        void RekursiveDraw(Assimp.Node node, OpenGlDevice Device)
            if ((node.HasMeshes))
                foreach (var index in node.MeshIndices)
                    D3DMesh mesh = (Meshes[index] as D3DMesh);

                    xyzf b = new xyzf(0, 0, 0);

                    CpuSkinningEvaluator.CachedMeshData MD = SkinninEvaluator.GetEntry(mesh);
                    SkinninEvaluator.GetTransformedVertexPosition(node, mesh, 0, out b);
                    if (mesh.Material.Translucent < 1)
                        TransparentMeshes.Add(new TransParencyItem(mesh, MD._cachedPositions, MD._cachedNormals));

                    xyzf[] SavePos     = mesh.Position;
                    xyzf[] SaveNormals = mesh.Normals;
                    mesh.Position = MD._cachedPositions;
                    mesh.Normals  = MD._cachedNormals;
                    mesh.Position = SavePos;
                    mesh.Normals  = SaveNormals;
            for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++)
                RekursiveDraw(node.Children[i], Device);
        Box RekursiveGetBox(Assimp.Node node, Box BoxMin)
            Box _Box = BoxMin;

            if ((node.HasMeshes))
                foreach (var index in node.MeshIndices)
                    D3DMesh mesh = (Meshes[index] as D3DMesh);

                    xyzf b = new xyzf(0, 0, 0);

                    CpuSkinningEvaluator.CachedMeshData MD = SkinninEvaluator.GetEntry(mesh);
                    SkinninEvaluator.GetTransformedVertexPosition(node, mesh, 0, out b);

                    xyzf[] P = new xyzf[MD._cachedPositions.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < P.Length; i++)
                        P[i] = mesh.Transformation * MD._cachedPositions[i];
                    _Box = Box.GetEnvBox(P, _Box);
            for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++)
                _Box = RekursiveGetBox(node.Children[i], _Box);
            public CachedMeshData(Scene scene, D3DMesh source)
                _scene  = scene;
                _source = source;

                _cachedPositions = new xyzf[source.Position.Length];
                _cachedNormals   = new xyzf[source.Position.Length];

                _boneMap = new BoneByVertexMap(source);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the cache entry corresponding to a mesh.
        /// Creates an entry if it does not exist yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CachedMeshData GetEntry(D3DMesh mesh)
            CachedMeshData entry;

            if (_cache.TryGetValue(mesh, out entry) && entry.CompatibleWith(mesh))
            return(_cache[mesh] = new CachedMeshData(_owner, mesh));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a CpuSkinningEvaluator for a given scene.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner"></param>
 public CpuSkinningEvaluator(Scene owner)
     _owner = owner;
     _cache = new Dictionary <D3DMesh, CachedMeshData>();
     // for (var i = 0; i < owner.Raw.Meshes.Count; ++i)
     for (var i = 0; i < owner.Children.Count; ++i)
         D3DMesh mesh = owner.Children[i] as D3DMesh;
         if (!mesh.HasBones)
         _cache[mesh] = new CachedMeshData(owner, mesh);
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtain the bone matrices for a given node mesh index at the
        /// current time. Calling this is costly, redundant invocations
        /// should thus be avoided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Node for which to query bone matrices</param>
        /// <param name="mesh">Mesh for which to query bone matrices. Must be
        ///    one of the meshes attached to the node.</param>
        /// <returns>For each bone of the mesh the bone transformation
        /// matrix. The returned array is only valid for the rest of
        /// the frame or till the next call to GetBoneMatricesForMesh().
        /// It may contain more entries than the mesh has bones, the extra entries
        /// should be ignored in this case.</returns>
        public Matrix[] GetBoneMatricesForMesh(Node node, D3DMesh mesh)
            // calculate the mesh's inverse global transform
            Matrix globalInverseMeshTransform;

            GetGlobalTransform(node, out globalInverseMeshTransform);
            globalInverseMeshTransform = globalInverseMeshTransform.invert();

            // Bone matrices transform from mesh coordinates in bind pose to mesh coordinates in skinned pose
            // Therefore the formula is offsetMatrix * currentGlobalTransform * inverseCurrentMeshTransform
            for (int a = 0; a < mesh.Bones.Count; ++a)
                var bone = mesh.Bones[a];

                Matrix currentGlobalTransform;
                GetGlobalTransform(bone.Name, out currentGlobalTransform);
                _boneMatrices[a] = globalInverseMeshTransform * currentGlobalTransform * bone.OffsetMatrix;
                // TODO for some reason, all OpenTk matrices need a ^T - clarify our conventions somewhere
                // _boneMatrices[a].Transpose();
        internal BoneByVertexMap(D3DMesh mesh)
            Debug.Assert(mesh != null);
            _mesh = mesh;

