/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// cmdUpdate_Click runs when the Update button is clicked /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 5/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { try { bool blnChild; string strPortalAlias; string strChildPath = string.Empty; var closePopUpStr = string.Empty; var objPortalController = new PortalController(); //check template validity var messages = new ArrayList(); string schemaFilename = Server.MapPath(string.Concat(AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory, "portal.template.xsd")); string xmlFilename = Globals.HostMapPath + cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; var xval = new PortalTemplateValidator(); if (!xval.Validate(xmlFilename, schemaFilename)) { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, "", String.Format(Localization.GetString("InvalidTemplate", LocalResourceFile), cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); messages.AddRange(xval.Errors); lstResults.Visible = true; lstResults.DataSource = messages; lstResults.DataBind(); return; } //Set Portal Name txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.ToLowerInvariant(); txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.Replace("http://", ""); //Validate Portal Name if (!Globals.IsHostTab(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID)) { blnChild = true; strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } else { blnChild = (optType.SelectedValue == "C"); strPortalAlias = blnChild ? txtPortalName.Text.Substring(txtPortalName.Text.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) : txtPortalName.Text; } string message = String.Empty; ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType messageType = ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError; if (!PortalAliasController.ValidateAlias(strPortalAlias, blnChild)) { message = Localization.GetString("InvalidName", LocalResourceFile); } //Validate Password if (txtPassword.Text != txtConfirm.Text) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) message += "<br/>"; message += Localization.GetString("InvalidPassword", LocalResourceFile); } string strServerPath = Globals.GetAbsoluteServerPath(Request); //Set Portal Alias for Child Portals if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { if (blnChild) { strChildPath = strServerPath + strPortalAlias; if (Directory.Exists(strChildPath)) { message = Localization.GetString("ChildExists", LocalResourceFile); } else { if (!Globals.IsHostTab(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID)) { strPortalAlias = Globals.GetDomainName(Request, true) + "/" + strPortalAlias; } else { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } } } } //Get Home Directory string homeDir = txtHomeDirectory.Text != @"Portals/[PortalID]" ? txtHomeDirectory.Text : ""; //Validate Home Folder if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(homeDir)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\", Globals.ApplicationMapPath, homeDir).Replace("/", "\\"))) { message = Localization.GetString("InvalidHomeFolder", LocalResourceFile); } if (homeDir.Contains("admin") || homeDir.Contains("DesktopModules") || homeDir.ToLowerInvariant() == "portals/") { message = Localization.GetString("InvalidHomeFolder", LocalResourceFile); } } //Validate Portal Alias if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPortalAlias)) { PortalAliasInfo portalAlias = PortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasLookup(strPortalAlias.ToLower()); if (portalAlias != null) { message = Localization.GetString("DuplicatePortalAlias", LocalResourceFile); } } //Create Portal if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { string strTemplateFile = cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; //Attempt to create the portal var objAdminUser = new UserInfo(); int intPortalId; try { objAdminUser.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; objAdminUser.LastName = txtLastName.Text; objAdminUser.Username = txtUsername.Text; objAdminUser.DisplayName = txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text; objAdminUser.Email = txtEmail.Text; objAdminUser.IsSuperUser = false; objAdminUser.Membership.Approved = true; objAdminUser.Membership.Password = txtPassword.Text; objAdminUser.Membership.PasswordQuestion = txtQuestion.Text; objAdminUser.Membership.PasswordAnswer = txtAnswer.Text; objAdminUser.Profile.