public string CirculationNotifyTypes = ""; // 流通操作时发出实时通知的类型 #if NO // 保存资源 // return: // -1 error // 0 发现上载的文件其实为空,不必保存了 // 1 已经保存 public static int SaveUploadFile( System.Web.UI.Page page, RmsChannel channel, string strXmlRecPath, string strFileID, string strResTimeStamp, HttpPostedFile postedFile, int nLogoLimitW, int nLogoLimitH, out string strError) { strError = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postedFile.FileName) == true && postedFile.ContentLength == 0) { return 0; // 没有必要保存 } WebPageStop stop = new WebPageStop(page); string strResPath = strXmlRecPath + "/object/" + strFileID; string strLocalFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { using (Stream t = File.Create(strLocalFileName)) { // 缩小尺寸 int nRet = GraphicsUtil.ShrinkPic(postedFile.InputStream, postedFile.ContentType, nLogoLimitW, nLogoLimitH, true, t, out strError); if (nRet == -1) return -1; if (nRet == 0) // 没有必要缩放 { postedFile.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // 2012/5/20 StreamUtil.DumpStream(postedFile.InputStream, t); } } // t.Close(); // 检测文件尺寸 FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(strLocalFileName); if (fi.Exists == false) { strError = "文件 '" + strLocalFileName + "' 不存在..."; return -1; } string[] ranges = null; if (fi.Length == 0) { // 空文件 ranges = new string[1]; ranges[0] = ""; } else { string strRange = ""; strRange = "0-" + Convert.ToString(fi.Length - 1); // 按照100K作为一个chunk ranges = RangeList.ChunkRange(strRange, 100 * 1024); } byte[] timestamp = ByteArray.GetTimeStampByteArray(strResTimeStamp); byte[] output_timestamp = null; // 2007/12/13 string strLastModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u"); string strLocalPath = postedFile.FileName; // page.Response.Write("<br/>正在保存" + strLocalPath); REDOWHOLESAVE: string strWarning = ""; for (int j = 0; j < ranges.Length; j++) { REDOSINGLESAVE: // Application.DoEvents(); // 出让界面控制权 if (stop.State != 0) { strError = "用户中断"; goto ERROR1; } string strWaiting = ""; if (j == ranges.Length - 1) strWaiting = " 请耐心等待..."; string strPercent = ""; RangeList rl = new RangeList(ranges[j]); if (rl.Count >= 1) { double ratio = (double)((RangeItem)rl[0]).lStart / (double)fi.Length; strPercent = String.Format("{0,3:N}", ratio * (double)100) + "%"; } if (stop != null) stop.SetMessage("正在上载 " + ranges[j] + "/" + Convert.ToString(fi.Length) + " " + strPercent + " " + strLocalFileName + strWarning + strWaiting); // page.Response.Write("."); // 防止前端因等待过久而超时 long lRet = channel.DoSaveResObject(strResPath, strLocalFileName, strLocalPath, postedFile.ContentType, strLastModifyTime, ranges[j], j == ranges.Length - 1 ? true : false, // 最尾一次操作,提醒底层注意设置特殊的WebService API超时时间 timestamp, out output_timestamp, out strError); timestamp = output_timestamp; // DomUtil.SetAttr(node, "__timestamp", ByteArray.GetHexTimeStampString(timestamp)); strWarning = ""; if (lRet == -1) { if (channel.ErrorCode == ChannelErrorCode.TimestampMismatch) { timestamp = new byte[output_timestamp.Length]; Array.Copy(output_timestamp, 0, timestamp, 0, output_timestamp.Length); strWarning = " (时间戳不匹配, 自动重试)"; if (ranges.Length == 1 || j == 0) goto REDOSINGLESAVE; goto REDOWHOLESAVE; } goto ERROR1; } } return 1; // 已经保存 ERROR1: return -1; } finally { // 不要忘记删除临时文件 File.Delete(strLocalFileName); } }
