        public override ArrayList GetGroups()
            //Dim adsiConfig As Authentication.ADSI.Configuration = Authentication.ADSI.Configuration.GetConfig(_portalSettings.PortalId)
            // Normally number of roles in DNN less than groups in Authentication,
            // so start from DNN roles to get better performance
                // Obtain search object
                //Dim rootDomain As DirectoryEntry = GetRootDomain()
                //Dim objSearch As New ADSI.Search(rootDomain)

                ArrayList colGroup = new ArrayList();
                RoleController objRoleController = new RoleController();
                ArrayList lstRoles = objRoleController.GetPortalRoles( _portalSettings.PortalId );
                RoleInfo objRole;

                foreach( RoleInfo tempLoopVar_objRole in lstRoles )
                    objRole = tempLoopVar_objRole;
                    // Auto assignment roles have been added by DNN, so don't need to get them
                    if( ! objRole.AutoAssignment )
                        // It's possible in multiple domains network that search result return more than one group with the same name (i.e Administrators)
                        // We better check them all
                        DirectoryEntry entry;
                        foreach( DirectoryEntry tempLoopVar_entry in Utilities.GetGroupEntriesByName( objRole.RoleName ) )
                            entry = tempLoopVar_entry;
                            GroupInfo group = new GroupInfo();

                            group.PortalID = objRole.PortalID;
                            group.RoleID = objRole.RoleID;
                            group.GUID = entry.NativeGuid;
                            group.Location = Utilities.GetEntryLocation( entry );
                            group.RoleName = objRole.RoleName;
                            group.Description = objRole.Description;
                            group.ServiceFee = objRole.ServiceFee;
                            group.BillingFrequency = objRole.BillingFrequency;
                            group.TrialPeriod = objRole.TrialPeriod;
                            group.TrialFrequency = objRole.TrialFrequency;
                            group.BillingPeriod = objRole.BillingPeriod;
                            group.TrialFee = objRole.TrialFee;
                            group.IsPublic = objRole.IsPublic;
                            group.AutoAssignment = objRole.AutoAssignment;
                            // Populate member with distingushed name
                            PopulateMembership( group, entry );

                            colGroup.Add( group );

                return colGroup;
            catch( COMException exc )
                Exceptions.LogException( exc );
                return null;
 private void PopulateMembership( GroupInfo GroupInfo, DirectoryEntry GroupEntry )
     if( ! GroupInfo.IsPopulated )
         // Populate membership with distinguished name
         foreach( string strMember in GroupEntry.Properties[ADSI.Configuration.ADSI_MEMBER] )
             //Store DistinguishedName, this method is more accurated
             GroupInfo.AuthenticationMember.Add( strMember );
         GroupInfo.IsPopulated = true;
        private void PopulateMembership( GroupInfo GroupInfo )
            //Dim adsiConfig As Authentication.ADSI.Configuration = Authentication.ADSI.Configuration.GetConfig(GroupInfo.PortalID)
            Domain rootDomain = Utilities.GetRootDomain( Path.GC );
            DirectoryEntry groupEntry = Utilities.GetGroupEntryByName( GroupInfo.RoleName );

            PopulateMembership( GroupInfo, groupEntry );
        public override bool IsAuthenticationMember( GroupInfo AuthenticationGroup, UserInfo AuthenticationUser )
            if( ! AuthenticationGroup.IsPopulated )
                PopulateMembership( AuthenticationGroup );

            return AuthenticationGroup.AuthenticationMember.Contains( AuthenticationUser.DistinguishedName );
 public abstract bool IsAuthenticationMember(GroupInfo AuthenticationGroup, UserInfo AuthenticationUser);
 public bool IsAuthenticationMember( GroupInfo AuthenticationGroup, UserInfo AuthenticationUser )
     return AuthenticationProvider.Instance( this.mProviderTypeName ).IsAuthenticationMember( AuthenticationGroup, AuthenticationUser );