public SocketDisplayContext(IContent leftContent, ConnectorDescriptor connectorDefinition, string displayType, SocketsModel socketsContext) : base(leftContent, connectorDefinition, socketsContext) { Left.DisplayType = displayType; CacheSocket = false; Paradigms = new ParadigmsContext(); }
public SocketEventContext(IContent leftContent, ConnectorDescriptor connectorDefinition,SocketsModel socketsContext) { Left = leftContent.As<SocketsPart>().Endpoint; Connector = connectorDefinition; SocketFilters = new List<ISocketFilter>(); SocketSorters= new List<ISocketFilter>(); RootModel = socketsContext; RenderSocket = true; SocketMetadata = new SocketMetadata() { SocketName = connectorDefinition.Name, SocketTitle = Connector.Settings.SocketDisplayName }; QueryFactory = new Lazy<SocketQuery>(() => { var query = Left.ContentPart.Sockets[Connector.Name]; return query; }); }
public SocketEventContext(IContent leftContent, ConnectorDescriptor connectorDefinition, SocketsModel socketsContext) { Left = leftContent.As <SocketsPart>().Endpoint; Connector = connectorDefinition; SocketFilters = new List <ISocketFilter>(); SocketSorters = new List <ISocketFilter>(); RootModel = socketsContext; RenderSocket = true; SocketMetadata = new SocketMetadata() { SocketName = connectorDefinition.Name, SocketTitle = Connector.Settings.SocketDisplayName }; QueryFactory = new Lazy <SocketQuery>(() => { var query = Left.ContentPart.Sockets[Connector.Name]; return(query); }); }
public ConnectorCreateContext(IContent left, IContent right, ConnectorDescriptor connectorDefinition) : base(connectorDefinition) { LeftContent = left; RightField = new Lazy<SocketEndpoint>(()=>new SocketEndpoint(right.As<SocketsPart>())); Cancel = false; }
public ConnectorEventContext(ConnectorDescriptor descriptor) { this.Descriptor = descriptor; }
protected IEnumerable<IConnector> CreateConnector(IContent left, IContent right, ConnectorDescriptor ConnectorDef, bool createInverseIfPossible, bool ignorePermissions = false) { // Check sockets var leftSock = left.As<SocketsPart>(); var rightSock = right.As<SocketsPart>(); // TODO: SocketsPart doesn't need any data so we could consider automatically welding it to any content that has valid connectors. It's // very rare that we want a connector type to apply to anything so maybe should disable the wildcard. if (leftSock == null || rightSock == null) throw new OrchardException(T("Attempted to create connector between non-socket content %0 (%1) and %2 (%3). You must add SocketsPart to content to participate in connections.", left.ContentItem.ContentType, leftSock == null ? "hasn't" : "has", right.ContentItem.ContentType, rightSock == null ? "hasn't" : "has")); // Build a new item var connector = Services.ContentManager.New<ConnectorPart>(ConnectorDef.Name); // Check security var createContext = new ConnectorCreateContext(left, right, ConnectorDef); createContext.ConnectorContent = connector; createContext.SiblingConnectors = leftSock.Sockets[ConnectorDef.Name].ConnectorQuery; if (!ignorePermissions && !Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.PublishContent, connector, T("Cannot create connector"))) { return Enumerable.Empty<IConnector>(); } // Store left and right items connector.LeftContentItemId = left.ContentItem.Id; connector.RightContentItemId = right.ContentItem.Id; // Handle versioning if (left.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null) { connector.LeftContentVersionId = left.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Id; } if (right.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null) { connector.RightContentVersionId = right.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Id; } // Invoke Creating event _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c=>c.Creating(createContext),Logger); if (createContext.Cancel) return Enumerable.Empty<IConnector>(); // Create the item and invoke Created Services.ContentManager.Create(connector,((left.ContentItem.VersionRecord!=null)? (left.