// 下载对象资源 // return: // -1 出错 // 0 304返回 // 1 200返回 public int DownloadObject(System.Web.UI.Page Page, FlushOutput flushOutputMethod, RmsChannelCollection channels, string strPath, bool bSaveAs, out string strError) { strError = ""; WebPageStop stop = new WebPageStop(Page); RmsChannel channel = channels.GetChannel(this.WsUrl); if (channel == null) { strError = "GetChannel() Error..."; return -1; } // strPath = boards.GetCanonicalUri(strPath); // 获得资源。写入文件的版本。特别适用于获得资源,也可用于获得主记录体。 // parameters: // fileTarget 文件。注意在调用函数前适当设置文件指针位置。函数只会在当前位置开始向后写,写入前不会主动改变文件指针。 // strStyleParam 一般设置为"content,data,metadata,timestamp,outputpath"; // input_timestamp 若!=null,则本函数会把第一个返回的timestamp和本参数内容比较,如果不相等,则报错 // return: // -1 出错。具体出错原因在this.ErrorCode中。this.ErrorInfo中有出错信息。 // 0 成功 string strMetaData = ""; string strOutputPath; byte[] baOutputTimeStamp = null; // 获得媒体类型 long lRet = channel.GetRes( strPath, null, // Response.OutputStream, stop, "metadata", null, // byte [] input_timestamp, out strMetaData, out baOutputTimeStamp, out strOutputPath, out strError); if (lRet == -1) { strError = "GetRes() '"+strPath+"' (for metadata) Error : " + strError; return -1; } if (Page.Response.IsClientConnected == false) return -1; // 取metadata中的mime类型信息 Hashtable values = StringUtil.ParseMetaDataXml(strMetaData, out strError); if (values == null) { strError = "ParseMedaDataXml() Error :" + strError; return -1; } string strLastModifyTime = (string)values["lastmodifytime"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLastModifyTime) == false) { DateTime lastmodified = DateTime.Parse(strLastModifyTime); string strIfHeader = Page.Request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strIfHeader) == false) { DateTime isModifiedSince = DateTimeUtil.FromRfc1123DateTimeString(strIfHeader).ToLocalTime(); if (isModifiedSince != lastmodified) { // 修改过 } else { // 没有修改过 Page.Response.StatusCode = 304; Page.Response.SuppressContent = true; return 0; } } Page.Response.AddHeader("Last-Modified", DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123DateTimeString(lastmodified.ToUniversalTime())); /* Page.Response.Cache.SetLastModified(lastmodified); Page.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); * */ } string strMime = (string)values["mimetype"]; string strClientPath = (string)values["localpath"]; if (strClientPath != "") strClientPath = PathUtil.PureName(strClientPath); // TODO: 如果是非image/????类型,都要加入content-disposition // 是否出现另存为对话框 if (bSaveAs == true) { string strEncodedFileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strClientPath, Encoding.UTF8); Page.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strEncodedFileName); } /* Page.Response.AddHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); Page.Response.AddHeader("Last-Modified", "Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:10:54 GMT"); * */ // 用 text/plain IE XML 搜索google // // /* To use this fix, you must add the following registry value to the key listed below: Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings Value name: IsTextPlainHonored Value type: DWORD Value data: HEX 0x1 * */ /* Page.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; // 如果不用此句,text/plain会被当作xml文件打开 Page.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); Page.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // Page.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "public"); Page.Response.AddHeader("Expires", "0"); Page.Response.AddHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); * */ // 设置媒体类型 if (strMime == "text/plain") strMime = "text"; Page.Response.ContentType = strMime; string strSize = (string)values["size"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strSize) == false) { Page.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", strSize); } if (Page.Response.IsClientConnected == false) return -1; // 传输数据 lRet = channel.GetRes( strPath, Page.Response.OutputStream, flushOutputMethod, stop, "content,data", null, // byte [] input_timestamp, out strMetaData, out baOutputTimeStamp, out strOutputPath, out strError); if (lRet == -1) { strError = "GetRes() (for res) Error : " + strError; return -1; } return 1; }