 /** Copy constructor. */
 public CardPile(CardPile other)
     int newNumCards = other.NumCards;
     cards = new List<Card> (newNumCards);
     for (int i = 0; i < newNumCards; i++)
         cards[i] = new Card (other.GetCard (i));
 /** Adds the newCard to this Hand. */
 public virtual int AddCard(Card newCard)
     if (newCard == null)
         Debug.WriteLine ("Error: Tried to add a null card to a CardPile.");
         return -1;
     cards.Add (new Card(newCard));  //< This uses the Card class's copy constructor.
     return 0;
        /** Adds a packs's worth of cards to the stock. */
        public void AddPack()
            if (cards == null)
                cards = new List<Card> ();
            /** The order of the pips are A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, and don't want any Jokers. We need to
                start at 1, and loop through 13 times.
            for (int suit = 1; suit <= 4; suit++)                           //<
                for (int pipValue = 1; pipValue <= Card.King; pipValue++) 	// Once for each of the 13 pip values
                    /** This is called a nested for loop. It makes it so that our cards will be sorted by suit and
                        value. Note: If we had switched the order of the nested for loops, it would sort the cards by
                        value then suit.
                    var newCard = new Card (pipValue, suit, faceValues[pipValue], suitValues[suit - 1], suitType);
                    AddCard (newCard);

            if (hasJokers)
                cards.Add (new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Red));
                cards.Add (new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Black));
        /** Adds the newCard to this Hand. */
        public virtual int InsertCard(Card newCard, int index)
            if (newCard == null)
                return -1;

            if (index < 0 || index >= NumCards) //< Index out of bounds!
                return - 2;

            cards.Insert (index, newCard);

            return 0;
        /** Checks to see if thisCard is in the pile and returns true if it is. */
        public bool Contains(Card thisCard)
            if (thisCard == null)
                return false;

            foreach (Card card in Cards)
                if (Equals (card))
                    return true;
            return false;
        /** Runs the unit test. */
        public override void RunTests()
            Debug.Write ("\nTesting Card Class\n" +
                CardGame.ConsoleLine ('*') +
                "Creating test Card object...\n");

            Card cardA,

            cardA = new Card ();
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "Black Joker", "Error: Default constructor should produce a black" +
                "joker.\n" + cardA.ToString ());

            cardA = new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Hearts);

            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "Red Joker", "Error: new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Hearts) " +
                "should produce a black joker.\n" + cardA.ToString ());

            cardA = new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Spades);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "Black Joker", "Error: new Card (Card.Joker, Card.Spades) " +
                "should produce a black joker.\n" + cardA.ToString ());

            cardA = new Card (Card.Ace, Card.Spades);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "Ace of Spades", "Error: new Card (Card.Ace, Card.Spades) " +
                "should produce a black joker.:\n" + cardA.ToString ());

            cardA = new Card (5, Card.Spades);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "5 of Spades", "Error: new Card (5, Card.Spades) " +
                "should produce a black joker.:\n" + cardA.ToString ());

            Debug.Write ("Testing Card.Compare (Card) function...\n" +
                "Creating some test Card object to compare. \n");

            Debug.Write ("Creating some Cards with invalid input and testing Equals (int, int) function.\n");

            cardA = new Card (-4, 6);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "Black Joker", "Error: new Card (-4, 6) didn't create a Black " +
                "Joker, but created a " + cardA.ToString ());

            cardA = new Card (15, -1);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.ToString () == "King of Clubs", "Error: new Card (15, -1) didn't create a King " +
                "of Clubs, but created a " + cardA.ToString ());

            Debug.Write ("Testing bool Equals (Card other) funciton\n");

            cardA = new Card (5, Card.Spades);

            Debug.Assert (cardA.Equals (5, Card.Spades), "Error: !cardA.Equals(5, Card.Spades) :\ncardA: " +
                cardA.ToString ());

            cardB = new Card (5, Card.Spades);
            Debug.Assert (cardA.Equals(cardB), "Error: !cardA.Equals(cardB) :\ncardA: " + cardA.ToString () + "\ncardB: " +
                cardB.ToString ());

            Debug.Write ("Done testing the Card class.\n\n");
        /** Operator compares thisCard to the otherCard and returns true if they are the same. */
        public bool Equals(Card other)
            //< Always check to see if an object is null before trying to access any of it's data members!!!

            if ((Object)other == null)
                return false;

            Debug.WriteLine ("other.ToString (): " + other.ToString () + "\nother.PipValue: " + other.pipValue + " other.Suit: " + other.suit);
            return Equals (other.PipValue, other.Suit);
        /** Copy Constuctor
            Quickly copies the state of the other object. */
        public Card(Card other)
            if (other == null)
                suit = Black;
                suitValue = Black;
                pipValue = Joker;
                faceValue = 0;
                suitType = French;

            suit      = other.suit;
            suitValue = other.suitValue;
            pipValue  = other.pipValue;
            faceValue = other.faceValue;
            suitType  = other.suitType;