public AuthorizeResult Authorize(Uri url, string username, string password) { var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = null, // We are not actually using authorization, just authentication. TokenEndpoint = url }; var client = new UserAgentClient(authServer, ClientIdentifier, ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter(ClientSecret)); IAuthorizationState state; try { state = client.ExchangeUserCredentialForToken(username, password); } catch (Exception e) { var error = e.Message; if (e.InnerException != null) error = string.Format("{0} Inner exception: {1}", error, e.InnerException.Message); return new AuthorizeResult { Error = error }; } return new AuthorizeResult { AuthorizationState = state }; }
private WebServerClient CreateOAuth2Client() { var serverDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { TokenEndpoint = new Uri(tokenEndpointTextBox.Text) }; var client = new WebServerClient(serverDescription, oauth2ClientIdTextBox.Text, oauth2ClientSecretTextBox.Text); return (client); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClientBase"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param> protected ClientBase(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, string clientSecret = null) { Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(authorizationServer != null); this.AuthorizationServer = authorizationServer; this.Channel = new OAuth2ClientChannel(); this.ClientIdentifier = clientIdentifier; this.ClientSecret = clientSecret; }
public GoogleOAuth2Authorization(ILogger log) : base(log) { Func<string, string> getConfigVal = (value) => (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(value) ?? WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(value) ?? KeyStorage.Get(value)); try { ClientID = getConfigVal("mail.googleClientID"); ClientSecret = getConfigVal("mail.googleClientSecret"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientID)) throw new ArgumentNullException("ClientID"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientSecret)) throw new ArgumentNullException("ClientSecret"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("GoogleOAuth2Authorization() Exception:\r\n{0}\r\n", ex.ToString()); } RedirectUrl = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"; ServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(""), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(""), ProtocolVersion = DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ProtocolVersion.V20, }; Scope = new List<string> { "" }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserAgentClient"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param> public NativeApplicationClient( AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier, string clientSecret) : base(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, clientSecret) { }
public virtual IAuthorizationState ProcessUserAuthorization( WebServerClient authClient, AuthorizationServerDescription authServer, IServiceBase authService) { return HostContext.Config.StripApplicationVirtualPath ? authClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(authService.Request.ToHttpRequestBase()) : authClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClientBase"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param> protected ClientBase(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, string clientSecret = null) { Requires.NotNull(authorizationServer, "authorizationServer"); this.AuthorizationServer = authorizationServer; this.Channel = new OAuth2ClientChannel(); this.ClientIdentifier = clientIdentifier; this.ClientSecret = clientSecret; }
protected async void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription() { TokenEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:53022/OAuth/token "), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20 }; WebServerClient Client= new WebServerClient(authServer, "idefav", "1"); var code =await Client.GetClientAccessTokenAsync(new string[] { "http://localhost:55045/IService1/DoWork" }); string token = code.AccessToken; Service1Reference.Service1Client service1Client=new Service1Client(); var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(service1Client.Endpoint.Address.Uri); ClientBase.AuthorizeRequest(httpRequest,token); var httpDetails = new HttpRequestMessageProperty(); httpDetails.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = httpRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization]; using (var scope = new OperationContextScope(service1Client.InnerChannel)) { if (OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = httpDetails; } else { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, httpDetails); } Button1.Text= service1Client.DoWork(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClientBase" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientCredentialApplicator">The tool to use to apply client credentials to authenticated requests to the Authorization Server. /// May be <c>null</c> for clients with no secret or other means of authentication.</param> /// <param name="hostFactories">The host factories.</param> protected ClientBase(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, ClientCredentialApplicator clientCredentialApplicator = null, IHostFactories hostFactories = null) { Requires.NotNull(authorizationServer, "authorizationServer"); this.AuthorizationServer = authorizationServer; this.Channel = new OAuth2ClientChannel(hostFactories); this.ClientIdentifier = clientIdentifier; this.ClientCredentialApplicator = clientCredentialApplicator; }
/// <summary> /// Does this instance. /// </summary> public override void PerformAction() { authServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription(); // Add the access_type parameter sot that the RefreshToken is returned along with the AccessTokein authServerDescription.AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(@""); authServerDescription.TokenEndpoint = new Uri(@""); authServerDescription.ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20; }
