internal static void DoThisIfFailedPostReboot() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------."); Console.WriteLine("The lastInstalled INF seems to have failed"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; ParseForResults.ParseFromdpinstLog(@"C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG"); File.Create(Program.dirName + @"\DONE.TXT"); CheckWhatInstalled.CheckInstalledCSV(); Logger.Comment("Copy the the driverstress log and DPINST.LOG to our folder..."); Utilities.CopyFile(@"C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG", Program.dpinstLog); Utilities.CopyFile(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.resultsLogDir + @"\DriverCapsuleStress.xml.BAK"); Utilities.CopyFile(Program.dirName + @"\DriverCapsuleStressLog.txt", Program.resultsLogDir + @"\DriverCapsuleStressLog.txt"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("Everything should be completed including copying logs to the Reults folder on the desktop"); // is the WTT service stopped. StartStopServices.StartService("wttsvc"); Logger.FunctionLeave(); Environment.Exit(13); }
/// <summary> /// attempt to move the devMgr window over to the left after it opens /// so it is easier to monitor when running locally if need be /// currently not moving though /// </summary> /// <param name="hWnd"></param> /// <param name="X"></param> /// <param name="Y"></param> /// <param name="nWidth"></param> /// <param name="nHeight"></param> /// <param name="bRepaint"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static void Main(string[] args) { bool show_help = false; List <string> extra = new List <string>(); ShowWindow(ThisConsole, MAXIMIZE); try { // create the .bat file used by the runonce registry entry to start testing again post-reboot if (!File.Exists(reStartBAT)) { File.WriteAllText(reStartBAT, "cd " + dirName + Environment.NewLine + stressAppPath); } string stressLog = "DriverCapsuleStressLog.txt"; Logger.AppendToFile = true; Logger.LogFileName = stressLog; Logger.LogDirName = dirName; if (!File.Exists(stressLog)) { Logger.AddLogFile(stressLog); } //Logger.Verbose(); if (!File.Exists(InputTestFilePath)) { // get user input parameters if there is not already an XML file to run from var p = new OptionSet() { { "r|randomizeList", "True or False - randomize the execution of the INFs", v => randomizeList = v }, { "i|loopCount", "the number of {TIMES} to stress drivers\\capsules. this must be an integer.", v => loopCount = v }, { "s|startChoice", "Choose driver\\capsule to install first(default will be UEFI", v => startChoice = v }, { "e|stopOnErrorSTR", "Stop testing if there is an error or failure and collect logs", v => stopOnErrorSTR = v }, { "g|groupFirmwareSTR", "Install all firmware then reboot rather than install\reboot for each", v => groupFirmwareSTR = v }, { "c|custom", "Install all drivers in a custom order using comma seperated list of INF names (e.g. SurfaceUEFI.inf,IntcAudioBus.inf,IntcOED.inf) or enter 'none'", v => custom = v }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => show_help = v != null }, }; if (show_help) { ShowHelp(p); return; } extra = p.Parse(args); if (extra.Count > 0) { // is the WTT service started. StartStopServices.StopService("wttsvc"); // start testing here if starting fresh CreateListOrder.RandomizeList(args[1], args[3], args[5], args[7], args[9], args[11]); } else { ShowHelp(p); return; } } else { // is the WTT service started. StartStopServices.StopService("wttsvc"); // starts here if there is already an XML file written to run from XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(InputTestFilePath); string infIndexListString = XMLReader.GetSeed(InputTestFilePathBAK); int executionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(InputTestFilePath); supportFolderLOC = xdoc.XPathSelectElement("/Tests/TestChoices/SupportFolder").Value.ToString(); Array infListFromXML = xdoc.XPathSelectElements("/Tests/InfDirectories/InfDir").ToArray(); bool randomize = GetData.GetRandomChoice(InputTestFilePath); ExecuteFromList.ExecuteTheList(randomize, executionCount, startChoice); } } catch (Exception ex) { GetData.GetExceptionMessage(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// executes the stress in the order given by the list that was created /// only changed during execution when it finds firmware or the users choice to start first /// also groups firmware if chosen at runtime to install all firmware and reboot only once rather /// than rebooting for each firmware install seperately /// </summary> /// <param name="randomize"></param> /// <param name="executionCount"></param> /// <param name="dirName"></param> /// <param name="InputTestFilePath"></param> /// <param name="supportFolderLOC"></param> /// <param name="seedFilePath"></param> /// <param name="startChoice"></param> internal static void ExecuteTheList(bool randomize, int executionCount, string startChoice) { Process devMgr = new Process(); devMgr.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe"; devMgr.StartInfo.Arguments = "devmgmt.msc"; devMgr.Start(); try { List <string> DriverPathList = GetData.GetInfPathsList(Program.dirName); CheckWhatInstalled.CheckInstalledCSV(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("Waiting 3 seconds to be sure device is up and running..."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Thread.Sleep(3000); if (RegCheck.IsRebootPending()) { Logger.Comment("there is a pending reboot..."); RebootAndContinue.RebootCmd(true); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Checking for last installed..."); Console.WriteLine("if it exists we'll check that it was successfull then..."); Console.WriteLine("... ExecuteTheList..."