public async Task Roll([Remainder] string rollText = null) { rollText = RollCommands.TextOrDefault(rollText); List <List <RollResult> > result = RollCommands.BuildAndRoll(rollText); EmbedBuilder builder = RollFormater.GenerateDiscordBuilder(result, Context); // Post the embed to the channel await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : builder.Build()); // Delete the requesting message // await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
public async Task Death() { List <List <RollResult> > result = RollCommands.BuildAndRoll("1d20"); // Create a builder to construct the output. EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); // Set author and image builder.WithAuthor("Deaths Door", ""); // Set outline to be red. builder.WithColor(Color.DarkerGrey); int total = result.Sum(x => x.Sum(y => y.Result)); string status = total >= 10 ? "Success" : "Failure"; // Set the description to show results. builder.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention}: {total} = {status}"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : builder.Build()); }