public static void FreePinInfo(PinInfo pinInfo) { if (pinInfo.filter != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pinInfo.filter); pinInfo.filter = null; } }
/// <summary> Retrieve the friendly name of a connectorType. </summary> private string getName(IPin pin) { string s = "Unknown pin"; PinInfo pinInfo = new PinInfo(); // Direction matches, so add pin name to listbox int hr = pin.QueryPinInfo(out pinInfo); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); s = + ""; // The pininfo structure contains a reference to an IBaseFilter, // so you must release its reference to prevent resource a leak. if (pinInfo.filter != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pinInfo.filter); pinInfo.filter = null; return (s); }
int IPin.QueryPinInfo(out PinInfo pInfo) { pInfo.dir = PinDirection.Output; pInfo.filter = filter; = name; return S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Removes all filters downstream from a filter from the graph. /// This is called only by derenderGraph() to remove everything /// from the graph except the devices and compressors. The parameter /// "removeFirstFilter" is used to keep a compressor (that should /// be immediately downstream of the device) if one is begin used. /// </summary> private void removeDownstream( IBaseFilter filter, bool removeFirstFilter ) { if (filter == null) return; // Get a pin enumerator off the filter IEnumPins pinEnum; int hr = filter.EnumPins( out pinEnum ); pinEnum.Reset(); if( (hr == 0) && (pinEnum != null) ) { // Loop through each pin IPin[] pins = new IPin[1]; IntPtr f = IntPtr.Zero; do { // Get the next pin hr = pinEnum.Next(1, pins, f); if( (hr == 0) && (pins[0] != null) ) { // Get the pin it is connected to IPin pinTo = null; pins[0].ConnectedTo( out pinTo ); if ( pinTo != null ) { // Is this an input pin? PinInfo info = new PinInfo(); hr = pinTo.QueryPinInfo( out info ); if( (hr == 0) && (info.dir == (PinDirection.Input)) ) { // Recurse down this branch removeDownstream( info.filter, true ); // Disconnect graphBuilder.Disconnect( pinTo ); graphBuilder.Disconnect( pins[0] ); // Remove this filter // but don't remove the video or audio compressors // if ( ( info.filter != videoCompressorFilter ) && // ( info.filter != audioCompressorFilter ) ) graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( info.filter ); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject( info.filter ); Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pinTo ); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pins[0] ); } } while( hr == 0 ); Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pinEnum ); pinEnum = null; } }
protected void RebuildRelease(PinInfo pInfo, FilterInfo fInfo, IPin pinTo, IPin pPin) { DsUtils.FreePinInfo(pInfo); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(fInfo.pGraph); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinTo); pinTo = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pPin); pPin = null; }
public static bool RenderOutputPins(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter filter, int maxPinsToRender, bool tryAllFilters) { int pinsRendered = 0; bool bAllConnected = true; IEnumPins pinEnum; FilterInfo info; filter.QueryFilterInfo(out info); ReleaseComObject(info.pGraph); int hr = filter.EnumPins(out pinEnum); if ((hr == 0) && (pinEnum != null)) { Log.Info("got pins"); pinEnum.Reset(); IPin[] pins = new IPin[1]; int iFetched; int iPinNo = 0; do { // Get the next pin //Log.Info(" get pin:{0}",iPinNo); iPinNo++; hr = pinEnum.Next(1, pins, out iFetched); if (hr == 0) { if (iFetched == 1 && pins[0] != null) { PinInfo pinInfo = new PinInfo(); hr = pins[0].QueryPinInfo(out pinInfo); DsUtils.FreePinInfo(pinInfo); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info(" got pin#{0}:{1}", iPinNo - 1,; } else { Log.Info(" got pin:?"); } PinDirection pinDir; pins[0].QueryDirection(out pinDir); if (pinDir == PinDirection.Output) { IPin pConnectPin = null; hr = pins[0].ConnectedTo(out pConnectPin); if (hr != 0 || pConnectPin == null) { hr = 0; if (TryConnect(graphBuilder, info.achName, pins[0], tryAllFilters)) //if ((hr=graphBuilder.Render(pins[0])) == 0) { Log.Info(" render ok"); } else { Log.Error(" render {0} failed:{1:x}, trying alternative graph builder",, hr); if ((hr = graphBuilder.Render(pins[0])) == 0) { Log.Info(" render ok"); } else { Log.Error(" render failed:{0:x}", hr); bAllConnected = false; } } pinsRendered++; } if (pConnectPin != null) { ReleaseComObject(pConnectPin); } pConnectPin = null; //else Log.Info("pin is already connected"); } ReleaseComObject(pins[0]); } else { iFetched = 0; Log.Info("no pins?"); break; } } else { iFetched = 0; } } while (iFetched == 1 && pinsRendered < maxPinsToRender && bAllConnected); ReleaseComObject(pinEnum); } return bAllConnected; }
public static bool ReConnectAll(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter filter) { bool bAllConnected = true; IEnumPins pinEnum; FilterInfo info; filter.QueryFilterInfo(out info); ReleaseComObject(info.pGraph); int hr = filter.EnumPins(out pinEnum); if ((hr == 0) && (pinEnum != null)) { Log.Info("got pins"); pinEnum.Reset(); IPin[] pins = new IPin[1]; int iFetched; int iPinNo = 0; do { // Get the next pin //Log.Info(" get pin:{0}",iPinNo); iPinNo++; hr = pinEnum.Next(1, pins, out iFetched); if (hr == 0) { if (iFetched == 1 && pins[0] != null) { PinInfo pinInfo = new PinInfo(); hr = pins[0].QueryPinInfo(out pinInfo); DsUtils.FreePinInfo(pinInfo); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info(" got pin#{0}:{1}", iPinNo - 1,; } else { Log.Info(" got pin:?"); } PinDirection pinDir; pins[0].QueryDirection(out pinDir); if (pinDir == PinDirection.Output) { IPin other; hr = pins[0].ConnectedTo(out other); if (hr == 0 && other != null) { Log.Info("Reconnecting {0}:{1}", info.achName,; hr = graphBuilder.Reconnect(pins[0]); if (hr != 0) { Log.Warn("Reconnect failed: {0}:{1}, code: 0x{2:x}", info.achName,, hr); } } } ReleaseComObject(pins[0]); } else { iFetched = 0; Log.Info("no pins?"); break; } } else { iFetched = 0; } } while (iFetched == 1); ReleaseComObject(pinEnum); } return bAllConnected; }
public static void DisconnectOutputPins(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter filter) { IEnumPins pinEnum; int hr = filter.EnumPins(out pinEnum); if ((hr == 0) && (pinEnum != null)) { //Log.Info("got pins"); pinEnum.Reset(); IPin[] pins = new IPin[1]; int iFetched; int iPinNo = 0; do { // Get the next pin //Log.Info(" get pin:{0}",iPinNo); iPinNo++; hr = pinEnum.Next(1, pins, out iFetched); if (hr == 0) { if (iFetched == 1 && pins[0] != null) { //Log.Info(" find pin info"); PinInfo pinInfo = new PinInfo(); hr = pins[0].QueryPinInfo(out pinInfo); DsUtils.FreePinInfo(pinInfo); if (hr >= 0) { Log.Info(" got pin#{0}:{1}", iPinNo - 1,; } else { Log.Info(" got pin:?"); } PinDirection pinDir; pins[0].QueryDirection(out pinDir); if (pinDir == PinDirection.Output) { //Log.Info(" is output"); IPin pConnectPin = null; hr = pins[0].ConnectedTo(out pConnectPin); if (hr == 0 && pConnectPin != null) { //Log.Info(" pin is connected "); hr = pins[0].Disconnect(); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info(" disconnected ok"); } else { Log.Error(" disconnected failed ({0:x})", hr); } ReleaseComObject(pConnectPin); pConnectPin = null; } //else Log.Info("pin is already connected"); } ReleaseComObject(pins[0]); } else { iFetched = 0; Log.Info("no pins?"); break; } } else { iFetched = 0; } } while (iFetched == 1); ReleaseComObject(pinEnum); } }
