    protected override void OnLoad()
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();

      // ----- Graphics
      // Load a graphics model and add it to the scene for rendering.
      _modelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Ship/Ship").Clone();
      _modelNode.PoseWorld = new Pose(Vector3F.Zero, Matrix33F.CreateRotationY(-ConstantsF.PiOver2));

      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();

      // ----- Collision Detection
      // Create a collision object and add it to the collision domain.

      // Load collision shape from a separate model (created using the CollisionShapeProcessor).
      var shape = contentManager.Load<Shape>("Ship/Ship_CollisionModel");

      // Create a GeometricObject (= Shape + Pose + Scale).
      _geometricObject = new GeometricObject(shape, _modelNode.PoseWorld);

      // Create a collision object and add it to the collision domain.
      _collisionObject = new CollisionObject(_geometricObject);

      // Important: We do not need detailed contact information when a collision
      // is detected. The information of whether we have contact or not is sufficient.
      // Therefore, we can set the type to "Trigger". This increases the performance 
      // dramatically.
      _collisionObject.Type = CollisionObjectType.Trigger;

      // Add the collision object to the collision domain of the game.
      var collisionDomain = _services.GetInstance<CollisionDomain>();
    public ManualMeshRenderSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);

      _scene = new Scene();

      // For advanced users: Set this flag if you want to analyze the imported opaque data of
      // effect bindings.
      EffectBinding.KeepOpaqueData = true;

      _model = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Dude/Dude").Clone();
      var meshNode = _model.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>().First();
      meshNode.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(1, 2, 1);
      var mesh = meshNode.Mesh;
      var timeline = new TimelineClip(mesh.Animations.Values.First())
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(timeline, (IAnimatableProperty)meshNode.SkeletonPose);
        public RedSquareObject(Vector3F position)
            _position = position;
            _color = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            var graphicsService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IGraphicsService>();
            var screen = ((GameScreen)graphicsService.Screens["Default"]);
            var contentManager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentManager>();

            _model = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("redSquare").Clone();


            _model.PoseWorld = new Pose(_position);

            foreach (var meshNode in _model.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>())
                Mesh mesh = meshNode.Mesh;
                foreach (var material in mesh.Materials)
                    var effectBinding = material["Default"];
                    effectBinding.Set("DiffuseColor", _color);
                    ((BasicEffectBinding)effectBinding).LightingEnabled = false;

            InUse = true;
    public ConvexHullSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      // Add basic force effects.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a ground plane.
      RigidBody groundPlane = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0))
        Name = "GroundPlane",            // Names are not required but helpful for debugging.
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,

      // Load model and add it to the graphics scene.
      _saucerModelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Saucer2/saucer").Clone();

      // Create rigid body for this model.
      // The tag contains the collision shape (created in the content processor).
      Shape saucerShape = (Shape)_saucerModelNode.UserData;
      _saucerBody = new RigidBody(saucerShape)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 0), RandomHelper.Random.NextQuaternionF())
        protected override void OnLoad()
            var contentManager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
            var graphicsService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IGraphicsService>();
            var screen = ((BasicScreen)graphicsService.Screens["Default"]);

            _model = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>(_modelFile);
            _model = _model.Clone();

            foreach (var meshNode in _model.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>())
                Mesh mesh = meshNode.Mesh;
                foreach (var material in mesh.Materials)
                    var effectBinding = material["Default"];
                    effectBinding.Set("DiffuseColor", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1));
                    ((BasicEffectBinding)effectBinding).LightingEnabled = false;


            _model.PoseWorld = new DigitalRune.Geometry.Pose(new Vector3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

    public AttachmentSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      var modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Marine/PlayerMarine");
      _meshNode = modelNode.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>().First().Clone();

      // Play a looping 'Idle' animation.
      var animations = _meshNode.Mesh.Animations;
      var idleAnimation = animations["Idle"];
      var loopingAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(idleAnimation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopingAnimation, (IAnimatableProperty)_meshNode.SkeletonPose);

