private static void ListAllStoreDialogs(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("ListAllStoreDialogs"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromStoresRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfo is null!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Store Dialogs"); dialogInfos.Dialog.ForEach(d => Console.WriteLine($"ID: {d.Id} - DisplayName: {d.DisplayName} - Type: {d.Type}")); } } }
private static void CreateDocumentApplicationPropertiesWithNewDocument(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("CreateDocumentApplicationPropertiesWithNewDocument"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document metaDocument = new Platform.ServerClient.Document(); metaDocument.ApplicationProperties = new List <DocumentApplicationProperty>(); metaDocument.ApplicationProperties.Add(new DocumentApplicationProperty() { Name = "key1", Value = "Test" }); metaDocument.ApplicationProperties.Add(new DocumentApplicationProperty() { Name = "key2", Value = "Delete" }); Platform.ServerClient.Document document = fileCabinet.EasyUploadDocument(new FileInfo[] { new FileInfo("") }, metaDocument); } }
private static void MergeDocuments(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("MergeDocuments"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; List <int> documentIds = new List <int>() { 1, 2 }; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { ContentMergeOperationInfo contentMergeOperationInfo = new ContentMergeOperationInfo() { Documents = documentIds, Operation = ContentMergeOperation.Staple, Force = true }; Platform.ServerClient.Document mergedDocument = fileCabinet.PutToContentMergeOperationRelationForDocument(contentMergeOperationInfo); } }
private static void TransferFromFileCabinetToFileCabinet(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("TransferFromFileCabinetToFileCabinet"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; List <int> documentIds = new List <int>() { 8 }; string sourceFileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { FileCabinetTransferInfo fileCabinetTransferInfo = new FileCabinetTransferInfo() { KeepSource = true, SourceDocId = documentIds, SourceFileCabinetId = sourceFileCabinetId }; DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = fileCabinet.PostToTransferRelationForDocumentsQueryResult(fileCabinetTransferInfo); } }
private static void Query(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("Query"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string dialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("NAME", "T*") }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("NAME", SortDirection.Desc) } }; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == dialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); foreach (Document document in documentsQueryResult.Items) { Console.WriteLine($"ID {document.Id}"); Console.WriteLine("Fields"); document.Fields.ForEach(f => Console.WriteLine($"Name: {f.FieldName} - Item: {f.Item}")); } } } } }
private static void UploadDocument(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UploadDocument"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string dialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileInfoPath = @"C:\Temp\Test.pdf"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromStoresRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfo is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == dialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { Document metaDocument = new Document() { Title = "My Test Document", Fields = new List <DocumentIndexField>() { //Create index value => field name, value DocumentIndexField.Create("NAME", "TestUpload") } }; dialog.EasyUploadDocument(new FileInfo[] { new FileInfo(fileInfoPath) }, metaDocument); } } } }
private static void ListAllDocuments(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("ListAllDocuments"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Documents"); //Be aware: Only first X documents are returned per default. fileCabinet.GetDocumentsQueryResultFromDocumentsRelation().Items.ForEach(d => Console.WriteLine($"ID: {d.Id}")); } }
private static void TransferFromFileCabinetToFileCabinetWithFields(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("TransferFromFileCabinetToFileCabinetWithFields"); string destinationFileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string sourceFileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int sourceDocId = 6; FileCabinet destinationFileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == destinationFileCabinetId); if (destinationFileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document sourceDocument = new Platform.ServerClient.Document { Id = sourceDocId, Fields = new List <DocumentIndexField>() { DocumentIndexField.Create("NAME", "TestName"), DocumentIndexField.Create("COLOR", "White/Red") } }; DocumentsTransferInfo documentsTransferInfo = new DocumentsTransferInfo() { Documents = new List <Platform.ServerClient.Document>() { sourceDocument }, KeepSource = true, SourceFileCabinetId = sourceFileCabinetId }; DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = destinationFileCabinet.PostToTransferRelationForDocumentsQueryResult(documentsTransferInfo); } }