public static AuthorizationServerDescription GetAuthServerDescription() { var authServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription(); authServerDescription.AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(@""); authServerDescription.TokenEndpoint = new Uri(@""); authServerDescription.ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20; return authServerDescription; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClientBase"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientCredentialApplicator"> /// The tool to use to apply client credentials to authenticated requests to the Authorization Server. /// May be <c>null</c> for clients with no secret or other means of authentication. /// </param> protected ClientBase(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, ClientCredentialApplicator clientCredentialApplicator = null) { Requires.NotNull(authorizationServer, "authorizationServer"); this.AuthorizationServer = authorizationServer; this.Channel = new OAuth2ClientChannel(); this.ClientIdentifier = clientIdentifier; this.ClientCredentialApplicator = clientCredentialApplicator; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreateGoogleClientAction"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationDescription"></param> /// <param name="membershipProvider">The build motion provider.</param> public CreateGoogleClientAction(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationDescription, MembershipProviderBase membershipProvider) : base(membershipProvider) { this.authorizationDescription = authorizationDescription; //PATTERN: setup in constructor to allow for action validation on fields/properties; this.clientId = this.Provider.GoogleClientId; this.clientSecret = this.Provider.GoogleClientSecret; }
public HomeController() { var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription() { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:49810/OAuth/Authorise"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:49810/OAuth/Token"), }; this.Client = new UserAgentClient(authServer, "samplewebapiconsumer", "samplesecret"); this.Authorization = new AuthorizationState(); this.Authorization.Callback = new Uri("http://localhost:18529/"); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor when using the GetAssertionAccessTokenAsync() method. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer"></param> /// <param name="assertionProvider">This will be queried for the assertion data.</param> /// <param name="hostFactories"></param> protected ClientBase(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, IAssertionProvider assertionProvider, IHostFactories hostFactories = null) { Requires.NotNull(authorizationServer, "authorizationServer"); this.AuthorizationServer = authorizationServer; this.Channel = new OAuth2ClientChannel(hostFactories); // YTML: A bit hacky, but instead of creating a new property, we can just wrap the assertionProvider as a credential applicator. this.ClientCredentialApplicator = new ClientCredentialApplicator.AssertionProviderApplicator(assertionProvider); }
private static void Main() { // DotNetOpenAuth only issues access tokens when the client uses an HTTPS connection. As we will most // likely run the server on our local development machine with only a self-signed SSL certificate, setting up // connection to the server will fail as the SSL certificate is considered invalid by the .NET framework. // To circumvent this, we add the line below that will consider all SSL certificates as valid, including // self-signed certificaties. Note: this should only be used for testing purposes. ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true; // The description of the authorization server to which we will be connecting. The most important component // is the token endpoint, which is the URL at which the server listens for token requests var authorizationServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://localhost:44303/tokens"), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20 }; // Create the client with which we will be connecting to the server. var userAgentClient = new UserAgentClient(authorizationServerDescription, clientIdentifier: "demo-client-1", clientSecret: "demo-client-secret-1"); // The scope that we request for the client. Note: this can also be null if we don't want to request any specific // scope or more than one scope if we want to request an access token that is valid for several scopes var clientScopes = new[] { "demo-scope-client-1" }; // Request a new client access token for the specified scopes ( // This method will use the client identifier and client secret used when constructing the UserAgentClient instance var clientAccessToken = userAgentClient.GetClientAccessToken(clientScopes); // Output some information about the retrieved client access token Console.WriteLine("[RETRIEVED CLIENT ACCESS TOKEN]"); Console.WriteLine("Access token: {0}", clientAccessToken.AccessToken); Console.WriteLine("Expiration time: {0}", clientAccessToken.AccessTokenExpirationUtc); Console.WriteLine("Scope: {0}", OAuthUtilities.JoinScopes(clientAccessToken.Scope)); // The scope that we request for the user. Note: this can also be null if we don't want to request any specific // scope or more than one scope if we want to request an access token that is valid for several scopes var userScopes = new[] { "demo-scope-1" }; // Request a new user access token for the specified user and the specified scopes ( var userAccessToken = userAgentClient.ExchangeUserCredentialForToken("demo-user-1", "demo-user-password-1", userScopes); // Output some information about the retrieved user access token Console.WriteLine("\n[RETRIEVED USER ACCESS TOKEN]"); Console.WriteLine("Access token: {0}", userAccessToken.AccessToken); Console.WriteLine("Refresh token: {0}", userAccessToken.RefreshToken); Console.WriteLine("Expiration time: {0}", userAccessToken.AccessTokenExpirationUtc); Console.WriteLine("Scope: {0}", OAuthUtilities.JoinScopes(userAccessToken.Scope)); var refreshed = userAgentClient.RefreshAuthorization(userAccessToken); Console.WriteLine("\n[REFRESHING USER ACCESS TOKEN]"); Console.WriteLine("Access token refreshed: {0}", refreshed); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void InitializeWebServerClient() { var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, "/oauth2/authorize"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, "/api/oauth2/token"), }; _webServerClient = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, "resource_owner_test", "resource_owner_test"); }
