public static ParagraphSpacing Override( this ParagraphSpacing defaultSpacing, Word.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines, params Word.SpacingBetweenLines[] prioritized) { StringValue before = null; StringValue after = null; StringValue line = null; EnumValue <Word.LineSpacingRuleValues> lineRule = null; foreach (var spacing in new[] { spacingBetweenLines }.Union(prioritized).Where(s => s != null)) { before = before ?? spacing.Before; after = after ?? spacing.After; line = line ?? spacing.Line; lineRule = lineRule ?? spacing.LineRule; if (before != null && after != null && line != null) { break; } } var bf = before?.ToPoint() ?? defaultSpacing.Before; var af = after?.ToPoint() ?? defaultSpacing.After; var ls = line?.GetLineSpacing(lineRule) ?? defaultSpacing.Line; return(new ParagraphSpacing(ls, bf, af)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the style for provided heading type if it's not already added. /// </summary> /// <param name="headingType"></param> public static void AddHeadingStyle(Model.HeadingType headingType) { if (IsStylePresent(StyleIds.GetStyleId(headingType))) { return; } int outlineLevel; switch (headingType) { case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H1: outlineLevel = 0; break; case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H2: outlineLevel = 1; break; case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H3: outlineLevel = 2; break; case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H4: outlineLevel = 3; break; case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H5: outlineLevel = 4; break; case DocGen.ObjectModel.HeadingType.H6: outlineLevel = 5; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(headingType + ": Enum value not added"); } Word.Styles styles = DocumentPackager.GetInstance().GetStylePart().Styles; Word.Style style1 = new Word.Style() { Type = Word.StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = StyleIds.GetStyleId(headingType) }; Word.BasedOn basedOn1 = new Word.BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Word.StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new Word.StyleParagraphProperties(); Word.KeepNext keepNext1 = new Word.KeepNext(); Word.KeepLines keepLines1 = new Word.KeepLines(); Word.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new Word.SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480", After = "0" }; Word.OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new Word.OutlineLevel() { Val = outlineLevel }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style1); }
public static ParagraphSpacing ToParagraphSpacing( this Word.SpacingBetweenLines spacingXml, ParagraphSpacing ifNull) { if (spacingXml == null) { return(ifNull); } var before = spacingXml.Before.ToPoint(); var after = spacingXml.After.ToPoint(); var line = spacingXml.GetLineSpacing(); return(new ParagraphSpacing(line, before, after)); }
public static Wordprocessing.TableCell AddCell(this Wordprocessing.TableRow tableRow, string value) { Wordprocessing.TableCell tableCell = new Wordprocessing.TableCell(); Wordprocessing.Paragraph par = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties parprop = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.Justification justification1 = new Wordprocessing.Justification() { Val = Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Center }; Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0"}; parprop.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); parprop.Append(justification1); par.Append(parprop); Wordprocessing.Run run = new Wordprocessing.Run() ; Wordprocessing.Text text = new Wordprocessing.Text(value); run.Append(text); par.Append(run); tableCell.Append(par); tableRow.Append(tableCell); return tableCell; }
private Wordprocessing.Paragraph retText(int r, int c) { string value=""; if (r == 0 && c == 0) value = "Подпись преподавателя"; if (r == 1 && c == 1) value = "1.Факультет составляет ведомость в 1 экз."; if (r == 2 && c == 1) value = "2.Экзаменатор лично получает ведомость в деканате."; if (r == 3 && c == 1) value = "3.По окончании экзамена экзаменатор лично сдает"; if (r == 4 && c == 1) value = "ведомость в деканат."; if (r == 1 && c == 2) value = "ИТОГО"; if (r == 1 && c == 3) value = "отлично"; if (r == 2 && c == 3) value = "хорошо"; if (r == 3 && c == 3) value = "удовлетворительно"; if (r == 4 && c == 3) value = "плохо"; if (r == 5 && c == 3) value = "не явился"; Wordprocessing.Run run = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.Text text = new Wordprocessing.Text(value); run.Append(text); Wordprocessing.Paragraph par = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties parprop = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; parprop.Append(spacingBetweenLines); par.Append(parprop); par.Append(run); return par; }
private Wordprocessing.Table doptable(Wordprocessing.Table table) { //Строка подпись декана Wordprocessing.TableRow tableRow2 = new Wordprocessing.TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00FF67BF", RsidTableRowProperties = "008E2483" }; Wordprocessing.TableCell tableCell = new Wordprocessing.TableCell(); Wordprocessing.TableCellProperties tableCellProperties = new Wordprocessing.TableCellProperties(); Wordprocessing.TableCellWidth tableCellWidth = new Wordprocessing.TableCellWidth() { Width = "0", Type = Wordprocessing.TableWidthUnitValues.Auto }; Wordprocessing.GridSpan gridSpan = new Wordprocessing.GridSpan() { Val = 6 }; Wordprocessing.TableCellVerticalAlignment tableCellVerticalAlignment = new Wordprocessing.TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = Wordprocessing.TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }; tableCellProperties.Append(tableCellWidth); tableCellProperties.Append(gridSpan); tableCellProperties.Append(tableCellVerticalAlignment); Wordprocessing.Paragraph paragraph = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties parprop = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; parprop.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); paragraph.Append(parprop); Wordprocessing.Run run = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.Text text = new Wordprocessing.Text(); text.Text = "Подпись декана"; run.Append(text); paragraph.Append(run); tableCell.Append(tableCellProperties); tableCell.Append(paragraph); tableRow2.Append(tableCell); table.Append(tableRow2); return table; }
