        public void Fire(Player owner, Vector2 sourceDragVel, Vector2 position, float angle, out Vector2 recoilImpulse)
            Transform		transform	= this.GameObj.Transform;
            RigidBody		body		= this.GameObj.RigidBody;
            SpriteRenderer	sprite		= this.GameObj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
            BulletBlueprint	blueprint	= this.blueprint.Res;

            Vector2 direction = Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle, 1.0f);

            body.LinearVelocity = direction * blueprint.LaunchSpeed + sourceDragVel;
            transform.Pos = new Vector3(position, 0.0f);
            transform.MoveByAbs(body.LinearVelocity * Time.TimeMult);
            transform.Angle = angle;
            sprite.Offset = 1;

            if (owner != null)
                sprite.ColorTint = owner.Color;
                this.owner = owner;

            recoilImpulse = -direction * blueprint.LaunchSpeed * blueprint.ImpactMass;
		void ICmpRenderer.Draw(IDrawDevice device)
			// Create a buffer to cache and re-use vertices. Not required, but will boost performance.
			if (this.buffer == null) this.buffer = new CanvasBuffer();

			// Create a Canvas to auto-generate vertices from high-level drawing commands.
			Canvas canvas = new Canvas(device, this.buffer);
			canvas.State.SetMaterial(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White));
			canvas.State.TextFont = this.font;

			// Retrieve players
			if (this.playerOne == null)
				this.playerOne = Scene.Current.FindComponents<Player>().Where(p => p.Id == PlayerId.PlayerOne).FirstOrDefault();
			if (this.playerTwo == null)
				this.playerTwo = Scene.Current.FindComponents<Player>().Where(p => p.Id == PlayerId.PlayerTwo).FirstOrDefault();

			// Is someone playing using mouse / keyboard? Display a mouse cursor then
			if (Player.AlivePlayers.Any(p => p.InputMethod == InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard))
				canvas.FillCircle(DualityApp.Mouse.X, DualityApp.Mouse.Y, 2.0f);

			// Is any player alive? Keep that value in mind, won't change here anyway.
			bool isAnyPlayerAlive = Player.IsAnyPlayerAlive;

			// Draw health and info of player one
			if (this.IsPlayerActive(this.playerOne))
				Ship playerShip = this.playerOne.ControlObject;

				if (playerShip.Active)
					// Draw a health bar when alive
					float health = playerShip.Hitpoints;

					canvas.State.ColorTint = ColorRgba.Black.WithAlpha(0.5f);
					canvas.FillRect(12 - 1, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - 198 - 1, 16 + 2, 196 + 2);

					canvas.State.ColorTint = this.playerOne.Color;
					canvas.DrawRect(10, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - 200, 20, 200);
					canvas.FillRect(12, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - health * 198.0f, 16, health * 196.0f);
				else if (isAnyPlayerAlive && !this.playerOne.HasReachedGoal)
					// Draw a respawn timer when dead
					float respawnPercentage = this.playerOne.RespawnTime / Player.RespawnDelay;
					string respawnText = string.Format("Respawn in {0:F1}", (Player.RespawnDelay - this.playerOne.RespawnTime) / 1000.0f);
					Vector2 textSize = canvas.MeasureText(string.Format("Respawn in {0:F1}", 0.0f));

					canvas.State.ColorTint = ColorRgba.Black.WithAlpha(0.5f);
					canvas.FillRect(10 - 1, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - textSize.Y - 2, textSize.X + 5, textSize.Y + 8);

					canvas.State.ColorTint = this.playerOne.Color;
					canvas.DrawText(respawnText, 10, device.TargetSize.Y - 10, 0.0f, Alignment.BottomLeft);
					canvas.FillRect(10, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - textSize.Y, textSize.X * respawnPercentage, 3);
					canvas.FillRect(10, device.TargetSize.Y - 10, textSize.X * respawnPercentage, 3);

			// Draw health and info of player two
			if (this.IsPlayerActive(this.playerTwo))
				Ship playerShip = this.playerTwo.ControlObject;

				if (playerShip.Active)
					// Draw a health bar when alive
					float health = playerShip.Hitpoints;

					canvas.State.ColorTint = ColorRgba.Black.WithAlpha(0.5f);
					canvas.FillRect(device.TargetSize.X - 12 - 16 - 1, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - 198 - 1, 16 + 2, 196 + 2);

					canvas.State.ColorTint = this.playerTwo.Color;
					canvas.DrawRect(device.TargetSize.X - 10 - 20, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - 200, 20, 200);
					canvas.FillRect(device.TargetSize.X - 12 - 16, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - health * 198.0f, 16, health * 196.0f);
				else if (isAnyPlayerAlive && !this.playerTwo.HasReachedGoal)
					// Draw a respawn timer when dead
					float respawnPercentage = this.playerTwo.RespawnTime / Player.RespawnDelay;
					string respawnText = string.Format("{0:F1} to Respawn", (Player.RespawnDelay - this.playerTwo.RespawnTime) / 1000.0f);
					Vector2 textSize = canvas.MeasureText(string.Format("{0:F1} to Respawn", 0.0f));

					canvas.State.ColorTint = ColorRgba.Black.WithAlpha(0.5f);
					canvas.FillRect(device.TargetSize.X - 10 - textSize.X - 3, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - textSize.Y - 2, textSize.X + 2, textSize.Y + 10);

					canvas.State.ColorTint = this.playerTwo.Color;
					canvas.DrawText(respawnText, device.TargetSize.X - 10, device.TargetSize.Y - 10, 0.0f, Alignment.BottomRight);
					canvas.FillRect(device.TargetSize.X - 10 - textSize.X * respawnPercentage, device.TargetSize.Y - 10 - textSize.Y, textSize.X * respawnPercentage, 3);
					canvas.FillRect(device.TargetSize.X - 10 - textSize.X * respawnPercentage, device.TargetSize.Y - 10, textSize.X * respawnPercentage, 3);
		private bool IsPlayerActive(Player player)
				player != null &&
				player.Active &&
				player.IsPlaying &&
				player.ControlObject != null;