public dataOperations.hashValues[] hashFile(HFSPlusCatalogFile file) { // take a file, return hashes for its data fork and resource fork dataOperations.hashValues[] hv = new dataOperations.hashValues[2]; GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(i); HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(i, gpts.entries[file.partitionAssoc]); volumeStream vs = new volumeStream(hfsp); extentsOverflowFile eof = new extentsOverflowFile(new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.extentsFile,, vs); if (file.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile hfspfile = new HFSPlusFile(file, eof); forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, hfspfile,; hv[0] = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)hfspfile.dataLogicalSize); } if (file.resourceFork != null) { if (file.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile hfspfile = new HFSPlusFile(file.resourceFork, forkStream.forkType.resource); forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, hfspfile, forkStream.forkType.resource); hv[1] = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)hfspfile.rsrcLogicalSize); } } return(hv); }
public void showForkData(HFSPlusCatalogFile entry, uint block, forkStream.forkType type) { GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(i); HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(i, gpts.entries[entry.partitionAssoc]); volumeStream vs = new volumeStream(hfsp); extentsOverflowFile eof = new extentsOverflowFile(new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.extentsFile,, vs); HFSPlusFile hfsp_file = new HFSPlusFile(entry, eof); forkStream fs; if (type == { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file,; } else { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file, forkStream.forkType.resource); } contentDisplay = hexHeadLine + "\r\n"; if (fs.Length > 0) { byte[] showBlock = new byte[hfsp.blockSize]; fs.Seek(hfsp.blockSize * block, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(showBlock, 0, (int)hfsp.blockSize); rawDataDisplay(showBlock); } }
public absHFSPlusBTree(HFSPlusFile knownExtents, volumeStream hfsp) { extents = knownExtents; // grab a bunch of information to ensure the header node is captured byte[] firstBlock = new byte[hfsp.volume.blockSize]; this.fs = new forkStream(hfsp, knownExtents,; fs.Read(firstBlock, 0, firstBlock.Count()); // nodeSize is byte 30 of header record which comes immediately after 14 byte descriptor this.nodeSize = dataOperations.convToLE(BitConverter.ToUInt16(firstBlock, 32)); byte[] headerData = new byte[nodeSize]; headerData = getNodeData(0, nodeSize); header = new headerNode(ref headerData); // check whether all of the data extents are known long treeSize = header.headerInfo.totalNodes * header.headerInfo.nodeSize; if (fs.Length >= treeSize && fs.Length > 0) { isRawDataComplete = true; buildMap(fs); } }
protected byte[] buildMap(forkStream fs) { List <byte[]> mapContent = new List <byte[]>(); mapContent.Add(; uint fLink = this.header.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; uint mapSize = (uint); // if fLink > 0, there are more map nodes with map data to be read while (fLink > 0) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; fs.Seek(fLink * this.nodeSize, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); mapNode currentMap = new mapNode(ref nodeRawData); mapContent.Add(currentMap.bitmapComponent); mapSize += (uint)currentMap.bitmapComponent.Length; fLink = currentMap.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; } byte[] mapData = new byte[mapSize]; int position = 0; foreach (byte[] component in mapContent) { Array.Copy(component, 0, mapData, position, component.Length); position += component.Length; } return(mapData); }
private TreeNode iterateHashChildren(TreeNode parent, volumeStream vs) { TreeNode replaceParent = new TreeNode(); replaceParent.Tag = parent.Tag; foreach (TreeNode child in parent.Nodes) { TreeNode replaceChild = new TreeNode(); if (child.Tag is HFSPlusCatalogFolder) { replaceChild = iterateHashChildren(child, vs); replaceChild.Tag = child.Tag; } else if (child.Tag is HFSPlusCatalogFile) { HFSPlusCatalogFile tag = (HFSPlusCatalogFile)child.Tag; dataOperations.hashValues hashes = new dataOperations.hashValues(); if (tag.dataFork != null && tag.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile theFileData = new HFSPlusFile(tag.dataFork,; forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, theFileData,; dataOperations.hashValues hv = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)theFileData.dataLogicalSize); hashes.md5hash = hv.md5hash; } if (tag.resourceFork != null && tag.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile theFileResource = new HFSPlusFile(tag.dataFork,; forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, theFileResource,; dataOperations.hashValues hv = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)theFileResource.dataLogicalSize); hashes.sha1hash = hv.sha1hash; } tag.hashes = hashes; replaceChild.Tag = tag; } else { replaceChild.Tag = child.Tag; } replaceChild.Text = child.Text; replaceParent.Nodes.Add(replaceChild); } replaceParent.Text = parent.Text; return(replaceParent); }
