public CommandHandler(DiscordSocketClient client, CommandService commands) { _commands = commands; _client = client; }
public CommandHandler(DiscordSocketClient discordClient, CommandService commands, IServiceProvider services) { this.discordClient = discordClient; this.commands = commands; = services; }
public CommandHandler(DiscordSocketClient client) { this._client = client; this._commands = new CommandService(); }
public CommandHandler(DiscordSocketClient client, CommandService commandService, IServiceProvider services) { KKK.Client = client; KKK.CommandService = commandService; Services = services; }
public void CreateCommand() { CommandService cService = discordBot.GetService <CommandService>(); #region Ping Command cService.CreateCommand("ping") .Description("Return ping") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage("Pong"); }); #endregion #region Hello Command cService.CreateCommand("Hello") .Description("Return the user parameter") .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { string userArg = $"{e.GetArg("user")}"; string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention} says hello to {userArg}"; await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region HelloDoubleMention Command cService.CreateCommand("Hello2you") .Description("Say hello to an other user, the username entered must have the same characters") .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { User user; user = e.Server.Users.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Equals(e.GetArg("user").ToLower())).Select(x => x).First(); await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} says Hello to {user.NicknameMention}"); }); #endregion #region Roll Command cService.CreateGroup("roll", cg => { #region 1d4 cg.CreateCommand("1d4") .Description("Roll 1d4") .Do(async(e) => { int d = r.Next(1, 5); await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} rolled {d}"); }); #endregion #region 1d6 cg.CreateCommand("1d6") .Description("Roll 1d6") .Do(async(e) => { int d = r.Next(1, 7); await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} rolled {d}"); }); #endregion #region 1d12 cg.CreateCommand("1d12") .Description("Roll 1d12") .Do(async(e) => { int d = r.Next(1, 13); await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} rolled {d}"); }); #endregion #region 1d20 cg.CreateCommand("1d20") .Description("Roll 1d20") .Do(async(e) => { int d = r.Next(1, 21); await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} rolled {d}"); }); #endregion #region Custom cg.CreateCommand("custom") .Parameter("qtyDice", ParameterType.Required) .Parameter("sizeDice", ParameterType.Required) .Description("Make a custom dice roll ~roll custom <qtyDice> <sizeDice>") .Do(async(e) => { int qtyDice = Convert.ToInt32(e.GetArg("qtyDice")); int sizeDice = Convert.ToInt32(e.GetArg("sizeDice")); int d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qtyDice; i++) { d += r.Next(1, sizeDice + 1); } await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.NicknameMention} rolled {qtyDice}d{sizeDice} and got {d}"); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Credit Command cService.CreateCommand("Info") .Description("Try it!") .Do(async(e) => { Console.WriteLine($"[COMMAND] [{e.User.Name}] The CREDIT command was used."); await e.Channel.SendMessage(@"Iluvatar's Super Bot was coded by Iluvatar/Samuel Reid You can install it on your server using this link : OR The bot can be found at :"); }); #endregion #region Role Command cService.CreateGroup("role", cg => { #region List cg.CreateCommand("list") .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <Role> roles = e.Server.Roles.OrderByDescending(r => r.Position); string message = $"The role in this server are :\n"; foreach (var r in roles) { message += $"{r.Mention}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region UserIn cg.CreateCommand("userin") .Description("List all user with the chosen role") .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { Role role; IEnumerable <User> users; role = BasicQuery.GetRole(e, "role"); users = e.Server.Users.Where(x => x.Roles.Contains(role)); string message = $"The {role.Mention} are :\n"; foreach (var u in users) { message += $"{u.NicknameMention}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region Me cg.CreateCommand("me") .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <Role> roles = e.User.Roles.OrderByDescending(r => r.Position); string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention} roles are :\n"; foreach (var r in roles) { message += $"{r.Mention}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region User cg.CreateCommand("user") .