        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a MDXTagHeader from a Stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">The BinaryReader that contains the MDXTH structure</param>
        /// <param name="LengthOfTags">The total length of a single MDXTH structrue + overhead</param>
        /// <param name="StreamPosition">The start position in the stream</param>
        /// <returns>An MDXTagHeader structure or null (if the operation failed)</returns>
        public static MDXTagHeader Read(BinaryReader Reader, int StreamPosition)
            GCHandle handle;

            byte[] buffer;

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = StreamPosition;
            buffer = Reader.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MDXTagHeader)));
            handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            MDXTagHeader TempObject = (MDXTagHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(MDXTagHeader));

        /// <summary>
        /// Read the MDX subentry from the parent MDXFile structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">A binary reader that contains the filestream of the MDX File</param>
        /// <param name="LengthOfTagTableHeader">The byte length of the TagTableHeader</param>
        /// <param name="StartPosition">The start position of the first tag table header</param>
        /// <returns>"True" if the operation was successfull</returns>
        public bool Read(BinaryReader Reader, byte LengthOfTagTableHeader, int StartPosition)
            bool Successfull = true;

            //Read the TagTableHeader
            this.objTagDescription = MDX4TagTableHeader.Read(Reader, LengthOfTagTableHeader, StartPosition);

            // Read the TagHeader
            this.objTagHeader = MDXTagHeader.Read(Reader, this.objTagDescription.tagHeaderPageNumber*512);

            //Fill Index (base) with values from the Header
            base.shortKeysPerNode = this.objTagHeader.maxNumberOfKeysPage;
            base.shortKeyLength = this.objTagHeader.indexKeyLength;
            base.objKeyType = this.objTagHeader.keyType;
            base.unique_key = this.objTagHeader.uniqueFlag;

            int Index_record = (int) objTagHeader.pointerToRootPage;
            int reading = Index_record;

            //Read Nodes
            MNode llNode = null;
            while (reading > 0)
                if (topNode == null)
                    (objNode = new MNode(shortKeysPerNode, shortKeyLength, objKeyType, Index_record, false)).Read(Reader);

                    llNode = new MNode(shortKeysPerNode, shortKeyLength, objKeyType, Index_record, false);
                    objNode.PreviousNode = llNode;
                    objNode = (MNode) llNode;
                } /* endif */
                workNode = objNode;
                objNode.Position = 0;

                if (reading > 0)
                    /* if reading is zero we're still reading Nodes, when < 0 then read
                         /* a leaf */
                    Index_record = objNode.LowerLevel;
                    if (Index_record == 0)
                        Index_record = objNode.KeyRecordNumber;
                        reading = 0; /* read a leaf so last time in loop */
                        objNode.Position = 0; //	/* so sequentially reads get first record */
                    } /* Index = 0 then it's a leaf pointer */
                } /* reading > 0 */
                if (topNode == null)
                    topNode = (MNode) objNode.Clone();


            return Successfull;
 public MDX(short TagPosition)
     this.shortTagPosition = TagPosition;
     this.objTagHeader = new MDXTagHeader();
     this.objTagTableHeader = new MDX4TagTableHeader();