        public async Task NotifyStateChanged(ListUpdateEventArgs e = null)
            var overrideDebug = false;

            if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                Console.WriteLine("Notifying state has changed");

            if (DnDState.BaseContainer != null)
                if (DnDState.BaseContainer.OnStatusUpdated.HasDelegate && e != null)
                    await DnDState.BaseContainer.OnStatusUpdated.InvokeAsync(e);
                if (OnStatusUpdated.HasDelegate && e != null)
                    await OnStatusUpdated.InvokeAsync(e);
        protected async Task HandleMove(DragEventArgs e, int index, bool isDropOnExisting = false, bool dropIntoFirst = false)
            var overrideDebug = false;

            if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                Console.WriteLine($"Handling Move (Drop)");
            DnDState.ShowDropAtEnd = false;
            if (DnDState.BaseContainer is null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not retrieve the Base Container information."); return;
            index = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(index, List.Count()));

            var pl = DnDState.Payload;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pl.Address))
                // Drop not allowed when there is no payload (the address is empty)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not retrieve the payload information.");
            else if (Address.StartsWith(pl.Address) && pl.IsContainer)
                // when the payload is a DnDContainer and it is being dropped as a descendant of itself
                Console.WriteLine("A container cannot be dropped as a child of itself.");

            if (pl.FromContainer is null || pl.FromIndex < 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No item to drop"); return;
            if (pl.FromIndex >= pl.FromContainer.List.Count())
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Index of the item being dragged was out of range"); return;

            var itemToMove = pl.FromContainer.List[pl.FromIndex];
            // If dropping on empty, index out of range possibly
            var myItemAtIndex = List.Count() > 0 && index < List.Count() ? List[index] : default(TListItem);
            var childProp     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DnDState.ChildrenPropertyName) ? null : myItemAtIndex?.GetType().GetProperty(DnDState.ChildrenPropertyName);

            if (pl.FromContainer == this && pl.FromIndex == index)
                if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("The item was dropped onto itself.");

            if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                Console.WriteLine($"itemToMove's address: {pl.Address}");
                Console.WriteLine($"itemToMove's container's address: {pl.FromContainer.Address}");
                Console.WriteLine($"myItemAtIndex's address: {Address}.{index}");
                Console.WriteLine($"this's address: {Address}");

            bool makeNewGroup = // The parameter to allow grouping when dropping on existing items is set to True AND
                                AllowDropToGroup &&
                                // The picked up item is being dropped on an existing item AND
                                isDropOnExisting &&
                // The item being dropped is a container and the item at the drop target index is not an ancestor of the item being dropped OR
                (pl.IsContainer && !pl.FromContainer.Address.StartsWith($"{Address}.{index}")) ||
                // The item being dropped is not a container and the item at the drop target index is not a container either
                (!pl.IsContainer && childProp is null)

            var updateEventArgs = new ListUpdateEventArgs();

            // TODO: Fill in the appropriate fields for the updateEventArgs
            if (makeNewGroup)
                if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Making a new group");

                // TODO: Add an argument to determine if this is a drop before/after
                var newGroup = Activator.CreateInstance <TGroup>();
                var children = new List <TListItem>();
                children.Add(dropIntoFirst ? itemToMove : myItemAtIndex);
                children.Add(dropIntoFirst ? myItemAtIndex : itemToMove);
                childProp = typeof(TGroup).GetProperty(DnDState.ChildrenPropertyName);
                childProp.SetValue(newGroup, children);
                List.Insert(index, (TListItem)(object)newGroup);
                List.Insert(index, itemToMove);
            var removeIndex = pl.FromContainer == this && !makeNewGroup ? pl.FromIndex + (pl.FromIndex > index && !makeNewGroup ? 1 : 0) : pl.FromIndex;


            if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                Console.WriteLine("Removing drop css styles");

            // ================> Test for ungroup <================
            var containerToCheck = pl.FromContainer;

            // Test the fromContainer to see if there is <= 1 element and is not the DnDState.BaseContainer and has a Parent container
            if (containerToCheck.List.Count() <= 1 && containerToCheck != DnDState.BaseContainer && containerToCheck.Parent != null)
                if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine($"There {(containerToCheck.List.Count() == 0 ? "are 0 items" : "is 1 item")} in the container, so it should be ungrouped.");
                // Determine the index within the parent container's list using the provided container's Address
                if (!int.TryParse(containerToCheck.Address.Split('.').Last(), out int indexInParentContainer))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not determine the container's index in the parent container.");
                    var parent = containerToCheck.Parent;
                    // Add 1 to the index if the item being moved is being dropped into its previous parent's parent at an index before or equal to its previous parent's index
                    if (this == containerToCheck.Parent && index <= indexInParentContainer)
                        indexInParentContainer += 1;

                    CheckForUngroup(containerToCheck, indexInParentContainer);

            await SetPayload(null, -1);

            await DnDState.BaseContainer.OnStatusUpdated.InvokeAsync(updateEventArgs);

            if (DnDState.ShowDebugInfo || overrideDebug)
                Console.WriteLine($"Drop method complete");