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { User user = BasicQuery.GetUser(e, "user"); IEnumerable <Role> roles = user.Roles.OrderByDescending(r => r.Position); string message = $"{user.NicknameMention} roles are :\n"; foreach (var r in roles) { message += $"{r.Mention}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Channel Command cService.CreateGroup("channel", cg => { #region Clear cg.CreateCommand("clear") .MinPermissions((int)PermissionLevel.ChannelModerator) .Description("Clear the channel removing all message sent since the bot went online.") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.DeleteMessages(e.Channel.Messages.ToArray()); }); #endregion #region Topic cg.CreateCommand("topic") .Description("Return channel's topic") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage(e.Channel.Topic); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Permission Command cService.CreateGroup("permission", cg => { #region Me cg.CreateCommand("me") .Description("Return your permission level on this channel.") .Do(async(e) => { PermissionLevel perm = GetPermissions(e.User, e.Channel); await e.Channel.SendMessage(BasicQuery.PermissionNameUser(e.User, perm)); }); #endregion #region List cg.CreateCommand("list") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage("6 - BOT OWNER\n5 - SERVER OWNER\n4 - SERVER ADMIN\n3 - SERVER MODERATOR\n2 - CHANNEL ADMIN\n1 - CHANNEL MODERATOR\n0 - USER"); }); #endregion #region User cg.CreateCommand("user") .Description("Return the permission level of an other user on this channel.") .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { User user = BasicQuery.GetUser(e, "user"); PermissionLevel perm = GetPermissions(user, e.Channel); await e.Channel.SendMessage(BasicQuery.PermissionNameUser(user, perm)); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Server Command cService.CreateGroup("server", cg => { #region Kick //TODO : Kick Command #endregion #region Ban //TODO : Ban Command #endregion #region Shutdown cg.CreateCommand("shutdown") .MinPermissions((int)PermissionLevel.BotOwner) .Description("Shutdown the bot") .Do(async(e) => { Environment.Exit(0); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Unassigned Search Command cService.CreateGroup("search", cg => { #region User cg.CreateCommand("user") .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <User> users = BasicQuery.SearchUsers(e, "user"); string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention}, your research returned {users.Count()} result(s)\n"; foreach (var u in users) { message += $"{u.Name}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region Role cg.CreateCommand("role") .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <Role> roles = BasicQuery.SearchRoles(e, "role"); string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention}, your research returned {roles.Count()} result(s)\n"; foreach (var r in roles) { message += $"{r.Name}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion }); #endregion #region Music Command cService.CreateGroup("music", cg => { #region Start cg.CreateCommand("start") .Parameter("tune#", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Description("Music command is NOT fully implemented yet.") .Do(async(e) => { //Channel voiceChannel = discordBot.FindServers("Bot Music").FirstOrDefault().VoiceChannels.FirstOrDefault(); voiceChannel = e.Server.VoiceChannels.Where(c => c.Name.ToLower().Contains(("Bot Music").ToLower())).Select(x => x).First(); var aService = await discordBot.GetService <AudioService>() .Join(voiceChannel); string filePath = $"Music\\{e.GetArg("tune#")}"; await e.Channel.SendMessage("Music started on voice channel *Bot Music*"); Audio.StartMusic(filePath, discordBot, voiceChannel, aService); await e.Channel.SendMessage("Music ended on voice channel *Bot Music*"); await discordBot.GetService <AudioService>() .Leave(voiceChannel); Audio.StopPlaying(); }); #endregion #region Stop cg.CreateCommand("stop") .Description("Music command is NOT fully implemented yet.") .Do(async(e) => { voiceChannel = e.Server.VoiceChannels.Where(c => c.Name.ToLower().Contains(("Bot Music").ToLower())).Select(x => x).First(); await discordBot.GetService <AudioService>() .Leave(voiceChannel); Audio.StopPlaying(); await e.Channel.SendMessage("Music was stopped on channel *Bot Music*"); }); #endregion #region Search cg.CreateCommand("search") .Parameter("song", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Description("Music command is NOT fully implemented yet.") .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <string> songs = BasicQuery.GetSongs().Where(s => s.ToLower().Contains(e.GetArg("song").ToLower())); string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention}, your research returned {songs.Count()} result(s)\n"; foreach (var s in songs) { message += $"{s}\n"; } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion #region List cg.CreateCommand("list") .Description("Music command is NOT fully implemented yet.") .Do(async(e) => { IEnumerable <string> songs = BasicQuery.GetSongs(); string message = $"{e.User.NicknameMention}, there are {songs.Count()} song(s) available\n"; foreach (var s in songs) { if (s != "nothing.bk") { message += $"{s}\n"; } } await e.Channel.SendMessage(message); }); #endregion }); #endregion //Link pour installer }
