private void cbUpgrade_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { string upFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/desktopmodules/activeforums/upgrade4x.txt"); string err = "Success"; try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(upFilePath)) { string s = Utilities.GetFileContent(upFilePath); err = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings.ExecuteScript(s); System.IO.File.Delete(upFilePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is UnauthorizedAccessException && string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { err = "<span style=\"font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;\">The forum data was upgraded successfully, but you must manually delete the following file:<br /><br />" + upFilePath + "<br /><br />The upgrade is not complete until you delete the file indicated above.</span>"; } else { err = "<span style=\"font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;\">Upgrade Failed - Please go to the <a href=\"\">Active Modules Help Desk</a> to report the error indicated below:<br /><br />" + ex.Message + "</span>"; } } LiteralControl lit = new LiteralControl(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { err = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">LoadView('home');</script>"; } lit.Text = err; lit.RenderControl(e.Output); }
public void cbShell_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { try { string sOptions = string.Empty; if (e.Parameters[1] != null) { sOptions = e.Parameters[1]; } GetControl(e.Parameters[0], sOptions, true); if (e.Parameters.Length != 3) { var stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(); var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter); plhControlPanel.RenderControl(e.Output); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Request.QueryString["cptry"] == null) { string sURL = EditUrl("", "", "EDIT", "cptry=1"); Response.Redirect(sURL); } else { Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex); } } }
private void agTemplates_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[0]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); int RowIndex = 0; if (PageIndex == 0) { RowIndex = 0; } else { RowIndex = (((PageIndex + 1) * PageSize) - PageSize); } agTemplates.Datasource = DataProvider.Instance().Templates_List(PortalId, ModuleId, 0, RowIndex, PageSize); agTemplates.Refresh(e.Output); }
private void cbForumEditor_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { try { string sOptions = string.Empty; if (e.Parameters[1] != null) { sOptions = e.Parameters[1]; } GetControl(e.Parameters[0], sOptions); System.IO.StringWriter stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter); plhForumEditor.RenderControl(e.Output); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void cbModal_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "load": plhModal.Controls.Clear(); string ctlPath = string.Empty; string ctrl = e.Parameters[1].ToLowerInvariant(); string ctlParams = e.Parameters[2].ToLowerInvariant(); LoadModal(ctrl, ctlParams); break; case "clear": plhModal.Controls.Clear(); break; } plhModal.RenderControl(e.Output); }
private void cbAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { string sMsg = ""; switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "save": { try { //save template TemplateInfo ti = null; TemplateController tc = new TemplateController(); int templateId = 0; if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "") { templateId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, PortalId, ModuleId); } else { ti = new TemplateInfo(); ti.IsSystem = false; ti.TemplateType = (Templates.TemplateTypes)(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[6])); ti.PortalId = PortalId; ti.ModuleId = ModuleId; } ti.Title = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); ti.Subject = e.Parameters[3].ToString(); if (ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.Email || ti.TemplateType == Templates.TemplateTypes.ModEmail) { ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + Utilities.StripHTMLTag(e.Parameters[5].ToString()) + "</plaintext></template>"; } else { ti.Template = "<template><html>" + Server.HtmlEncode(e.Parameters[4]) + "</html><plaintext>" + string.Empty + "</plaintext></template>"; } ti.Template = ti.Template.Replace("[TRESX:", "[RESX:"); templateId = tc.Template_Save(ti); string ckey = ModuleId + templateId + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), ti.TemplateType.ToString())); DataCache.CacheClear(ckey); sMsg = "Template saved successfully!"; } catch (Exception ex) { sMsg = "Error saving template."; } break; } case "delete": { try { //delete template TemplateInfo ti = null; TemplateController tc = new TemplateController(); int templateid = 0; if (e.Parameters[1].ToString() != "") { templateid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); ti = tc.Template_Get(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId); if (!(ti.IsSystem == true)) { tc.Template_Delete(templateid, PortalId, ModuleId); sMsg = "Template deleted successfully!"; } else { sMsg = "Enable to delete system templates"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { sMsg = "Error deleting template."; } break; } } cbActionMessage.InnerText = sMsg; cbActionMessage.RenderControl(e.Output); }
