        public void TakeDamage(sbyte damage)  //Check the health conditions and update the health indicator in the GUI.
            m_AudioMethods.PlayDamageSound(); // Play damage sound
            m_Health -= damage;
            if (m_Health <= 0)                //Health cannot be negative
                m_Health = 0;                 //Health cannot be lower than zero

            //Debug.Log("Damage Received: " + damage);
            //Debug.Log("Health = " + m_Health);
        public void TakeDamage(sbyte damage)          //Check the health conditions and update the health indicator in the GUI.
            if (!m_ShieldActive)                      //Player has no shield
                if (damage > 5)                       //Sound will be played only if damage is greater than 5
                    m_AudioMethods.PlayDamageSound(); // Play damage sound
                m_Health -= damage;                   //Reduce health
                if (m_Health <= 0)                    //Character is dead
                    m_Health = 0;                     //Health cannot be lower than zero
                    Die(1);                           //Call die method because health reaching 0
            else                                          //Player has shield
                StartCoroutine(DeactivatePowerUp(2, 0f)); //Deactivate shield

            //Debug.Log("Damage Received: " + damage);
            //Debug.Log("Health = " + m_Health);