 /// <summary>
 /// Add the features from SourceFeatures to the TargetFeatures feature set. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="TargetFeatures">Feature set to which features will be added.</param>
 /// <param name="SourceFeatures">Source of features to add to the target feature set. </param>
 /// <returns>A point feature set with the randomly created features.</returns>
 public static FeatureSet AppendFeatures(FeatureSet TargetFeatures, FeatureSet SourceFeatures)
     //Add the features from SourceFeatures to the TargetFeatures feature set
     //Note: we use the ShapeIndices here rather than for each feature in featureset.features as a memory management technique.
     //Dan Ames 2/27/2013
     IFeature SF;
     for (Int16 j = 0; j <= SourceFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count - 1; j++)
         SF = SourceFeatures.GetFeature(j);
         TargetFeatures.AddFeature(SF).CopyAttributes(SourceFeatures.GetFeature(j));   //by default this will try to copy attributes over that have the same name.
     return TargetFeatures;