public void exportFile(HFSPlusCatalogFile entry, forkStream.forkType type, string path) { if (entry.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0 || entry.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(i); HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(i, gpts.entries[entry.partitionAssoc]); volumeStream vs = new volumeStream(hfsp); extentsOverflowFile eof = new extentsOverflowFile(new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.extentsFile,, vs); HFSPlusFile hfsp_file = new HFSPlusFile(entry, eof); forkStream fs; long dataSize = 0; if (type == { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file,; dataSize = (long)entry.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize; } else { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file, forkStream.forkType.resource); dataSize = (long)entry.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize; } fs.Position = 0; FileStream writeStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(writeStream); long bytesWritten = 0; byte[] buffer; while (bytesWritten < dataSize) { if (bytesWritten + 8192 <= dataSize) { buffer = new byte[8192]; fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); bw.Write(buffer, 0, 8192); bytesWritten += 8192; } else { buffer = new byte[dataSize - bytesWritten]; fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); bw.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); bytesWritten += buffer.Length; } } bw.Close(); writeStream.Close(); } }
public HFSPlusFile(hfsPlusForkData forkEntry, forkStream.forkType type) { fileContent.dataExtents = new List<hfsPlusForkData.HFSPlusExtentRecord>(); fileContent.resourceExtents = new List<hfsPlusForkData.HFSPlusExtentRecord>(); switch (type) { case addDataFork(forkEntry); break; case forkStream.forkType.resource: addResourceFork(forkEntry); break; } }
public void showForkData(HFSPlusCatalogFile entry, forkStream.forkType type) { GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(i); HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(i, gpts.entries[entry.partitionAssoc]); volumeStream vs = new volumeStream(hfsp); extentsOverflowFile eof = new extentsOverflowFile(new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.extentsFile,, vs); HFSPlusFile hfsp_file = new HFSPlusFile(entry, eof); forkStream fs; if (type == { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file,; } else { fs = new forkStream(vs, hfsp_file, forkStream.forkType.resource); } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public dataOperations.hashes hashFileStream(forkStream fs) { MD5 md5sum = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); SHA1 sha1sum = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] md5result; byte[] sha1result; dataOperations.hashes result = new dataOperations.hashes(); md5result = md5sum.ComputeHash(fs); StringBuilder sbmd5 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < md5result.Length; i++) { sbmd5.Append(md5result[i].ToString("X2")); } result.md5sum = sbmd5.ToString(); sha1result = sha1sum.ComputeHash(fs); StringBuilder sbsha1 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < md5result.Length; i++) { sbsha1.Append(md5result[i].ToString("X2")); } result.sha1sum = sbsha1.ToString(); fs.Close(); return(result); }
public dataOperations.hashes hashFileStream(forkStream fs) { MD5 md5sum = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); SHA1 sha1sum = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] md5result; byte[] sha1result; dataOperations.hashes result = new dataOperations.hashes(); md5result = md5sum.ComputeHash(fs); StringBuilder sbmd5 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < md5result.Length; i++) { sbmd5.Append(md5result[i].ToString("X2")); } result.md5sum = sbmd5.ToString(); sha1result = sha1sum.ComputeHash(fs); StringBuilder sbsha1 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < md5result.Length; i++) { sbsha1.Append(md5result[i].ToString("X2")); } result.sha1sum = sbsha1.ToString(); fs.Close(); return result; }
public imageMap(absImageStream ais) { if (ais.scheme == absImageStream.schemeType.GPT) { GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(ais); mapBlock block = new mapBlock(); block.location = 0; if (gpts.protectiveMBRExists) { block.length = 1; = "MBR"; block.type = tileType.MBR; partitionblocks.Add(block); } if (gpts.headerFound) { block.location = 1; block.length = 1; = "GPT Header"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); block.location = gpts.tablestart; block.length = gpts.tablelength / ais.sectorSize; if (block.length < 1) block.length = 1; = "GPT Primary Table"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); } if (gpts.backupFound) { block.location = gpts.backupHeader.mainheader; block.length = 1; = "Backup GPT Header"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); block.location = gpts.backupHeader.tablestart; block.length = gpts.tablelength / ais.sectorSize; if (block.length < 1) block.length = 1; = "GPT Backup Table"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); } foreach (GPTScheme.entry entry in gpts.entries) { block.location = entry.partStartLBA; block.length = entry.partLength; =; block.type = tileType.vol_unknown; if (gpts.findPartitionType(entry) == GPTScheme.partitionType.HFSPlus) { HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(ais, entry); block.mapSectorsPerBlock = (int)hfsp.volHead.blockSize / ais.sectorSize; forkStream fs = new forkStream(new volumeStream(hfsp), new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.allocationFile,,; block.allocationMap = new byte[(int)fs.Length]; fs.Read(block.allocationMap, 0, (int)fs.Length); } else { block.allocationMap = null; } partitionblocks.Add(block); } } partitionblocks.Sort(CompareBlocksByPosition); }
