public HttpResponseMessage CreateSplit(CreateSplitDTO dto) { if (dto.NewTopicId == dto.OldTopicId) return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); var portalSettings = PortalSettings; var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo; var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID); var fc = new ForumController(); var forum_out = fc.Forums_Get(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, 0, forumUser.UserId, false, true, dto.OldTopicId); var forum_in = fc.GetForum(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId); if (forum_out != null && forum_in != null) { var perm = false; if (forum_out == forum_in) { perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles); } else { perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles) && Permissions.HasPerm(forum_in.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles); } var modSplit = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.ModSplit, forumUser.UserRoles); if (perm && modSplit) { var tc = new TopicsController(); int topicId; if (dto.NewTopicId < 1) { var subject = Utilities.CleanString(portalSettings.PortalId, dto.Subject, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, false, false, ActiveModule.ModuleID, string.Empty, false); var replies = dto.Replies.Split('|'); var rc = new DotNetNuke.Modules.ActiveForums.DAL2.ReplyController(); var firstReply = rc.Get(Convert.ToInt32(replies[0])); var cc = new ContentController(); var firstContent = cc.Get(firstReply.ContentId); topicId = tc.Topic_QuickCreate(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId, subject, string.Empty, firstContent.AuthorId, firstContent.AuthorName, true, Request.GetIPAddress()); tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, true); } else { topicId = dto.NewTopicId; tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, false); } } } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); }
private void cbAdmin_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { if (!(CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Anon) && !(CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Auth)) { UserProfileController upc = new UserProfileController(); UserController uc = new UserController(); UserProfileInfo upi = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UID).Profile; if (upi != null) { upi.RewardPoints = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); upi.UserCaption = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); upi.SignatureDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[3]); upi.AvatarDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[4]); upi.TrustLevel = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[5]); upi.AdminWatch = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[6]); upi.AttachDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[7]); upc.Profiles_Save(upi); } } }
public int Subscription_Update(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int Mode, int UserId, string UserRoles = "") { if (UserId == -1) { return -1; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserRoles)) { UserController uc = new UserController(); User uu = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId, UserId); UserRoles = uu.UserRoles; } var fc = new ForumController(); Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, UserId, true, false, -1); if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Subscribe, UserRoles)) { return Convert.ToInt32(DataProvider.Instance().Subscription_Update(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, Mode, UserId)); } return -1; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); btnSave.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnSave_Click); nsPrefPageSize.Style.Add("float", "none"); nsPrefPageSize.EmptyMessageStyle.CssClass += "dnnformHint"; nsPrefPageSize.NumberFormat.DecimalDigits = 0; nsPrefPageSize.IncrementSettings.Step = 5; if (Request.QueryString["UserId"] == null) { UID = UserInfo.UserID; } else { UID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["UserId"]); } //If UID <> UserInfo.UserID And Not UserInfo.IsInRole(PortalSettings.AdministratorRoleName) Then //End If UserProfileInfo ui = null; if (ui == null & UID > 0) { UserController up = new UserController(); ui = up.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UID).Profile; } if (ui != null) { drpPrefDefaultSort.SelectedIndex = drpPrefDefaultSort.Items.IndexOf(drpPrefDefaultSort.Items.FindByValue(ui.PrefDefaultSort.Trim())); nsPrefPageSize.Value = ui.PrefPageSize; chkPrefJumpToLastPost.Checked = ui.PrefJumpLastPost; chkPrefTopicSubscribe.Checked = ui.PrefTopicSubscribe; //chkPrefUseAjax.Checked = .PrefUseAjax chkPrefBlockAvatars.Checked = ui.PrefBlockAvatars; chkPrefBlockSignatures.Checked = ui.PrefBlockSignatures; txtSignature.Text = ui.Signature; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (UserId == UID || (CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Admin || CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.SuperUser)) { UserProfileController upc = new UserProfileController(); UserController uc = new UserController(); UserProfileInfo upi = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UID).Profile; if (upi != null) { upi.PrefDefaultSort = Utilities.XSSFilter(drpPrefDefaultSort.SelectedItem.Value, true); upi.PrefPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(((Convert.ToInt32(nsPrefPageSize.Text) < 5) ? 