public static void GreetNewPlayer(NetworkUser joiningUser) { if (DropInConfig.WelcomeMessage) //If the host man has enabled this config option. { var message = DropInConfig.CustomWelcomeMessage; if (message.Length > 1000) { return; } message = message.ReplaceOnce("{username}", joiningUser.userName); message = message.ReplaceOnce("{survivorlist}", string.Join(", ", BodyHelper.GetSurvivorDisplayNames())); AddChatMessage(message, 1f); } }
private void JoinAs(NetworkUser user, string characterName, string username) { if (!DropInConfig.JoinAsEnabled) { Logger.LogWarning("Join_As disabled. Returning..."); return; } if (DropInConfig.HostOnlySpawnAs) { if (NetworkUser.readOnlyInstancesList[0].netId != user.netId) { Logger.LogWarning("HostOnlySpawnAs is enabled and the person using join_as isn't host. Returning!"); return; } } if (JoinAsBlocked) { SendJoinAsBlockedMessage(); return; } //Finding the NetworkUser from the person who is using the command. NetworkUser player; // No user name provided, default to self if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { player = user; } else { player = GetNetUserFromString(username); if (player == null) { ChatHelper.AddChatMessage($"Could not find player with identifier: {username}"); return; } } //Finding the body the player wants to spawn as. GameObject bodyPrefab = BodyHelper.FindBodyPrefab(characterName); // The character the player is trying to spawn as doesn't exist. if (!bodyPrefab) { ChatHelper.AddChatMessage($"{characterName} not found. Availible survivors are: {string.Join(", ", BodyHelper.GetSurvivorDisplayNames())} (or use Random)"); Logger.LogWarning("Sent message to player informing them that what they requested to join as does not exist. Also bodyPrefab does not exist, returning!"); return; } if (player.master == null) // If the player is joining for the first time { Logger.LogInfo($"Spawning {player.userName} as newly joined player"); // Make sure the person can actually join. This allows SetupUserCharacterMaster (which is called in OnUserAdded) to work. Run.instance.SetFieldValue("allowNewParticipants", true); //Now that we've made sure the person can join, let's give them a CharacterMaster. Run.instance.OnUserAdded(player); ChangeOrSetCharacter(player, bodyPrefab, true); // Turn this back off again so a new player isn't immediatly dropped in without getting to pick their character Run.instance.SetFieldValue("allowNewParticipants", false); } else // The player has already joined { Logger.LogInfo($"{player.userName} has already joined, checking other join conditions"); if (!DropInConfig.AllowReJoinAs) { Logger.LogInfo($"{player.userName} could not use join_as after selecting "); ChatHelper.AddChatMessage($"Sorry {player.userName}! The host has made it so you can't use join_as after selecting character."); } else if (player.master.lostBodyToDeath) { Logger.LogInfo($"{player.userName} is dead and can't change character"); ChatHelper.AddChatMessage($"Sorry {player.userName}! You can't use join_as while dead."); } else { Logger.LogInfo($"Changing existing character for {player.userName}"); ChangeOrSetCharacter(player, bodyPrefab, false); } } }
private void GreetNewPlayer(On.RoR2.NetworkUser.orig_Start orig, NetworkUser self) { orig(self); if ( && Stage.instance != null && //Make sure we're host. _config.WelcomeMessage) //If the host man has enabled this config option. { AddChatMessage("Hello " + self.userName + $"! Join the game by typing 'join [character name]' or 'join_as [character name]' in chat (without the apostrophes of course) into the chat. Available survivors are: { string.Join(", ", BodyHelper.GetSurvivorDisplayNames())}", 1f); } }