private TreeNode iterateHashChildren(TreeNode parent, volumeStream vs) { TreeNode replaceParent = new TreeNode(); replaceParent.Tag = parent.Tag; foreach (TreeNode child in parent.Nodes) { TreeNode replaceChild = new TreeNode(); if (child.Tag is HFSPlusCatalogFolder) { replaceChild = iterateHashChildren(child, vs); replaceChild.Tag = child.Tag; } else if (child.Tag is HFSPlusCatalogFile) { HFSPlusCatalogFile tag = (HFSPlusCatalogFile)child.Tag; dataOperations.hashValues hashes = new dataOperations.hashValues(); if (tag.dataFork != null && tag.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile theFileData = new HFSPlusFile(tag.dataFork,; forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, theFileData,; dataOperations.hashValues hv = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)theFileData.dataLogicalSize); hashes.md5hash = hv.md5hash; } if (tag.resourceFork != null && tag.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile theFileResource = new HFSPlusFile(tag.dataFork,; forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, theFileResource,; dataOperations.hashValues hv = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)theFileResource.dataLogicalSize); hashes.sha1hash = hv.sha1hash; } tag.hashes = hashes; replaceChild.Tag = tag; } else { replaceChild.Tag = child.Tag; } replaceChild.Text = child.Text; replaceParent.Nodes.Add(replaceChild); } replaceParent.Text = parent.Text; return replaceParent; }
public dataOperations.hashValues[] hashFile(HFSPlusCatalogFile file) { // take a file, return hashes for its data fork and resource fork dataOperations.hashValues[] hv = new dataOperations.hashValues[2]; GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(i); HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(i, gpts.entries[file.partitionAssoc]); volumeStream vs = new volumeStream(hfsp); extentsOverflowFile eof = new extentsOverflowFile(new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.extentsFile,,vs); if (file.dataFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile hfspfile = new HFSPlusFile(file, eof); forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, hfspfile,; hv[0] = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)hfspfile.dataLogicalSize); } if (file.resourceFork != null) { if (file.resourceFork.forkDataValues.logicalSize > 0) { HFSPlusFile hfspfile = new HFSPlusFile(file.resourceFork, forkStream.forkType.resource); forkStream fs = new forkStream(vs, hfspfile, forkStream.forkType.resource); hv[1] = dataOperations.getHashValues(fs, (long)hfspfile.rsrcLogicalSize); } } return hv; }
protected byte[] buildMap(forkStream fs) { List<byte[]> mapContent = new List<byte[]>(); mapContent.Add(; uint fLink = this.header.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; uint mapSize = (uint); // if fLink > 0, there are more map nodes with map data to be read while (fLink > 0) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; fs.Seek(fLink * this.nodeSize, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); mapNode currentMap = new mapNode(ref nodeRawData); mapContent.Add(currentMap.bitmapComponent); mapSize += (uint)currentMap.bitmapComponent.Length; fLink = currentMap.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; } byte[] mapData = new byte[mapSize]; int position = 0; foreach (byte[] component in mapContent) { Array.Copy(component, 0, mapData, position, component.Length); position += component.Length; } return mapData; }
public imageMap(absImageStream ais) { if (ais.scheme == absImageStream.schemeType.GPT) { GPTScheme gpts = new GPTScheme(ais); mapBlock block = new mapBlock(); block.location = 0; if (gpts.protectiveMBRExists) { block.length = 1; = "MBR"; block.type = tileType.MBR; partitionblocks.Add(block); } if (gpts.headerFound) { block.location = 1; block.length = 1; = "GPT Header"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); block.location = gpts.tablestart; block.length = gpts.tablelength / ais.sectorSize; if (block.length < 1) { block.length = 1; } = "GPT Primary Table"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); } if (gpts.backupFound) { block.location = gpts.backupHeader.mainheader; block.length = 1; = "Backup GPT Header"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); block.location = gpts.backupHeader.tablestart; block.length = gpts.tablelength / ais.sectorSize; if (block.length < 1) { block.length = 1; } = "GPT Backup Table"; block.type = tileType.GPT; partitionblocks.Add(block); } foreach (GPTScheme.entry entry in gpts.entries) { block.location = entry.partStartLBA; block.length = entry.partLength; =; block.type = tileType.vol_unknown; if (gpts.findPartitionType(entry) == GPTScheme.partitionType.HFSPlus) { HFSPlus hfsp = new HFSPlus(ais, entry); block.mapSectorsPerBlock = (int)hfsp.volHead.blockSize / ais.sectorSize; forkStream fs = new forkStream(new volumeStream(hfsp), new HFSPlusFile(hfsp.volHead.allocationFile,,; block.allocationMap = new byte[(int)fs.Length]; fs.Read(block.allocationMap, 0, (int)fs.Length); } else { block.allocationMap = null; } partitionblocks.Add(block); } } partitionblocks.Sort(CompareBlocksByPosition); }