private static void SetStampOnPageWithBestPosition(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("SetStampOnPageWithBestPosition"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string SectionId = "1-1"; string stampId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int layer = 1; //Layer can be 1 to 5 DWPoint bestPosition; string itemValue = "December"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); Section section = document.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == SectionId); if (section == null) { Console.WriteLine("Section is null"); } else { section = section.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); Page page = section.Pages.GetPagesFromNextBlockRelation().Page.FirstOrDefault(); if (page == null) { Console.WriteLine("Page is null!"); } else { bestPosition = page.PostToStampBestPositionRelationForDWPoint(new StampFormFieldValues() { StampId = stampId }); if (bestPosition == null) { Console.WriteLine("BestPositon is null!"); } else { StampPlacement stampPlacement = new StampPlacement() { StampId = stampId, Layer = layer, Location = bestPosition, Field = new List <FormFieldValue>() { new FormFieldValue() { Name = "<#1>", TypedValue = new DocumentIndexFieldValue() { ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.String, Item = itemValue } } } }; Annotation annotation = page.PostToStampRelationForAnnotation(stampPlacement); } } } } } }
private static void DeleteSectionApplicationProperties(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("DeleteSectionApplicationProperties"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); Platform.ServerClient.Section section = document.Sections.FirstOrDefault(); if (section == null) { Console.WriteLine("Section is null!"); } else { section = section.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); DocumentApplicationProperties documentApplicationProperties = new DocumentApplicationProperties(); documentApplicationProperties.DocumentApplicationProperty = new List <DocumentApplicationProperty>(); documentApplicationProperties.DocumentApplicationProperty.Add(new DocumentApplicationProperty() { Name = "key2", Value = null }); DocumentApplicationProperties resultDocumentApplicationProperties = section.PostToAppPropertiesRelationForDocumentApplicationProperties( documentApplicationProperties); } } } }
private static void SetStampOnDocumentWithSpecificPosition(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("SetStampOnDocumentWithSpecificPosition"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string stampId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int layer = 2; //Layer can be 1 to 5 double locationX = 100; double locationY = 100; string itemValue = "December"; int pageNumber = 0; int sectionNumber = 0; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = fileCabinet.GetDocumentsQueryResultFromDocumentsRelation() .Items .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == documentId); if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); StampPlacement stampPlacement = new StampPlacement() { StampId = stampId, Layer = layer, Location = new DWPoint() { X = locationX, Y = locationY }, Field = new List <FormFieldValue>() { new FormFieldValue() { Name = "<#1>", TypedValue = new DocumentIndexFieldValue() { ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.String, Item = itemValue } } } }; DocumentAnnotationsPlacement documentAnnotationsPlacement = new DocumentAnnotationsPlacement() { Annotations = new List <SectionAnnotationsPlacement>() { new SectionAnnotationsPlacement() { PageNumber = pageNumber, SectionNumber = sectionNumber, AnnotationsPlacement = new AnnotationsPlacement() { Items = new List <object>() { stampPlacement } } } } }; DocumentAnnotations documentAnnotations = document.PostToAnnotationRelationForDocumentAnnotations(documentAnnotationsPlacement); } } }
private static void EditSection(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UpdateIndexFields"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); var section = document.Sections.FirstOrDefault(); if (section == null) { Console.WriteLine("Section is null!"); } else { section = section.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); DeserializedHttpResponse <Stream> deserializedHttpResponse = section.PostToFileDownloadRelationForStreamAsync(new FileDownload() { TargetFileType = FileDownloadType.Auto // FileDownloadType.PDF / FileDownloadType.ZIP }).Result; HttpContentHeaders httpContentHeaders = deserializedHttpResponse.ContentHeaders; string ContentType = httpContentHeaders.ContentType.MediaType; string DirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); string FileName = Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, deserializedHttpResponse.GetFileName()); long? ContentLength = httpContentHeaders.ContentLength; Stream stream = deserializedHttpResponse.Content; Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(FileName)) { if (stream.CanSeek) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } stream.CopyTo(fileStream); } //edit your file here section.EasyReplaceFile(new FileInfo(FileName)); Directory.Delete(DirectoryPath, true); } } } }
private static void DownloadSection(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("DownloadSection"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); if (document.Sections.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Document has not enough sections!"); } else { Section section = document.Sections[1]; section = section.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); DeserializedHttpResponse <Stream> deserializedHttpResponse = section.PostToFileDownloadRelationForStreamAsync(new FileDownload() { TargetFileType = FileDownloadType.Auto }).Result; HttpContentHeaders httpContentHeaders = deserializedHttpResponse.ContentHeaders; string ContentType = httpContentHeaders.ContentType.MediaType; string FileName = deserializedHttpResponse.GetFileName(); long? ContentLength = httpContentHeaders.ContentLength; Stream stream = deserializedHttpResponse.Content; using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(Path.Combine(@"C:\Temp\", FileName))) { if (stream.CanSeek) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } stream.CopyTo(fileStream); } } } } }