private void agCategories_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { try { if (!(e.Parameters[4] == "")) { string sAction = e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[0]; switch (sAction.ToUpper()) { case "DELETE": { int TagId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[1]); if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(TagId)) { DataProvider.Instance().Tags_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, TagId); } break; } case "SAVE": { string[] sParams = e.Parameters[4].Split(':'); string TagName = sParams[1].Trim(); int TagId = 0; int ForumId = -1; int ForumGroupId = -1; if (sParams.Length > 2) { TagId = Convert.ToInt32(sParams[2]); } if (sParams[3].Contains("FORUM")) { ForumId = Convert.ToInt32(sParams[3].Replace("FORUM", string.Empty)); } if (sParams[3].Contains("GROUP")) { ForumGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(sParams[3].Replace("GROUP", string.Empty)); } if (!(TagName == string.Empty)) { DataProvider.Instance().Tags_Save(PortalId, ModuleId, TagId, TagName, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, ForumId, ForumGroupId); } break; } } } agCategories.DefaultParams = string.Empty; int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[0]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); string SortColumn = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); string Sort = e.Parameters[3].ToString(); agCategories.Datasource = DataProvider.Instance().Tags_List(PortalId, ModuleId, true, PageIndex, PageSize, Sort, SortColumn, -1, -1); agCategories.Refresh(e.Output); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void cbSecurityToggle_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { string action = e.Parameters[0].ToString(); int pId = PermissionsId; string secId = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); int secType = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3].ToString()); string key = e.Parameters[4].ToString(); string returnId = e.Parameters[5].ToString(); Data.Common db = new Data.Common(); string sOut = string.Empty; if (action == "delete") { Permissions.RemoveObjectFromAll(secId, secType, pId); } else if (action == "addobject") { if (secType == 1) { UserController uc = new UserController(); User ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId, secId); if (ui != null) { secId = ui.UserId.ToString(); } else { secId = string.Empty; } } else { if (secId.Contains(":")) { secType = 2; } } if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secId))) { string permSet = db.GetPermSet(pId, "View"); permSet = Permissions.AddPermToSet(secId, secType, permSet); db.SavePermSet(pId, "View", permSet); } } else { string permSet = db.GetPermSet(pId, key); if (action == "remove") { permSet = Permissions.RemovePermFromSet(secId, secType, permSet); } else { permSet = Permissions.AddPermToSet(secId, secType, permSet); } db.SavePermSet(pId, key, permSet); sOut = action + "|" + returnId; } LiteralControl lit = new LiteralControl(sOut); lit.RenderControl(e.Output); }
public void RaiseCallback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) // Implements ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallback { OnCallback(e); }
private void OnCallback(CallBackEventArgs e) { if (CallbackEvent != null) CallbackEvent(this, e); }
private void handleCB(string[] args) { try { if (_validState == 1) { using (StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter()) { using (HtmlTextWriter oWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(strWriter, string.Empty)) { CallBackEventArgs oArgs = new CallBackEventArgs(oWriter) { Parameter = args[0], Parameters = args }; this.OnCallback(oArgs); oWriter.Close(); } Context.Response.Clear(); Context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Context.Response.Write("<CallbackData><![CDATA["); string sTemp = strWriter.ToString(); sTemp = sTemp.Replace("//<![CDATA[", string.Empty); sTemp = sTemp.Replace("//]]>", string.Empty); Context.Response.Write(sTemp); } Context.Response.Write("]]></CallbackData>"); //Context.Response.Flush() Context.Response.End(); //HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() } else if (_validState == -1) { throw new Exception("Incomplete Request"); } //Dim strWriter As New StringWriter() //Dim oWriter As New HtmlTextWriter(strWriter, String.Empty) //Dim oArgs As New CallBackEventArgs(oWriter) //oArgs.Parameter = args(0) //oArgs.Parameters = args //Me.OnCallback(oArgs) //oWriter.Close() //Context.Response.Clear() //Context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml" //Context.Response.Write("<CallbackData><![CDATA[") //Dim sTemp As String = strWriter.ToString //sTemp = sTemp.Replace("//<![CDATA[", String.Empty) //sTemp = sTemp.Replace("//]]>", String.Empty) //Context.Response.Write(sTemp) //Context.Response.Write("]]></CallbackData>") //'Context.Response.Flush() //Context.Response.End() //'HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() } catch (Exception ex) { if (!((ex) is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)) { Context.Response.Clear(); Context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Context.Response.Write("<CallbackError><![CDATA[" + ex.ToString() + "]]></CallbackError>"); Context.Response.End(); //HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() } } }
private void cb_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { Data.Topics db = new Data.Topics(); if (e.Parameters.Length > 0) { int rate = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameter); if (rate >= 1 && rate <= 5) { RatingValue = db.Topics_AddRating(TopicId, UserId, rate, string.Empty, HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress.ToString()); } } CallBackContent cbContent = new CallBackContent(); cbContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(RenderRating())); cb.Content = cbContent; cb.Content.RenderControl(e.Output); }
private void cbSecGrid_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { BuildNewGrid(Perms, PermissionsId); litSecGrid.RenderControl(e.Output); }
