public attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData getAttriInlineDataWithKey(HFSPlusAttrKey recordKeyID, bool caseSensitiveCompare = false) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData result = new attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData(); // find the root node uint currentNodeNumber = this.header.headerInfo.rootNode; fs.Seek(currentNodeNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); absNode.nodeType currentNodeType = getNodeType(currentNodeNumber); bool found = false; // get the leaf if (this.header.headerInfo.rootNode > 0) { uint leafRecordNumber = getLeafNodeContainingRecord(recordKeyID); fs.Seek(leafRecordNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); attributesLeafNode leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData leafRecord in leafNode.inlineRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare) && found == false) { result = leafRecord; found = true; } } } if (found) { return(result); } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } }
public attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile getAttrFileDataWithKey(HFSPlusAttrKey recordKeyID, bool caseSensitiveCompare = false) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile allAttributes = new attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile(); allAttributes.inline = new List <attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData>(); allAttributes.forks = new List <attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData>(); // find the root node uint currentNodeNumber = this.header.headerInfo.rootNode; fs.Seek(currentNodeNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); absNode.nodeType currentNodeType = getNodeType(currentNodeNumber); // find the leaf where records matching this key start if (this.header.headerInfo.rootNode > 0) { uint leafRecordNumber = getLeafNodeContainingRecord(recordKeyID); fs.Seek(leafRecordNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); attributesLeafNode leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); bool allDataFound = false; while (!allDataFound) { int recordsAdded = 0; foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData leafRecord in leafNode.forkDataRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { allAttributes.forks.Add(leafRecord); recordsAdded++; } } foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrExtents leafRecord in leafNode.extentsRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { // find out which forkdata record to add the extent to foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData fork in allAttributes.forks) { if (fork.key.fileID == leafRecord.key.fileID && fork.key.attrName == leafRecord.key.attrName) { // then add all the extents in the record for (int i = 0; i < leafRecord.extents.Count(); i++) { fork.theFork.forkDataValues.extents.Add(leafRecord.extents[i]); } } } recordsAdded++; } } foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData leafRecord in leafNode.inlineRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { allAttributes.inline.Add(leafRecord); recordsAdded++; } } // if the last record in the node matches the search key, there may be more matching records in the next node // if the node is the last leaf node, its flink will be 0 if (attrKeyCompare(buildAttrTrialKey(leafNode.rawRecords[leafNode.rawRecords.Count() - 1]), recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare) == dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey && leafNode.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink > 0) { uint nextNode = leafNode.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; fs.Seek(nextNode * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); } else { allDataFound = true; } //if (!allDataFound && recordsAdded == 0) //{ // throw new Exception("The specified search key was not found."); //} } } return(allAttributes); }
public attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile getAttrFileDataWithKey(HFSPlusAttrKey recordKeyID, bool caseSensitiveCompare = false) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile allAttributes = new attributesLeafNode.attributesDataForFile(); allAttributes.inline = new List<attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData>(); allAttributes.forks = new List<attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData>(); // find the root node uint currentNodeNumber = this.header.headerInfo.rootNode; fs.Seek(currentNodeNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); absNode.nodeType currentNodeType = getNodeType(currentNodeNumber); // find the leaf where records matching this key start if(this.header.headerInfo.rootNode > 0) { uint leafRecordNumber = getLeafNodeContainingRecord(recordKeyID); fs.Seek(leafRecordNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); attributesLeafNode leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); bool allDataFound = false; while (!allDataFound) { int recordsAdded = 0; foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData leafRecord in leafNode.forkDataRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { allAttributes.forks.Add(leafRecord); recordsAdded++; } } foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrExtents leafRecord in leafNode.extentsRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { // find out which forkdata record to add the extent to foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrForkData fork in allAttributes.forks) { if (fork.key.fileID == leafRecord.key.fileID && fork.key.attrName == leafRecord.key.attrName) { // then add all the extents in the record for (int i = 0; i < leafRecord.extents.Count(); i++) { fork.theFork.forkDataValues.extents.Add(leafRecord.extents[i]); } } } recordsAdded++; } } foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData leafRecord in leafNode.inlineRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare)) { allAttributes.inline.Add(leafRecord); recordsAdded++; } } // if the last record in the node matches the search key, there may be more matching records in the next node // if the node is the last leaf node, its flink will be 0 if (attrKeyCompare(buildAttrTrialKey(leafNode.rawRecords[leafNode.rawRecords.Count() - 1]), recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare) == dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey && leafNode.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink > 0) { uint nextNode = leafNode.BTNodeDescriptor.fLink; fs.Seek(nextNode * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); } else { allDataFound = true; } //if (!allDataFound && recordsAdded == 0) //{ // throw new Exception("The specified search key was not found."); //} } } return allAttributes; }
public attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData getAttriInlineDataWithKey(HFSPlusAttrKey recordKeyID, bool caseSensitiveCompare = false) { byte[] nodeRawData = new byte[this.nodeSize]; attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData result = new attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData(); // find the root node uint currentNodeNumber = this.header.headerInfo.rootNode; fs.Seek(currentNodeNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); absNode.nodeType currentNodeType = getNodeType(currentNodeNumber); bool found = false; // get the leaf if (this.header.headerInfo.rootNode > 0) { uint leafRecordNumber = getLeafNodeContainingRecord(recordKeyID); fs.Seek(leafRecordNumber * this.nodeSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(nodeRawData, 0, this.nodeSize); attributesLeafNode leafNode = new attributesLeafNode(ref nodeRawData); foreach (attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData leafRecord in leafNode.inlineRecords) { if (dataOperations.keyCompareResult.equalsTrialKey == attrKeyCompare(leafRecord.key, recordKeyID, caseSensitiveCompare) && found == false) { result = leafRecord; found = true; } } } if (found) { return result; } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } }
public void showInlineAttrData(attributesLeafNode.HFSPlusAttrInlineData entry) { rawDataDisplay(entry.otherData); }