        private void Load(StreamReader streamReader)
            //Read the first line of text
            String line = streamReader.ReadLine();

            if (!line.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    string[] tokens                 = line.Split(',');
                    string   applicantIdString      = tokens[0].Trim();
                    string   discordSnowflakeString = tokens[1].Trim();
                    int      applicantId            = int.Parse(applicantIdString);
                    bool     discordConnected       = false;
                    ulong    discordSnowflake       = 0;
                    if (discordSnowflakeString.IsNullOrEmpty() || discordSnowflakeString == "false")
                        discordConnected = false;
                        discordConnected = ulong.TryParse(discordSnowflakeString, out discordSnowflake);
                    Applicant existingApplicant = null;
                    if (!applicants.TryGetValue(applicantId, out existingApplicant))
                        Applicant applicant = new Applicant(applicantId, discordSnowflake, discordConnected);
                        applicants.Add(applicant.ApplicantId, applicant);
                        if (applicant.DiscordConnected)
                            applicantsDiscordLookup.Add(applicant.DiscordSnowflake, applicant);
                        // if the current record has a discord id then we can potentially fill in the blank of an existing.
                        if (discordConnected)
                            // the line in the file has a discord snowflake, need to check if the existing one does
                            if (existingApplicant.DiscordConnected)
                                // this is a bit weird as there is a duplicate and both have a discord id
                                if (discordSnowflake == existingApplicant.DiscordSnowflake)
                                    // the snowflakes are a match, which is weird but ok
                                    string warningMessage = "The applicants file contains a duplicate with the same Discord ids: ApplicantID(" + applicantId.ToString() + ") DiscordId(" + discordSnowflake.ToString() + " - " + existingApplicant.DiscordSnowflake.ToString() + ").";
                                    _ = FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, "Bot", warningMessage));
                                    // the snowflakes are different... this should not happen
                                    string errorMessage = "The applicants file contains a duplicate with different Discord ids: ApplicantID(" + applicantId.ToString() + ") DiscordId(" + discordSnowflake.ToString() + " - " + existingApplicant.DiscordSnowflake.ToString() + ").";
                                    _ = FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "Bot", errorMessage));
                                string warningMessage = "The applicants file contains a duplicate but this one has a DiscordId so adding it: ApplicantID(" + applicantId.ToString() + ") DiscordId(" + discordSnowflake.ToString() + ").";
                                _ = FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, "Bot", warningMessage));
                    line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                //Continue to read until you reach end of file
                while (line != null);
                FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, "Bot", "Could not load Applicants File because it is empty."));