private static void UploadSection(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UploadSection"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string fileInfoPath = @"C:\Temp\TestChange.json"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document.EasyUploadFile(new FileInfo(fileInfoPath)); } } }
private static void UpdateIndexFieldsWithTableField(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UpdateIndexFieldsWithTableField"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string tableFieldName = "ANCESTRY"; string tableFieldSearchColumnName = "FIELD_NAME"; string tableFieldSearchColumnValue = ""; string tableFieldChangeColumnName = "ANCES_WEIGHT"; decimal tableFieldChangeColumnValue = 4.5m; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); DocumentIndexField tableDocumentIndexField = document.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName == tableFieldName && f.ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.Table); if (tableDocumentIndexField == null) { Console.WriteLine("TableDocumentIndexField is null!"); } else { DocumentIndexFieldTable existingDocumentIndexFieldTable = tableDocumentIndexField.Item as DocumentIndexFieldTable; if (existingDocumentIndexFieldTable == null) { Console.WriteLine("ExistingDocumentIndexFieldTable is null!"); } else if (existingDocumentIndexFieldTable.Row.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("ExistingDocumentIndexFieldTable Row count is 0."); } else { DocumentIndexFieldTableRow documentIndexFieldTableRow = existingDocumentIndexFieldTable.Row.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ColumnValue.Exists(c => c.FieldName == tableFieldSearchColumnName && (string)c.Item == tableFieldSearchColumnValue)); DocumentIndexField columnDocumentIndexField = documentIndexFieldTableRow?.ColumnValue.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == tableFieldChangeColumnName); if (columnDocumentIndexField == null) { Console.WriteLine("ColumnDocumentIndexField is null!"); } else { columnDocumentIndexField.Item = tableFieldChangeColumnValue; DocumentIndexFields updatedTableIndexFields = new DocumentIndexFields() { Field = new List <DocumentIndexField>() { tableDocumentIndexField } }; DocumentIndexFields documentIndexField = document.PutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields(updatedTableIndexFields); } } } } } }
private static void UpdateAllIndexFields(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UpdateIndexFields"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { DocumentIndexFields fields = document.GetDocumentIndexFieldsFromFieldsRelation(); fileCabinet = fileCabinet.GetFileCabinetFromSelfRelation(); List <FileCabinetField> fileCabinetFields = fileCabinet.Fields; fields.Field.ForEach(f => { // Set correct field type f.ItemElementName = GetCorrectItemChoiceTypeFromFileCabinetFields(f, fileCabinetFields); // Change Value if (f.FieldName == "NAME") { f.Item = "Change all test"; } }); DocumentIndexFields result = document.PutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields(fields); Console.WriteLine($"Results"); result.Field.ForEach(f => Console.WriteLine($"FiledName: {f.FieldName} - Item: {f.Item}")); } } }
private static void DivideDocuments(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("DivideDocuments"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { ContentDivideOperationInfo contentDivideOperationInfo = new ContentDivideOperationInfo() { Operation = ContentDivideOperation.Unstaple, Force = true }; DocumentsQueryResult dividedDocuments = document.PutToContentDivideOperationRelationForDocumentsQueryResult(contentDivideOperationInfo); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="organization"></param> private static void UpdateIndexFields(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("UpdateIndexFields"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { DocumentIndexFields documentIndexFields = new DocumentIndexFields() { Field = new List <DocumentIndexField>() { DocumentIndexField.Create("NAME", "TestChange"), DocumentIndexField.CreateDate("DATE_OF_BIRTH", DateTime.Now) } }; DocumentIndexFields result = document.PutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields(documentIndexFields); Console.WriteLine($"Results"); result.Field.ForEach(f => Console.WriteLine($"FiledName: {f.FieldName} - Item: {f.Item}")); } } }
private static async Task LockDocument(Organization organization) { string clientIdentifier = "SampleDocumentLockApplication"; //DocumentLock Console.WriteLine("LockDocument"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string fileInfoPath = @"C:\Temp\TestChange.json"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); DocumentLock documentLock = await document.LockAsync((exception) => { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); }, clientIdentifier, 60); using (documentLock) { await document.EasyUploadFileAsync(new FileInfo(fileInfoPath)); } } } }
