLerp, 0.0f, 0.05f); if (Network.isServer) { this.wait += 3f / 1000f; if ((double)this.wait > 1.0) { this.wait = 0.0f; if ((double)RockWeather._weatherTime > 0.100000001490116) { if ((double)RockWeather.snowChance > 0.0 && RockWeather._weather != Weather.Snowing && (double)Rando.Float(1f) > 1.0 - (double)RockWeather.snowChance) { RockWeather._prevWeatherLerp = 1f; RockWeather.sunshowers = 0.0f; RockWeather._prevWeather = RockWeather._weather; RockWeather._weather = Weather.Snowing; if (Network.isActive) { Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMChangeWeather((byte)RockWeather._weather)); } RockWeather._weatherTime = 0.0f; } if ((double)RockWeather.rainChance > 0.0 && RockWeather._weather != Weather.Raining && (double)Rando.Float(1f) > 1.0 - (double)RockWeather.rainChance) { RockWeather._prevWeatherLerp = 1f; RockWeather.sunshowers = 0.0f; RockWeather._prevWeather = RockWeather._weather; RockWeather._weather = Weather.Raining; if (Network.isActive) { Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMChangeWeather((byte)RockWeather._weather)); } RockWeather._weatherTime = 0.0f; } if (RockWeather._weather != Weather.Sunny && (double)Rando.Float(1f) > 0.980000019073486) { RockWeather._prevWeatherLerp = 1f; if (RockWeather._weather == Weather.Raining) { if ((double)RockWeather._timeRaining > 900.0 && (double)Rando.Float(1f) > 0.850000023841858 || (double)Rando.Float(1f) > 0.949999988079071) { RockWeather.rainbowTime = Rando.Float(30f, 240f); } if ((double)Rando.Float(1f) > 0.300000011920929) { RockWeather.sunshowers = Rando.Float(0.1f, 60f); } } RockWeather._timeRaining = 0.0f; RockWeather._prevWeather = RockWeather._weather; RockWeather._weather = Weather.Sunny; if (Network.isActive) { Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMChangeWeather((byte)RockWeather._weather)); } RockWeather._weatherTime = 0.0f; } } } } RockWeather.sunshowers -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)RockWeather.sunshowers <= 0.0) { RockWeather.sunshowers = 0.0f; } switch (RockWeather._weather) { case Weather.Snowing: while ((double)this._particleWait <= 0.0) { ++this._particleWait; SnowParticle snowParticle = new SnowParticle(new Vec2(Rando.Float(-100f, 400f), Rando.Float(-500f, -550f))); snowParticle.z = Rando.Float(0.0f, 200f); this._particles.Add((WeatherParticle)snowParticle); } this._particleWait -= 0.5f; break; case Weather.Raining: while ((double)this._particleWait <= 0.0) { ++this._particleWait; RainParticle rainParticle = new RainParticle(new Vec2(Rando.Float(-100f, 900f), Rando.Float(-500f, -550f))); rainParticle.z = Rando.Float(0.0f, 200f); this._particles.Add((WeatherParticle)rainParticle); } --this._particleWait; break; default: if ((double)RockWeather.sunshowers <= 0.0) { break; } goto case Weather.Raining; } List <WeatherParticle> weatherParticleList = new List <WeatherParticle>(); foreach (WeatherParticle particle in this._particles) { particle.Update(); if ((double)particle.position.y > 0.0) { particle.die = true; } switch (particle) { case RainParticle _ when(double) particle.z <70.0 && (double)particle.position.y> -62.0: particle.die = true; particle.position.y = -58f; break; case RainParticle _ when(double) particle.z <40.0 && (double)particle.position.y> -98.0: particle.die = true; particle.position.y = -98f; break; case RainParticle _ when(double) particle.z < 25.0 && ((double)particle.position.x > 175.0 && (double)particle.position.x < 430.0) && ((double)particle.position.y > -362.0 && (double)particle.position.y < -352.0): particle.die = true; particle.position.y = -362f; break; } if ((double)particle.alpha < 0.00999999977648258) { weatherParticleList.Add(particle); } } foreach (WeatherParticle weatherParticle in weatherParticleList) { this._particles.Remove(weatherParticle); } }
