        /// <summary>
        /// Show a premade notification with the given settings, using a prefab GameObject reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_prefab">The prefab GameObject reference</param>
        /// <param name="_lifetime">How long will the notification be on the screen. Infinite lifetime is -1</param>
        /// <param name="_addToNotificationQueue">Should this notification be added to the NotificationQueue or shown rightaway</param>
        /// <param name="_title">The text you want to show in the title area (if linked)</param>
        /// <param name="_message">The message you want to show in the message area (if linked)</param>
        /// <param name="_icon">The sprite you want the notification icon to have (if linked)</param>
        /// <param name="_buttonNames">The button names you want the notification to have (from left to right). These values are the ones that we listen to as button click</param>
        /// <param name="_buttonTexts">The text on the buttons (example: 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Yes', 'No' and so on)</param>
        public UINotification ShowNotification(GameObject _prefab, float _lifetime, bool _addToNotificationQueue, string _title, string _message, Sprite _icon, string[] _buttonNames, string[] _buttonTexts, UnityAction[] _buttonCallback = null, UnityAction _hideCallback = null)
            if (UIManager.Instance.debugUINotifications)
                if (_lifetime == -1)
                    Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] Showing notification " + _prefab.name);
                    Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] Showing notification " + _prefab.name + " for " + _lifetime + " seconds");

            UINotification.NotificationData nData =
                new UINotification.NotificationData()
                prefab   = _prefab,
                lifetime = _lifetime,
                addToNotificationQueue = _addToNotificationQueue,
                title          = _title,
                message        = _message,
                icon           = _icon,
                buttonNames    = _buttonNames,
                buttonTexts    = _buttonTexts,
                buttonCallback = _buttonCallback,
                hideCallback   = _hideCallback

 /// <summary>
 /// Unregisteres a notification, by removing the notification data that started it.
 /// </summary>
 public void UnregisterFromNotificationQueue(UINotification.NotificationData nData)
     if (NotificationQueue.Count > 0)
     }                                                                            //always show the first item in the list because it is the oldest
 /// <summary>
 /// Every notification that needs to enter the Notification Queue will be added to the notificatioQueue list as the last item.
 /// </summary>
 public void RegisterToNotificationQueue(UINotification.NotificationData nData)
     if (nData == null)
     if (NotificationQueue.Count == 1)
     }                                                                    //this is the last (and only) notification data in the queue -> show the notification now
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up a Notification.
        /// </summary>
        private UINotification SetupNotification(UINotification.NotificationData nData)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nData.prefabName) && nData.prefab == null)
                Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification]: The nPrefabName is null or empty and the nPrefab is null as well. Something went wrong.");

            if (nData.addToNotificationQueue)
                RegisterToNotificationQueue(nData); //register the notification to the NotificationQueue and let the system it handle it

            return(LoadNotification(nData)); //show the notification without adding it to the queue
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the notification by instatiating the prefab and doing the initial setup to it
        /// </summary>
        private UINotification LoadNotification(UINotification.NotificationData nData)
            GameObject     notification       = null;
            UINotification componentReference = null;
            string         targetCanvasName;
            UICanvas       targetCanvas;

            if (nData.prefab != null) //we have a prefab reference
                componentReference = nData.prefab.GetComponent <UINotification>();
                if (componentReference == null) //make sure the notification gameobject has an UINotification component attached (this is a fail safe in case the developer links the wrong prefab)
                    Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification] [Error]: The notification prefab named " + notification.name + " does not have an UINotification component attached. Check if this prefab is really a notification or not.");
                targetCanvasName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentReference.targetCanvasName) || componentReference.targetCanvasName.Equals(UICanvas.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME)) //make sure the target canvas name is not an empty string
                                     ? DUI.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME
                                     : componentReference.targetCanvasName;
                targetCanvas = UIManager.GetCanvas(targetCanvasName);
                notification = Instantiate(nData.prefab, targetCanvas.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nData.prefabName))    //we don't have a prefab reference and we check if we have a prefabName we should be looking for in Resources
                if (GetUINotification(nData.prefabName) != null) //look for the notification in the UI Notification manager
                    componentReference = GetUINotification(nData.prefabName);
                    targetCanvasName   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentReference.targetCanvasName) || componentReference.targetCanvasName.Equals(UICanvas.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME)) //make sure the target canvas name is not an empty string
                                       ? DUI.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME
                                       : componentReference.targetCanvasName;
                    targetCanvas = UIManager.GetCanvas(targetCanvasName);
                    notification = Instantiate(GetUINotification(nData.prefabName).gameObject, targetCanvas.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                else // the notification does not exist in the UINotification --> look for it in the resources
                    GameObject notificationPrefab = null;
                    //look for the notification prefab; do this in a 'try catch' just in case the name was mispelled or the prefab does not exist
                    try { notificationPrefab = Resources.Load(nData.prefabName) as GameObject; }
                    catch (UnityException e) { Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification] [Error]: " + e); }

                    if (notificationPrefab == null)
                        Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification]: The notification named [" + nData.prefabName + "] prefab does not exist or is not located under a Resources folder");
                    componentReference = notificationPrefab.GetComponent <UINotification>();
                    if (componentReference == null) //make sure the notification gameobject has an UINotification component attached (this is a fail safe in case the developer links the wrong prefab)
                        Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification] [Error]: The notification prefab named " + notification.name + " does not have an UINotification component attached. Check if this prefab is really a notification or not.");
                    targetCanvasName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentReference.targetCanvasName) || componentReference.targetCanvasName.Equals(UICanvas.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME)) //make sure the target canvas name is not an empty string
                                      ? DUI.DEFAULT_CANVAS_NAME
                                      : componentReference.targetCanvasName;
                    targetCanvas = UIManager.GetCanvas(targetCanvasName);
                    notification = Instantiate(notificationPrefab, targetCanvas.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            else //the developer didn't link a prefab, nor did he set a prefabName; this is a fail safe option
                Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification] [Error]: You are trying to show a notification, but you didn't set neither a prefab reference, nor a prefabName. This is a fail safe debug log. Check your ShowNotification method call and fix this.");

            if (notification.GetComponent <UINotification>() == null) //make sure the notification gameobject has an UINotification component attached (this is a fail safe in case the developer links the wrong prefab)
                Debug.Log("[DoozyUI] [SetupNotification] [Error]: The notification prefab named " + notification.name + " does not have an UINotification component attached. Check if this prefab is really a notification or not.");

            notification.transform.SetParent(targetCanvas.transform, false);
            notification.gameObject.layer = notification.transform.parent.gameObject.layer;                          //set the physics layer (just in case the camera is set to see another layer)
            UIManager.UpdateCanvasSortingLayerName(notification.gameObject, targetCanvas.Canvas.sortingLayerName);   //update the sorting layers for all the canvases (just in case)
            UIManager.UpdateRendererSortingLayerName(notification.gameObject, targetCanvas.Canvas.sortingLayerName); //update the sorting layers for all the rendereres (just in case)
            RectTransform rt = notification.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            rt.anchoredPosition = targetCanvas.RectTransform.anchoredPosition;
            if (targetCanvas.Canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay)
                rt.offsetMin = Vector2.zero;
                rt.offsetMax = Vector2.zero;
            notification.GetComponent <UINotification>().ShowNotification(nData, targetCanvas);
            return(notification.GetComponent <UINotification>());