public static Result SendMail(string mailAddress, string dateTime) { Result result = new Result(); try { //实例化一个发送邮件类。 MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); //发件人邮箱地址,方法重载不同,可以根据需求自行选择。 string platformName = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("PlatformName").ConfigValue; string sender = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("Sender").ConfigValue; mailMessage.From = new MailAddress(sender, platformName); //收件人邮箱地址。 mailMessage.To.Add(mailAddress); mailMessage.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; //标题格式为UTF8 //邮件标题。 mailMessage.Subject = platformName; //邮件内容。 string registerBody = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("RegisterBody").ConfigValue; mailMessage.Body = registerBody;//"请点击以下链接确认注册\r\n" + "?"; string content = "mailAddress=" + mailAddress + "&dateTime=" + dateTime; mailMessage.Body += Common.Encrypt(content); //实例化一个SmtpClient类。 SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); //在这里我使用的是qq邮箱,所以是,如果你使用的是126邮箱,那么就是。 string mailHost = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("MailHost").ConfigValue; client.Host = mailHost; //使用安全加密连接。 client.EnableSsl = true; //不和请求一块发送。 client.Port = int.Parse(ParameterAPI.GetConfig("Port").ConfigValue); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; //验证发件人身份(发件人的邮箱,邮箱里的生成授权码); string pwd = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("SendPWD").ConfigValue; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(sender, pwd); //发送 client.Send(mailMessage); result.IsOK = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(Common)).Info(ex.StackTrace); result.IsOK = false; result.Description = ex.InnerException.Message; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 构造支付请求数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>请求数据集</returns> public static AlipayTradePrecreateContentBuilder BuildPrecreateContent(string account, string fileCoverID) { //线上联调时,请输入真实的外部订单号。 //string out_trade_no = ""; //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WIDout_request_no.Text.Trim())) AlipayTradePrecreateContentBuilder builder = new AlipayTradePrecreateContentBuilder(); //{ try { string out_trade_no = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "0000" + (new Random()).Next(1, 10000).ToString(); //收款账号 builder.seller_id =; //订单编号 builder.out_trade_no = out_trade_no; PCBEntities pCBEntities = new PCBEntities(); Guid g = new Guid(fileCoverID); //订单总金额 var pcbfilecoverTB = pCBEntities.PCB_FileCoverTB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FileCoverID == g); if (pcbfilecoverTB != null) { builder.total_amount = pcbfilecoverTB.Price; } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("without the data of fileCover"); } //参与优惠计算的金额 //builder.discountable_amount = ""; //不参与优惠计算的金额 //builder.undiscountable_amount = ""; //订单名称 builder.subject = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("Subject").ConfigValue;// "xxxx";// WIDsubject.Text.Trim(); //自定义超时时间 builder.timeout_express = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("Timeout").ConfigValue; //订单描述 builder.body = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("BuilderBody").ConfigValue; //门店编号,很重要的参数,可以用作之后的营销 builder.store_id = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("StoreID").ConfigValue; //操作员编号,很重要的参数,可以用作之后的营销 builder.operator_id = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("OperatorID").ConfigValue; //传入商品信息详情 List <GoodsInfo> gList = new List <GoodsInfo>(); GoodsInfo goods = new GoodsInfo(); goods.goods_id = "goods id"; goods.goods_name = "goods name"; goods.price = "0.01"; goods.quantity = "1"; gList.Add(goods); builder.goods_detail = gList; //系统商接入可以填此参数用作返佣 //ExtendParams exParam = new ExtendParams(); //exParam.sysServiceProviderId = "20880000000000"; //builder.extendParams = exParam; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.InnerException.Message); } return(builder); }
/// <summary> /// 根据路径获取文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileDir">文件目录</param> /// <param name="rootPath">根目录</param> /// <param name="dt">表</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Result GetFileList(string subDir, string rootPath, ref DataTable dt) { Result result = new Result(); try { result.IsOK = true; string fileDir = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir)) { fileDir = rootPath.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\"; } else { fileDir = rootPath.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\" + subDir.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\"; } string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(fileDir); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(fileDir); // string dir = "ClientUpdateFiles"; //string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; // int length = url.IndexOf('/', 7); //string fileUrl = url.Substring(0, length) + @"/" + dir + @"/"; //文件的下载地址 string fileUrl = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("ClientURLDir").ConfigValue;// ""; foreach (string item in files) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); // dr["FileName"] = Path.GetFileName(item); // dr["FileSize"] = new FileInfo(fileDir + Path.GetFileName(item)).Length; string dir = ParameterAPI.GetConfig("ClientDir").ConfigValue; dr["FilePath"] = Path.GetFullPath(item).Remove(0, dir.Length - 1);//string.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir) ? "" : subDir.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\";// fileDir.Substring(fileDir.IndexOf(rootPath) + rootPath.Length, fileDir.Length - rootPath.Length);//.TrimStart(rootPath.ToCharArray()); string p = Path.GetFullPath(item); // LogHelper.Write("xxx"+p, LogHelper.LogMessageType.Error, typeof(ClientUpdateWebService)); if (File.Exists(p)) { File.SetAttributes(p, FileAttributes.Normal);//将只读文件设置成正常属性 } // dr["FileMD5"] = GetMD5Content(p); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir)) { dr["FileURL"] = fileUrl + "/" + Path.GetFileName(item); } else { dr["FileURL"] = fileUrl + "/" + (subDir.TrimEnd('/') + "/").Replace("\\", "/") + Path.GetFileName(item); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } foreach (string item in dirs) { string str = item.Substring(item.IndexOf(rootPath) + rootPath.Length, item.Length - rootPath.Length); GetFileList(str, rootPath, ref dt); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(Common)).Info(ex.StackTrace); result.IsOK = false; result.Description = ex.InnerException.Message; } return(result); }