public Wordprocessing.Body insertinform() { Wordprocessing.Body body = new Wordprocessing.Body(); //Параграф1 Wordprocessing.Paragraph paragraph1 = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Wordprocessing.Justification justification1 = new Wordprocessing.Justification() { Val = Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Center }; paragraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphProperties1.Append(justification1); Wordprocessing.Run run1 = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.RunProperties runProperties1 = new Wordprocessing.RunProperties(); Wordprocessing.RunFonts runFonts2 = new Wordprocessing.RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Wordprocessing.Bold bold2 = new Wordprocessing.Bold(); Wordprocessing.FontSize fontSize2 = new Wordprocessing.FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties1.Append(runFonts2); runProperties1.Append(bold2); runProperties1.Append(fontSize2); Wordprocessing.Text text1 = new Wordprocessing.Text(); text1.Text = "ФГБОУВПО \"ПЕРМСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ\""; run1.Append(runProperties1); run1.Append(text1); paragraph1.Append(paragraphProperties1); paragraph1.Append(run1); //Параграф2 Wordprocessing.Paragraph paragraph2 = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties2 = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Wordprocessing.Justification justification2 = new Wordprocessing.Justification() { Val = Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Center }; paragraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); paragraphProperties2.Append(justification2); Wordprocessing.Run run2 = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.RunProperties runProperties2 = new Wordprocessing.RunProperties(); Wordprocessing.RunFonts runFonts4 = new Wordprocessing.RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Wordprocessing.FontSize fontSize4 = new Wordprocessing.FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties2.Append(runFonts4); runProperties2.Append(fontSize4); Wordprocessing.Text text2 = new Wordprocessing.Text(); text2.Text = "Механико-математический факультет "; run2.Append(runProperties2); run2.Append(text2); Wordprocessing.Run run3 = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.RunProperties runProperties3 = new Wordprocessing.RunProperties(); Wordprocessing.RunFonts runFonts5 = new Wordprocessing.RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Wordprocessing.FontSize fontSize5 = new Wordprocessing.FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties3.Append(runFonts5); runProperties3.Append(fontSize5); Wordprocessing.Break break1 = new Wordprocessing.Break(); Wordprocessing.Text text3 = new Wordprocessing.Text(); text3.Text = "очная форма обучения"; run3.Append(runProperties3); run3.Append(break1); run3.Append(text3); paragraph2.Append(paragraphProperties2); paragraph2.Append(run2); paragraph2.Append(run3); //Параграф2 Wordprocessing.Paragraph paragraph3 = new Wordprocessing.Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "004D49E1", RsidParagraphProperties = "004D49E1", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "004D49E1" }; Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties3 = new Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties(); Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Wordprocessing.Justification justification3 = new Wordprocessing.Justification() { Val = Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Center }; paragraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); paragraphProperties3.Append(justification3); Wordprocessing.Run run4 = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.RunProperties runProperties4 = new Wordprocessing.RunProperties(); Wordprocessing.RunFonts runFonts7 = new Wordprocessing.RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Wordprocessing.Bold bold4 = new Wordprocessing.Bold(); runProperties4.Append(runFonts7); runProperties4.Append(bold4); Wordprocessing.Text text4 = new Wordprocessing.Text(); text4.Text = "ЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННАЯ ВЕДОМОСТЬ"; run4.Append(runProperties4); run4.Append(text4); Wordprocessing.Run run5 = new Wordprocessing.Run(); Wordprocessing.Break break2 = new Wordprocessing.Break(); run5.Append(break2); paragraph3.Append(paragraphProperties3); paragraph3.Append(run4); paragraph3.Append(run5); body.Append(paragraph1); body.Append(paragraph2); body.Append(paragraph3); return body; }
private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename) { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Word.Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; Word.Style style1 = new Word.Style() { Type = Word.StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading1" }; Word.StyleName styleName1 = new Word.StyleName() { Val = "heading 1" }; Word.BasedOn basedOn1 = new Word.BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Word.StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new Word.StyleParagraphProperties(); Word.KeepNext keepNext1 = new Word.KeepNext(); Word.KeepLines keepLines1 = new Word.KeepLines(); Word.SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new Word.SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480", After = "0" }; Word.OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new Word.OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style1); }