    // OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService.
    protected override void OnLoad()
      var contentManager = _services.GetInstance<ContentManager>();
      if (_type == 1)
        // A simple cube.
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new BoxShape(1, 1, 1));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("RustyCube/RustyCube").Clone();
      else if (_type == 2)
        // Another simple cube.
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new BoxShape(1, 1, 1));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("MetalGrateBox/MetalGrateBox").Clone();
      else if (_type == 3)
        // A TV-like box.
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new BoxShape(1, 0.6f, 0.8f)) { UserData = "TV" };
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("TVBox/TVBox");

        if (ModelNode.Children.OfType<LightNode>().Count() == 0)
          // This is the first time the "TVBox" is loaded.

          // Add a projector light to the model that projects the TV screen. The
          // TV screen is the emissive part of the TV mesh.
          var meshNode = ModelNode.Children.OfType<MeshNode>().First();
          var material = meshNode.Mesh.Materials.First(m => m.Name == "TestCard");

          // Get texture from material.
          // Note: In XNA the effect parameter type is Texture. In MonoGame it is Texture2D.
          Texture2D texture;
          EffectParameterBinding parameterBinding = material["Material"].ParameterBindings["EmissiveTexture"];
          if (parameterBinding is EffectParameterBinding<Texture>)
            texture = (Texture2D)((EffectParameterBinding<Texture>)parameterBinding).Value;
            texture = ((EffectParameterBinding<Texture2D>)parameterBinding).Value;

          var projection = new PerspectiveProjection();
          projection.Near = 0.55f;
          projection.Far = 3.0f;
          projection.SetFieldOfView(MathHelper.ToRadians(60), 0.76f / 0.56f);

          var projectorLight = new ProjectorLight(texture, projection);
          projectorLight.Attenuation = 4;
          var projectorLightNode = new LightNode(projectorLight);
          projectorLightNode.LookAt(new Vector3F(0, 0.2f, 0), Vector3F.Zero, Vector3F.UnitZ);

          // Attach the projector light to the model.

        ModelNode = ModelNode.Clone();
      else if (_type == 4)
        // A "magic" sphere with a colored point light.
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new SphereShape(0.25f));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("MagicSphere/MagicSphere");

        if (ModelNode.Children.OfType<LightNode>().Count() == 0)
          // This is the first time the "MagicSphere" is loaded.

          // Change the size of the sphere.
          var meshNode = ModelNode.Children.OfType<MeshNode>().First();
          meshNode.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.5f);

          // Disable shadows. (The sphere acts as a light source.)
          meshNode.CastsShadows = false;

          // Add a point light.
          var pointLight = new PointLight
            Color = new Vector3F(1, 1, 1),
            DiffuseIntensity = 4,
            SpecularIntensity = 4,
            Range = 3,
            Attenuation = 1,
            Texture = contentManager.Load<TextureCube>("MagicSphere/ColorCube"),
          var pointLightNode = new LightNode(pointLight)
            // The point light uses shadow mapping to cast an omnidirectional shadow.
            Shadow = new CubeMapShadow
              PreferredSize = 64,


        ModelNode = ModelNode.Clone();
      else if (_type == 5)
        // A sphere of glass (or "bubble").
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new SphereShape(0.3f));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Bubble/Bubble").Clone();
        ModelNode.GetDescendants().OfType<MeshNode>().First().ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.3f);
      else if (_type == 6)
        // A rusty barrel with multiple levels of detail (LODs).
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new CylinderShape(0.35f, 1));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Barrel/Barrel").Clone();
        // A cube consisting of a frame and transparent sides.
        RigidBody = new RigidBody(new BoxShape(1, 1, 1));
        ModelNode = contentManager.Load<ModelNode>("GlassBox/GlassBox").Clone();


      // Set a random pose.
      var randomPosition = new Vector3F(
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-10, 10),
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(2, 5),
        RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(-20, 0));
      RigidBody.Pose = new Pose(randomPosition, RandomHelper.Random.NextQuaternionF());
      ModelNode.PoseWorld = RigidBody.Pose;

      // Add rigid body to physics simulation and model to scene.
      var simulation = _services.GetInstance<Simulation>();

      var scene = _services.GetInstance<IScene>();
    public FacialAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services) { DrawReticle = false };
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _graphicsScreen.Scene);

      // Add a game object which adds some GUI controls for the deferred graphics
      // screen to the Options window.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      // Use a fixed camera.
      var projection = new PerspectiveProjection();
      var cameraNode = new CameraNode(new Camera(projection));
      cameraNode.LookAt(new Vector3F(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.5f), new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.15f, 0), Vector3F.Up);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraNode;

      // Lighting setup:
      var keyLight = new LightNode(new Spotlight { DiffuseIntensity = 0.6f, SpecularIntensity = 0.4f });
      keyLight.LookAt(new Vector3F(-2, 2, 2), new Vector3F(), Vector3F.Up);

      var backLight = new LightNode(new Spotlight { DiffuseIntensity = 0.3f, SpecularIntensity = 0.3f });
      backLight.LookAt(new Vector3F(1, 0.5f, -2), new Vector3F(), Vector3F.Up);
      var fillLight = new LightNode(new AmbientLight { HemisphericAttenuation = 1, Intensity = 0.1f });

      // The scene does not have a proper background. That's why the exposure is a 
      // bit off. --> Reduce the max exposure.
      var hdrFilter = _graphicsScreen.PostProcessors.OfType<HdrFilter>().First();
      hdrFilter.MaxExposure = 6;

      // Load the customized "Sintel" model (original: Durian Open Movie Project - http://www.sintel.org/).
      var model = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Sintel/Sintel-Head").Clone();
      model.PoseWorld = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(10)) * Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(-MathHelper.ToRadians(90)));

      // The model consists of a root node and a mesh node.
      //  ModelNode "Sintel-Head"
      //    MeshNode "Sintel"
      _sintel = (MeshNode)model.Children[0];

      // The model contains two skeletal animations:
      // - "MOUTH-open" is just a single frame.
      // - "Test" is a short animation (250 frames).

      // In the Options window, we will add a slider to move the jaw.
      // Slider.Value = 0 ... mouth closed (default)
      _mouthClosedPose = SkeletonPose.Create(_sintel.Mesh.Skeleton);
      // Slider.Value = 1 ... mouth open (copied from the "MOUTH-open" animation)
      SkeletonKeyFrameAnimation mouthOpen = _sintel.Mesh.Animations["MOUTH-open"];
      _mouthOpenPose = SkeletonPose.Create(_sintel.Mesh.Skeleton);
      mouthOpen.GetValue(TimeSpan.Zero, ref _mouthOpenPose, ref _mouthOpenPose, ref _mouthOpenPose);

      // Turn the "Test" animation into an endless loop.
      _skeletalAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(_sintel.Mesh.Animations["Test"])
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle

      // Mesh has several morph targets for facial animation, which are imported
      // automatically via the content pipeline. Unfortunately, the XNA content
      // pipeline cannot import morph target animations automatically.
      // In this demo, we will create a morph target animation in code.
      _morphingAnimation = CreateMorphingAnimation();
