internal C.PlotArea ToPlotArea() { C.PlotArea pa = new C.PlotArea(); pa.Append(this.Layout.ToLayout()); int iChartType; int i; // TODO: the rendering order is sort of listed in the following. // But apparently if you plot data series for doughnut first before bar-of-pie // it's different than if you plot bar-of-pie then doughnut. // Find out the "correct" order next version I suppose... // Excel 2010 apparently sets this by default for any chart... SLGroupDataLabelOptions gdlo = new SLGroupDataLabelOptions(this.ShapeProperties.listThemeColors); gdlo.ShowLegendKey = false; gdlo.ShowValue = false; gdlo.ShowCategoryName = false; gdlo.ShowSeriesName = false; gdlo.ShowPercentage = false; gdlo.ShowBubbleSize = false; #region Doughnut iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.DoughnutChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.DoughnutChart dc = new C.DoughnutChart(); dc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { dc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries()); } } dc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); dc.Append(new C.FirstSliceAngle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].FirstSliceAngle }); dc.Append(new C.HoleSize() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HoleSize }); pa.Append(dc); } #endregion #region Bar-of-pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.OfPieChartBar; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.OfPieChart opc = new C.OfPieChart(); opc.OfPieType = new C.OfPieType() { Val = C.OfPieValues.Bar }; opc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { opc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries()); } } opc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); opc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasSplit) { opc.Append(new C.SplitType() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType != C.SplitValues.Custom) { opc.Append(new C.SplitPosition() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitPosition }); } else { C.CustomSplit custsplit = new C.CustomSplit(); foreach (int iPiePoint in this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPiePoints) { custsplit.Append(new C.SecondPiePoint() { Val = (uint)iPiePoint }); } opc.Append(custsplit); } } opc.Append(new C.SecondPieSize() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPieSize }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines() { ChartShapeProperties = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties() }); } else { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines()); } pa.Append(opc); } #endregion #region Pie-of-pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.OfPieChartPie; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.OfPieChart opc = new C.OfPieChart(); opc.OfPieType = new C.OfPieType() { Val = C.OfPieValues.Pie }; opc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { opc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries()); } } opc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); opc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasSplit) { opc.Append(new C.SplitType() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType != C.SplitValues.Custom) { opc.Append(new C.SplitPosition() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitPosition }); } else { C.CustomSplit custsplit = new C.CustomSplit(); foreach (int iPiePoint in this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPiePoints) { custsplit.Append(new C.SecondPiePoint() { Val = (uint)iPiePoint }); } opc.Append(custsplit); } } opc.Append(new C.SecondPieSize() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPieSize }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines() { ChartShapeProperties = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties() }); } else { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines()); } pa.Append(opc); } #endregion #region Pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.PieChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.PieChart pc = new C.PieChart(); pc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { pc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries()); } } pc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); pc.Append(new C.FirstSliceAngle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].FirstSliceAngle }); pa.Append(pc); } #endregion #region Radar primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.RadarChartPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.RadarChart rc = new C.RadarChart(); rc.RadarStyle = new C.RadarStyle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].RadarStyle }; rc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { rc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToRadarChartSeries()); } } rc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); rc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); rc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(rc); } #endregion #region Radar secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.RadarChartSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.RadarChart rc = new C.RadarChart(); rc.RadarStyle = new C.RadarStyle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].RadarStyle }; rc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { rc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToRadarChartSeries()); } } rc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); rc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); rc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(rc); } #endregion #region Area primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.AreaChartPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.AreaChart ac = new C.AreaChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries()); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Area secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.AreaChartSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.AreaChart ac = new C.AreaChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries()); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Column primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartColumnPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.BarChart bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection() { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Column }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Column secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartColumnSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.BarChart bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection() { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Column }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bar primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartBarPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.BarChart bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection() { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Bar }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bar secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartBarSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.BarChart bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection() { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Bar }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Scatter primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.ScatterChartPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.ScatterChart sc = new C.ScatterChart(); sc.ScatterStyle = new C.ScatterStyle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ScatterStyle }; sc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToScatterChartSeries()); } } sc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Scatter secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.ScatterChartSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.ScatterChart sc = new C.ScatterChart(); sc.ScatterStyle = new C.ScatterStyle() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ScatterStyle }; sc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToScatterChartSeries()); } } sc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Line primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.LineChartPrimary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.LineChart lc = new C.LineChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries()); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); lc.Append(new C.ShowMarker() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowMarker }); lc.Append(new C.Smooth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Smooth }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Line secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.LineChartSecondary; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.LineChart lc = new C.LineChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries()); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); lc.Append(new C.ShowMarker() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowMarker }); lc.Append(new C.Smooth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Smooth }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Area3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Area3DChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.Area3DChart ac = new C.Area3DChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries()); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { ac.Append(new C.GapDepth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Bar3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Bar3DChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.Bar3DChart bc = new C.Bar3DChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarDirection }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { bc.Append(new C.GapDepth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } bc.Append(new C.Shape() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Shape }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bubble iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BubbleChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.BubbleChart bc = new C.BubbleChart(); bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToBubbleChartSeries()); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (!this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Bubble3D) { bc.Append(new C.Bubble3D() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Bubble3D }); } if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BubbleScale != 100) { bc.Append(new C.BubbleScale() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BubbleScale }); } if (!this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowNegativeBubbles) { bc.Append(new C.ShowNegativeBubbles() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowNegativeBubbles }); } if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SizeRepresents != C.SizeRepresentsValues.Area) { bc.Append(new C.SizeRepresents() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SizeRepresents }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Line3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Line3DChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.Line3DChart lc = new C.Line3DChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries()); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { lc.Append(new C.GapDepth() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Pie3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Pie3DChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.Pie3DChart pc = new C.Pie3DChart(); pc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { pc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries()); } } pc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary<int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); pa.Append(pc); } #endregion #region Surface iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.SurfaceChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.SurfaceChart sc = new C.SurfaceChart(); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].bWireframe != null) { sc.Wireframe = new C.Wireframe() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Wireframe }; } for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToSurfaceChartSeries()); } } sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Surface3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Surface3DChart; if (this.UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { C.Surface3DChart sc = new C.Surface3DChart(); if (this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].bWireframe != null) { sc.Wireframe = new C.Wireframe() { Val = this.UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Wireframe }; } for (i = 0; i < this.DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)this.DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(this.DataSeries[i].ToSurfaceChartSeries()); } } sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId() { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion if (this.HasPrimaryAxes) { this.PrimaryTextAxis.IsCrosses = this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; this.PrimaryTextAxis.Crosses = this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; this.PrimaryTextAxis.CrossesAt = this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = this.PrimaryValueAxis.InReverseOrder; if (this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null && this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum) { this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } this.PrimaryValueAxis.IsCrosses = this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; this.PrimaryValueAxis.Crosses = this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; this.PrimaryValueAxis.CrossesAt = this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; // value axis takes on text axis CrossBetween. this.PrimaryValueAxis.CrossBetween = this.PrimaryTextAxis.CrossBetween; this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = this.PrimaryTextAxis.InReverseOrder; if (this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null && this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && this.PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum) { this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { this.PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } switch (this.PrimaryTextAxis.AxisType) { case SLAxisType.Category: pa.Append(this.PrimaryTextAxis.ToCategoryAxis()); break; case SLAxisType.Date: pa.Append(this.PrimaryTextAxis.ToDateAxis()); break; case SLAxisType.Value: pa.Append(this.PrimaryTextAxis.ToValueAxis()); break; } pa.Append(this.PrimaryValueAxis.ToValueAxis()); } if (this.HasDepthAxis) { pa.Append(this.DepthAxis.ToSeriesAxis()); } if (this.HasSecondaryAxes) { this.SecondaryTextAxis.IsCrosses = this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; this.SecondaryTextAxis.Crosses = this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; this.SecondaryTextAxis.CrossesAt = this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = this.SecondaryValueAxis.InReverseOrder; if (this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null && this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum) { this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } this.SecondaryValueAxis.IsCrosses = this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; this.SecondaryValueAxis.Crosses = this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; this.SecondaryValueAxis.CrossesAt = this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; // value axis takes on text axis CrossBetween. this.SecondaryValueAxis.CrossBetween = this.SecondaryTextAxis.CrossBetween; this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = this.SecondaryTextAxis.InReverseOrder; if (this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null && this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && this.SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum) { this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { this.SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } // the order of axes is: // 1) primary category/date/value axis // 2) primary value axis // 3) secondary value axis // 4) secondary category/date/value axis pa.Append(this.SecondaryValueAxis.ToValueAxis()); switch (this.SecondaryTextAxis.AxisType) { case SLAxisType.Category: pa.Append(this.SecondaryTextAxis.ToCategoryAxis()); break; case SLAxisType.Date: pa.Append(this.SecondaryTextAxis.ToDateAxis()); break; case SLAxisType.Value: pa.Append(this.SecondaryTextAxis.ToValueAxis()); break; } } if (this.ShowDataTable) pa.Append(this.DataTable.ToDataTable()); if (this.ShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) pa.Append(this.ShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties()); return pa; }
internal C.PlotArea ToPlotArea(bool IsStylish = false) { var pa = new C.PlotArea(); pa.Append(Layout.ToLayout()); int iChartType; int i; // TODO: the rendering order is sort of listed in the following. // But apparently if you plot data series for doughnut first before bar-of-pie // it's different than if you plot bar-of-pie then doughnut. // Find out the "correct" order next version I suppose... // Excel 2010 apparently sets this by default for any chart... var gdlo = new SLGroupDataLabelOptions(ShapeProperties.listThemeColors); gdlo.ShowLegendKey = false; gdlo.ShowValue = false; gdlo.ShowCategoryName = false; gdlo.ShowSeriesName = false; gdlo.ShowPercentage = false; gdlo.ShowBubbleSize = false; #region Doughnut iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.DoughnutChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var dc = new C.DoughnutChart(); dc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { dc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } dc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); dc.Append(new C.FirstSliceAngle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].FirstSliceAngle }); dc.Append(new C.HoleSize { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HoleSize }); pa.Append(dc); } #endregion #region Bar-of-pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.OfPieChartBar; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var opc = new C.OfPieChart(); opc.OfPieType = new C.OfPieType { Val = C.OfPieValues.Bar }; opc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { opc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } opc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); opc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasSplit) { opc.Append(new C.SplitType { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType != C.SplitValues.Custom) { opc.Append(new C.SplitPosition { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitPosition }); } else { var custsplit = new C.CustomSplit(); foreach (var iPiePoint in UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPiePoints) { custsplit.Append(new C.SecondPiePoint { Val = (uint)iPiePoint }); } opc.Append(custsplit); } } opc.Append(new C.SecondPieSize { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPieSize }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines { ChartShapeProperties = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties() }); } else { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines()); } pa.Append(opc); } #endregion #region Pie-of-pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.OfPieChartPie; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var opc = new C.OfPieChart(); opc.OfPieType = new C.OfPieType { Val = C.OfPieValues.Pie }; opc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { opc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } opc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); opc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasSplit) { opc.Append(new C.SplitType { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitType != C.SplitValues.Custom) { opc.Append(new C.SplitPosition { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SplitPosition }); } else { var custsplit = new C.CustomSplit(); foreach (var iPiePoint in UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPiePoints) { custsplit.Append(new C.SecondPiePoint { Val = (uint)iPiePoint }); } opc.Append(custsplit); } } opc.Append(new C.SecondPieSize { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SecondPieSize }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines { ChartShapeProperties = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SeriesLinesShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties() }); } else { opc.Append(new C.SeriesLines()); } pa.Append(opc); } #endregion #region Pie iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.PieChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var pc = new C.PieChart(); pc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { pc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } pc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); pc.Append(new C.FirstSliceAngle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].FirstSliceAngle }); pa.Append(pc); } #endregion #region Radar primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.RadarChartPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var rc = new C.RadarChart(); rc.RadarStyle = new C.RadarStyle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].RadarStyle }; rc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { rc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToRadarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } rc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); rc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); rc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(rc); } #endregion #region Radar secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.RadarChartSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var rc = new C.RadarChart(); rc.RadarStyle = new C.RadarStyle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].RadarStyle }; rc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { rc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToRadarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } rc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); rc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); rc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(rc); } #endregion #region Area primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.AreaChartPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var ac = new C.AreaChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { ac.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Area secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.AreaChartSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var ac = new C.AreaChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { ac.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Column primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartColumnPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Column }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Column secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartColumnSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Column }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bar primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartBarPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Bar }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bar secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartBarSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.BarChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection { Val = C.BarDirectionValues.Bar }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap != 0) { bc.Append(new C.Overlap { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Overlap }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Scatter primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.ScatterChartPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var sc = new C.ScatterChart(); sc.ScatterStyle = new C.ScatterStyle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ScatterStyle }; sc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToScatterChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } sc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Scatter secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.ScatterChartSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var sc = new C.ScatterChart(); sc.ScatterStyle = new C.ScatterStyle { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ScatterStyle }; sc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToScatterChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } sc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Line primary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.LineChartPrimary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var lc = new C.LineChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { lc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } lc.Append(new C.ShowMarker { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowMarker }); lc.Append(new C.Smooth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Smooth }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Line secondary iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.LineChartSecondary; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var lc = new C.LineChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { lc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } lc.Append(new C.ShowMarker { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowMarker }); lc.Append(new C.Smooth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Smooth }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Area3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Area3DChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var ac = new C.Area3DChart(); ac.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; ac.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { ac.Append(DataSeries[i].ToAreaChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } ac.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { ac.Append(new C.GapDepth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); ac.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(ac); } #endregion #region Bar3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Bar3DChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.Bar3DChart(); bc.BarDirection = new C.BarDirection { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarDirection }; bc.BarGrouping = new C.BarGrouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BarGrouping }; bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBarChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); bc.Append(new C.GapWidth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapWidth }); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { bc.Append(new C.GapDepth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } bc.Append(new C.Shape { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Shape }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Bubble iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BubbleChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var bc = new C.BubbleChart(); bc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { bc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToBubbleChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } bc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (!UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Bubble3D) { bc.Append(new C.Bubble3D { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Bubble3D }); } if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BubbleScale != 100) { bc.Append(new C.BubbleScale { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].BubbleScale }); } if (!UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowNegativeBubbles) { bc.Append(new C.ShowNegativeBubbles { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].ShowNegativeBubbles }); } if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SizeRepresents != C.SizeRepresentsValues.Area) { bc.Append(new C.SizeRepresents { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].SizeRepresents }); } bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); bc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); pa.Append(bc); } #endregion #region Line3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Line3DChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var lc = new C.Line3DChart(); lc.Grouping = new C.Grouping { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Grouping }; lc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = false }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { lc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } lc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { lc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth != 150) { lc.Append(new C.GapDepth { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].GapDepth }); } lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); lc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(lc); } #endregion #region Pie3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Pie3DChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var pc = new C.Pie3DChart(); pc.VaryColors = new C.VaryColors { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].VaryColors ?? true }; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { pc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToPieChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } pc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); pa.Append(pc); } #endregion #region Surface iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.SurfaceChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var sc = new C.SurfaceChart(); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].bWireframe != null) { sc.Wireframe = new C.Wireframe { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Wireframe } } ; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToSurfaceChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Surface3D iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.Surface3DChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var sc = new C.Surface3DChart(); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].bWireframe != null) { sc.Wireframe = new C.Wireframe { Val = UsedChartOptions[iChartType].Wireframe } } ; for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToSurfaceChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis3 }); pa.Append(sc); } #endregion #region Stock iChartType = (int)SLDataSeriesChartType.StockChart; if (UsedChartTypes[iChartType]) { var sc = new C.StockChart(); for (i = 0; i < DataSeries.Count; ++i) { if ((int)DataSeries[i].ChartType == iChartType) { sc.Append(DataSeries[i].ToLineChartSeries(IsStylish)); } } sc.Append(gdlo.ToDataLabels(new Dictionary <int, SLDataLabelOptions>(), false)); if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasDropLines) { sc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].DropLines.ToDropLines(IsStylish)); } if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasHighLowLines) { sc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HighLowLines.ToHighLowLines(IsStylish)); } if (UsedChartOptions[iChartType].HasUpDownBars) { sc.Append(UsedChartOptions[iChartType].UpDownBars.ToUpDownBars(IsStylish)); } // stock charts either have a bar chart as the primary chart (the Volume) or doesn't. // If there is, then it's either a Volume-High-Low-Close or Volumn-Open-High-Low-Close, // so we use the secondary axis IDs. if (UsedChartTypes[(int)SLDataSeriesChartType.BarChartColumnPrimary]) { sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.SecondaryAxis2 }); } else { sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis1 }); sc.Append(new C.AxisId { Val = SLConstants.PrimaryAxis2 }); } pa.Append(sc); } #endregion if (HasPrimaryAxes) { PrimaryTextAxis.IsCrosses = PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; PrimaryTextAxis.Crosses = PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; PrimaryTextAxis.CrossesAt = PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = PrimaryValueAxis.InReverseOrder; if ((PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null) && PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && (PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum)) { PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } PrimaryValueAxis.IsCrosses = PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; PrimaryValueAxis.Crosses = PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; PrimaryValueAxis.CrossesAt = PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = PrimaryTextAxis.InReverseOrder; if ((PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null) && PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && (PrimaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum)) { PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { PrimaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } switch (PrimaryTextAxis.AxisType) { case SLAxisType.Category: pa.Append(PrimaryTextAxis.ToCategoryAxis(IsStylish)); break; case SLAxisType.Date: pa.Append(PrimaryTextAxis.ToDateAxis(IsStylish)); break; case SLAxisType.Value: pa.Append(PrimaryTextAxis.ToValueAxis(IsStylish)); break; } pa.Append(PrimaryValueAxis.ToValueAxis(IsStylish)); } if (HasDepthAxis) { pa.Append(DepthAxis.ToSeriesAxis(IsStylish)); } if (HasSecondaryAxes) { SecondaryTextAxis.IsCrosses = SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; SecondaryTextAxis.Crosses = SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; SecondaryTextAxis.CrossesAt = SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = SecondaryValueAxis.InReverseOrder; if ((SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null) && SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && (SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum)) { SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } SecondaryValueAxis.IsCrosses = SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses; SecondaryValueAxis.Crosses = SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses; SecondaryValueAxis.CrossesAt = SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrossesAt; SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisIsInReverseOrder = SecondaryTextAxis.InReverseOrder; if ((SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses != null) && SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisIsCrosses.Value && (SecondaryTextAxis.OtherAxisCrosses == C.CrossesValues.Maximum)) { SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = true; } else { SecondaryValueAxis.OtherAxisCrossedAtMaximum = false; } // the order of axes is: // 1) primary category/date/value axis // 2) primary value axis // 3) secondary value axis // 4) secondary category/date/value axis pa.Append(SecondaryValueAxis.ToValueAxis(IsStylish)); switch (SecondaryTextAxis.AxisType) { case SLAxisType.Category: pa.Append(SecondaryTextAxis.ToCategoryAxis(IsStylish)); break; case SLAxisType.Date: pa.Append(SecondaryTextAxis.ToDateAxis(IsStylish)); break; case SLAxisType.Value: pa.Append(SecondaryTextAxis.ToValueAxis(IsStylish)); break; } } if (ShowDataTable) { pa.Append(DataTable.ToDataTable(IsStylish)); } if (ShapeProperties.HasShapeProperties) { pa.Append(ShapeProperties.ToChartShapeProperties(IsStylish)); } return(pa); }