5 : Convert.ToInt32(nsPrefPageSize.Text))); upi.PrefDefaultShowReplies = false; upi.PrefJumpLastPost = chkPrefJumpToLastPost.Checked; upi.PrefTopicSubscribe = chkPrefTopicSubscribe.Checked; upi.PrefSubscriptionType = SubscriptionTypes.Instant; upi.PrefUseAjax = false; upi.PrefBlockAvatars = chkPrefBlockAvatars.Checked; upi.PrefBlockSignatures = chkPrefBlockSignatures.Checked; if (MainSettings.AllowSignatures == 1 || MainSettings.AllowSignatures == 0) { upi.Signature = Utilities.XSSFilter(txtSignature.Text, true); upi.Signature = Utilities.StripHTMLTag(upi.Signature); upi.Signature = Utilities.HTMLEncode(upi.Signature); } else if (MainSettings.AllowSignatures == 2) { upi.Signature = Utilities.XSSFilter(txtSignature.Text, false); } upc.Profiles_Save(upi); } } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); UserProfileInfo ui = UserProfile; if (ui == null & UID > 0) { UserController up = new UserController(); ui = up.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UID).Profile; } if (ui != null) { txtRewardPoints.Text = ui.RewardPoints.ToString(); txtUserCaption.Text = ui.UserCaption; chkDisableSignature.Checked = ui.SignatureDisabled; chkDisableAttachments.Checked = ui.AttachDisabled; chkDisableAvatar.Checked = ui.AvatarDisabled; chkMonitor.Checked = ui.AdminWatch; drpDefaultTrust.SelectedIndex = drpDefaultTrust.Items.IndexOf(drpDefaultTrust.Items.FindByValue(ui.TrustLevel.ToString())); txtRewardPoints.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return onlyNumbers(event);"); } }
private void cbPreview_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "preview": var message = e.Parameters[1]; var topicTemplateID = ForumInfo.TopicTemplateId; message = Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, message, _allowHTML, _editorType, ForumInfo.UseFilter, ForumInfo.AllowScript, ForumModuleId, ImagePath, ForumInfo.AllowEmoticons); message = Utilities.ManageImagePath(message); var uc = new UserController(); var up = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId) ?? new User { UserId = -1, UserName = "******", Profile = {TopicCount = 0, ReplyCount = 0}, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; message = TemplateUtils.PreviewTopic(topicTemplateID, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, ForumInfo, UserId, message, ImagePath, up, DateTime.Now, CurrentUserType, UserId, TimeZoneOffset); hidPreviewText.Value = message; break; } hidPreviewText.RenderControl(e.Output); }
public HttpResponseMessage ToggleSecurity(ToggleSecurityDTO dto) { var db = new Data.Common(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (dto.Action) { case "delete": { Permissions.RemoveObjectFromAll(dto.SecurityId, dto.SecurityType, dto.PermissionsId); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); } case "addobject": { if (dto.SecurityType == 1) { var uc = new UserController(); var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, dto.ModuleId, dto.SecurityId); dto.SecurityId = ui != null ? ui.UserId.ToString() : string.Empty; } else { if (dto.SecurityId.Contains(":")) dto.SecurityType = 2; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.SecurityId))) { var permSet = db.GetPermSet(dto.PermissionsId, "View"); permSet = Permissions.AddPermToSet(dto.SecurityId, dto.SecurityType, permSet); db.SavePermSet(dto.PermissionsId, "View", permSet); } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); } default: { var permSet = db.GetPermSet(dto.PermissionsId, dto.SecurityKey); if (dto.Action == "remove") permSet = Permissions.RemovePermFromSet(dto.SecurityId, dto.SecurityType, permSet); else permSet = Permissions.AddPermToSet(dto.SecurityId, dto.SecurityType, permSet); db.SavePermSet(dto.PermissionsId, dto.SecurityKey, permSet); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dto.Action + "|" + dto.ReturnId); } } }
private string BuildRSS(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int intPosts, int ForumID, bool IngnoreSecurity, bool IncludeBody) { DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController pc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController(); DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings ps = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo ou = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo(); UserController uc = new UserController(); User u = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId); DataSet ds = DataProvider.Instance().UI_TopicsView(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumID, ou.UserID, 0, 20, ou.IsSuperUser, SortColumns.ReplyCreated); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { offSet = ps.TimeZoneOffset; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return string.Empty; } drForum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; drSecurity = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]; dtTopics = ds.Tables[3]; if (dtTopics.Rows.Count == 0) { return string.Empty; } bView = Permissions.HasPerm(drSecurity["CanView"].ToString(), u.UserRoles); bRead = Permissions.HasPerm(drSecurity["CanRead"].ToString(), u.UserRoles); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); if (bRead) { ForumName = drForum["ForumName"].ToString(); GroupName = drForum["GroupName"].ToString(); ForumDescription = drForum["ForumDesc"].ToString(); //TopicsTemplateId = CInt(drForum("TopicsTemplateId")) bAllowRSS = Convert.ToBoolean(drForum["AllowRSS"]); if (bAllowRSS) { sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" + System.Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"\" xmlns:cf=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:slash=\"\">" + System.Environment.NewLine); string[] Params = { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumID, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topics }; string URL = string.