private static void InitializeWebServerClient() { var authorizationServerUri = new Uri(Paths.AuthorizationServerBaseAddress); var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, Paths.AuthorizePath), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, Paths.TokenPath) }; _webServerClient = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, Clients.Client1.Id, Clients.Client1.Secret); }
static GoogleAuthenticationServer() { // Set the auth server description. Description = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(""), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(""), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20, }; }
private void InitializeWebServerClient() { var authorizationServerUri = new Uri("http://localhost:11625"); var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, "/OAuth/Authorize"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationServerUri, "/OAuth/Token") }; _webServerClient = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, "123456", "abcdef"); }
protected OAuth2AuthorizationProvider(string id, string authorizationEndpoint, string tokenEndpoint, string clientId, string clientSecret) { Id = id; this.clientId = clientId; this.clientSecret = clientSecret; description = new AuthorizationServerDescription { TokenEndpoint = new Uri(tokenEndpoint), AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(authorizationEndpoint), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20 }; }
public HomeController() { var a = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription() { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4251/OAuth/Authorize"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:4251/OAuth/Token"), }; Client = new UserAgentClient(authServer, "samplewebapiconsumer", "samplesecret"); Authorization = new AuthorizationState { Callback = new Uri("http://localhost:4494/") }; }
static async void MainAsync(string[] args) { // Ignore SSL cert errors for now ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true; // The description of the authorization server to which we will be connecting. The most important component // is the token endpoint, which is the URL at which the server listens for token requests var authorizationServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { // Must use actual computer name as DotNetOpenAuth will throw exception if the computer name used does not match the server name TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://localhost:44300/api/token"), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20 }; // Create the client with which we will be connecting to the server. var client = new UserAgentClient(authorizationServerDescription, clientIdentifier: "client1", clientSecret: "secret1"); // The scope that we request for the client. Note: this can also be null if we don't want to request any specific // scope or more than one scope if we want to request an access token that is valid for several scopes //var scope = new[] { "demo-scope-client-1" }; // Request a new client access token for the specified scopes ( // This method will use the client identifier and client secret used when constructing the UserAgentClient instance // NOTE: Must use actual computer name in client AuthorizationServerDescription as DotNetOpenAuth will throw exception if the computer name used does not match the server name var result = await client.GetClientAccessTokenAsync(); //scope // Output some information about the retrieved client access token Console.WriteLine("[RETRIEVED CLIENT ACCESS TOKEN]"); Console.WriteLine("Access token: {0}", result.AccessToken); Console.WriteLine("Expiration time: {0}", result.AccessTokenExpirationUtc); Console.WriteLine("Scope: {0}", OAuthUtilities.JoinScopes(result.Scope)); // Now try to access a resource to validate the bearer token var httpClient = new OAuthHttpClient(result.AccessToken) { // Must use actual computer name as DotNetOpenAuth will throw exception if the computer name used does not match the server na BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44300/api/values") }; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Calling web api…"); Console.WriteLine(); var response = httpClient.GetAsync("").Result; if (response.StatusCode==HttpStatusCode.OK) Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); else Console.WriteLine(response); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public HomeController() { var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(AuthorizationEndpoint), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(TokenEndpoint), }; Client = new UserAgentClient(authServer, ClientId, ClientSecret); Authorization = new AuthorizationState { Callback = new Uri(AuthorizationCallback) }; }
//private void Save(string date) //{ // Configuration connectionConfiguration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~"); // connectionConfiguration.AppSettings.Settings["access_token"].Value = date; // connectionConfiguration.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified); // ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); //} private static IAuthorizationState GetAccessToken() { var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { TokenEndpoint = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Link_AccessToken"]), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20 }; var client = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LinkHost"]); client.ClientIdentifier = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppId"]; client.ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppSecret"]; var state = client.GetClientAccessToken(null); return state; }