      // Add weapon model to the scene graph under the node of the marine mesh.
      _weaponModelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Marine/Weapon/WeaponMachineGun").Clone();
      _meshNode.Children = new SceneNodeCollection();
    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      // Load model.
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _modelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Ground/Ground").Clone();
      _modelNode.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.5f);

      foreach (var node in _modelNode.GetSubtree())
        // Disable the CastsShadows flag for ground meshes. No need to render
        // this model into the shadow map. (This also avoids any shadow acne on 
        // the ground model.)
        node.CastsShadows = false;

        // If models will never move, set the IsStatic flag. This gives the engine 
        // more room for optimizations. Additionally, some effects, like certain 
        // decals, may only affect static geometry.
        node.IsStatic = true;

      // Add model node to scene graph.
      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();

      // Create rigid body.
      _rigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0))
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,

      // Add rigid body to the physics simulation.
      var simulation = _services.GetInstance<Simulation>();
    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      // Load model.
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _modelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>(_assetName).Clone();

      // Optional: Create rigid body using the triangle mesh of the model.
      if (_addRigidBody)

      _modelNode.ScaleLocal = _scale;
      _modelNode.PoseLocal = _pose;

      foreach (var node in _modelNode.GetSubtree())
        node.CastsShadows = _castsShadows;

        // If models will never move, set the IsStatic flag. This gives the engine 
        // more room for optimizations. Additionally, some effects, like certain 
        // decals, may only affect static geometry.
        node.IsStatic = true;

      // Add model node to scene graph.
      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();
    protected override void OnLoad()
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();

      // ----- Graphics
      // Load graphics model (created using the ModelWithCollisionMeshProcessor).
      var sharedModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Saucer/saucer");

      // Let's create a clone because we do not want to change the shared Saucer 
      // instance stored in the content manager.
      _modelNode = sharedModelNode.Clone();

      _modelNode.PoseWorld = new Pose(Vector3F.Zero, Matrix33F.CreateRotationY(-ConstantsF.PiOver2));

      // The collision shape is stored in the UserData.
      var shape = (Shape)_modelNode.UserData;

      // Add model to the scene for rendering.
      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();

      // ----- Collision Detection
      // Create a collision object and add it to the collision domain.
      _geometricObject = new GeometricObject(shape, _modelNode.PoseWorld);
      _collisionObject = new CollisionObject(_geometricObject);

      // Important: We do not need detailed contact information when a collision
      // is detected. The information of whether we have contact or not is sufficient.
      // Therefore, we can set the type to "Trigger". This increases the performance 
      // dramatically.
      _collisionObject.Type = CollisionObjectType.Trigger;

      var collisionDomain = _services.GetInstance<CollisionDomain>();
    public RibbonSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      GraphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;

      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));

      // Load a sphere model.
      _modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Particles/Sphere").Clone();

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Create a rigid body for the sphere.
      _rigidBody = new RigidBody(new SphereShape(0.5f))
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-3, 0, 0)),
        LinearVelocity = new Vector3F(10, 10, -3f),

      _particleSystem = RibbonEffect.Create(ContentManager);
      _particleSystemNode = new ParticleSystemNode(_particleSystem);
    private void SetRandomColorAndAlpha(ModelNode model)
      var randomColor3F = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(0, 4);

      // Desaturate random color to avoid eye cancer. ;-)
      float luminance = Vector3F.Dot(randomColor3F, GraphicsHelper.LuminanceWeights);
      var randomColor = (Vector3)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(new Vector3F(luminance), randomColor3F, 0.5f);

      var randomAlpha = MathHelper.Clamp(RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, 5), 0, 1);