            _offsets    = new uint[mesh.Position.Length];
            _countBones = new uint[mesh.Position.Length];

            if (_mesh.Bones.Count == 0)
                _bonesByVertex = new IndexWeightTuple[0];

            // get per-vertex bone influence counts
            var countWeights = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < mesh.Bones.Count; ++i)
                var bone = mesh.Bones[i];
                countWeights += bone.VertexWeightCount;
                for (int j = 0; j < bone.VertexWeightCount; ++j)
                    var weight = bone.VertexWeights[j];

            _bonesByVertex = new IndexWeightTuple[countWeights];

            // generate offset table
            uint sum = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < _mesh.Position.Length; ++i)
                _offsets[i] = sum;
                sum        += _countBones[i];

            // populate vertex-to-bone table, using the offset table
            // to keep track of how many bones have already been
            // written for a vertex.
            for (var i = 0; i < mesh.Bones.Count; ++i)
                var bone = mesh.Bones[i];
                countWeights += bone.VertexWeightCount;
                for (int j = 0; j < bone.VertexWeightCount; ++j)
                    var weight = bone.VertexWeights[j];
                    BonesByVertex[_offsets[weight.VertexID]++] = new IndexWeightTuple(i, weight.Weight);

            // undo previous changes to the offset table
            for (var i = 0; i < _mesh.Position.Length; ++i)
                _offsets[i] -= _countBones[i];

            Debug.Assert(_offsets[0] == 0);
 public TransParencyItem(D3DMesh Mesh, xyzf[] Position, xyzf[] Normals)
     this.Mesh     = Mesh;
     this.Position = Position;
     this.Normals  = Normals;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a transformed vertex normal for a given mesh + vertex index. The
 /// results of this method are cached between calls in the same frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Node that holds the mesh</param>
 /// <param name="meshIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="vertexIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="nor"></param>
 public void GetTransformedVertexNormal(Node node, D3DMesh mesh, uint vertexIndex, out xyzf nor)
     GetEntry(mesh).GetTransformedVertexNormal(node, vertexIndex, out nor);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a transformed vertex position for a given mesh + vertex index. The
 /// results of this method are cached between calls in the same frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Node that holds the mesh</param>
 /// <param name="meshIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="vertexIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="pos"></param>
 public void GetTransformedVertexPosition(Node node, D3DMesh mesh, uint vertexIndex, out xyzf pos)
     GetEntry(mesh).GetTransformedVertexPosition(node, vertexIndex, out pos);
        /// <summary>
        /// internal.
        /// </summary>
        internal static Scene ConvertFromAssimp(Assimp.Scene _Scene)
            Scene Result = new Scene();

            Result.CompileEnable = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _Scene.Meshes.Count; i++)
                D3DMesh _M = new D3DMesh();
                _M.CompileEnable = false;
                Assimp.Mesh M        = _Scene.Meshes[i];
                List <int>  _Indices = new List <int>(M.Faces.Count * 4);
                if (M.Faces.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < M.Faces.Count; j++)
                        if (M.Faces[j].Indices.Count > 4)
                        if (M.Faces[j].Indices.Count > 3)
                    _M.Indices = _Indices.ToArray();


                int[] Indices = M.GetIndices();

                _M.Material = AssimpConv.ConvertMaterial(_Scene.Materials[M.MaterialIndex]);
                _M.Texture  = LoadTexture(_Scene.Materials[M.MaterialIndex]);
                List <Vector3D> Vertices = M.Vertices;
                _M.Position = new xyzf[Vertices.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < Vertices.Count; j++)
                    Vector3D V = Vertices[j];
                    _M.Position[j] = new xyzf(V.X, V.Y, V.Z);
                List <Vector3D> Normals = M.Normals;
                _M.Normals = new xyzf[Normals.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < Normals.Count; j++)
                    Vector3D V = Normals[j];
                    _M.Normals[j] = new xyzf(V.X, V.Y, V.Z).normalized();
                if (M.TextureCoordinateChannelCount > 0)
                    _M.TextureCoords = new xyf[M.TextureCoordinateChannels[0].Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < M.TextureCoordinateChannels[0].Count; j++)
                        Vector3D V = M.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][j];
                        _M.TextureCoords[j] = new xyf(V.X, V.Y);

                _M.Bones = new List <Bone>();
                for (int k = 0; k < M.BoneCount; k++)
                    Assimp.Bone    B  = M.Bones[k];
                    VertexWeight[] VW = new VertexWeight[B.VertexWeights.Count];
                    for (int g = 0; g < VW.Length; g++)
                        VW[g] = new VertexWeight(B.VertexWeights[g].VertexID, B.VertexWeights[g].Weight);
                    Bone _B = new Bone(B.Name, AssimpConv.ConvertTransform(B.OffsetMatrix), VW);

            LoadNode(_Scene, Result);
            Result._Scene        = _Scene;
            Result.SceneAnimator = new SceneAnimator(Result);