public void Gatt1ServiceTest() { var application = new Application("/com/test"); GattService1 service = new GattService1(new ObjectPath("/com/test/gatt1service"), 0, "ABC", false); application.AddService(service); var result = application.GetManagedObjectsAsync().Result; Assert.Equal(1, result.Count); Assert.Equal(1, result[new ObjectPath("/com/test/gatt1service/service0")].Count); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("MIDI to BLE Bridge"); var access = MidiAccessManager.Default; var midiPort = access.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(inp => inp.Name.Contains("mio", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (midiPort == null) { midiPort = access.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(inp => inp.Name.Contains("vmpk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } IMidiInput input = null; if (midiPort != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Found {midiPort.Name}. Opening..."); input = await access.OpenInputAsync(midiPort.Id); // There seems to be a pretty bad race condition inside the library. // If your MIDI device is streaming data but there is no MessageReceived delegate, it will // throw a NRE. So register this dummy here for now. input.MessageReceived += (obj, e) => {}; } else { Console.WriteLine("No suitable MIDI port found."); } Task.Run(async() => { using (var connection = new Connection(Address.System)) { await connection.ConnectAsync(); var hci0Path = new ObjectPath("/org/bluez/hci0"); var serviceName = "org.bluez"; var hci0Adapter = connection.CreateProxy <IAdapter1>(serviceName, hci0Path); // Based on BlueZ sample code. Verify what it does. Does it really turn my BT adapeter on if it was off? Console.WriteLine("Setting power to true on device 1"); await hci0Adapter.SetPoweredAsync(true); var advertisement = new LEAdvertisement(new LEAdvertisementProperties { Type = "peripheral", LocalName = "MIDI-BRIDGE" }); advertisement.LEAdvertisementProperties.ServiceUUIDs = new string[] { "03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700" }; // Generic computer icon advertisement.LEAdvertisementProperties.Appearance = 0x0080; // We need to register the LEAdvertisement object. This basically publishes the object // so that when we get the DBus callback to read all the properties, we're good to go. await connection.RegisterObjectAsync(advertisement); var advertisingManager = connection.CreateProxy <ILEAdvertisingManager1>(serviceName, hci0Path); await advertisingManager.RegisterAdvertisementAsync(advertisement, new Dictionary <string, object>()); Application application = new Application(@"/org/bluez/example"); GattService1 service = new GattService1(application.ObjectPath, 0, "03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700", true); GattCharacteristic1 gattCharacteristic1 = new GattCharacteristic1(service.ObjectPath, 0, "7772E5DB-3868-4112-A1A9-F2669D106BF3", new string[] { "notify", "read", "write-without-response" }); // TODO: Remove PlayNote out of gattCharacteristic. Bridge should handle locking. Bridge midiBleBridge = new Bridge(data => gattCharacteristic1.Value = data); midiBleBridge.StartActiveSense(); if (input != null) { input.MessageReceived += (obj, e) => { midiBleBridge.ReceiveMidiMessage(e.Length, e.Data); }; } service.AddCharacteristic(gattCharacteristic1); application.AddService(service); await connection.RegisterObjectAsync(application); var gattManager = connection.CreateProxy <IGattManager1>(serviceName, new ObjectPath(@"/org/bluez/hci0")); await connection.RegisterObjectAsync(gattCharacteristic1); await gattManager.RegisterApplicationAsync(application, new Dictionary <string, object>()); Console.WriteLine("Press <Ctrl>+c to exit..."); await Task.Delay(int.MaxValue); } }).Wait(); await input.CloseAsync(); }
public void AddService(GattService1 service) { services.Add(service); }