        public async Task <string> RunAsync(ITestcontainersConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var converter = new TestcontainersConfigurationConverter(configuration);

            var hostConfig = new HostConfig
                PortBindings = converter.PortBindings,
                Mounts       = converter.Mounts,

            var createParameters = new CreateContainerParameters
                Image        = configuration.Image.FullName,
                Name         = configuration.Name,
                WorkingDir   = configuration.WorkingDirectory,
                Entrypoint   = converter.Entrypoint,
                Cmd          = converter.Command,
                Env          = converter.Environments,
                Labels       = converter.Labels,
                ExposedPorts = converter.ExposedPorts,
                HostConfig   = hostConfig,

            var id = (await this.Docker.Containers.CreateContainerAsync(createParameters, ct)

            Logger.LogInformation("Container {id} created", id);

        public async Task <string> RunAsync(TestcontainersConfiguration config, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var image = config.Container.Image;

            var pullImageTask = MetaDataClientImages.Instance.ExistsWithNameAsync(image).ContinueWith(async imageExists =>
                if (!await imageExists)
                    // await ... does not work here, the image will not be pulled.
                    Docker.Images.CreateImageAsync(new ImagesCreateParameters {
                        FromImage = image
                    }, null, DebugProgress.Instance, cancellationToken).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var name = config.Container.Name;

            var workingDir = config.Container.WorkingDirectory;

            var converter = new TestcontainersConfigurationConverter(config);

            var entrypoint = converter.Entrypoint;

            var cmd = converter.Command;

            var env = converter.Environments;

            var labels = converter.Labels;

            var exposedPorts = converter.ExposedPorts;

            var portBindings = converter.PortBindings;

            var mounts = converter.Mounts;

            var hostConfig = new HostConfig
                PortBindings = portBindings,
                Mounts       = mounts,

            var createParameters = new CreateContainerParameters
                Image        = image,
                Name         = name,
                WorkingDir   = workingDir,
                Entrypoint   = entrypoint,
                Env          = env,
                Labels       = labels,
                Cmd          = cmd,
                ExposedPorts = exposedPorts,
                HostConfig   = hostConfig,

            await pullImageTask;

            return((await Docker.Containers.CreateContainerAsync(createParameters, cancellationToken)).ID);
        public async Task <string> RunAsync(ITestcontainersConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var converter = new TestcontainersConfigurationConverter(configuration);

            var hostConfig = new HostConfig
                AutoRemove   = configuration.AutoRemove.HasValue && configuration.AutoRemove.Value,
                Privileged   = configuration.Privileged.HasValue && configuration.Privileged.Value,
                PortBindings = converter.PortBindings,
                Mounts       = converter.Mounts,

            var networkingConfig = new NetworkingConfig
                EndpointsConfig = converter.Networks,

            var createParameters = new CreateContainerParameters
                Image            = configuration.Image.FullName,
                Name             = configuration.Name,
                Hostname         = configuration.Hostname,
                WorkingDir       = configuration.WorkingDirectory,
                Entrypoint       = converter.Entrypoint,
                Cmd              = converter.Command,
                Env              = converter.Environments,
                Labels           = converter.Labels,
                ExposedPorts     = converter.ExposedPorts,
                HostConfig       = hostConfig,
                NetworkingConfig = networkingConfig,

            var id = (await this.Docker.Containers.CreateContainerAsync(createParameters, ct)

