public static bool CheckMemberPermission(long userID, long chatID, ChatMemberPerms perm) { ChatCache chat = ChatCaching.GetCache(chatID); if ((EpochTime() - ToEpoch(chat.LastUpdate)) >= Configs.RunningConfig.ChatCacheTimer) { ChatCaching.UpdateCache(chat); } if (chat.Admins.ContainsKey(userID)) { ChatMember admin = chat.Admins[userID]; if (admin.status == "creator") { return(true); } if (admin.status == "administrator") { return(PermCheck(admin, perm)); } } else { Result <ChatMember> memberResult = Methods.getChatMember(chatID, userID); if (!memberResult.ok) { Logger.LogWarn("There was an error while getting the permission for " + userID + " in chat " + chatID + "\nError: (" + memberResult.errorCode + ") Description: " + memberResult.description); return(false); } else { ChatMember member = memberResult.result; if (!member.is_member) { return(false); } if (member.status == "left") { return(false); } if (member.status == "kicked") { return(false); } if (member.status == "restricted") { return(PermCheck(member, perm)); } if (member.status == "member") { return(PermCheck(member, perm)); } } } return(false); }
public static bool isChatOwner(long userID, long chatID) { ChatCache cChat = ChatCaching.GetCache(chatID); if (cChat == null) { return(false); } if (cChat.owner_id == userID) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool isChatAdmin(long userID, long chatID) { ChatCache chat = ChatCaching.GetCache(chatID); if ((EpochTime() - ToEpoch(chat.LastUpdate)) >= Configs.RunningConfig.ChatCacheTimer) { ChatCaching.UpdateCache(chat); } if (chat.Admins.ContainsKey(userID)) { ChatMember admin = chat.Admins[userID]; if (admin.status == "creator" || admin.status == "administrator") { return(true); } } return(false); }
internal static bool Commands(Message msg) { string[] cmd = msg.text.Split(' '); switch (isCommand(cmd[0])) { case "version": { TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utilities.EpochTime() - MainClass.LauchTime); string answer = string.Format("{0:D3} Days, {1:D2} Hours, {2:D2} Minutes, {3:D2} Seconds", t.Days, t.Hours, t.Minutes, t.Seconds); Methods.sendReply(, (int)msg.message_id, "Dread Bot " + Configs.Version + "\n\nUptime: " + answer); return(true); } case "updatecache": { if (Utilities.isChatAdmin(, { ChatCache chat = ChatCaching.GetCache(; if ((Utilities.EpochTime() - Utilities.ToEpoch(chat.LastUpdate)) >= 3600) { ChatCaching.UpdateCache(chat); chat.LastForcedUpdate = DateTime.Now; ChatCaching.Save(chat); Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, "The Cache for the group has been updated. You will be unable to use this command again for atleast 1 hour."); } else { Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, "You can use this command only once per hour."); } } return(true); } case "adminlist": { if ( == "group" || == "supergroup") { ChatCache chat = ChatCaching.GetCache(; if ((Utilities.EpochTime() - Utilities.ToEpoch(chat.LastUpdate)) >= Configs.RunningConfig.ChatCacheTimer) { ChatCaching.UpdateCache(chat); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("👑 Creator\n"); List <string> Admins = new List <string>(); int i = 0; foreach (ChatMember admin in chat.Admins.Values) { if (admin.status == "creator") { sb.Append("└" + admin.user.first_name + "\n\n"); } else { i++; Admins.Add(admin.user.first_name); } } sb.Append("👮♂️ Admins (" + i + ")\n"); int j = 0; foreach (string name in Admins) { if (i == j) { sb.Append("└ " + name); } else { sb.Append("├" + name + "\n"); } j++; } Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, sb.ToString()); } return(true); } case "token": { if ( != "private") { return(false); } if (cmd.Length == 2) { if (Utilities.OwnerToken == cmd[1]) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Utilities.OwnerToken = ""; Configs.RunningConfig.Owner =; sb.Append("Ownership of this bot has been claimed by " + + "\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.from.username)) //username can be null { sb.Append("Username: @" + msg.from.username + "\n"); } else { sb.Append("Username: -none-\n"); } Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, "You have claimed ownership over this bot.\nPlease check out the [Wiki]( on getting me setup.\n\nFrom this point on, please use the admin command $adminmenu for DreadBot specific configuration."); Configs.RunningConfig.GULimit = 100; Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat =; Logger.LogAdmin(sb.ToString()); Database.SaveConfig(); } else if (Utilities.AdminTokens.Contains(cmd[1])) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Configs.RunningConfig.Admins.Contains( { sb.Append("You are already an admin of this bot. No need to use a token."); Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, sb.ToString()); Logger.LogAdmin("User tried to validate a token, despite already being an admin: " +; return(true); } Utilities.AdminTokens.Remove(cmd[1]); Configs.RunningConfig.Admins.Add(; sb.Append(msg.from.first_name + " is now an admin of @" + Configs.Me.username); Methods.sendReply(, msg.message_id, "You are now an admin. Welcome. :)"); Logger.LogAdmin(sb.ToString()); Methods.sendMessage(Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat, sb.ToString()); return(true); } else { Methods.sendReply(, (int)msg.message_id, "The token you have specified does not exist. This error has been logged."); Result <Message> res = Methods.sendMessage(Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat, "The token command was attempted by ([" + + "](tg://user?id=" + + ")) using the token " + cmd[1]); if (res == null || !res.ok) { Logger.LogError("Error contacting the admin Chat: " + res.description); } return(true); } } return(true); } default: return(false); } }