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; objAdminUser.Profile.LastName = txtLastName.Text; intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(txtTitle.Text, objAdminUser, txtDescription.Text, txtKeyWords.Text, Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplateFile, homeDir, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strChildPath, blnChild); } catch (Exception ex) { intPortalId = Null.NullInteger; message = ex.Message; } if (intPortalId != -1) { //Create a Portal Settings object for the new Portal PortalInfo objPortal = objPortalController.GetPortal(intPortalId); var newSettings = new PortalSettings { PortalAlias = new PortalAliasInfo { HTTPAlias = strPortalAlias }, PortalId = intPortalId, DefaultLanguage = objPortal.DefaultLanguage }; string webUrl = Globals.AddHTTP(strPortalAlias); try { if (!Globals.IsHostTab(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID)) { message = Mail.SendMail(PortalSettings.Email, txtEmail.Text, PortalSettings.Email + ";" + Host.HostEmail, Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objAdminUser), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objAdminUser), "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { message = Mail.SendMail(Host.HostEmail, txtEmail.Text, Host.HostEmail, Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objAdminUser), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objAdminUser), "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } catch (Exception exc) { DnnLog.Error(exc); closePopUpStr = (PortalSettings.EnablePopUps) ? "onclick=\"return " + UrlUtils.ClosePopUp(true,webUrl,true) + "\"" : ""; message = string.Format(Localization.GetString("UnknownSendMail.Error", LocalResourceFile), webUrl, closePopUpStr); } var objEventLog = new EventLogController(); objEventLog.AddLog(objPortalController.GetPortal(intPortalId), PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.PORTAL_CREATED); //Redirect to this new site if (message == Null.NullString) { webUrl = (PortalSettings.EnablePopUps) ? UrlUtils.ClosePopUp(true, webUrl, false) : webUrl; Response.Redirect(webUrl,true); } else { closePopUpStr = (PortalSettings.EnablePopUps) ? "onclick=\"return " + UrlUtils.ClosePopUp(true, webUrl, true) + "\"" : ""; message = string.Format(Localization.GetString("SendMail.Error", LocalResourceFile), message, webUrl, closePopUpStr); messageType = ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning; } } } UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, "", message, messageType); } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } } }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// AddPortal manages the Installation of a new DotNetNuke Portal /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 11/06/2004 created /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int AddPortal(XmlNode node, bool status, int indent) { int portalId = -1; try { string hostMapPath = Globals.HostMapPath; string childPath = ""; string domain = ""; if ((HttpContext.Current != null)) { domain = Globals.GetDomainName(HttpContext.Current.Request, true).ToLowerInvariant().Replace("/install", ""); } DnnInstallLogger.InstallLogInfo(Localization.Localization.GetString("LogStart", Localization.Localization.GlobalResourceFile) + "AddPortal:" + domain); string portalName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "portalname"); if (status) { if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Site: " + portalName + "<br>"); } } var portalController = new PortalController(); XmlNode adminNode = node.SelectSingleNode("administrator"); if (adminNode != null) { string firstName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode.CreateNavigator(), "firstname"); string lastName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode.CreateNavigator(), "lastname"); string username = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode.CreateNavigator(), "username"); string password = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode.CreateNavigator(), "password"); string email = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode.CreateNavigator(), "email"); string description = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "description"); string keyWords = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "keywords"); string templateFileName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "templatefile"); string serverPath = Globals.ApplicationMapPath + "\\"; bool isChild = bool.Parse(XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "ischild")); string homeDirectory = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node.CreateNavigator(), "homedirectory"); //Get the Portal Alias XmlNodeList portalAliases = node.SelectNodes("portalaliases/portalalias"); string strPortalAlias = domain; if (portalAliases != null) { if (portalAliases.Count > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portalAliases[0].InnerText)) { strPortalAlias = portalAliases[0].InnerText; } } } //Create default email if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { email = "admin@" + domain.Replace("www.", ""); //Remove any domain subfolder information ( if it exists ) if (email.IndexOf("/") != -1) { email = email.Substring(0, email.IndexOf("/")); } } if (isChild) { childPath = PortalController.GetPortalFolder(strPortalAlias); } var template = FindBestTemplate(templateFileName); var userInfo = CreateUserInfo(firstName, lastName, username, password, email); //Create Portal portalId = portalController.CreatePortal(portalName, userInfo, description, keyWords, template, homeDirectory, strPortalAlias, serverPath, serverPath + childPath, isChild); if (portalId > -1) { //Add Extra Aliases if (portalAliases != null) { foreach (XmlNode portalAlias in portalAliases) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portalAlias.InnerText)) { if (status) { if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Site Alias: " + portalAlias.InnerText + "<br>"); } } portalController.AddPortalAlias(portalId, portalAlias.InnerText); } } } //Force Administrator to Update Password on first log in PortalInfo portal = portalController.GetPortal(portalId); UserInfo adminUser = UserController.GetUserById(portalId, portal.AdministratorId); adminUser.Membership.UpdatePassword = true; UserController.UpdateUser(portalId, adminUser); } return portalId; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "<font color='red'>Error: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + "</font><br>"); DnnInstallLogger.InstallLogError(ex); } // failure portalId = - 1; } return portalId; }
private void CreateSite(PortalConfig portal, InstallConfig installConfig) { var domain = ""; if ((HttpContext.Current != null)) { domain = Globals.GetDomainName(HttpContext.Current.Request, true).ToLowerInvariant().Replace("/install/launchautoinstall", "").Replace("/install", "").Replace("/runinstall", ""); } var portalController = new PortalController(); var serverPath = Globals.ApplicationMapPath + "\\"; //Get the Portal Alias var portalAlias = domain; if (portal.PortAliases.Count > 0) portalAlias = portal.PortAliases[0]; //Verify that portal alias is not present if (PortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasLookup(portalAlias.ToLower()) != null) { string description = Localization.Localization.GetString("SkipCreatingSite", LocalInstallResourceFile); Details = string.Format(description, portalAlias); return; } //Create default email var email = portal.AdminEmail; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { email = "admin@" + domain.Replace("www.", ""); //Remove any domain subfolder information ( if it exists ) if (email.IndexOf("/") != -1) { email = email.Substring(0, email.IndexOf("/")); } } //install LP if installing in a different language string culture = installConfig.InstallCulture; if (!culture.Equals("en-us", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string installFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Install/language"); Upgrade.InstallPackage(installFolder + "\\installlanguage.resources", "Language", false); } var template = Upgrade.FindBestTemplate(portal.TemplateFileName); UserInfo userInfo; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(portal.AdminUserName)) userInfo = Upgrade.CreateUserInfo(portal.AdminFirstName, portal.AdminLastName, portal.AdminUserName, portal.AdminPassword, email); else userInfo = Upgrade.CreateUserInfo(installConfig.SuperUser.FirstName, installConfig.SuperUser.LastName, installConfig.SuperUser.UserName, installConfig.SuperUser.Password, installConfig.SuperUser.Email); var childPath = string.Empty; if (portal.IsChild) childPath = portalAlias.Substring(portalAlias.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); //Create Portal var portalId = portalController.CreatePortal(portal.PortalName, userInfo, portal.Description, portal.Keywords, template, portal.HomeDirectory, portalAlias, serverPath, serverPath + childPath, portal.IsChild); if (portalId > -1) { foreach (var alias in portal.PortAliases) { portalController.AddPortalAlias(portalId, alias); } } //remove en-US from portal if installing in a different language if (!culture.Equals("en-us", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var locale = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocale("en-US"); Localization.Localization.RemoveLanguageFromPortal(portalId, locale.LanguageId); } //Log user in to site var loginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_FAILURE; UserController.UserLogin(portalId, userInfo.Username, installConfig.SuperUser.Password, "", "", "", ref loginStatus, false); InstallController.Instance.RemoveFromInstallConfig("//dotnetnuke/superuser/password"); }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// InstallPortal installs the Host Portal /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 02/19/2007 Created /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private bool InstallPortal() { bool success = false; string strErrorMessage = usrAdmin.Validate(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strErrorMessage)) { string strError = LocalizeString(strErrorMessage); if (strErrorMessage == "PasswordLength") { strError = string.Format(strError, MembershipProviderConfig.MinPasswordLength); } lblPortalError.Text = string.Format(LocalizeString("AdminUserError"), strError); } else { try { var objPortalController = new PortalController(); string strServerPath = Globals.ApplicationMapPath + "\\"; string strPortalAlias = Globals.GetDomainName(HttpContext.Current.Request, true).Replace("/Install", ""); string strTemplate = cboPortalTemplate.SelectedValue + ".template"; //Create Portal PortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(txtPortalTitle.Text, usrAdmin.FirstName, usrAdmin.LastName, usrAdmin.UserName, usrAdmin.Password, usrAdmin.Email, "", "", Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplate, "", strPortalAlias, strServerPath, "", false); success = (PortalId > Null.NullInteger); Config.Touch(); Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx", true); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { //do nothing - we swallow this exception - becuase of redirect } catch (Exception ex) { Instrumentation.DnnLog.Error(ex); success = false; strErrorMessage = ex.Message; } if (!success) { lblPortalError.Text = string.Format(LocalizeString("InstallPortalError"), strErrorMessage); } } return success; }
/// <summary> /// AddPortal manages the Installation of a new DotNetNuke Portal /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> public static int AddPortal(XmlNode node, bool status, int indent) { try { int intPortalId; string strHostPath = Globals.HostMapPath; string strChildPath = ""; string strDomain = ""; if (HttpContext.Current != null) { strDomain = Globals.GetDomainName(HttpContext.Current.Request, true).Replace("/Install", ""); } string strPortalName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "portalname", ""); if (status) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Portal: " + strPortalName + "<br>"); } PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity(); XmlNode adminNode = node.SelectSingleNode("administrator"); string strFirstName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "firstname", ""); string strLastName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "lastname", ""); string strUserName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "username", ""); string strPassword = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "password", ""); string strEmail = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "email", ""); string strDescription = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "description", ""); string strKeyWords = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "keywords", ""); string strTemplate = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "templatefile", ""); string strServerPath = Globals.ApplicationMapPath + "\\"; bool isChild = bool.Parse(XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "ischild", "")); string strHomeDirectory = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "homedirectory", ""); //Get the Portal Alias XmlNodeList portalAliases = node.SelectNodes("portalaliases/portalalias"); string strPortalAlias = strDomain; if (portalAliases.Count > 0) { if (portalAliases[0].InnerText != "") { strPortalAlias = portalAliases[0].InnerText; } } //Create default email if (strEmail == "") { strEmail = "admin@" + strDomain.Replace("www.", ""); //Remove any domain subfolder information ( if it exists ) if (strEmail.IndexOf("/") != -1) { strEmail = strEmail.Substring(0, strEmail.IndexOf("/")); } } if (isChild) { strChildPath = strPortalAlias.Substring(strPortalAlias.LastIndexOf("/") + 1 - 1); } //Create Portal intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(strPortalName, strFirstName, strLastName, strUserName, objSecurity.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["EncryptionKey"]), strPassword), strEmail, strDescription, strKeyWords, strHostPath, strTemplate, strHomeDirectory, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strServerPath + strChildPath, isChild); if (intPortalId > -1) { //Add Extra Aliases foreach (XmlNode portalAlias in portalAliases) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(portalAlias.InnerText)) { if (status) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Portal Alias: " + portalAlias.InnerText + "<br>"); } objPortalController.AddPortalAlias(intPortalId, portalAlias.InnerText); } } } return intPortalId; } catch (Exception ex) { HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "<font color='red'>Error: " + ex.Message + "</font><br>"); return -1; // failure } }
