public void freqSTFT(object threadID) { int id = (int)threadID; int start = id * blockSize; int end = Math.Min(start + blockSize, size - 1); Complex[] temp = new Complex[wSamp]; Complex[] tempFFT = new Complex[wSamp]; for (int ii = start; ii < end; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < wSamp; jj++) { temp[jj] = xx[ii * (wSamp / 2) + jj]; } tempFFT = FastFourierTransform.IterativeFFT(temp, wSamp, twiddles); for (int kk = 0; kk < wSamp / 2; kk++) { Y[kk][ii] = (float)Complex.Abs(tempFFT[kk]); if (Y[kk][ii] > fftMax) { fftMax = Y[kk][ii]; } } } }
private void onsetDetection() { noteStarts = new List <int>(100); noteStops = new List <int>(100); lengths = new List <int>(100); pitches = new List <double>(100); SolidColorBrush sheetBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); SolidColorBrush ErrorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); SolidColorBrush whiteBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); HFC = new float[stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length]; Parallel.For(0, stftRep.wSamp / 2, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numThreads }, ii => { for (int jj = 0; jj < stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length; jj++) { HFC[jj] = HFC[jj] + (float)Math.Pow((double)stftRep.timeFreqData[ii][jj] * ii, 2); } }); float maxi = HFC.Max(); for (int jj = 0; jj < stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length; jj++) { HFC[jj] = (float)Math.Pow((HFC[jj] / maxi), 2); } for (int jj = 0; jj < stftRep.timeFreqData[0].Length; jj++) { if (starts > stops) { if (HFC[jj] < 0.001) { noteStops.Add(jj * ((stftRep.wSamp - 1) / 2)); stops = stops + 1; } } else if (starts - stops == 0) { if (HFC[jj] > 0.001) { noteStarts.Add(jj * ((stftRep.wSamp - 1) / 2)); starts = starts + 1; } } } if (starts > stops) { noteStops.Add(; } // DETERMINES START AND FINISH TIME OF NOTES BASED ON ONSET DETECTION for (int ii = 0; ii < noteStops.Count; ii++) { lengths.Add(noteStops[ii] - noteStarts[ii]); } Complex[][] yArrays = new Complex[lengths.Count][]; Complex[][] twiddleArrays = new Complex[lengths.Count][]; Complex[] twiddle; for (int mm = 0; mm < lengths.Count; mm++) { int nearest = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(lengths[mm], 2))); twiddle = new Complex[nearest]; Parallel.For(0, nearest, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numThreads }, ll => { double a = 2 * pi * ll / nearest; twiddle[ll] = Complex.Pow(Complex.Exp(-i), (float)a); }); twiddleArrays[mm] = twiddle; } Parallel.For(0, lengths.Count, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numThreads }, mm => { int nearest = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(lengths[mm], 2))); Complex[] compX = new Complex[nearest]; for (int kk = 0; kk < nearest; kk++) { if (kk < lengths[mm] && (noteStarts[mm] + kk) < waveIn.wave.Length) { compX[kk] = waveIn.wave[noteStarts[mm] + kk]; } else { compX[kk] = Complex.Zero; } } yArrays[mm] = FastFourierTransform.IterativeFFT(compX, nearest, twiddleArrays[mm]); }); for (int mm = 0; mm < lengths.Count; mm++) { int nearest = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(lengths[mm], 2))); absY = new double[nearest]; double maximum = 0; int maxInd = 0; for (int jj = 0; jj < yArrays[mm].Length; jj++) { absY[jj] = yArrays[mm][jj].Magnitude; if (absY[jj] > maximum) { maximum = absY[jj]; maxInd = jj; } } for (int div = 6; div > 1; div--) { if (maxInd > nearest / 2) { if (absY[(int)Math.Floor((double)(nearest - maxInd) / div)] / absY[(maxInd)] > 0.10) { maxInd = (nearest - maxInd) / div; } } else { if (absY[(int)Math.Floor((double)maxInd / div)] / absY[(maxInd)] > 0.10) { maxInd = maxInd / div; } } } if (maxInd > nearest / 2) { pitches.Add((nearest - maxInd) * waveIn.SampleRate / nearest); } else { pitches.Add(maxInd * waveIn.SampleRate / nearest); } } musicNote[] noteArray; noteArray = new musicNote[noteStarts.Count()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < noteStarts.Count(); ii++) { noteArray[ii] = new musicNote(pitches[ii], lengths[ii]); } int[] sheetPitchArray = new int[sheetmusic.Length]; int[] notePitchArray = new int[noteArray.Length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < sheetmusic.Length; ii++) { sheetPitchArray[ii] = sheetmusic[ii].pitch % 12; } for (int jj = 0; jj < noteArray.Length; jj++) { notePitchArray[jj] = noteArray[jj].pitch % 12; } string[] alignedStrings = new string[2]; alignedStrings = stringMatch(sheetPitchArray, notePitchArray); musicNote[] alignedStaffArray = new musicNote[alignedStrings[0].Length / 2]; musicNote[] alignedNoteArray = new musicNote[alignedStrings[1].Length / 2]; int staffCount = 0; int noteCount = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < alignedStrings[0].Length / 2; ii++) { if (alignedStrings[0][2 * ii] == ' ') { alignedStaffArray[ii] = new musicNote(0, 0); } else { alignedStaffArray[ii] = sheetmusic[staffCount]; staffCount++; } if (alignedStrings[1][2 * ii] == ' ') { alignedNoteArray[ii] = new musicNote(0, 0); } else { alignedNoteArray[ii] = noteArray[noteCount]; noteCount++; } } // STAFF TAB DISPLAY Ellipse[] notes; Line[] stems; notes = new Ellipse[alignedNoteArray.Length]; stems = new Line[alignedNoteArray.Length]; SolidColorBrush myBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(45); for (int ii = 0; ii < alignedNoteArray.Length; ii++) { //noteArray[ii] = new musicNote(pitches[ii], lengths[ii]); //System.Console.Out.Write("Note " + (ii + 1) + ": \nDuration: " + noteArray[ii].duration / waveIn.SampleRate + " seconds \nPitch: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(musicNote.notePitch), (noteArray[ii].pitch) % 12) + " / " + pitches[ii] + "\nError: " + noteArray[ii].error * 100 + "%\n"); notes[ii] = new Ellipse(); notes[ii].Tag = alignedNoteArray[ii]; notes[ii].Height = 20; notes[ii].Width = 15; notes[ii].Margin = new Thickness(ii * 30, 0, 0, 0); notes[ii].LayoutTransform = rotate; notes[ii].MouseEnter += DisplayStats; notes[ii].MouseLeave += ClearStats; stems[ii] = new Line(); stems[ii].StrokeThickness = 1; stems[ii].X1 = ii * 30 + 20; stems[ii].X2 = ii * 30 + 20; stems[ii].Y1 = 250 - 10 * alignedNoteArray[ii].staffPos; stems[ii].Y2 = 250 - 10 * alignedNoteArray[ii].staffPos - 40; notes[ii].Fill = ErrorBrush; notes[ii].StrokeThickness = 1; stems[ii].Stroke = ErrorBrush; Canvas.SetTop(notes[ii], (240 - 10 * alignedNoteArray[ii].staffPos)); if (alignedNoteArray[ii].flat) { System.Windows.Controls.Label flat = new System.Windows.Controls.Label(); flat.Content = "b"; flat.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Mistral"); flat.Margin = new Thickness(ii * 30 + 15, 0, 0, 0); Canvas.SetTop(flat, (240 - 10 * alignedNoteArray[ii].staffPos)); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, flat); } noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, notes[ii]); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, stems[ii]); } Ellipse[] sheetNotes; Rectangle[] timeRect; Line[] sheetStems; sheetNotes = new Ellipse[alignedStaffArray.Length]; sheetStems = new Line[alignedStaffArray.Length]; timeRect = new Rectangle[2 * alignedStaffArray.Length]; Fline.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; Dline.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; Bline.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; Gline.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; Eline.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; noteStaff.Width = alignedStaffArray.Length * 30; for (int ii = 0; ii < alignedStaffArray.Length; ii++) { sheetNotes[ii] = new Ellipse(); sheetNotes[ii].Tag = alignedStaffArray[ii]; sheetNotes[ii].Height = 20; sheetNotes[ii].Width = 15; sheetNotes[ii].Margin = new Thickness(ii * 30, 0, 0, 0); sheetNotes[ii].LayoutTransform = rotate; sheetNotes[ii].MouseEnter += DisplayStats; sheetNotes[ii].MouseLeave += ClearStats; sheetStems[ii] = new Line(); sheetStems[ii].StrokeThickness = 1; sheetStems[ii].X1 = ii * 30 + 20; sheetStems[ii].X2 = ii * 30 + 20; sheetStems[ii].Y1 = 250 - 10 * alignedStaffArray[ii].staffPos; sheetStems[ii].Y2 = 250 - 10 * alignedStaffArray[ii].staffPos - 40; sheetNotes[ii].Fill = sheetBrush; sheetNotes[ii].StrokeThickness = 1; sheetStems[ii].Stroke = sheetBrush; Canvas.SetTop(sheetNotes[ii], (240 - 10 * alignedStaffArray[ii].staffPos)); if (alignedStaffArray[ii].flat) { System.Windows.Controls.Label flat = new System.Windows.Controls.Label(); flat.Content = "b"; flat.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Mistral"); flat.Margin = new Thickness(ii * 30 + 15, 0, 0, 0); Canvas.SetTop(flat, (240 - 10 * alignedStaffArray[ii].staffPos)); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, flat); } noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, sheetNotes[ii]); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, sheetStems[ii]); } // FOR TIMING ERROR RECTANGLES for (int ii = 0; ii < alignedStaffArray.Length; ii++) { timeRect[ii] = new Rectangle(); timeRect[ii].Fill = sheetBrush; timeRect[ii].Height = 10 * alignedStaffArray[ii].duration * 4 * bpm / (60 * waveIn.SampleRate); timeRect[ii].Width = 15; timeRect[ii].Margin = new Thickness(ii * 30 + 5, 0, 0, 0); Canvas.SetTop(timeRect[ii], 200); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, timeRect[ii]); } for (int ii = alignedStaffArray.Length; ii < alignedStaffArray.Length + alignedNoteArray.Length; ii++) { timeRect[ii] = new Rectangle(); timeRect[ii].Fill = ErrorBrush; timeRect[ii].Height = 10 * alignedNoteArray[ii - alignedStaffArray.Length].duration * 4 * bpm / (60 * waveIn.SampleRate); timeRect[ii].Width = 10; timeRect[ii].Margin = new Thickness((ii - alignedStaffArray.Length) * 30 + 5, 0, 0, 0); Canvas.SetTop(timeRect[ii], 200); noteStaff.Children.Insert(ii, timeRect[ii]); } }