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null) { URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", Params); } else if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["asg"])) { Params = new string[] { "asg=" + Request.QueryString["asg"], ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumID, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topics }; URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", Params); } if (URL.IndexOf(Request.Url.Host) == -1) { URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.AddHTTP(Request.Url.Host) + URL; } // build channel sb.Append(WriteElement("channel", 1)); sb.Append(WriteElement("title", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ps.PortalName) + " " + ForumName, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("link", URL, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("description", ForumDescription, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("language", PortalSettings.DefaultLanguage, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("generator", "ActiveForums 5.0", 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("copyright", PortalSettings.FooterText, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("lastBuildDate", "[LASTBUILDDATE]", 2)); if (!(ps.LogoFile == string.Empty)) { string sLogo = "<image><url>http://" + Request.Url.Host + ps.HomeDirectory + ps.LogoFile + "</url>"; sLogo += "<title>" + ps.PortalName + " " + ForumName + "</title>"; sLogo += "<link>" + URL + "</link></image>"; sb.Append(sLogo); } foreach (DataRow dr in dtTopics.Rows) { if (DotNetNuke.Security.PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.AuthorizedRoles)) { //objModule = objModules.GetModule(ModuleId, TabId) //If DotNetNuke.Security.PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(objModule.AuthorizedViewRoles) = True Then // sb.Append(BuildItem(dr, TabId, 2, IncludeBody, PortalId)) //End If sb.Append(BuildItem(dr, TabId, 2, IncludeBody, PortalId)); } } sb.Append("<atom:link href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Host + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.RawUrl) + "\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />"); sb.Append(WriteElement("/channel", 1)); sb.Replace("[LASTBUILDDATE]", LastBuildDate.ToString("r")); sb.Append("</rss>"); //Cache.Insert("RSS" & ModuleId & ForumID, sb.ToString, Nothing, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(dblCacheTimeOut), TimeSpan.Zero) return sb.ToString(); } } } return string.Empty; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); try { UserController uc = new UserController(); User ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, -1); ForumController fc = new ForumController(); Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ForumId"]), ui.UserId, true); if (fi != null) { if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Attach, ui.UserRoles)) { if (inpFile.HasFile) { string sFile = string.Empty; string sExt = string.Empty; int maxImgHeight = fi.AttachMaxHeight; int maxImgWidth = fi.AttachMaxWidth; string contentType = inpFile.PostedFile.ContentType; sFile = Path.GetFileName(inpFile.PostedFile.FileName).Replace(" ", "_"); sExt = Path.GetExtension(sFile); if (sFile.Length >= 250) { sFile = sFile.Replace(sExt, string.Empty); sFile = sFile.Substring(0, (250 - sExt.Length)); sFile = sFile + sExt; } sExt = sExt.Replace(".", string.Empty); if (!(fi.AttachTypeAllowed.ToString().ToLower().Contains(sExt.ToLower()))) { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:BlockedFile]") + "');</script>"); return; } if (fi.AttachMaxSize > 0) { if ((inpFile.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024.0) > fi.AttachMaxSize) { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + string.Format(Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:FileTooLarge]"), fi.AttachMaxSize) + "');</script>"); return; } } Stream inpStream = inpFile.PostedFile.InputStream; MemoryStream imgStream = new MemoryStream(); bool useMemStream = false; bool allowDownload = true; bool displayInline = false; if (sExt.ToLower() == "jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == "gif" || sExt.ToLower() == "bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == "png" || sExt.ToLower() == "jpeg") { useMemStream = true; imgStream = (MemoryStream)(Images.CreateImageForDB(inpStream, maxImgHeight, maxImgWidth)); contentType = "image/x-png"; allowDownload = false; displayInline = true; } Data.AttachController ac = new Data.AttachController(); AttachInfo ai = new AttachInfo(); ai.ContentId = -1; ai.UserID = ui.UserId; ai.ContentType = contentType; ai.DisplayInline = displayInline; ai.AllowDownload = allowDownload; ai.ParentAttachId = 0; if (fi.AttachStore == AttachStores.DATABASE) { if (useMemStream) { ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length); ai.FileData = imgStream.ToArray(); } else { byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length - 1) + 1]; inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length)); ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length); ai.FileData = byteData; } ai.Filename = sFile; } else { if (useMemStream) { ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length); ai.Filename = SaveToFile(imgStream, sFile); } else { byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length) + 1]; inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length)); ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length); ai.Filename = SaveToFile(inpFile, sFile); } } int attachId = ac.Attach_Save(ai); Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + attachId.ToString() + ");</script>"); } } else { inpFile.Visible = false; } } else { inpFile.