/// <summary> /// cmdUpdate_Click runs when the Update button is clicked /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 5/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> protected void cmdUpdate_Click( Object sender, EventArgs e ) { if( Page.IsValid ) { try { bool blnChild; string strMessage = String.Empty; string strPortalAlias; int intCounter; string strServerPath; string strChildPath = String.Empty; PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity(); // check template validity ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); string schemaFilename = Server.MapPath( "admin/Portal/portal.template.xsd" ); string xmlFilename = Globals.HostMapPath + cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; PortalTemplateValidator xval = new PortalTemplateValidator(); if( ! xval.Validate( xmlFilename, schemaFilename ) ) { strMessage = Localization.GetString( "InvalidTemplate", this.LocalResourceFile ); lblMessage.Text = string.Format( strMessage, cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template" ); messages.AddRange( xval.Errors ); lstResults.Visible = true; lstResults.DataSource = messages; lstResults.DataBind(); return; } //Set Portal Name txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.ToLower(); txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.Replace("http://", ""); //Validate Portal Name if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId ) { blnChild = true; // child portal for( intCounter = 1; intCounter <= txtPortalName.Text.Length; intCounter++ ) { if( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-".IndexOf(txtPortalName.Text.Substring(intCounter, 1 )) == 0 ) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile ); } } strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } else { blnChild = optType.SelectedValue == "C"; if( blnChild ) { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text.Substring(txtPortalName.Text.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } string strValidChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-"; if( ! blnChild ) { strValidChars += "./:"; } for( intCounter = 1; intCounter <= strPortalAlias.Length; intCounter++ ) { if (strValidChars.IndexOf(strPortalAlias.Substring(intCounter - 1, 1)) == 0) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile ); } } } //Validate Password if( txtPassword.Text != txtConfirm.Text ) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidPassword", this.LocalResourceFile ); } strServerPath = Globals.GetAbsoluteServerPath( Request ); //Set Portal Alias for Child Portals if( strMessage == "" ) { if( blnChild ) { strChildPath = strServerPath + strPortalAlias; if( Directory.Exists( strChildPath ) ) { strMessage = Localization.GetString( "ChildExists", this.LocalResourceFile ); } else { if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId ) { strPortalAlias = Globals.GetDomainName( Request ) + "/" + strPortalAlias; } else { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } } } } //Get Home Directory string HomeDir; if( txtHomeDirectory.Text != "Portals/[PortalID]" ) { HomeDir = txtHomeDirectory.Text; } else { HomeDir = ""; } //Create Portal if( strMessage == "" ) { string strTemplateFile = cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; //Attempt to create the portal int intPortalId; try { intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal( txtTitle.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtUsername.Text, objSecurity.Encrypt( Convert.ToString( Globals.HostSettings["EncryptionKey"] ), txtPassword.Text ), txtEmail.Text, txtDescription.Text, txtKeyWords.Text, Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplateFile, HomeDir, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strChildPath, blnChild ); } catch( Exception ex ) { intPortalId = Null.NullInteger; strMessage = ex.Message; } if( intPortalId != - 1 ) { // notification UserInfo objUser = UserController.GetUserByName( intPortalId, txtUsername.Text, false ); //Create a Portal Settings object for the new Portal PortalSettings newSettings = new PortalSettings(); newSettings.PortalAlias = new PortalAliasInfo(); newSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias = strPortalAlias; newSettings.PortalId = intPortalId; string webUrl = Globals.AddHTTP( strPortalAlias ); try { if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId ) { Mail.SendMail( PortalSettings.Email, txtEmail.Text, PortalSettings.Email + ";" + Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser ), "", "", "", "", "", "" ); } else { Mail.SendMail( Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), txtEmail.Text, Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser ), "", "", "", "", "", "" ); } } catch( Exception ) { strMessage = string.Format( Localization.GetString( "SendMail.Error", this.LocalResourceFile ), webUrl, null ); } EventLogController objEventLog = new EventLogController(); objEventLog.AddLog( objPortalController.GetPortal( intPortalId ), PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.PORTAL_CREATED ); // Redirect to this new site if( strMessage == Null.NullString ) { Response.Redirect( webUrl, true ); } } } lblMessage.Text = "<br>" + strMessage + "<br><br>"; } catch( Exception exc ) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException( this, exc ); } } }