      // Change the values of all effect parameters "InstanceColor" and "InstanceAlpha":
      foreach (MeshNode meshNode in model.GetDescendants().OfType<MeshNode>())
        foreach (MaterialInstance materialInstance in meshNode.MaterialInstances)
          foreach (EffectBinding effectBinding in materialInstance.EffectBindings)
            if (effectBinding.ParameterBindings.Contains("InstanceColor"))
              effectBinding.Set("InstanceColor", randomColor);
            if (effectBinding.ParameterBindings.Contains("InstanceAlpha"))
              effectBinding.Set("InstanceAlpha", randomAlpha);
    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      // ----- Create prototype of a lava ball:

      // Use a sphere for physics simulation.
      _bodyPrototype = new RigidBody(new SphereShape(0.5f));

      // Load the graphics model.
      var content = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _modelPrototype = content.Load<ModelNode>("LavaBall/LavaBall").Clone();

      // Attach a point light to the model. The light projects the glowing lava 
      // veins (cube map texture) onto the environment.
      _pointLight = new PointLight
        Color = new Vector3F(1, 1, 1),
        DiffuseIntensity = 2,
        SpecularIntensity = 2,
        Range = 1.5f,
        Attenuation = 0.5f,
        Texture = content.Load<TextureCube>("LavaBall/LavaCubeMap"),
      var pointLightNode = new LightNode(_pointLight);

      // Get the emissive color binding of the material because the emissive color
      // will be animated.
      // The model contains one mesh node with a single material.
      var meshNode = (MeshNode)_modelPrototype.Children[0];
      var mesh = meshNode.Mesh;
      var material = mesh.Materials[0];

      // The material contains several effect bindings. The "EmissiveColor" is applied
      // in the "Material" pass. 
      // (For reference see material definition file: Samples\Media\LavaBall\Lava.drmat)
      _emissiveColorBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<Vector3>)material["Material"].ParameterBindings["EmissiveColor"];

      // Use the animation service to animate glow intensity of the lava.
      var animationService = _services.GetInstance<IAnimationService>();

      // Create an AnimatableProperty<float>, which stores the animation value.
      _glowIntensity = new AnimatableProperty<float>();

      // Create sine animation and play the animation back-and-forth.
      var animation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        From = 0.3f,
        To = 3.0f,
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        EasingFunction = new SineEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },
      var clip = new AnimationClip<float>
        Animation = animation,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate
      animationService.StartAnimation(clip, _glowIntensity).AutoRecycle();
    // OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnUnload()
      // Remove model and rigid body.
      _modelNode = null;

      _rigidBody = null;
    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      // A rusty barrel with multiple levels of detail (LODs).
      _rigidBody = new RigidBody(new CylinderShape(0.35f, 1));
      _modelNode0 = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Barrel/Barrel").Clone();

      // Mark the LOD nodes with UserFlags = 1.
                 .SelectMany(lodGroupNode => lodGroupNode.Levels)
                 .Select(level => level.Node)
                 .ForEach(node =>
                            node.UserFlags = 1;

      // Add a second model where each LOD has a different color.
      _modelNode1 = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Barrel/Barrel_Colored").Clone();

      // Mark the LOD nodes with UserFlags = 2.
                 .SelectMany(lodGroupNode => lodGroupNode.Levels)
                 .Select(level => level.Node)
                 .ForEach(node =>
                           node.UserFlags = 2;

      // Set a random pose.
      var randomPosition = new Vector3F(
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10, 10),
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(2, 5),
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10, 0));
      _rigidBody.Pose = new Pose(randomPosition, RandomHelper.Random.NextQuaternionF());
      _modelNode0.PoseWorld = _rigidBody.Pose;
      _modelNode1.PoseWorld = _rigidBody.Pose;

      // Add rigid body to physics simulation and models to scene.
      var simulation = _services.GetInstance<Simulation>();

      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();
    public ContentPipelineHeightFieldSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      // Add basic force effects.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Load height field model and add it to the graphics scene.
      _heightFieldModelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("HeightField/TerrainHeights").Clone();