public int QueryPinInfo(out PinInfo pInfo) { Monitor.Enter(this); = PIN_ID; pInfo.dir = PinDirection.Output; pInfo.filter = parent; Monitor.Exit(this); return S_OK; }
public int Connect(IPin pReceivePin, AMMediaType pmt) { Monitor.Enter(this); int hr = S_OK; pin = null; pintype = null; allocator = null; string id = "Unnamed pin"; pReceivePin.QueryId(out id); PinInfo pi = new PinInfo(); hr = pReceivePin.QueryPinInfo(out pi); if (hr == S_OK) { FilterInfo fi = new FilterInfo(); hr = pi.filter.QueryFilterInfo(out fi); if (hr == S_OK) { id += (" (" + fi.achName); } Guid guid; hr = pi.filter.GetClassID(out guid); if (hr == S_OK) { id += (", " + guid.ToString()); } id += ")"; } try { AMMediaType amt = null; if (pmt != null) { amt = pmt; } else #if false { IEnumMediaTypes ie; hr = pReceivePin.EnumMediaTypes(out ie); int fetched; int alloc = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(AMMediaType)); IntPtr mtypePtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(alloc); while (ie.Next(1, mtypePtr, out fetched) == S_OK) { amt = new AMMediaType(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(mtypePtr, amt); hr = pReceivePin.QueryAccept(amt); if (hr == S_OK) { break; } DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(amt); amt = null; } if (fetched == 0) { amt = null; } Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(mtypePtr); } if (amt == null) #endif { amt = mediatype; } hr = pReceivePin.QueryAccept(amt); if (hr == S_FALSE) { log.InfoFormat("No media type for pin '{0}'", id); Monitor.Exit(this); return VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES; } hr = pReceivePin.ReceiveConnection(this, amt); if (hr == VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED) { log.InfoFormat("No connection to pin '{0}'", id); Monitor.Exit(this); return VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES; } DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); pin = pReceivePin; pintype = amt; } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.ExceptionLog.ErrorFormat("Caught exception in connect ({0}): {1}{2}", id, e.Message, e.StackTrace); pin = null; pintype = null; allocator = null; Monitor.Exit(this); return VFW_E_NO_TRANSPORT; } Monitor.Exit(this); log.InfoFormat("Connected to pin '{0}'", id); return S_OK; }
private void UnRender(IPin pinOutOrigin) { int hr; //hr = pinOutOrigin.Disconnect(); IPin pinOutEnd = null; hr = pinOutOrigin.ConnectedTo(out pinOutEnd); if (pinOutEnd != null) { try { PinInfo pInfo = new PinInfo(); hr = pinOutEnd.QueryPinInfo(out pInfo); if (hr >= 0) { if (pInfo.filter != null) { try { IEnumPins ppEnum; hr = pInfo.filter.EnumPins(out ppEnum); if (hr >= 0) { try { // Walk the pins looking for a match IPin[] pPins = new IPin[1]; //22 int lFetched; //22 while ((ppEnum.Next(1, pPins, out lFetched) >= 0) && (lFetched == 1)) while (ppEnum.Next(1, pPins, IntPtr.Zero) >= 0) { try { // Read the direction PinDirection ppindir; hr = pPins[0].QueryDirection(out ppindir); if (hr >= 0) { // Is it the right direction? if (ppindir == PinDirection.Output) { if (pPins[0] != null) { UnRender(pPins[0]); } } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPins[0]); } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ppEnum); } } hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(pInfo.filter); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pInfo.filter); } } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pinOutEnd); } } }