Edge *RemoveVertex(Vertex *vert) { Assert.IsTrue(vert->Edge != null); Assert.IsTrue(vert->Edge->Org == vert); var remaining = vert->Edge->LNext; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "RemoveVertex"); var e = vert->Edge; if (e == null) { break; } RemoveEdge(e); } V.Remove((IntPtr)vert); Assert.IsTrue(vert->Edge == null); _qt.Remove(vert); var delPos = vert->SeqPos; ((Vertex *)_verticesSeq[_verticesSeq.Length - 1])->SeqPos = delPos; _verticesSeq.RemoveAtSwapBack(delPos); _vertices.Recycle(vert); return(remaining); }
void LocalRefinement() { var verts = V.GetEnumerator(); while (verts.MoveNext()) { _refinementQueue.PushBack(verts.Current); } InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (_refinementQueue.Count > 0) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "LocalRefinement"); var v = (Vertex *)_refinementQueue.PopFront(); var e = v->GetEdgeEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (TriDisturbed(e.Current, out var vRef) || TravsDisturbed(e.Current, out vRef)) { // todo are we adding duplicates here? _refinementQueue.PushBack((IntPtr)v); _refinementQueue.PushBack((IntPtr)vRef); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns an edge for which the specified point is contained within it's left face. If the point lies /// on an edge this edge is returned. If the point lies on a vertex an arbitrary edge with identical origin is returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="collinear">True when the specified point lies on the returned edge</param> public Edge *FindTriangleContainingPoint(float2 p, out bool collinear) { var e = FindClosestVertex(p)->Edge; Assert.IsTrue(e != null); InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "FindTriangleContainingPoint"); Edge *collinearEdge = null; var orient = Math.TriArea(e->Org->Point, e->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { collinearEdge = e; } else if (orient < 0) { e = e->Sym; continue; } orient = Math.TriArea(e->ONext->Org->Point, e->ONext->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { collinearEdge = e->ONext; } else if (orient > 0) { e = e->ONext; continue; } orient = Math.TriArea(e->DPrev->Org->Point, e->DPrev->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { collinear = true; return(e->DPrev); } if (orient > 0) { e = e->DPrev; continue; } if (collinearEdge != null) { collinear = true; return(collinearEdge); } collinear = false; return(e); } }
Vertex *CreatePRef(float2 p, Edge *e) { var stepSize = _e / 2; var po = e->Org->Point - p; var pd = e->Dest->Point - p; var dir = math.normalize(e->Dest->Point - e->Org->Point); var lpo = math.length(po) - _e; var lpd = math.length(pd) - _e; var offset = 0f; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "CreatePRef"); offset += stepSize; if (offset >= lpo) { return(e->Org); } if (offset >= lpd) { return(e->Dest); } var pplus = p + offset * dir; var pointPresent = TryGetPoint(pplus, e, out var vertex); if (vertex != null) { return(vertex); } if (!pointPresent && SplitIsRobust(pplus, e)) { return(InsertPointInEdge(pplus, e)); } var pmin = p - offset * dir; pointPresent = TryGetPoint(pmin, e, out vertex); if (vertex != null) { return(vertex); } if (!pointPresent && SplitIsRobust(pmin, e)) { return(InsertPointInEdge(pmin, e)); } } }
void InsertSegmentNoConstraints(Vertex *a, Vertex *b, Entity id) { var c = GetConnection(a, b); if (c != null) { C.TryAdd((IntPtr)c); if (!c->IsConstrainedBy(id)) { c->AddConstraint(id); } ResetClearance(c); return; } var e = GetLeftEdge(a, b->Point); InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (e->Dest != b) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "InsertSegmentNoConstraints"); var d = Math.TriArea(a->Point, b->Point, e->Dest->Point); var next = d > 0 ? e->RPrev : e->ONext; if (d < 0) { Assert.IsTrue(!e->Constrained); RemoveEdge(e); } else if (d == 0 && e->Dest != a) { var t = e->Dest; Connect(a, t, id); a = t; } e = next; } Connect(a, b, id); }
static Edge *GetLeftEdge(Vertex *a, float2 p) { var result = a->Edge; var o = result->Org->Point; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (!Math.Ccw(o, p, result->Dest->Point)) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "GetLeftEdge 0"); result = result->ONext; } InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (Math.Ccw(o, p, result->OPrev->Dest->Point)) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "GetLeftEdge 1"); result = result->OPrev; } return(result); }