      // The UserData contains the collision shape of type HeightField.
      HeightField heightField = (HeightField)_heightFieldModelNode.UserData;

      _heightFieldModelNode.PoseWorld = new Pose(new Vector3F(-heightField.WidthX / 2, 0, -heightField.WidthZ / 2));

      // Create rigid body.
      _heightFieldBody = new RigidBody(heightField, null, null)
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
        Pose = _heightFieldModelNode.PoseWorld,

        // The PhysicsSample class should not draw the height field. 
        UserData = "NoDraw",

      // Distribute a few spheres and boxes across the landscape.
      SphereShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.5f);
      for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-30, 30);
        position.Y = 20;

        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(sphereShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) };

      BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(1, 1, 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-30, 30);
        position.Y = 20;

        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(boxShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) };
        protected override void OnLoad()
            var contentManager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
            var graphicsService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IGraphicsService>();
            var simulation = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<Simulation>();

            var screen = ((GameScreen)graphicsService.Screens["Default"]);

            _model = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("square").Clone();


            _model.PoseWorld = new Pose(_position);

    public TechniqueBindingSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _graphicsScreen.Scene);

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics Simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

      // More standard objects.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new StaticSkyObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GroundObject(Services));

      // Tell the graphics service how to treat effect techniques which use
      // the "RepeatParameter" annotation.
      _repeatTechniqueInterpreter = new RepeatTechniqueInterpreter();
      GraphicsService.EffectInterpreters.Insert(0, _repeatTechniqueInterpreter);
      _repeatTechniqueBinder = new RepeatTechniqueBinder();
      GraphicsService.EffectBinders.Insert(0, _repeatTechniqueBinder);

      // Load model.
      _modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Fur2/FurBall").Clone();
      _rigidBody = new RigidBody(new SphereShape(0.5f));

      // Set a random pose.
      _rigidBody.Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1, 0), RandomHelper.Random.NextQuaternionF());
      _modelNode.PoseWorld = _rigidBody.Pose;

      // Add rigid body to physics simulation and model to scene.
    public ObjectMotionBlurSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      _objectMotionBlur = new ObjectMotionBlur(GraphicsService)
        NumberOfSamples = 11,
        SoftenEdges = true,

      // ----- 2 cubes that will be animated in this class.
      var cube = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("MetalGrateBox/MetalGrateBox");
      _movingCube = cube.Clone();
      _rotatingCube = cube.Clone();
    public DebugRendererSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);

      // Load a sprite font.
      var spriteFont = UIContentManager.Load<SpriteFont>("UI Themes/BlendBlue/Default");

      // Create a new debug renderer.
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, spriteFont)
        DefaultColor = Color.White,

      // A normal XNA model.
      _xnaModel = ContentManager.Load<Model>("Saucer3/saucer");

      // A DigitalRune model.
      _modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Dude/Dude").Clone();
      _modelNode.PoseLocal = new Pose(new Vector3F(6, 0, -7));

      // Create a geometric object with a height field shape.
      var numberOfSamplesX = 20;
      var numberOfSamplesZ = 20;
      var samples = new float[numberOfSamplesX * numberOfSamplesZ];
      for (int z = 0; z < numberOfSamplesZ; z++)
        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSamplesX; x++)
          samples[z * numberOfSamplesX + x] = 1.0f + (float)(Math.Cos(z / 2f) * Math.Sin(x / 2f) * 1.0f);
      HeightField heightField = new HeightField(0, 0, 120, 120, samples, numberOfSamplesX, numberOfSamplesZ);
      _geometricObject = new GeometricObject(heightField, new Pose(new Vector3F(5, 0, -5)))
        Scale = new Vector3F(0.01f, 0.05f, 0.02f),
        public override void LoadContent()
            _model = _graphicsService.Content.Load<ModelNode>("testmodel").Clone();

            // Let's loop through the mesh nodes of the model:
            foreach (var meshNode in _model.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>())
                // Each MeshNode references a Mesh.
                Mesh mesh = meshNode.Mesh;

                // The mesh consists of several submeshes and several materials - usually
                // one material per submesh, but several submeshes could reference the same
                // materials.