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + ex.Message + "');</script>"); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetForumsList() { var portalSettings = PortalSettings; var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo; var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID); var fc = new ForumController(); var forumIds = fc.GetForumsForUser(forumUser.UserRoles, portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, "CanView", true); DataTable ForumTable = fc.GetForumView(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID, userInfo.IsSuperUser, forumIds); Dictionary<string, string> rows = new Dictionary<string, string>();; foreach (DataRow dr in ForumTable.Rows) { rows.Add(dr["ForumId"].ToString(),dr["ForumName"].ToString()); } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, rows.ToJson()); }
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile() { // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file // including the temporary file name. When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available. // in the async result. var request = Request; var portalSettings = PortalSettings; var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo; var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID); if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable)); } const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload"; var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance; if(!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath)) { folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath); } var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath); var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath); var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled) throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault(); if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName)) { return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found"); } // Get the file name without the full path var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty(); // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post. int forumId; if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified"); } // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed var fc = new ForumController(); var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1); if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found"); } // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files if(forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized"); } // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath); var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length; var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize*1024; if((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size"); } // Get the original file name from the content disposition header var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", ""); if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File"); } // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type. // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower(); var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed"); } // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json var mediaType = "application/json"; if (!request.Headers.Accept .Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) mediaType = "text/html"; var result = new ClientAttachment() { ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType, FileName = fileName, FileSize = fileSize, UploadId = localFileName }; return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType); }); return task; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); //Put user code to initialize the page here try { byte[] bindata = null; bool canView = false; string sContentType = string.Empty; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int AttachId = 0; int intPortalID = 0; int intModuleID = 0; if (Request.Params["AttachID"] != null) { if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params["AttachID"])) { AttachId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["AttachID"]); } else { AttachId = 0; } } else { AttachId = 0; } if (Request.Params["PortalID"] != null) { if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params["PortalID"])) { intPortalID = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["PortalID"]); } else { intPortalID = 0; } } else { intPortalID = 0; } if (Request.Params["ModuleID"] != null) { if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.Params["ModuleID"])) { intModuleID = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["ModuleID"]); } else { intModuleID = -1; } } else { intModuleID = -1; } IFileManager _fileManager = FileManager.Instance; IFileInfo _file = null; if (AttachId > 0) { DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo ui = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo(); //DotNetNuke.Modules.ActiveForums.Settings.LoadUser(objUserInfo.UserID, intPortalID, intModuleID) UserController uc = new UserController(); User u = uc.GetUser(intPortalID, intModuleID); Data.AttachController ac = new Data.AttachController(); AttachInfo ai = null; try { if (Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.Contains("HtmlEditorProviders") | (Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.Contains("afv") & Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.Contains("post"))) { ai = ac.Attach_Get(AttachId, -1, ui.UserID, false); } else { ai = ac.Attach_Get(AttachId, -1, ui.UserID, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { ai = ac.Attach_Get(AttachId, -1, ui.UserID, true); } if (ai == null) { ai = new AttachInfo(); _file = _fileManager.GetFile(AttachId); ai.AttachID = _file.FileId; ai.AllowDownload = true; ai.Filename = _file.FileName; ai.FileUrl = _file.PhysicalPath; ai.CanRead = "0;1;-3;-1;|||"; ai.ContentType = _file.ContentType; } if (ai != null & u != null) { Response.ContentType = ai.ContentType.ToString(); if (ai.FileData != null) { if (Permissions.HasAccess(ai.CanRead, u.UserRoles)) { bindata = (byte[])ai.FileData; Response.BinaryWrite(bindata); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + Server.HtmlEncode(ai.Filename.ToString())); } } else { if (Permissions.HasAccess(ai.CanRead, u.UserRoles)) { string fpath = string.Empty; string fName = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.FileUrl)) { fpath = Server.MapPath(PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "activeforums_Attach/"); fpath += ai.Filename; fName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fpath); } else { _file = _fileManager.GetFile(ai.AttachID); fpath = _file.PhysicalPath; fName = _file.FileName; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(fpath)) { //Dim vpath As String //vpath = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory & "activeforums_Attach/" & Server.HtmlEncode(ai.Filename) FileStream fs = new FileStream(fpath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); long contentLength = 0; if (fs != null) { bindata = GetStreamAsByteArray(fs); fs.Close(); } string sExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fName); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Server.HtmlEncode(fName)); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", bindata.LongLength.ToString()); sContentType = ai.ContentType; switch (sExt.ToLowerInvariant()) { case ".png": sContentType = "image/png"; break; case ".jpg": case ".jpeg": sContentType = "image/jpeg"; break; case ".gif": sContentType = "image/gif"; break; case ".bmp": sContentType = "image/bmp"; break; } Response.ContentType = sContentType; Response.OutputStream.Write(bindata, 0, bindata.Length); Response.End(); } else { fpath = Server.MapPath(PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "NTForums_Attach/"); fpath += ai.Filename; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fpath)) { string vpath = null; vpath = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "activeforums_Attach/" + Server.HtmlEncode(ai.Filename); Response.Redirect(Page.ResolveUrl(vpath)); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile() { // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file // including the temporary file name. When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available. // in the async result. var request = Request; var portalSettings = PortalSettings; var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo; var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID); if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable)); } const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload"; var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance; if (!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath)) { folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath); } var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath); var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath); var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled) throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault(); if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName)) { return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found"); } // Get the file name without the full path var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty(); // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post. int forumId; if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified"); } // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed var fc = new ForumController(); var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1); if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found"); } // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files if (forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized"); } // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath); var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length; var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize * 1024; if ((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size"); } // Get the original file name from the content disposition header var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File"); } // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type. // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower(); var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension)) { File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed"); } const string newFileName = "{0}_{1}{2}"; var fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); var userFolder = folderManager.GetUserFolder(userInfo); var attachmentFolder = folderManager.GetFolder(userFolder.FolderID); var fileManager = FileManager.Instance; IFileInfo ufile = null; string sExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (sExt.ToLower() == ".jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == ".bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == ".png" || sExt.ToLower() == ".jpeg") { var sExtOut = ".jpg"; ImageFormat imf, imfout = ImageFormat.Jpeg; Image img = Image.FromFile(file.LocalFileName); Image nimg; var maxWidth = forum.MaxAttachWidth; var maxHeight = forum.MaxAttachHeight; int imgWidth = img.Width; int imgHeight = img.Height; var ratioWidth = (double)imgWidth / maxWidth; var ratioHeight = (double)imgHeight / maxHeight; switch (sExt.ToLower()) { case ".png": { imf = ImageFormat.Png; if (!forum.ConvertingToJpegAllowed) { sExtOut = ".png"; imfout = ImageFormat.Png; } break; } case ".bmp": imf = ImageFormat.Bmp; break; default: imf = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; } MemoryStream mst = new MemoryStream(); if (ratioWidth > 1 || ratioHeight > 1) { if (ratioWidth > ratioHeight) { imgWidth = maxWidth; imgHeight = (int)Math.Round(imgHeight / ratioWidth); } else if (ratioWidth < ratioHeight) { imgHeight = maxHeight; imgWidth = (int)Math.Round(imgWidth / ratioHeight); } else { imgWidth = maxWidth; imgHeight = maxHeight; } } Bitmap res = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(res)) { gr.Clear(Color.Transparent); gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; gr.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); gr.Dispose(); } img.Dispose(); res.Save(mst, imfout); res.Dispose(); var index = 0; fileName = fileNameOnly + sExtOut; while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName)) { index++; fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExtOut); } ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, (Stream)mst); mst.Close(); } else { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file.LocalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var index = 0; while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName)) { index++; fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExt); } ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, fileStream); } } // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json var mediaType = "application/json"; if (!request.Headers.Accept.Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) mediaType = "text/html"; File.Delete(file.LocalFileName); if (ufile != null) { var result = new ClientAttachment() { FileId = ufile.FileId, ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType, FileName = fileName, FileSize = ufile.Size, UploadId = localFileName, }; return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType); } else { return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "No File Found"); } }); return task; }
public static string ParseProfileTemplate(string profileTemplate, int userId, int portalId, int moduleId, int currentUserId, int timeZoneOffset) { var uc = new UserController(); var up = uc.GetUser(portalId, moduleId, userId); return ParseProfileTemplate(profileTemplate, up, portalId, moduleId, string.Empty, CurrentUserTypes.Anon, false, false, false, string.Empty, currentUserId, timeZoneOffset); }
public static string ParseProfileTemplate(string profileTemplate, User up, int portalId, int moduleId, string imagePath, CurrentUserTypes currentUserType, bool legacyTemplate, bool userPrefHideAvatar, bool userPrefHideSignature, string ipAddress, int currentUserId, int timeZoneOffset) { try { if (legacyTemplate) profileTemplate = CleanTemplate(profileTemplate); if (up.Profile == null) up = new UserController().FillProfile(portalId, -1, up); // TODO figure out why/if this recurion is possible. Seems a bit scary as it could create a loop. if (profileTemplate.Contains("[POSTINFO]")) { var sPostInfo = GetPostInfo(portalId, moduleId, up.UserId, up.UserName, up, imagePath, false, ipAddress, up.Profile.IsUserOnline, currentUserType, currentUserId, userPrefHideAvatar, timeZoneOffset); profileTemplate = profileTemplate.Replace("[POSTINFO]", sPostInfo); } var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId); // Parse DNN profile fields if needed var pt = profileTemplate; if (pt.IndexOf("[DNN:PROFILE:", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) pt = ParseProfile(portalId, up.UserId, pt, currentUserType, currentUserId); // Parse Roles if (pt.Contains("[ROLES:")) pt = ParseRoles(pt, (up.UserId == -1) ? string.Empty : up.Profile.Roles); var result = new StringBuilder(pt); // Used in a few places to determine if info should be shown or removed. var isMod = (currentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Admin || currentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.ForumMod || currentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.SuperUser); // Used in a few places to determine if info should be shown or removed. var isAdmin = (currentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Admin || currentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.SuperUser); var isAuthethenticated = currentUserType != CurrentUserTypes.Anon; // IP Address result.Replace("[MODIPADDRESS]", isMod ? ipAddress : string.Empty); // User Edit result.Replace("[AF:BUTTON:EDITUSER]", isAdmin && up.UserId > 0 ? string.Format("<button class='af-button af-button-edituser' data-id='{0}' data-name='{1}'>[RESX:Edit]</button>", up.UserId, Utilities.JSON.EscapeJsonString(up.DisplayName)) : string.Empty); // Points var totalPoints = up.PostCount; if (mainSettings.EnablePoints && up.UserId > 0 && up.Profile != null) { totalPoints = (up.Profile.TopicCount * mainSettings.TopicPointValue) + (up.Profile.ReplyCount * mainSettings.ReplyPointValue) + (up.Profile.AnswerCount * mainSettings.AnswerPointValue) + up.Profile.RewardPoints; result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:TOTALPOINTS]", totalPoints.