public override void Update() { if (! { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-6f, -2f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(12f, 3f); } base.Update(); if (! && (double)Math.Abs(this.prevAngle - this.angle) > 0.100000001490116) { Vec2 vec2_1 = new Vec2(14f, 3f); Vec2 vec2_2 = new Vec2(-7f, -2f); Vec2 vec2_3 = new Vec2(4f, 14f); Vec2 vec2_4 = new Vec2(-2f, -7f); float num = (float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin((double)this.angle)); this.collisionSize = vec2_1 * (1f - num) + vec2_3 * num; this.collisionOffset = vec2_2 * (1f - num) + vec2_4 * num; this.prevAngle = this.angle; } this.UpdatePinState(); if (this._sprite.imageIndex == 2) { this._mineFlash.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._mineFlash.alpha, 0.4f, 0.08f); } else { this._mineFlash.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._mineFlash.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); } if (this._armed) { this._sprite.speed = 2f; } if (this._thrown && this.owner == null) { this._thrown = false; if ((double)Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + (double)Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 0.400000005960464) { this.angleDegrees = 180f; } } if (this._armed) { ++this._framesSinceArm; } if (!this._pin && this._grounded && (!this._armed || this._framesSinceArm > 4)) { this.canPickUp = false; float addWeight = this.addWeight; IEnumerable <PhysicsObject> physicsObjects = Level.CheckLineAll <PhysicsObject>(new Vec2(this.x - 6f, this.y - 3f), new Vec2(this.x + 6f, this.y - 3f)); List <Duck> duckList1 = new List <Duck>(); Duck duck = (Duck)null; bool flag = false; foreach (Thing previousThing in this.previousThings) { if (previousThing.isServerForObject) { flag = true; } } this.previousThings.Clear(); foreach (PhysicsObject physicsObject in physicsObjects) { if (physicsObject != this && physicsObject.owner == null && (!(physicsObject is Holdable) || (physicsObject as Holdable).canPickUp && (physicsObject as Holdable).hoverSpawner == null) && (double)Math.Abs(physicsObject.bottom - this.bottom) <= 6.0) { this.previousThings.Add(physicsObject); switch (physicsObject) { case Duck _: case TrappedDuck _: case RagdollPart _: addWeight += 5f; Duck key1 = physicsObject as Duck; if (physicsObject is TrappedDuck) { key1 = (physicsObject as TrappedDuck).captureDuck; } else if (physicsObject is RagdollPart && (physicsObject as RagdollPart).doll != null) { key1 = (physicsObject as RagdollPart).doll.captureDuck; } if (key1 != null) { duck = key1; if (!this._ducksOnMine.ContainsKey(key1)) { this._ducksOnMine[key1] = 0.0f; } Dictionary <Duck, float> ducksOnMine; Duck key2; (ducksOnMine = this._ducksOnMine)[key2 = key1] = ducksOnMine[key2] + Maths.IncFrameTimer(); duckList1.Add(key1); continue; } continue; default: addWeight += physicsObject.weight; continue; } } } List <Duck> duckList2 = new List <Duck>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Duck, float> keyValuePair in this._ducksOnMine) { if (!duckList1.Contains(keyValuePair.Key)) { duckList2.Add(keyValuePair.Key); } else { keyValuePair.Key.profile.stats.timeSpentOnMines += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } } foreach (Duck key in duckList2) { this._ducksOnMine.Remove(key); } if ((double)addWeight < (double)this._holdingWeight && flag) { Thing.Fondle((Thing)this, DuckNetwork.localConnection); if (!this._armed) { this.Arm(); } else { this._timer = -1f; } } if (this._armed && (double)addWeight > (double)this._holdingWeight) { if (!this._clicked && duck != null) { ++duck.profile.stats.minesSteppedOn; } this._clicked = true; if (Network.isActive) { this._netDoubleBeep.Play(); } else { SFX.Play("doubleBeep"); } } this._holdingWeight = addWeight; } if ((double)this._timer < 0.0 && this.isServerForObject) { this._timer = 1f; this.BlowUp(); } this.addWeight = 0.0f; }