                // Let's loop through the materials of this mesh.
                foreach (var material in mesh.Materials)
                    // A material is a collection of EffectBindings - one EffectBinding for each
                    // render pass. For example, a complex game uses several render passes, like
                    // a pre-Z pass, a G-buffer pass, a shadow map pass, a deferred material pass,
                    // etc.In simple games there is only one pass which is called "Default".
                    var effectBinding = material["Default"];

                    // An EffectBinding references an Effect (the XNA Effect class) and it has
                    // "parameter bindings" and "technique bindings". These bindings select the
                    // values for the shader parameters when the mesh node is rendered.

                    // Let's change the binding for the DiffuseColor of the shader to give tank
                    // a red color.
                    //effectBinding.Set("DiffuseColor", new Vector4(1, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1));

                    // The tank uses the default effect binding which is a BasicEffectBinding - this
                    // effect binding uses the XNA BasicEffect.
                    // In this sample we do not define any lights, therefore we disable the lighting
                    // in the shader.
                    ((BasicEffectBinding)effectBinding).LightingEnabled = false;

    public ConvexDecompositionSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      GraphicsScreen.ClearBackground = true;
      GraphicsScreen.BackgroundColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
      SetCamera(new Vector3F(3, 3, 3), 0.8f, -0.6f);

      // Load model.
      _modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Saucer/Saucer").Clone();

      // Combine all meshes of the model into a single TriangleMesh.
      TriangleMesh mesh = new TriangleMesh();
      foreach (var meshNode in _modelNode.GetChildren().OfType<MeshNode>())
        var childMesh = MeshHelper.ToTriangleMesh(meshNode.Mesh);
        childMesh.Transform(meshNode.PoseWorld * Matrix44F.CreateScale(meshNode.ScaleWorld));

      // Start convex decomposition on another thread.
      _convexDecomposition = new ConvexDecomposition();
      _convexDecomposition.ProgressChanged += OnProgressChanged;
      _convexDecomposition.AllowedConcavity = 0.8f;
      _convexDecomposition.IntermediateVertexLimit = 65536;
      _convexDecomposition.VertexLimit = 64;

      // 0 gives optimal results but is the slowest. Small positive values improve
      // speed but the result might be less optimal.
      _convexDecomposition.SmallIslandBoost = 0.02f;

      _convexDecomposition.SampleTriangleCenters = true;
      _convexDecomposition.SampleTriangleVertices = true;

      // Experimental multithreading. Enable at own risk ;-)
      _convexDecomposition.EnableMultithreading = true;

    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _modelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>(_assetName).Clone();
      _modelNode.PoseWorld = _defaultPose;

      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();

      // Create looping animation.
      var meshNode = (MeshNode)_modelNode.Children[0];   // The dude model has a single mesh node as its child.
      var animations = meshNode.Mesh.Animations;
      var animationClip = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations.Values.First())
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Repeat animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

      // Start animation.
      var animationService = _services.GetInstance<IAnimationService>();
      AnimationController = animationService.StartAnimation(animationClip, (IAnimatableProperty)meshNode.SkeletonPose);
    public ContentPipelineMeshSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      // Add basic force effects.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a ground plane.
      RigidBody groundPlane = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0))
        Name = "GroundPlane",           // Names are not required but helpful for debugging.
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,

      // ----- Load triangle mesh model.
      var sharedModelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Saucer/saucer");

      // Let's create a clone because we do not want to change the shared Saucer 
      // instance stored in the content manager.
      _modelNode = sharedModelNode.Clone();
      _modelNode.PoseWorld = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2, -5), Matrix33F.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-30)));
      _modelNode.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(8);

      // The UserData contains the collision shape of type TriangleMeshShape.
      TriangleMeshShape triangleMesh = (TriangleMeshShape)_modelNode.UserData;

      // Add model node to graphics scene.