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:VIEWCOUNT]", up.Profile.ViewCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:ANSWERCOUNT]", up.Profile.AnswerCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:REWARDPOINTS]", up.Profile.RewardPoints.ToString()); } else { result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:TOTALPOINTS]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:VIEWCOUNT]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:ANSWERCOUNT]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:POINTS:REWARDPOINTS]", string.Empty); } // User Status var sUserStatus = string.Empty; if (mainSettings.UsersOnlineEnabled && up.UserId > 0 && up.Profile != null) sUserStatus = UserProfiles.UserStatus(imagePath, up.Profile.IsUserOnline, up.UserId, moduleId, "[RESX:UserOnline]", "[RESX:UserOffline]"); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:USERSTATUS]", sUserStatus); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:USERSTATUS:CSS]", sUserStatus.Contains("online") ? "af-status-online" : "af-status-offline"); // Rank result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:RANKDISPLAY]", (up.UserId > 0) ? UserProfiles.GetUserRank(portalId, moduleId, up.UserId, totalPoints, 0) : string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:RANKNAME]", (up.UserId > 0) ? UserProfiles.GetUserRank(portalId, moduleId, up.UserId, totalPoints, 1) : string.Empty); // PM Image/link var pmUrl = string.Empty; var pmLink = string.Empty; if (up.UserId > 0 && currentUserId >= 0 && up.UserId != currentUserId) { switch (mainSettings.PMType) { case PMTypes.Core: pmLink = "<img class='ComposeMessage' data-recipient='{ \"id\": \"user-" + up.UserId + "\", \"name\": \"" + HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(up.DisplayName) + "\"}' src='" + imagePath + "/images/icon_pm.png' alt=\"[RESX:SendPM]\" title=\"[RESX:SendPM]\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; break; case PMTypes.Ventrian: pmUrl = Common.Globals.NavigateURL(mainSettings.PMTabId, string.Empty, new[] {"type=compose", "sendto=" + up.UserId}); pmLink = "<a href=\"" + pmUrl + "\"><img src=\"" + imagePath + "/images/icon_pm.png\" alt=\"[RESX:SendPM]\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; break; } } result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:PMLINK]", pmLink); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:PMURL]", pmUrl); // Signature var sSignature = string.Empty; if (mainSettings.AllowSignatures != 0 && ! userPrefHideSignature && up.Profile != null && !up.Profile.SignatureDisabled) { sSignature = up.Profile.Signature; if (sSignature != string.Empty) sSignature = Utilities.ManageImagePath(sSignature); switch (mainSettings.AllowSignatures) { case 1: sSignature = Utilities.HTMLEncode(sSignature); sSignature = sSignature.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); break; case 2: sSignature = Utilities.HTMLDecode(sSignature); break; } } result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:SIGNATURE]", sSignature); // Avatar var sAvatar = string.Empty; if (! userPrefHideAvatar && !up.Profile.AvatarDisabled) sAvatar = UserProfiles.GetAvatar(up.UserId, mainSettings.AvatarWidth, mainSettings.AvatarHeight); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:AVATAR]", sAvatar); // Display Name result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:DISPLAYNAME]", UserProfiles.GetDisplayName(moduleId, true, isMod, isAdmin, up.UserId, up.UserName, up.FirstName, up.LastName, up.DisplayName)); // These fields are no longer used result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:LOCATION]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:WEBSITE]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:YAHOO]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:MSN]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:ICQ]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:AOL]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:OCCUPATION]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:INTERESTS]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:CONTROL:AVATAREDIT]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:BUTTON:PROFILEEDIT]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:BUTTON:PROFILESAVE]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:BUTTON:PROFILECANCEL]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:BIO]", string.Empty); result.Replace("[MODUSERSETTINGS]", string.Empty); // Date Created var sDateCreated = string.Empty; var sDateCreatedReplacement = "[AF:PROFILE:DATECREATED]"; if (up.UserId > 0 && up.Profile != null && up.Profile.DateCreated != null) { if (pt.Contains("[AF:PROFILE:DATECREATED:")) { var sFormat = pt.Substring(pt.IndexOf("[AF:PROFILE:DATECREATED:", StringComparison.Ordinal) + (sDateCreatedReplacement.Length), 1); sDateCreated = up.Profile.DateCreated.ToString(sFormat); sDateCreatedReplacement = "[AF:PROFILE:DATECREATED:" + sFormat + "]"; } else sDateCreated = Utilities.GetDate(up.Profile.DateCreated, moduleId, timeZoneOffset); } result.Replace(sDateCreatedReplacement, sDateCreated); // Last Activity var sDateLastActivity = string.Empty; var sDateLastActivityReplacement = "[AF:PROFILE:DATELASTACTIVITY]"; if (up.Profile.DateLastActivity != null && up.UserId > 0) { if (pt.Contains("[AF:PROFILE:DATELASTACTIVITY:")) { string sFormat = pt.Substring(pt.IndexOf("[AF:PROFILE:DATELASTACTIVITY:", StringComparison.Ordinal) + (sDateLastActivityReplacement.Length), 1); sDateLastActivity = up.Profile.DateLastActivity.ToString(sFormat); sDateLastActivityReplacement = "[AF:PROFILE:DATELASTACTIVITY:" + sFormat + "]"; } else sDateLastActivity = Utilities.GetDate(up.Profile.DateLastActivity, moduleId, timeZoneOffset); } result.Replace(sDateLastActivityReplacement, sDateLastActivity); // Post Count result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:POSTCOUNT]", (up.PostCount == 0) ? string.Empty : up.PostCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:USERCAPTION]", up.Profile.UserCaption); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:USERID]", up.UserId.