public static PortalAliasCollection GetPortalAliasLookup() { var portalAliasCollection = new PortalAliasCollection(); var aliasController = new PortalAliasController(); foreach (var kvp in aliasController.GetPortalAliasesInternal()) { portalAliasCollection.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } return(portalAliasCollection); }
/// <inheritdoc/> string IPortalAliasService.GetPortalAliasByPortal(int portalId, string portalAlias) { string retValue = string.Empty; bool foundAlias = false; var portalAliasInfo = this.ThisAsInterface.GetPortalAlias(portalAlias, portalId); if (portalAliasInfo != null) { retValue = portalAliasInfo.HttpAlias; foundAlias = true; } if (!foundAlias) { // searching from longest to shortest alias ensures that the most specific portal is matched first // In some cases this method has been called with "portalaliases" that were not exactly the real portal alias // the startswith behaviour is preserved here to support those non-specific uses var controller = new PortalAliasController(); var portalAliases = controller.GetPortalAliasesInternal(); var portalAliasCollection = portalAliases.OrderByDescending(k => k.Key.Length); foreach (var currentAlias in portalAliasCollection) { // check if the alias key starts with the portal alias value passed in - we use // StartsWith because child portals are redirected to the parent portal domain name // eg. child = '' and parent is '' // this allows the parent domain name to resolve to the child alias ( the tabid still identifies the child portalid ) IPortalAliasInfo currentAliasInfo = currentAlias.Value; string httpAlias = currentAliasInfo.HttpAlias.ToLowerInvariant(); if (httpAlias.StartsWith(portalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()) && currentAliasInfo.PortalId == portalId) { retValue = currentAliasInfo.HttpAlias; break; } httpAlias = httpAlias.StartsWith("www.") ? httpAlias.Replace("www.", string.Empty) : string.Concat("www.", httpAlias); if (httpAlias.StartsWith(portalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()) && currentAliasInfo.PortalId == portalId) { retValue = currentAliasInfo.HttpAlias; break; } } } return(retValue); }
public static PortalAliasCollection GetPortalAliasLookup() { var portalAliasCollection = new PortalAliasCollection(); var aliasController = new PortalAliasController(); foreach (var kvp in aliasController.GetPortalAliasesInternal()) { portalAliasCollection.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } return portalAliasCollection; }
private IPortalAliasInfo GetPortalAliasInternal(string httpAlias) { string strPortalAlias; // try the specified alias first IPortalAliasInfo portalAlias = this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal(httpAlias.ToLowerInvariant()); // and should be synonymous if (portalAlias == null) { if (httpAlias.StartsWith("www.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // try alias without the "www." prefix strPortalAlias = httpAlias.Replace("www.", string.Empty); } else // try the alias with the "www." prefix { strPortalAlias = string.Concat("www.", httpAlias); } // perform the lookup portalAlias = this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal(strPortalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()); } // allow domain wildcards if (portalAlias == null) { // remove the domain prefix ( ie. = ) if (httpAlias.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { strPortalAlias = httpAlias.Substring(httpAlias.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); } else // be sure we have a clean string (without leftovers from preceding 'if' block) { strPortalAlias = httpAlias; } // try an explicit lookup using the wildcard entry ( ie. * ) portalAlias = this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal("*." + strPortalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()) ?? this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal(strPortalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()); if (portalAlias == null) { // try a lookup using "www." + raw domain portalAlias = this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal("www." + strPortalAlias.ToLowerInvariant()); } } if (portalAlias == null) { // check if this is a fresh install ( no alias values in collection ) var controller = new PortalAliasController(); var portalAliases = controller.GetPortalAliasesInternal(); if (portalAliases.Keys.Count == 0 || (portalAliases.Count == 1 && portalAliases.ContainsKey("_default"))) { // relate the PortalAlias to the default portal on a fresh database installation DataProvider.Instance().UpdatePortalAlias(httpAlias.ToLowerInvariant().Trim('/'), UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID); EventLogController.Instance.AddLog( "PortalAlias", httpAlias, PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentSettings(), UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID, EventLogController.EventLogType.PORTALALIAS_UPDATED); // clear the cachekey "GetPortalByAlias" otherwise portalalias "_default" stays in cache after first install DataCache.RemoveCache("GetPortalByAlias"); // try again portalAlias = this.GetPortalAliasLookupInternal(httpAlias.ToLowerInvariant()); } } return(portalAlias); }