protected OAuth2Authenticator( AuthorizationServerDescription description, Func<string, AuthResult.Data> selector, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, IEnumerable<string> scope) { _scope = scope; _selector = selector; _client = new WebServerClient(description) { ClientIdentifier = consumerKey, ClientCredentialApplicator = ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter(consumerSecret), }; }
public static void Authorize(UserAuthorization authorization, string website, string clientId, string clientSecret, Uri redirectUri, string AuthorizationCode) { if (_serverDescription == null) { _serverDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/auth", website)), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/token", website)) }; } var oAuthClient = new ExternalOAuthClient(_serverDescription, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri); var authorizationState = authorization.AuthorizationState; oAuthClient.AuthorizeExternal(ref authorizationState, authorization.RefreshToken, AuthorizationCode); authorization.AuthorizationState = authorizationState; }
private static AuthorizationServerDescription GetAuthServerDescription() { //throw new NotImplementedException(); var authServerDesc = new AuthorizationServerDescription(); //authorization endpoint of Hello Paisa for the test platform. authServerDesc.AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(@""); //token endpoint for the test environment. authServerDesc.TokenEndpoint = new Uri(@""); //protocol version of OAuth authServerDesc.ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20; return authServerDesc; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the <see cref="authorizationServer"/> field if it has not yet been initialized. /// </summary> private static void EnsureInitialized() { if (authorizationServer == null) { lock (InitializerLock) { if (authorizationServerDescription == null) { authorizationServerDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(Utilities.ApplicationRoot, "OAuth.ashx"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(Utilities.ApplicationRoot, "OAuth.ashx"), }; } if (authorizationServer == null) { authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServer(new OAuthAuthorizationServer()); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:18001/Katana.Sandbox.WebServer/Authorize"), TokenEndpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:18001/Katana.Sandbox.WebServer/Token") }; _webServerClient = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, "123456", "abcdef"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessToken.Text)) { var authorizationState = _webServerClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(new HttpRequestWrapper(Request)); if (authorizationState != null) { AccessToken.Text = authorizationState.AccessToken; Page.Form.Action = Request.Path; } } }
public Uri GetAuthorizationUri() { _endPoint = ""; _authorization = new AuthorizationState { Callback = new Uri("http://localhost:19648/home/exoauth2") }; var serverDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/auth", _endPoint)), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/token", _endPoint)) }; _oAuthClient = new UserAgentClient(serverDescription, "eb93389b-9532-46ca-9b24-898a38e91c22", "jYzWXVFiE87C"); _oAuthClient.ClientCredentialApplicator = ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter("jYzWXVFiE87C"); return _oAuthClient.RequestUserAuthorization(_authorization); }
private IAuthorizationState GetAccessToken(string refresh) { var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { TokenEndpoint = new Uri(this.TokenUri), ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20, }; var client = new UserAgentClient(authorizationServer, this.ClientId, this.ClientSecret); IAuthorizationState ostate; if (refresh == null) ostate = client.GetClientAccessToken(new[] { this.API_EndpointUri }); else { ostate = new AuthorizationState(new[] { this.API_EndpointUri }); ostate.RefreshToken = refresh; client.RefreshAuthorization(ostate); } return ostate; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserAgentClient"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientCredentialApplicator"> /// The tool to use to apply client credentials to authenticated requests to the Authorization Server. /// May be <c>null</c> for clients with no secret or other means of authentication. /// </param> public UserAgentClient(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier, ClientCredentialApplicator clientCredentialApplicator) : base(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, clientCredentialApplicator) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WebServerClient"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The authorization server.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param> public WebServerClient(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, string clientSecret = null) : this(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, DefaultSecretApplicator(clientSecret)) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserAgentClient" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientSecret">The client secret.</param> /// <param name="hostFactories">The host factories.</param> public UserAgentClient(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier = null, string clientSecret = null, IHostFactories hostFactories = null) : this(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, DefaultSecretApplicator(clientSecret), hostFactories) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserAgentClient" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationServer">The token issuer.</param> /// <param name="clientIdentifier">The client identifier.</param> /// <param name="clientCredentialApplicator">The tool to use to apply client credentials to authenticated requests to the Authorization Server. /// May be <c>null</c> for clients with no secret or other means of authentication.</param> /// <param name="hostFactories">The host factories.</param> public UserAgentClient(AuthorizationServerDescription authorizationServer, string clientIdentifier, ClientCredentialApplicator clientCredentialApplicator, IHostFactories hostFactories = null) : base(authorizationServer, clientIdentifier, clientCredentialApplicator, hostFactories) { }