private static void SetAnnotationOnPage(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("SetAnnotationOnPage"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string SectionId = "1-1"; int layer = 1; //Layer can be 1 to 5 FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = fileCabinet.GetDocumentsQueryResultFromDocumentsRelation() .Items .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == documentId); if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); var section = document.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == SectionId); if (section == null) { Console.WriteLine("Section is null"); } else { section = section.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); var page = section.Pages.GetPagesFromNextBlockRelation().Page.FirstOrDefault(); if (page == null) { Console.WriteLine("Page is null!"); } else { var annotations = new Annotation() { Layer = new List <Layer>() { new Layer() { Id = layer, Items = new List <EntryBase>() { new TextEntry() { Location = new AnnotationRectangle() { Left = 100, Top = 100, Width = 200, Height = 200 }, Value = "Test text", Font = new Font() { FontSize = 10 * 20, FontName = "Arial" } }, new RectEntry() { Location = new AnnotationRectangle() { Left = 300, Top = 300, Width = 200, Height = 200 }, Filled = true, Ellipse = true }, new LineEntry() { From = new AnnotationPoint() { X = 500, Y = 500 }, To = new AnnotationPoint() { X = 800, Y = 800 }, Arrow = true, } } } } }; Annotation annotation = page.PostToAnnotationRelationForAnnotation(annotations); } } } } }
private static void SetAnnotationOnDocument(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("SetAnnotationOnDocument"); string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 4; int pageNumber = 0; int sectionNumber = 0; int layer = 1; //Layer can be 1 to 5 FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = fileCabinet.GetDocumentsQueryResultFromDocumentsRelation() .Items .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == documentId); if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { document = document.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); Annotation annotation = new Annotation() { Layer = new List <Layer>() { new Layer() { Id = layer, Items = new List <EntryBase>() { new TextEntry() { Location = new AnnotationRectangle() { Left = 100, Top = 100, Width = 200, Height = 200 }, Value = "Test text", Font = new Font() { FontSize = 10 * 20, FontName = "Arial" } }, new RectEntry() { Location = new AnnotationRectangle() { Left = 300, Top = 300, Width = 200, Height = 200 }, Filled = true, Ellipse = true }, new LineEntry() { From = new AnnotationPoint() { X = 500, Y = 500 }, To = new AnnotationPoint() { X = 800, Y = 800 }, Arrow = true, } } } } }; DocumentAnnotationsPlacement documentAnnotationsPlacement = new DocumentAnnotationsPlacement() { Annotations = new List <SectionAnnotationsPlacement>() { new SectionAnnotationsPlacement() { PageNumber = pageNumber, SectionNumber = sectionNumber, AnnotationsPlacement = new AnnotationsPlacement() { Items = new List <object>() { annotation } } } } }; DocumentAnnotations documentAnnotations = document.PostToAnnotationRelationForDocumentAnnotations(documentAnnotationsPlacement); } } }
private static void ReplaceAllSectionsInDocument(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("ReplaceAllSectionsInDocument"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; List <string> newSectionsPath = new List <string> { @"C:\Temp\File1.pdf", @"C:\Temp\File2.pdf" }; int documentId = 1; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { //Delete all sections document.Sections.ForEach(s => s.DeleteSelfRelation()); //Upload new sections foreach (var newSectionPath in newSectionsPath) { document.EasyUploadFile(new FileInfo(newSectionPath)); } } } }
private static void ReplaceSpecificSectionInDocument(Organization organization) { Console.WriteLine("ReplaceSpecificSectionInDocument"); string queryDialogId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; string fileCabinetId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; int documentId = 1; string sectionId = "1-1"; string newSectionPath = @"C:\Temp\Test.pdf"; FileCabinet fileCabinet = organization.GetFileCabinetsFromFilecabinetsRelation().FileCabinet .FirstOrDefault(fc => fc.Id == fileCabinetId); if (fileCabinet == null) { Console.WriteLine("FileCabinet is null!"); } else { Platform.ServerClient.Document document = null; DialogExpression dialogExpression = new DialogExpression() { Operation = DialogExpressionOperation.And, Condition = new List <DialogExpressionCondition>() { DialogExpressionCondition.Create("DWDOCID", documentId.ToString()) }, Count = 100, SortOrder = new List <SortedField>() { SortedField.Create("DWDOCID", SortDirection.Desc) } }; DialogInfos dialogInfos = fileCabinet.GetDialogInfosFromDialogsRelation(); if (dialogInfos == null) { Console.WriteLine("DialogInfos is null!"); } else { DialogInfo dialog = dialogInfos.Dialog.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == queryDialogId); if (dialog == null) { Console.WriteLine("Dialog is null!"); } else { DocumentsQueryResult documentsQueryResult = dialog.GetDialogFromSelfRelation().GetDocumentsResult(dialogExpression); Console.WriteLine("Query Result"); document = documentsQueryResult.Items.FirstOrDefault(); document = document?.GetDocumentFromSelfRelation(); } } if (document == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document is null!"); } else { //Get specific section(don't forget the self relation) and replace it Section section = document.Sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == sectionId)?.GetSectionFromSelfRelation(); if (section == null) { Console.WriteLine("Section is null!"); } else { section.EasyReplaceFile(new FileInfo(newSectionPath)); } } } }