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; // check if lastInstalled in the XML was successfully installed post-reboot string tmpLine = XMLReader.GetLastInstalled(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpLine)) { Console.WriteLine("no previous driver installed to check just yet..."); } else { string installCheck = GetData.IsInstalledAfterReboot(tmpLine); switch (installCheck) { case string unsuccessful when installCheck.Equals("unsuccessful"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string InsufficientResources when installCheck.Equals("InsufficientResources"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string IncorrectVersion when installCheck.Equals("IncorrectVersion"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string invalidImage when installCheck.Equals("invalidImage"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string authenticationERR when installCheck.Equals("authenticationERR"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string ACnotConnected when installCheck.Equals("ACnotConnected"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; case string insufficientPower when installCheck.Equals("insufficientPower"): DoThisIfFailedPostReboot(); break; default: installCheck.Equals("pass"); break; } } // making sure there is a driver path to test in the XML file // if they have all been removed they are all done and we need to rewrite the XML int infListCount = XMLReader.GetInfsPathListCount(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); string infIndexListString = XMLReader.GetSeed(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(infIndexListString)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("infListCount = " + infListCount); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; executionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(Program.InputTestFilePath); DriverStressInit.RewriteXMLContinue(executionCount, infListCount); } // double check the current executin count in the XML to be sure we proceed correctly int TMPexecutionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(Program.InputTestFilePath); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("executionCount : " + TMPexecutionCount); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("time to check the executionCount and decide what to do..."); Console.WriteLine("...waiting 10 seconds for Windows to catch up to me......"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Thread.Sleep(10000); // if the execution count is now zero it is time to collect logs etc if (TMPexecutionCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("waiting before continue to see if this is where it is dying....sometimes..."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("at this point...I think I am I?"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; ParseForResults.ParseFromdpinstLog(@"C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG"); File.Create(Program.dirName + @"\DONE.TXT"); CheckWhatInstalled.CheckInstalledCSV(); Logger.Comment("Copy the the driverstress log and DPINST.LOG to our folder..."); Utilities.CopyFile(@"C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG", Program.dpinstLog); Utilities.CopyFile(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.resultsLogDir + @"\DriverCapsuleStress.xml.BAK"); Utilities.CopyFile(Program.dirName + @"\DriverCapsuleStressLog.txt", Program.resultsLogDir + @"\DriverCapsuleStressLog.txt"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("Everything should be completed including copying logs to the Reults folder on the desktop"); // is the WTT service stopped. StartStopServices.StartService("wttsvc"); Logger.FunctionLeave(); } while (TMPexecutionCount >= 1) { string seedStr = XMLReader.GetSeed(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(Program.InputTestFilePath); infIndexListString = XMLReader.GetSeed(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); Console.WriteLine("infIndexListString = " + infIndexListString); if (randomize) { // if random is set to true this will take the list of index' for each INF // into a list and shuffle the numbers out of order randomly using random seed // then run through the list in that new order // this will be done uniquely each time through the list for the executionCount executionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(Program.InputTestFilePath); foreach (int seedIndex in infIndexListString.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList <int>()) { if (seedIndex == 0) { break; } if (RegCheck.IsRebootPending()) { Logger.Comment("there is a pending reboot..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); RebootAndContinue.RebootCmd(true); } string index = Convert.ToString(seedIndex); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Current infIndex to be tested : " + index); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; DriverPathList = GetData.GetInfPathsList(Program.dirName); string line = XMLReader.FromINFIndex(infListCount, Program.InputTestFilePath, seedIndex, executionCount).ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { XMLWriter.UpdateSeedXML(seedIndex); break; } string infName = Path.GetFileName(line); GetData.CreateIfMissing(Program.resultsLogDir); bool isCapsule = GetData.CheckDriverIsFirmware(line, executionCount, infListCount); switch (isCapsule) { case true: Logger.Comment("this is firmware treat it as such and reboot or rollback\reboot..."); infListCount--; CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IfIsCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; default: Logger.Comment("this is NOT firmware check for reboot afer installed"); infListCount--; CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IsNotCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; } } RebootAndContinue.RebootCmd(true); } else { // straight through the list 1-# accounting for other parameters below // groupFirmware or not as well as user choice first string testIsStartChoice = GetData.GetTestFirst(Program.InputTestFilePath); if (testIsStartChoice.Equals("none") & (Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Program.dirName, "uefi")).Equals(true)) { XMLWriter.SetTestFirst("uefi"); } else if (testIsStartChoice.Equals("none") & (Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Program.dirName, "sam")).Equals(true)) { XMLWriter.SetTestFirst("sam"); } else { testIsStartChoice = "none"; } // add ability to group install all firmware together with only one reboot // in this case the firmware would all install individually but have only one reboot // user should see each different color bar during reboot\install of all firmware bool groupFirmware = XMLReader.GetGroupFirmware(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); int capListCount = 0; if (groupFirmware) { executionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(Program.InputTestFilePath); foreach (int seedIndex in infIndexListString.