public void DeletePhone(Phone phone)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(phone != null, "The phone must be non-null!");

            using (var context = new SchoolContext())

                    if (context.SaveChanges() != 0)
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phone + " was successfully removed!", "General", 2, 2, TraceEventType.Information);
                         * */
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phone + " was not removed!", "Important", 1, 1, TraceEventType.Error);
                    throw new NoSuchEntityException("The semester with the id=" + phone + " does not exist in the database");
        public void DeletePhone(int phoneId)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(phoneId > 0, "The phoneId must be > 0!");

            using (var context = new SchoolContext())
                var phoneToBeDeleted = new Phone()
                    PhoneId = phoneId


                    if (context.SaveChanges() != 0)
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phoneToBeDeleted + " was successfully removed!", "General", 2, 2, TraceEventType.Information);
                         * */
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phoneToBeDeleted + " was not removed!", "Important", 1, 1, TraceEventType.Error);
                    throw new NoSuchEntityException("The semester with the id=" + phoneToBeDeleted + " does not exist in the database");
        public void AddPhone(Phone phone)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(phone != null, "The phone must be non-null!");

            using (var context = new SchoolContext())

                if (context.SaveChanges() != 0)
                    Logger.Write("The phone: " + phone + " was successfully inserted!", "General", 2, 2, TraceEventType.Information);
                     * */
                    Logger.Write("The phone: " + phone + " was not inserted!", "Important", 1, 1, TraceEventType.Error);
        public void DeletePhoneByObjectNoSuchEntity()
            //create entity instance
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student,

            var phone2 = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "1234 567890",
                Student = student,

            //insert entity
            var res = Validation.Validate(student);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true);

            res = Validation.Validate(phone);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true);

            //change entity properties;update entity
            int lastInsertedStudentId = phone.PhoneId;
        public void UpdatePhoneByObjectNullPhoneNumber()
            //create entity instance
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student,

            var phone2 = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "1234 567890",
                Student = student,

            //insert entity
            var res = Validation.Validate(student);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true);

            res = Validation.Validate(phone);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true);

            //change entity properties;update entity
            int lastInsertedStudentId = phone.PhoneId;
            var updatedStudent1 = _phoneService.UpdatePhone(phone.PhoneId, (String) null);

            //read updated entity
            Phone updateStudent2 = _phoneService.GetPhoneById(lastInsertedStudentId);

            //compare changed entity and read entity
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedStudent1.PhoneNumber, updateStudent2.PhoneNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedStudent1.PhoneNumber, phone2.PhoneNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(updateStudent2.PhoneNumber, phone2.PhoneNumber);

            //delete entity
        public void TestValidPhoneNumber()
            var phone = new Phone("0134 123456");
            var res = Validation.Validate(phone);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true, res.IsValid ? "" : "Validation Failed: " + res.Single().Message);

            if (!res.IsValid)
                var singleOrDefault = res.SingleOrDefault();
                if (singleOrDefault != null) Trace.WriteLine(singleOrDefault.Message);
        public void TestIsPhoneInsertedFail()
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student

        public void TestGetPhoneById()
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student

            var phoneAdded = _phoneService.GetPhoneById(phone.PhoneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(phoneAdded.PhoneId, phone.PhoneId);
            Assert.AreEqual(phoneAdded.PhoneNumber, phone.PhoneNumber);
        public void TestGetAllPhones()
            var oldCount = _phoneService.GetAllPhones().Count;
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student

            Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, _phoneService.GetAllPhones().Count);
        public void TestDeletePhoneObjectSuccess()
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "xqwe",
                LastName = "ywqe",
                CNP = "1234567891215",
                SID = 22,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") },
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student



        public void TestAddPhoneSuccess()
            var student = new Student
                FirstName = "firstname1",
                LastName = "lastname1",
                CNP = "1234567891234",
                SID = 123,
                EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now,
                Emails = new[] { new Email("*****@*****.**") }

            var phone = new Phone()
                PhoneNumber = "0123 123456",
                Student = student

            using (var es = new PhoneService())
            using (var st = new StudentService())
                var res = Validation.Validate(phone);
                Assert.AreEqual(res.IsValid, true, res.IsValid ? "" : "Validation Failed: " + res.First().Message);

                if (!res.IsValid)
                    var firstOrDefault = res.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (firstOrDefault != null) Trace.WriteLine(firstOrDefault.Message);

                var stud = st.GetStudentById(student.StudentId);
                Assert.AreEqual(stud.StudentId, student.StudentId);
                Assert.IsTrue(stud.Phones.Any(e => e.PhoneNumber == phone.PhoneNumber));
        public Phone UpdatePhone(int phoneId, Phone phone)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(phoneId > 0, "The phoneId must be > 0!");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(phone != null, "The phone must be non-null!");

            using (var context = new SchoolContext())
                var phoneToBeUpdated = context.Phones.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PhoneId == phoneId);

                if (phoneToBeUpdated != null)
                    phoneToBeUpdated.PhoneNumber = phone.PhoneNumber;

                    if (context.SaveChanges() != 0)
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phoneToBeUpdated + " was successfully updated!", "General", 2, 2, TraceEventType.Information);
                         * */
                        Logger.Write("The phone " + phoneToBeUpdated + " was not updated!", "Important", 1, 1, TraceEventType.Error);

                    return phoneToBeUpdated;
                Logger.Write("The phone with id: " + phoneId + " doesn't exist in the database!", "Important", 1, 1, TraceEventType.Error);
                throw new NoSuchEntityException("The phone with id: " + phoneId +
                                                " doesn't exist in the database!");
 public Phone UpdatePhone(int phoneId, Phone phone)
     return DataMapperFactory.GetMapperFactory().PhoneMapper.UpdatePhone
         (phoneId, phone);
 public void DeletePhone(Phone phone)
 // Create
 public void AddPhone(Phone phone)