public CommandHandlingService(IServiceProvider services, DiscordSocketClient client, CommandService commands, AppSettings settings) { = services; this.client = client; this.commands = commands; this.settings = settings; client.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceivedAsync; }
public EvilBot() { discord = new DiscordClient(x => { x.LogLevel = LogSeverity.Info; x.LogHandler = Log; }); discord.UsingCommands(x => { x.PrefixChar = '`'; x.AllowMentionPrefix = true; }); CommandService commands; commands = discord.GetService <CommandService>(); //---------------------------------------Show me what you got--------------------------------- freshestMemes = new string[] { "mem/test.jpg", "mem/GetInBich.jpg", "mem/rompers.jpg", "mem/dwk.jpg", "mem/abortion.jpg", "mem/prayer.jpg", "mem/sasuke_patrick.jpg" }; commands.CreateCommand("show me what you got") .Do(async(e) => { Random rand = new Random(); int temp = rand.Next(0, freshestMemes.Length); await e.Channel.SendMessage("Here is meme #" + temp + "/" + freshestMemes.Length); await e.Channel.SendFile(freshestMemes[temp]); }); //----------------------------------Text Commands------------------------------ commands.CreateCommand("hello") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage("Hi Bitch!"); }); commands.CreateCommand("help") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage("Do I look like the kind of bot that gives help?"); }); commands.CreateCommand("help") .Do(async(e) => { await e.Channel.SendMessage("Do I look like the kind of bot that gives help?"); }); discord.ExecuteAndWait(async() => { await discord.Connect("MzE4NTk4NzE4MTYzMjU1Mjk4.DDISOw.s3-TBtxlDop7KUMx3N7O6s2rMAY", TokenType.Bot); }); }
private async Task MainAsync() { DeserializeSettings(); _client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig { LogLevel = LogSeverity.Verbose, AlwaysDownloadUsers = true, MessageCacheSize = 50 }); _commandService = new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig { CaseSensitiveCommands = false, DefaultRunMode = RunMode.Async }); _loggingService = new LoggingService(_client, _settings); _databaseService = new DatabaseService(_loggingService, _settings); _publisherService = new PublisherService(_client, _databaseService, _settings); _animeService = new AnimeService(_client, _loggingService, _settings); _feedService = new FeedService(_client, _settings); _updateService = new UpdateService(_client, _loggingService, _publisherService, _databaseService, _animeService, _settings, _feedService); _userService = new UserService(_client, _databaseService, _loggingService, _updateService, _settings, _userSettings); _audioService = new AudioService(_loggingService, _client, _settings); _casinoService = new CasinoService(_loggingService, _updateService, _databaseService, _settings); _currencyService = new CurrencyService(); _serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection(); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_loggingService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_databaseService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_userService); //_serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_work); //TODO: rework work service _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_publisherService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_updateService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_audioService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_animeService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_casinoService); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_settings); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_rules); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_payWork); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_userSettings); _serviceCollection.AddSingleton(_currencyService); _services = _serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); await InstallCommands(); _client.Log += Logger; // await InitCommands(); await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, _settings.Token); await _client.StartAsync(); _client.Ready += () => { Console.WriteLine("Bot is connected"); //_audio.Music(); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; await Task.Delay(-1); }