public ActionResult CreateDatabase() {
            var dc = new DataClassesDataContext(ConnectionString);
            if (dc.DatabaseExists()) {
            try {

                // Add the necessary row for the sample client.
                dc.Clients.InsertOnSubmit(new Client {
                    ClientIdentifier = "samplewebapiconsumer",
                    ClientSecret = "samplesecret",
                    Name = "Some sample client",
                dc.Clients.InsertOnSubmit(new Client {
                    ClientIdentifier = "sampleImplicitConsumer",
                    Name = "Some sample client used for implicit grants (no secret)",
                    Callback = "http://localhost:59722/",


                // Force the user to log out because a new database warrants a new row in the users table, which we create
                // when the user logs in.
                ViewData["Success"] = true;
            catch (SqlException ex) {
                ViewData["Error"] = string.Join("<br>", ex.Errors.OfType<SqlError>().Select(er => er.Message).ToArray());

            return this.View("Database");
 public ActionResult Index() {
     var dc = new DataClassesDataContext(ConnectionString);
     ViewBag.DBExists = dc.DatabaseExists();
     return View();