      // Create rigid body.
      // We explicitly specify a mass frame. We can use any mass frame for static bodies (because
      // static bodies are effectively treated as if they have infinite mass). If we do not specify
      // a mass frame in the rigid body constructor, the constructor will automatically compute an
      // approximate mass frame (which can take some time for large meshes).
      _rigidBody = new RigidBody(triangleMesh, new MassFrame(), null)
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
        Pose = _modelNode.PoseWorld,
        Scale = _modelNode.ScaleWorld,
        // The PhysicsSample class should not draw the height field. 
        UserData = "NoDraw",

      // Distribute a few spheres and boxes across the triangle mesh.
      SphereShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.5f);
      for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-15, 10);
        position.Y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(20, 40);

        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(sphereShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) };

      BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(1, 1, 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-15, 10);
        position.Y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(20, 40);

        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(boxShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) };
    public SceneSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);

      // Create a new empty scene.
      _scene = new Scene();

      // Add the camera node to the scene.

      // Load a model. This model uses the DigitalRune Model Processor. Several XML 
      // files (*.drmdl and *.drmat) in the folder of dude.fbx define the materials and other properties. 
      // The DigitalRune Model Processor also imports the animations of the dude model.
      var model = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Dude/Dude");

      // Add two clones of the model to the scene.
      _model0 = model.Clone();
      _model1 = model.Clone();

      // The dude model contains a single mesh node.
      var meshNode0 = (MeshNode)_model0.Children[0];
      var meshNode1 = (MeshNode)_model1.Children[0];

      // The imported animation data (skeleton and animations) is stored with the mesh.
      var animations = meshNode0.Mesh.Animations;

      // The MeshNodes of skinned models has a SkeletonPose which can be animated.
      // Let's start the first animation.
      var timeline0 = new TimelineClip(animations.Values.First())
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Loop animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,      // ...forever.
      _animationController0 = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timeline0, (IAnimatableProperty)meshNode0.SkeletonPose);

      var timeline1 = new TimelineClip(animations.Values.First())
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

        // Start second animation at a different animation time to add some variety.
        Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1),
      _animationController1 = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timeline1, (IAnimatableProperty)meshNode1.SkeletonPose);

      // Add some lights to the scene which have the same properties as the lights 
      // of BasicEffect.EnableDefaultLighting().

      _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

      var spriteFont = UIContentManager.Load<SpriteFont>("UI Themes/BlendBlue/Default");
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, spriteFont);
    #region Creation & Cleanup

    public VehicleObject(IServiceLocator services)
      _services = services;
      Name = "Vehicle";

      _inputService = _services.GetInstance<IInputService>();
      _simulation = _services.GetInstance<Simulation>();

      // Load models for rendering.
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _vehicleModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Car/Car").Clone();
      _wheelModelNodes = new ModelNode[4];
      _wheelModelNodes[0] = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Car/Wheel").Clone();
      _wheelModelNodes[1] = _wheelModelNodes[0].Clone();
      _wheelModelNodes[2] = _wheelModelNodes[0].Clone();
      _wheelModelNodes[3] = _wheelModelNodes[0].Clone();

      // Add wheels under the car model node.

      // ----- Create the chassis of the car.
      // The Vehicle needs a rigid body that represents the chassis. This can be any shape (e.g.
      // a simple BoxShape). In this example we will build a convex polyhedron from the car model.