private void cbEditorAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "forumsave": { var fi = new Forum(); var fc = new ForumController(); var bIsNew = false; int forumGroupId; var forumSettingsKey = string.Empty; if (Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]) <= 0) { bIsNew = true; fi.ForumID = -1; } else { fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]), UserId, false, false, -1); forumSettingsKey = fi.ForumSettingsKey; } fi.ModuleId = ModuleId; fi.PortalId = PortalId; var sParentValue = e.Parameters[2]; var parentForumId = 0; if (sParentValue.Contains("GROUP")) { sParentValue = sParentValue.Replace("GROUP", string.Empty); forumGroupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue); } else { parentForumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue.Replace("FORUM", string.Empty)); forumGroupId = fc.Forums_GetGroupId(parentForumId); } fi.ForumGroupId = forumGroupId; fi.ParentForumId = parentForumId; fi.ForumName = e.Parameters[3]; fi.ForumDesc = e.Parameters[4]; fi.Active = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]); fi.Hidden = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]); fi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]); var fkey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.ForumSettingsKey) ? string.Empty : fi.ForumSettingsKey; if (Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8])) { var fgc = new ForumGroupController(); var fgi = fgc.GetForumGroup(ModuleId, forumGroupId); if (bIsNew) { fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId; } else if (fi.ForumSettingsKey != "G:" + forumGroupId) { fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId; } fi.ForumSettingsKey = "G:" + forumGroupId; } else if (bIsNew || fkey.Contains("G:")) { fi.ForumSettingsKey = string.Empty; if (fi.InheritSecurity) { fi.PermissionsId = -1; } } else { fi.ForumSettingsKey = "F:" + fi.ForumID; } if (forumSettingsKey != fkey && fkey.Contains("F:")) { bIsNew = true; } fi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9]; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.PrefixURL))) { var db = new Data.Common(); if (!(db.CheckForumURL(PortalId, ModuleId, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumID, fi.ForumGroupId))) { fi.PrefixURL = string.Empty; } } var forumId = fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, bIsNew, Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8])); recordId = forumId; var securityKey = string.Empty; DataCache.ClearForumGroupsCache(ModuleId); var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId); DataCache.CacheClear(cachekey); cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId); DataCache.CacheClearPrefix(cachekey); hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString(); break; } case "groupsave": { var bIsNew = false; var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]); var fgc = new ForumGroupController(); var gi = (groupId > 0) ? fgc.Groups_Get(ModuleId, groupId) : new ForumGroupInfo(); var securityKey = string.Empty; if (groupId == 0) { bIsNew = true; } else { securityKey = "G:" + groupId; } gi.ModuleId = ModuleId; gi.ForumGroupId = groupId; gi.GroupName = e.Parameters[3]; gi.Active = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]); gi.Hidden = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]); gi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]); gi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9]; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(gi.PrefixURL))) { var db = new Data.Common(); if (!(db.CheckGroupURL(PortalId, ModuleId, gi.PrefixURL, gi.ForumGroupId))) { gi.PrefixURL = string.Empty; } } gi.GroupSettingsKey = securityKey; var gc = new ForumGroupController(); groupId = gc.Groups_Save(PortalId, gi, bIsNew); recordId = groupId; DataCache.ClearForumGroupsCache(ModuleId); var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId); DataCache.CacheClearPrefix(cachekey); hidEditorResult.Value = groupId.ToString(); break; } case "forumsettingssave": { var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]); var sKey = "F:" + forumId; SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters); hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString(); DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "ForumSettings"); DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId)); DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId) + "st"); var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId); DataCache.CacheClear(cachekey); break; } case "groupsettingssave": { var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]); var sKey = "G:" + forumId; SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters); hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString(); DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "GroupSettings"); DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId)); DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId) + "st"); break; } case "deleteforum": { var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]); DataProvider.Instance().Forums_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, forumId); var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId); DataCache.CacheClearPrefix(cachekey); break; } case "deletegroup": { var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]); DataProvider.Instance().Groups_Delete(ModuleId, groupId); var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId); DataCache.CacheClearPrefix(cachekey); break; } } DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumList, ModuleId)); DataCache.ClearAllForumSettingsCache(ModuleId); DataCache.CacheClear(ModuleId + "fv"); hidEditorResult.RenderControl(e.Output); }
protected virtual void OnCallback(CallBackEventArgs e) { if (Callback != null) Callback(cb, e); }
private void cbPreview_Callback(object sender, CallBackEventArgs e) { switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "preview": var message = e.Parameters[1]; var topicTemplateID = ForumInfo.TopicTemplateId; message = Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, message, _allowHTML, _editorType, ForumInfo.UseFilter, ForumInfo.AllowScript, ForumModuleId, ImagePath, ForumInfo.AllowEmoticons); message = Utilities.ManageImagePath(message); var uc = new UserController(); var up = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId) ?? new User { UserId = -1, UserName = "******", Profile = {TopicCount = 0, ReplyCount = 0}, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; message = TemplateUtils.PreviewTopic(topicTemplateID, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, ForumInfo, UserId, message, ImagePath, up, DateTime.Now, CurrentUserType, UserId, TimeZoneOffset); hidPreviewText.Value = message; break; } hidPreviewText.RenderControl(e.Output); }