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList <int>()) { Console.WriteLine("if (groupFirmware) - seedIndex : " + seedIndex); string line = XMLReader.FromINFIndex(infListCount, Program.InputTestFilePath, seedIndex, executionCount).ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { XMLWriter.UpdateSeedXML(seedIndex); break; } Console.WriteLine("if (groupFirmware) - line : " + line); bool isCapsule = GetData.CheckDriverIsFirmware(line, executionCount, infListCount); if (isCapsule) { capListCount++; capList.Add(line); } else { continue; } } while (capListCount > 1) { // if this is set to true this will get the firmware in the list to install // install each one and reboot at the end rather than rebooting for each install // replicating more of what a user might see at home when getting more than one // firmware update from WU foreach (string groupedFirmware in capList) { { string seedIndexSTR = XMLReader.IndexFromINF(Program.InputTestFilePath, groupedFirmware); int seedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(seedIndexSTR); XMLWriter.RemoveXMLElemnt(Program.InputTestFilePath, groupedFirmware, seedIndex); Console.WriteLine("seedIndex : " + seedIndex); string friendlyDriverName = XMLReader.GetFriendlyDriverName(Program.InputTestFilePath, groupedFirmware); string hardwareID = GetData.FirmwareInstallGetHID(groupedFirmware); string expectedDriverVersion = GetData.GetDriverVersion(groupedFirmware); Logger.Comment("IfIsCapsule From RegCheck before IF : " + expectedDriverVersion); string infNameToTest = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(groupedFirmware); string expectedDriverDate = GetData.GetDriverDate(groupedFirmware); bool isInstalled = CheckWhatInstalled.CheckInstalled(groupedFirmware, hardwareID, friendlyDriverName, infNameToTest, expectedDriverVersion, expectedDriverDate); switch (isInstalled) { case true: string infFileContent = File.ReadAllText(groupedFirmware).ToUpper(); string infName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(groupedFirmware); SafeNativeMethods.RollbackInstall(seedIndex, groupedFirmware, infName, infFileContent, hardwareID, rebootRequired = true, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; case false: string groupedFirmwareDIR = Path.GetDirectoryName(groupedFirmware); string installArgs = " /C /A /Q /SE /F /PATH " + groupedFirmwareDIR; SafeNativeMethods.Install_Inf(groupedFirmware, Program.installer, installArgs, seedIndex); break; } } capListCount--; } RebootAndContinue.RebootCmd(true); } } executionCount = XMLReader.GetExecutionCount(Program.InputTestFilePath); foreach (int seedIndex in infIndexListString.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList <int>()) { if (seedIndex == 0) { break; } string index = Convert.ToString(seedIndex); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Current infIndex to be tested : " + index); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (index.Equals(null)) { continue; } GetData.CreateIfMissing(Program.resultsLogDir); string line = XMLReader.FromINFIndex(infListCount, Program.InputTestFilePath, seedIndex, executionCount).ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { XMLWriter.UpdateSeedXML(seedIndex); break; } string infName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(line); testIsStartChoice = GetData.GetTestFirst(Program.InputTestFilePath); string testInfName = infName.ToLower(); infIndexListString = XMLReader.GetSeed(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); // the tool will skip to here if none of the other above are met // then looking for a choice set to install first from the list // only works when random is set to False if (line.Contains(testIsStartChoice.ToLower())) { Logger.Comment("This is the start first choice : " + line); bool isCapsule = GetData.CheckDriverIsFirmware(line, executionCount, infListCount); switch (isCapsule) { case true: infListCount--; Logger.Comment("re-add the reg key to start post reboot..."); CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IfIsCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("NOT MATCHING to the startChoice"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; infListCount--; CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IsNotCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; } } } infIndexListString = XMLReader.GetSeed(Program.InputTestFilePathBAK); foreach (int seedIndex in infIndexListString.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList <int>()) { if (seedIndex == 0) { break; } string index = Convert.ToString(seedIndex); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Current infIndex to be tested : " + index); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; string indexString = Convert.ToString(index); if (index.Equals(null)) { continue; } string line = XMLReader.FromINFIndex(infListCount, Program.InputTestFilePath, seedIndex, executionCount).ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { XMLWriter.UpdateSeedXML(seedIndex); break; } bool isCapsule = GetData.CheckDriverIsFirmware(line, executionCount, infListCount); string infName = Path.GetFileName(line); testIsStartChoice = GetData.GetTestFirst(Program.InputTestFilePath); switch (isCapsule) { case true: Logger.Comment("this is firmware and will need to reboot..."); infListCount--; CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IfIsCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; default: Logger.Comment("THIS IS NOT FIRMWARE..."); infListCount--; CapsuleOrNotInstallCalls.IsNotCapsule(seedIndex, infIndexListString, infListCount, infName, DriverPathList, line, Program.InputTestFilePathBAK, Program.installer, executionCount, Program.dirName, Program.startChoice, Program.rollbackLine, Program.InputTestFilePath); break; } } RebootAndContinue.RebootCmd(true); } executionCount--; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("executionCount :: " + executionCount); Console.WriteLine("outside of the while loop"); Console.WriteLine("should be getting smaller correctly"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } } catch (Exception ex) { GetData.GetExceptionMessage(ex); } }