static void Main() { #region Bot Initialization Phase AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(ExitCleanUp); Database.Init(); Result <User> res = null; while (res == null) { res = Methods.getMe(); if (res == null) { Logger.LogError("Error getting bot info. Reattempting.."); } else if (!res.ok) { Logger.LogFatal("Error getting bot info (" + res.errorCode + ") " + res.description); Logger.LogFatal("Press anykey to terminate..."); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(-1); } } Configs.Me = res.result; Result <WebhookInfo> webres = Methods.getWebhookInfo(); if (!webres.ok) { Logger.LogFatal("Error getting bot info: " + webres.description); Environment.Exit(-1); } Configs.webhookinfo = webres.result; ChatCaching.Init(); PluginManager.Init(); Cron.CronInit(); if (Configs.RunningConfig.Owner == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There is no owner assigned to this bot.\r\nPlease send me the command below to claim ownership.\r\nThis token will be deleted once you use it.\r\n\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("/token " + Utilities.CreateAdminToken(true)); } if (Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat < 0 || Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat > 0) { string text = "**DreadBot Started**\n" + Utilities.NormalTime(Utilities.EpochTime()) + "\n\n" + PluginManager.getPluginList(); Methods.sendMessage(Configs.RunningConfig.AdminChat, text); } Console.Title = "DreadBot v" + Configs.Version + " @" + Configs.Me.username; Console.WriteLine(PluginManager.getPluginList() + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("DreadBot Loaded, and Started!\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Configs.webhookinfo.url)) { Configs.RunningConfig.GetupdatesMode = false; } //WebHook is enabled. Launch in Webhook mode. #endregion while (true) { #region Main GetUpdates Loop if (Configs.RunningConfig.GetupdatesMode) //GetUpdates Mode { Update[] updates = null; if (UpdateId == 0) { if (Configs.webhookinfo.pending_update_count > 3) { Logger.LogInfo("Playing catchup; " + Configs.webhookinfo.pending_update_count + " updates behind."); } updates = Methods.getFirstUpdates(60); if (updates == null || updates.Length < 1) { continue; } } else { GetUpdates request = new GetUpdates() { timeout = 20, offset = UpdateId + 1, limit = Configs.RunningConfig.GULimit }; Result <Update[]> updatesres = Methods.getUpdates(request); if (updatesres == null || !updatesres.ok) { Logger.LogError("Error fetching updates: (" + updatesres.errorCode + ") " + updatesres.description); Thread.Sleep(10000); continue; } updates = updatesres.result; } if (updates.Length < 1) { continue; } foreach (Update update in updates) { UpdateId = update.update_id; //Console.WriteLine("Parsing Update: " + UpdateId); Events.ParseUpdate(update); } } #endregion #region WebHook Loop else // Webhook mode { //// Webhook Not Implemented. Logger.LogError("DreadBot Cannot continue:\n\nWebhook Mode is enabled for this bot. This version of DreadBot does not have Webhook support and will close.\n\n"); ExitCleanUp(null, null); Thread.Sleep(10000); throw new NotImplementedException("This version of DreadBot does not have Webhook support and will terminate."); } #endregion } }
private static void ParseMessage(Message msg, bool isEdited = false, bool isChannel = false) { if (msg.forward_from != null) { Events.OnForward(msg); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.text)) { if (isChannel) { OnChannelPost(msg, isEdited); return; } if (Utilities.isAdminCommand(msg.text) != "") { if (Utilities.AdminCommand(msg)) { return; } } else if (Utilities.isCommand(msg.text) != "") { if (Utilities.Commands(msg)) { return; } } Events.OnText(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.sticker != null) { Events.OnSticker(msg); } else if ( != null) { Events.OnImage(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.video_note != null) { Events.OnVideoNote(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.new_chat_members != null) { foreach (User user in msg.new_chat_members) { if ( == { ChatCache cChat = ChatCaching.GetCache(; ChatCaching.UpdateCache(cChat); break; } } Events.OnJoin(msg); } else if (msg.left_chat_member != null) { Events.OnPart(msg); } else if (msg.animation != null) { Events.OnAnimation(msg, isEdited); } else if ( != null) { Events.OnAudio(msg, isEdited); } else if ( != null) { Events.OnVideo(msg, isEdited); } else if ( != null) { Events.OnGame(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.poll != null) { Events.OnPoll(msg.poll, msg); } else if (msg.dice != null) { Events.OnDice(msg); } else if (msg.voice != null) { Events.OnVoiceClip(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.venue != null) { Events.OnVenueClip(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.pinned_message != null) { ChatCaching.UpdatePinnedMsg(msg); Events.OnPinnedMessage(msg, isEdited); } else if (msg.new_chat_title != null) { ChatCaching.UpdateTitle(msg); Events.OnTitleChange(msg); } else if (msg.new_chat_photo != null || (msg.delete_chat_photo)) { ChatCaching.UpdatePhoto(msg); Events.OnChatPhoto(msg); } else if (msg.location != null) { Events.OnLocation(msg); } else if (msg.group_chat_created) { ChatCache cChat = ChatCaching.GetCache(; ChatCaching.UpdateCache(cChat); Events.OnNewGroup(msg); } else if (msg.passport_data != null) { Events.OnPassportData(msg); } else if (msg.migrate_from_chat_id != 0) { ChatCaching.ChatUpgrade(msg.migrate_from_chat_id,; Events.OnGroupUpgrade(msg); } }