bool TravsDisturbed(Edge *edge, out Vertex *vRef) { var v = edge->Org->Point; var check = edge->LNext->Sym; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "TravsDisturbed 0"); if (check->Constrained) { break; } if (!Math.ProjectSeg(check->Org->Point, check->Dest->Point, v, out _)) { check = check->OPrev->Sym; if (check->Constrained || !Math.ProjectSeg(check->Org->Point, check->Dest->Point, v, out _)) { break; } } if (RhsDisturbed(check, out vRef)) { return(true); } check = check->DPrev; } check = edge->LNext; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "TravsDisturbed 1"); if (check->Constrained) { break; } if (!Math.ProjectSeg(check->Org->Point, check->Dest->Point, v, out _)) { check = check->ONext->Sym; if (check->Constrained || !Math.ProjectSeg(check->Org->Point, check->Dest->Point, v, out _)) { break; } } if (LhsDisturbed(check, out vRef)) { return(true); } check = check->DNext; } vRef = default; return(false); }
Point GetNextPoint(Vertex *a, Vertex *b, float2 start, float2 end) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); var e = GetLeftEdge(a, b->Point); while (e->Dest != b) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "GetNextPoint"); var d = Math.TriArea(a->Point, b->Point, e->Dest->Point); if (d < 0 && e->Constrained) { var p = (float2)Math.IntersectLineSegClamped(start, end, e->Org->Point, e->Dest->Point); var pointExists = TryGetPoint(p, e, out var v); if (v != null) { if (_insertedPoints.Length > 1) { var prev = _insertedPoints[_insertedPoints.Length - 1].Vertex; if (prev == v || e->Org == prev || e->Dest == prev) { continue; } } if (_insertedPoints.Length > 2) { var prev = _insertedPoints[_insertedPoints.Length - 2].Vertex; if (prev == v || e->Org == prev || e->Dest == prev) { continue; } } return(new Point { Vertex = v, FoundExisting = true, P = p }); } if (pointExists || !SplitIsRobust(p, e)) { var pRef = CreatePRef(p, e); if (_insertedPoints.Length > 1 && _insertedPoints[_insertedPoints.Length - 1].Vertex == pRef) { continue; } var point = new Point { Vertex = pRef, Modified = true, P = p }; var proj = (float2)Math.ProjectLine(a->Point, b->Point, point.Vertex->Point); var pproj = proj - p; if (math.dot(b - a, pproj) < 0) { point.Before = proj; point.After = p; } else { point.Before = p; point.After = proj; } return(point); } var vert = InsertPointInEdge(p, e); return(new Point { Vertex = vert, P = p }); } e = d > 0 ? e->RPrev : e->ONext; } return(new Point { Vertex = b, P = b->Point }); }
Vertex *InsertPoint(float2 p) { var closest = _qt.FindClosest(p); if (math.lengthsq(closest->Point - p) <= _e * _e) { return(closest); } var e = closest->Edge; Assert.IsTrue(e != null); InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "InsertPoint"); Edge *inEdge = null; var orient = Math.TriArea(e->Org->Point, e->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { inEdge = e; } if (orient < 0) { e = e->Sym; continue; } orient = Math.TriArea(e->ONext->Org->Point, e->ONext->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { inEdge = e->ONext; } if (orient > 0) { e = e->ONext; continue; } orient = Math.TriArea(e->DPrev->Org->Point, e->DPrev->Dest->Point, p); if (orient == 0) { inEdge = e->DPrev; } if (orient > 0) { e = e->DPrev; continue; } if (inEdge != null) { Assert.IsTrue(SplitIsRobust(p, inEdge)); return(InsertPointInEdge(p, inEdge)); } return(InsertPointInFace(p, e)); } }
// http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= // TriangulatePseudopolygonDelaunay() void RetriangulateFace(Edge *edge) { Assert.IsTrue(edge != null); Assert.IsTrue(edge != edge->LNext->LNext); if (edge->LNext->LNext->LNext == edge) { NewTriangle(edge); return; } InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (!Math.Ccw(edge->Org->Point, edge->Dest->Point, edge->LNext->Dest->Point)) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "RetriangulateFace 0"); edge = edge->LNext; } var c = edge->LNext; var e = c; InfiniteLoopDetection.Reset(); while (true) { InfiniteLoopDetection.Register(1000, "RetriangulateFace 1"); e = e->LNext; if (e->LNext == edge) { break; } if (Math.CircumcircleContains(edge->Org->Point, edge->Dest->Point, c->Dest->Point, e->Dest->Point)) { c = e; } } Assert.IsTrue(c != edge); var connected = false; if (c->LNext->LNext != edge) { V.TryAdd((IntPtr)edge->LPrev->Dest); V.TryAdd((IntPtr)c->LNext->Org); var b = Connect(edge->LPrev, c->LNext); RetriangulateFace(b); connected = true; } if (c != edge->LNext) { V.TryAdd((IntPtr)c->Dest); V.TryAdd((IntPtr)edge->LNext->Org); var a = Connect(c, edge->LNext); RetriangulateFace(a); connected = true; } if (connected) { NewTriangle(edge); } }