// Console Renderer's constructor

        public ConsoleRenderer(GameFieldCoords size)


            this.gameFieldSize = size;

            this.consoleSize = new GameFieldCoords(this.gameFieldSize.Row + 2, this.gameFieldSize.Col + 21);

            this.highScores = FileOperator.ReadHighScoreFile();

            Console.CursorVisible = false;

            Console.WindowHeight = this.consoleSize.Row;

            Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight;

            Console.WindowWidth = this.consoleSize.Col;

            Console.BufferWidth = Console.WindowWidth;

        public void Update()

            // Get new head position

            GameFieldCoords newHeadPosition;

            if (this.currentDirection == "up")

                newHeadPosition = new GameFieldCoords(this.snakeElements.Last().Row - 1, this.snakeElements.Last().Col);

            else if (this.currentDirection == "right")

                newHeadPosition = new GameFieldCoords(this.snakeElements.Last().Row, this.snakeElements.Last().Col + 1);

            else if (this.currentDirection == "down")

                newHeadPosition = new GameFieldCoords(this.snakeElements.Last().Row + 1, this.snakeElements.Last().Col);


                newHeadPosition = new GameFieldCoords(this.snakeElements.Last().Row, this.snakeElements.Last().Col - 1);

            // Add new snake element to the new position


            if (!this.isGettingBigger)

                // Remove the last element if the snake is not getting bigger


            this.isGettingBigger = false;
        private void InitializeGameField(GameFieldCoords size)

            Console.Title = "Snake Game";

            this.gameField = new char[size.Row, size.Col];

            for (int row = 0; row < this.gameField.GetLength(0); row++)

                for (int col = 0; col < this.gameField.GetLength(1); col++)

                    this.gameField[row, col] = ' ';
        public Food(GameFieldCoords position)

            this.foodCoords = new GameFieldCoords(position.Row, position.Col);