      // 1. Extract the vertices from the car model.
      // The car model has ~10,000 vertices. It consists of a MeshNode for the glass
      // parts and a MeshNode "Car" for the chassis.
      var meshNode = _vehicleModelNode.GetDescendants()
                                      .First(mn => mn.Name == "Car");
      var mesh = MeshHelper.ToTriangleMesh(meshNode.Mesh);
      // Apply the transformation of the mesh node.
      mesh.Transform(meshNode.PoseWorld * Matrix44F.CreateScale(meshNode.ScaleWorld));

      // 2. (Optional) Create simplified convex hull from mesh.
      // We could also skip this step and directly create a convex polyhedron from the mesh using
      //    var chassisShape = new ConvexPolyhedron(mesh.Vertices);
      // However, the convex polyhedron would still have 500-600 vertices. 
      // We can reduce the number of vertices by using the GeometryHelper.
      // Create a convex hull for mesh with max. 64 vertices. Additional, shrink the hull by 4 cm.
      var convexHull = GeometryHelper.CreateConvexHull(mesh.Vertices, 64, -0.04f);

      // 3. Create convex polyhedron shape using the vertices of the convex hull.
      var chassisShape = new ConvexPolyhedron(convexHull.Vertices.Select(v => v.Position));

      // (Note: Building convex hulls and convex polyhedra are time-consuming. To save loading time 
      // we should build the shape in the XNA content pipeline. See other DigitalRune Physics 
      // Samples.)

      // The mass properties of the car. We use a mass of 800 kg.
      var mass = MassFrame.FromShapeAndMass(chassisShape, Vector3F.One, 800, 0.1f, 1);

      // Trick: We artificially modify the center of mass of the rigid body. Lowering the center
      // of mass makes the car more stable against rolling in tight curves. 
      // We could also modify mass.Inertia for other effects.
      var pose = mass.Pose;
      pose.Position.Y -= 0.5f; // Lower the center of mass.
      pose.Position.Z = -0.5f; // The center should be below the driver. 
      // (Note: The car model is not exactly centered.)
      mass.Pose = pose;

      // Material for the chassis.
      var material = new UniformMaterial
        Restitution = 0.1f,
        StaticFriction = 0.2f,
        DynamicFriction = 0.2f

      var chassis = new RigidBody(chassisShape, mass, material)
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 0)),  // Start position
        UserData = "NoDraw",                     // (Remove this line to render the collision model.)

      // ----- Create the vehicle.
      Vehicle = new Vehicle(_simulation, chassis);

      // Add 4 wheels.
      Vehicle.Wheels.Add(new Wheel { Offset = new Vector3F(-0.9f, 0.6f, -2.0f), Radius = 0.36f, SuspensionRestLength = 0.55f, MinSuspensionLength = 0.25f, Friction = 2 });  // Front left
      Vehicle.Wheels.Add(new Wheel { Offset = new Vector3F(0.9f, 0.6f, -2.0f), Radius = 0.36f, SuspensionRestLength = 0.55f, MinSuspensionLength = 0.25f, Friction = 2 });   // Front right
      Vehicle.Wheels.Add(new Wheel { Offset = new Vector3F(-0.9f, 0.6f, 0.98f), Radius = 0.36f, SuspensionRestLength = 0.55f, MinSuspensionLength = 0.25f, Friction = 1.8f });// Back left
      Vehicle.Wheels.Add(new Wheel { Offset = new Vector3F(0.9f, 0.6f, 0.98f), Radius = 0.36f, SuspensionRestLength = 0.55f, MinSuspensionLength = 0.25f, Friction = 1.8f }); // Back right

      // Vehicles are disabled per default. This way we can create the vehicle and the simulation
      // objects are only added when needed.
      Vehicle.Enabled = false;

        private void InitializeGraphicsScreen()
            Debug.Assert(GraphicsScreens.Count == 0, "Reset graphics screens before calling InitializeGraphicsScreen().");

            var services = Document.Editor.Services;
            var graphicsService = services.GetInstance<IGraphicsService>().ThrowIfMissing();

            // Initialize graphics screens.
            var graphicsScreen = UseDeferredLighting
                                 ? (GraphicsScreen)new DeferredGraphicsScreen(services)
                                 : new BasicGraphicsScreen(services);
            GraphicsScreens.Add(new DebugGraphicsScreen(services));