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Published ? VersionOptions.Published : VersionOptions.Draft) : VersionOptions.Published)); _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c=>c.Created(createContext),Logger); IEnumerable<IConnector> returnList = new[] { connector }; if (ConnectorDef.PartDefinition != null) { var settings = ConnectorDef.Settings; // Can we create an inverse? if (createInverseIfPossible && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.InverseConnectorType)) { var inverseDef = DescribeConnector(settings.InverseConnectorType); var inverseContext = new ConnectorCreateContext(right, left, inverseDef); inverseContext.InverseConnectorContent = createContext.ConnectorContent; _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c => c.CreatingInverse(inverseContext), Logger); if (!inverseContext.Cancel) { // Create it var inverseCreate = CreateConnector(right, left, inverseDef, false, ignorePermissions); var inverseFirst = inverseCreate.FirstOrDefault().As<ConnectorPart>(); // Exchange Ids if (inverseFirst != null) { connector.InverseConnector = inverseFirst; inverseFirst.InverseConnector = connector; } returnList = returnList.Concat(inverseCreate); } } } return returnList.ToArray(); }
/* * Old version prior to versioning simplification: public IEnumerable<SocketsPart> RightItemsFromConnectors(IEnumerable<ConnectorPart> connectors, params string[] types) { var ids = connectors.Select(c => new { VersionId = c.RightContentVersionId, Id = c.RightContentVersionId.HasValue ? null : (int?)c.RightContentItemId }).ToList(); var rightIds = ids.Where(c=>c.Id.HasValue).Select(c=>c.Id.Value); var rightVersionIds = ids.Where(c => c.VersionId.HasValue).Select(c => c.VersionId.Value); // TODO: Stuck between a rock and a hard place with QueryHints. WithQueryHintsFor actually generates a new content item in memory to figure out the parts to be expanded. // We possibly can't assume this will be optimal in all scenarios. On the other hand, we need to do something fairly complex to get the generic types from all the drivers. var qh = QueryHints.Empty; // QueryHintsForTypes(types); var content = Services.ContentManager.GetManyByVersionId<SocketsPart>(rightVersionIds, qh) .Concat(Services.ContentManager.GetMany<SocketsPart>(rightIds, VersionOptions.Latest, qh)); return content; } public IEnumerable<SocketsPart> LeftItemsFromConnectors(IEnumerable<ConnectorPart> connectors, params string[] types) { var ids = connectors.Select(c => new { VersionId = c.LeftContentVersionId, Id = c.LeftContentVersionId.HasValue ? null : (int?)c.LeftContentItemId }).ToList(); var leftIds = ids.Where(c => c.Id.HasValue).Select(c => c.Id.Value); var leftVersionIds = ids.Where(c => c.VersionId.HasValue).Select(c => c.VersionId.Value); // TODO: Stuck between a rock and a hard place with QueryHints. WithQueryHintsFor actually generates a new content item in memory to figure out the parts to be expanded. // We possibly can't assume this will be optimal in all scenarios. On the other hand, we need to do something fairly complex to get the generic types from all the drivers. var qh = QueryHintsForTypes(types); var content = Services.ContentManager.GetManyByVersionId<SocketsPart>(leftVersionIds, qh) .Concat(Services.ContentManager.GetMany<SocketsPart>(leftIds, VersionOptions.Latest, qh)); return content; } */ public IEnumerable<ConnectorDescriptor> AllowableConnectorTypes(IContent content) { // Enforce sockets part. // TODO: Throw an error - this shouldn't be called on anything without sockets var part = content.As<SocketsPart>(); if (part == null) { return Enumerable.Empty<ConnectorDescriptor>(); } var ConnectorTypes = ConnectorTypeDefinitions(); // TODO: PERF: This can't be optimal with a lot of content types floating around, need a lookup. return ConnectorTypes.Select(d => { var s = d.Parts.First(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == typeof(ConnectorPart).Name).Settings.GetModel<ConnectorTypePartSettings>(); var allowTypes = s == null ? Enumerable.Empty<string>() : s.ListAllowedContentLeft(); return new { Settings = s, Definition = d, Allowed = (s!=null && (!allowTypes.Any() || allowTypes.Any(t => t == part.TypeDefinition.Name))) }; }).Where(s=>s.Allowed).Select(s=>{ var def = new ConnectorDescriptor(s.Definition, s.Settings); return def; }); }
public ConnectorCreateContext(IContent left, IContent right, ConnectorDescriptor connectorDefinition) : base(connectorDefinition) { LeftContent = left; RightField = new Lazy <SocketEndpoint>(() => new SocketEndpoint(right.As <SocketsPart>())); Cancel = false; }
private string ConnectorDisplayName(ConnectorDescriptor t) { return String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Settings.SocketDisplayName) ? (t.Definition.DisplayName + (t.Settings.AllowMany ? "s" : "")) : t.Settings.SocketDisplayName; }