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:USERNAME]", Utilities.HTMLEncode(up.UserName).Replace("&#", "&#")); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:FIRSTNAME]", Utilities.HTMLEncode(up.FirstName).Replace("&#", "&#")); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:LASTNAME]", Utilities.HTMLEncode(up.LastName).Replace("&#", "&#")); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:DATELASTPOST]", (up.Profile.DateLastPost == DateTime.MinValue) ? string.Empty : Utilities.GetDate(up.Profile.DateLastPost, moduleId, timeZoneOffset)); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:TOPICCOUNT]", up.Profile.TopicCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:REPLYCOUNT]", up.Profile.ReplyCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:ANSWERCOUNT]", up.Profile.AnswerCount.ToString()); result.Replace("[AF:PROFILE:REWARDPOINTS]", up.Profile.RewardPoints.ToString()); return result.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } }
private string BuildRSS(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int intPosts, int ForumID, bool IngnoreSecurity, bool IncludeBody) { DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController pc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController(); DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings ps = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo ou = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo(); UserController uc = new UserController(); User u = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId); DataSet ds = DataProvider.Instance().UI_TopicsView(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumID, ou.UserID, 0, 20, ou.IsSuperUser, SortColumns.ReplyCreated); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { offSet = ps.TimeZoneOffset; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } drForum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; drSecurity = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]; dtTopics = ds.Tables[3]; if (dtTopics.Rows.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } bView = Permissions.HasPerm(drSecurity["CanView"].ToString(), u.UserRoles); bRead = Permissions.HasPerm(drSecurity["CanRead"].ToString(), u.UserRoles); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); if (bRead) { ForumName = drForum["ForumName"].ToString(); GroupName = drForum["GroupName"].ToString(); ForumDescription = drForum["ForumDesc"].ToString(); //TopicsTemplateId = CInt(drForum("TopicsTemplateId")) bAllowRSS = Convert.ToBoolean(drForum["AllowRSS"]); if (bAllowRSS) { sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" + System.Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"\" xmlns:cf=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:slash=\"\">" + System.Environment.NewLine); string[] Params = { ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumID, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topics }; string URL = string.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null) { URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", Params); } else if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["asg"])) { Params = new string[] { "asg=" + Request.QueryString["asg"], ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumID, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=" + Views.Topics }; URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", Params); } if (URL.IndexOf(Request.Url.Host) == -1) { URL = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.AddHTTP(Request.Url.Host) + URL; } // build channel sb.Append(WriteElement("channel", 1)); sb.Append(WriteElement("title", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ps.PortalName) + " " + ForumName, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("link", URL, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("description", ForumDescription, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("language", PortalSettings.DefaultLanguage, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("generator", "ActiveForums 5.0", 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("copyright", PortalSettings.FooterText, 2)); sb.Append(WriteElement("lastBuildDate", "[LASTBUILDDATE]", 2)); if (!(ps.LogoFile == string.Empty)) { string sLogo = "<image><url>http://" + Request.Url.Host + ps.HomeDirectory + ps.LogoFile + "</url>"; sLogo += "<title>" + ps.PortalName + " " + ForumName + "</title>"; sLogo += "<link>" + URL + "</link></image>"; sb.Append(sLogo); } foreach (DataRow dr in dtTopics.Rows) { if (DotNetNuke.Security.PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.AuthorizedRoles)) { //objModule = objModules.GetModule(ModuleId, TabId) //If DotNetNuke.Security.PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(objModule.AuthorizedViewRoles) = True Then // sb.Append(BuildItem(dr, TabId, 2, IncludeBody, PortalId)) //End If sb.Append(BuildItem(dr, TabId, 2, IncludeBody, PortalId)); } } sb.Append("<atom:link href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Host + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.RawUrl) + "\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />"); sb.Append(WriteElement("/channel", 1)); sb.Replace("[LASTBUILDDATE]", LastBuildDate.ToString("r")); sb.Append("</rss>"); //Cache.Insert("RSS" & ModuleId & ForumID, sb.ToString, Nothing, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(dblCacheTimeOut), TimeSpan.Zero) return(sb.ToString()); } } } return(string.Empty); }