        static void Main(string[] args)
            /// FaceDetectionWith_API
            Location[] coord = TestImage(fileName, Model.Hog);

            /// Face DetectionWith_DLIB
            using (var fd = Dlib.GetFrontalFaceDetector())
                var img = Dlib.LoadImage <RgbPixel>(fileName);

                // find all faces in the image
                var faces = fd.Operator(img);
                foreach (var face in faces)
                    // draw a rectangle for each face
                    Dlib.DrawRectangle(img, face, color: new RgbPixel(0, 255, 255), thickness: 4);

                Dlib.SaveJpeg(img, outputName);

            // The first thing we are going to do is load all our models.  First, since we need to
            // find faces in the image we will need a face detector:
            using (var detector = Dlib.GetFrontalFaceDetector())
                // We will also use a face landmarking model to align faces to a standard pose:  (see face_landmark_detection_ex.cpp for an introduction)
                using (var sp = ShapePredictor.Deserialize("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"))
                    // And finally we load the DNN responsible for face recognition.
                    using (var net = DlibDotNet.Dnn.LossMetric.Deserialize("dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat"))

                        using (var img = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(fileName))

                            using (var win = new ImageWindow(img))
                                var faces = new List <Matrix <RgbPixel> >();
                                foreach (var face in detector.Operator(img))
                                    var shape          = sp.Detect(img, face);
                                    var faceChipDetail = Dlib.GetFaceChipDetails(shape, 150, 0.25);
                                    var faceChip       = Dlib.ExtractImageChip <RgbPixel>(img, faceChipDetail);



                                if (!faces.Any())
                                    Console.WriteLine("No faces found in image!");

                                // This call asks the DNN to convert each face image in faces into a 128D vector.
                                // In this 128D vector space, images from the same person will be close to each other
                                // but vectors from different people will be far apart.  So we can use these vectors to
                                // identify if a pair of images are from the same person or from different people.
                                var faceDescriptors = net.Operator(faces);

                                // In particular, one simple thing we can do is face clustering.  This next bit of code
                                // creates a graph of connected faces and then uses the Chinese whispers graph clustering
                                // algorithm to identify how many people there are and which faces belong to whom.
                                var edges = new List <SamplePair>();
                                for (uint i = 0; i < faceDescriptors.Count; ++i)
                                    for (var j = i; j < faceDescriptors.Count; ++j)
                                        // Faces are connected in the graph if they are close enough.  Here we check if
                                        // the distance between two face descriptors is less than 0.6, which is the
                                        // decision threshold the network was trained to use.  Although you can
                                        // certainly use any other threshold you find useful.
                                        var diff = faceDescriptors[i] - faceDescriptors[j];
                                        if (Dlib.Length(diff) < 0.6)
                                            edges.Add(new SamplePair(i, j));

                                Dlib.ChineseWhispers(edges, 100, out var numClusters, out var labels);

                                // This will correctly indicate that there are 4 people in the image.
                                Console.WriteLine($"number of people found in the image: {numClusters}");

                                // Отобразим результат в ImageList
                                var winClusters = new List <ImageWindow>();
                                for (var i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                                    winClusters.Add(new ImageWindow());
                                var tileImages = new List <Matrix <RgbPixel> >();
                                for (var clusterId = 0ul; clusterId < numClusters; ++clusterId)
                                    var temp = new List <Matrix <RgbPixel> >();
                                    for (var j = 0; j < labels.Length; ++j)
                                        if (clusterId == labels[j])

                                    winClusters[(int)clusterId].Title = $"face cluster {clusterId}";
                                    var tileImage = Dlib.TileImages(temp);

                                // Finally, let's print one of the face descriptors to the screen.
                                using (var trans = Dlib.Trans(faceDescriptors[0]))
                                    Console.WriteLine($"face descriptor for one face: {trans}");

                                    // It should also be noted that face recognition accuracy can be improved if jittering
                                    // is used when creating face descriptors.  In particular, to get 99.38% on the LFW
                                    // benchmark you need to use the jitter_image() routine to compute the descriptors,
                                    // like so:
                                    var jitterImages = JitterImage(faces[0]).ToArray();
                                    var ret          = net.Operator(jitterImages);
                                    using (var m = Dlib.Mat(ret))
                                        using (var faceDescriptor = Dlib.Mean <float>(m))
                                            using (var t = Dlib.Trans(faceDescriptor))
                                                Console.WriteLine($"jittered face descriptor for one face: {t}");

                                                // If you use the model without jittering, as we did when clustering the bald guys, it
                                                // gets an accuracy of 99.13% on the LFW benchmark.  So jittering makes the whole
                                                // procedure a little more accurate but makes face descriptor calculation slower.

                                                Console.WriteLine("hit enter to terminate");

                                                foreach (var jitterImage in jitterImages)

                                                foreach (var tileImage in tileImages)

                                                foreach (var edge in edges)

                                                foreach (var descriptor in faceDescriptors)

                                                foreach (var face in faces)

        private void BackgroundWorkerOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
            var path = doWorkEventArgs.Argument as string;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) || !File.Exists(path))

            using (var faceDetector = Dlib.GetFrontalFaceDetector())
                using (var img = Dlib.LoadImage <RgbPixel>(path))

                    var dets = faceDetector.Operator(img);

                    var shapes = new List <FullObjectDetection>();
                    foreach (var rect in dets)
                        var shape = this._ShapePredictor.Detect(img, rect);
                        if (shape.Parts <= 2)

                    if (shapes.Any())
                        var lines = Dlib.RenderFaceDetections(shapes);
                        foreach (var line in lines)
                            Dlib.DrawLine(img, line.Point1, line.Point2, new RgbPixel
                                Green = 255

                        var wb = img.ToBitmap();
                        this.pictureBoxImage.Image = wb;

                        foreach (var l in lines)

                        var chipLocations = Dlib.GetFaceChipDetails(shapes);
                        using (var faceChips = Dlib.ExtractImageChips <RgbPixel>(img, chipLocations))
                            using (var tileImage = Dlib.TileImages(faceChips))
                                // It is NOT necessary to re-convert WriteableBitmap to Matrix.
                                // This sample demonstrate converting managed image class to
                                // dlib class and vice versa.
                                using (var tile = tileImage.ToBitmap())
                                    using (var mat = tile.ToMatrix <RgbPixel>())
                                        var tile2 = mat.ToBitmap();
                                        this.pictureBoxTileImage.Image = tile2;

                        foreach (var c in chipLocations)

                    foreach (var s in shapes)