            // Add default lighting.
            var scene = UseDeferredLighting
                        ? ((DeferredGraphicsScreen)graphicsScreen).Scene
                        : ((BasicGraphicsScreen)graphicsScreen).Scene;

            // Add a ground plane (useful for orientation and to check model shadows).
            if (_groundModelNode == null)
                var content = services.GetInstance<ContentManager>().ThrowIfMissing();
                _groundModelNode = content.Load<ModelNode>("DigitalRune.Editor.Game/Models/Misc/GroundPlane/GroundPlane").Clone();
            _groundModelNode.IsEnabled = ShowGroundPlane;

            // Add camera.
            if (CameraNode == null)
                var projection = new PerspectiveProjection();
                CameraNode = new CameraNode(new Camera(projection)) { Name = "CameraPerspective", };

            if (UseDeferredLighting)
                ((DeferredGraphicsScreen)graphicsScreen).ActiveCameraNode = CameraNode;
                ((BasicGraphicsScreen)graphicsScreen).CameraNode = CameraNode;
    // OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnUnload()
      // Remove the model from the scene.
      _modelNode = null;

      // Remove rigid bodies from simulation.
      var simulation = _floorRigidBody.Simulation;
      _floorRigidBody = null;
      _leftWallRigidBody = null;
      _rightWallRigidBody = null;
      _backWallRigidBody = null;
      _frontWallRigidBody = null;
    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      // Load sandbox model.
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      _modelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Sandbox/Sandbox").Clone();

      foreach (var node in _modelNode.GetSubtree())
        // Disable the CastsShadows flag. The inside of the box should be fully lit.
        node.CastsShadows = false;

        // If models will never move, set the IsStatic flag. This gives the engine 
        // more room for optimizations. Additionally, some effects, like certain 
        // decals, may only affect static geometry.
        node.IsStatic = true;

      // Add the "Sandbox" model to the scene.
      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();

      // Create rigid bodies for the sides of the sandbox.
      _floorRigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(0, 1, 0), 0))
        Name = "Floor",
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
      _floorRigidBody.CollisionObject.CollisionGroup = 1;
      _leftWallRigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), -10))
        Name = "WallLeft",
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
      _leftWallRigidBody.CollisionObject.CollisionGroup = 1;
      _rightWallRigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(-1, 0, 0), -10))
        Name = "WallRight",
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
      _rightWallRigidBody.CollisionObject.CollisionGroup = 1;
      _backWallRigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(0, 0, 1), -10))
        Name = "WallBack",
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
      _backWallRigidBody.CollisionObject.CollisionGroup = 1;
      _frontWallRigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(0, 0, -1), -10))
        Name = "WallFront",
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
      _frontWallRigidBody.CollisionObject.CollisionGroup = 1;

      // Add rigid bodies to simulation.
      var simulation = _services.GetInstance<Simulation>();
    // OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnUnload()
      // Remove models from scene.
      foreach (var model in _models)

      // Remove rigid bodies from physics simulation.
      foreach (var body in _bodies)


      // Remove prototype.
      _modelPrototype = null;
      _bodyPrototype = null;

      // Stop animation.
      var animationService = _services.GetInstance<IAnimationService>();
      _glowIntensity = null;
    private void StartDudeAnimation(ModelNode dude)
      // The dude model contains a single mesh node.
      var meshNode = (MeshNode)dude.Children[0];

      // The imported animation data (skeleton and animations) is stored with the mesh.
      var animations = meshNode.Mesh.Animations;

      // The MeshNodes of skinned models has a SkeletonPose which can be animated.
      // Let's start the first animation.
      var timeline0 = new TimelineClip(animations.Values.First())
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Loop animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,      // ...forever.
      _animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timeline0, (IAnimatableProperty)meshNode.SkeletonPose);