public QMake(EnvDTE.DTE dte, string fileName, bool recursiveRun, VersionInformation vi) { dteObject = dte; file = fileName; recursive = recursiveRun; qtVersionInformation = vi; }
private void CreateWinCEProject(EnvDTE.DTE app, string proName, string proPath, string slnName, bool exclusive, string qtVersion, uint projType, bool usePrecompiledHeaders) { FakeFilter[] filters = { Filters.SourceFiles(), Filters.HeaderFiles(), Filters.FormFiles(), Filters.ResourceFiles(), Filters.GeneratedFiles() }; QtVersionManager versionManager = QtVersionManager.The(); if (qtVersion == null) { qtVersion = versionManager.GetDefaultWinCEVersion(); } VersionInformation qtVersionInfo = versionManager.GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); string platformName = null; try { platformName = qtVersionInfo.GetVSPlatformName(); } catch { // fallback to some standard platform... platformName = "Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)"; } CreateProject(app, proName, proPath, slnName, exclusive, filters, qtVersion, platformName); qtPro.WriteProjectBasicConfigurations(projType, usePrecompiledHeaders, qtVersionInfo); qtPro.AddModule(QtModule.Main); }
protected void Init(VersionInformation versionInfo) { string filename = versionInfo.qtDir + "\\mkspecs\\default\\qmake.conf"; fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); // Starting from Qt5 beta2 there is no more "\\mkspecs\\default" folder available // To find location of "qmake.conf" there is a need to run "qmake -query" command // This is what happens below. if (!fileInfo.Exists) { QMakeQuery qmakeQuery = new QMakeQuery(versionInfo); qmakeQuery.ReadyEvent += new QMakeQuery.EventHandler(this.CloseEventHandler); System.Threading.Thread qmakeThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(qmakeQuery.RunQMakeQuery)); qmakeThread.Start(); qmakeThread.Join(); if (qmakeQuery.ErrorValue != 0) { throw new Qt4VSException("qmake.conf not found"); } if (qmakespecFolder.Length > 0) { filename = versionInfo.qtDir + "\\mkspecs\\" + qmakespecFolder + "\\qmake.conf"; } } Init(filename); }
public VersionInformation GetVersionInfo(string name) { if (name == null) { return(null); } if (name == "$(DefaultQtVersion)") { name = GetDefaultVersion(); } if (versionCache == null) { versionCache = new Hashtable(); } VersionInformation vi = versionCache[name] as VersionInformation; if (vi != null) { return(vi); } string qtdir = GetInstallPath(name); vi = new VersionInformation(qtdir); versionCache[name] = vi; return(vi); }
private FileInfo RunQmake(FileInfo mainInfo, string ext, bool recursive, VersionInformation vi) { string name = mainInfo.Name.Remove(mainInfo.Name.IndexOf('.')); FileInfo VCInfo = new FileInfo(mainInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + name + ext); if (!VCInfo.Exists || DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(SR.GetString("ExportProject_ProjectExistsRegenerateOrReuse", VCInfo.Name), SR.GetString("ProjectExists"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Generating new project of " + mainInfo.Name + " file"); InfoDialog dialog = new InfoDialog(mainInfo.Name); QMake qmake = new QMake(dteObject, mainInfo.FullName, recursive, vi); qmake.CloseEvent += new QMake.ProcessEventHandler(dialog.CloseEventHandler); qmake.PaneMessageDataEvent += new QMake.ProcessEventHandlerArg(this.PaneMessageDataReceived); System.Threading.Thread qmakeThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(qmake.RunQMake)); qmakeThread.Start(); dialog.ShowDialog(); qmakeThread.Join(); if (qmake.ErrorValue == 0) { return(VCInfo); } } return(null); }
private static bool CheckQtVersion(VersionInformation vi) { if (!vi.qt4Version) { Messages.DisplayWarningMessage(SR.GetString("ExportProject_EditProjectFileManually")); return(false); } return(true); }
private string GetWinCEPlatformName(string qtVersion, QtVersionManager versionManager) { VersionInformation vi = versionManager.GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); try { return(vi.GetVSPlatformName()); } catch { return("(unknown platform)"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Windows CE Qt builds which are available. /// </summary> /// <returns>List of string</returns> public ArrayList GetQtWinCEVersions(EnvDTE.DTE dte) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); QtVersionManager vm = QtVersionManager.The(); foreach (string qtVersion in vm.GetVersions()) { VersionInformation vi = vm.GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); string platformName = GetWinCEPlatformName(qtVersion, vm); if (vi.IsWinCEVersion() && HelperFunctions.IsPlatformAvailable(dte, platformName)) { list.Add(qtVersion); } } return(list); }
private void ImportSolution(FileInfo mainInfo, string qtVersion) { VersionInformation versionInfo = QtVersionManager.The().GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); FileInfo VCInfo = RunQmake(mainInfo, ".sln", true, versionInfo); if (null == VCInfo) { return; } ReplaceAbsoluteQtDirInSolution(VCInfo); try { if (CheckQtVersion(versionInfo)) { dteObject.Solution.Open(VCInfo.FullName); if (qtVersion != null) { QtVersionManager.The().SaveSolutionQtVersion(dteObject.Solution, qtVersion); foreach (Project prj in HelperFunctions.ProjectsInSolution(dteObject)) { QtVersionManager.The().SaveProjectQtVersion(prj, qtVersion); QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(prj); qtPro.SetQtEnvironment(); ApplyPostImportSteps(qtPro); } } } Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Finished opening " + VCInfo.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.DisplayCriticalErrorMessage(e); } }
public void CreatePlatform(string oldPlatform, string newPlatform, VersionInformation viOld, VersionInformation viNew, ref bool newProjectCreated) { try { ConfigurationManager cfgMgr = envPro.ConfigurationManager; cfgMgr.AddPlatform(newPlatform, oldPlatform, true); vcPro.AddPlatform(newPlatform); newProjectCreated = false; } catch { // That stupid ConfigurationManager can't handle platform names // containing dots (e.g. "Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)") // So we have to do it the nasty way... string projectFileName = envPro.FullName; envPro.Save(null); dte.Solution.Remove(envPro); AddPlatformToVCProj(projectFileName, oldPlatform, newPlatform); envPro = dte.Solution.AddFromFile(projectFileName, false); vcPro = (VCProject)envPro.Object; newProjectCreated = true; } // update the platform settings foreach (VCConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Configurations) { VCPlatform vcplatform = (VCPlatform)config.Platform; if (vcplatform.Name == newPlatform) { if (viOld != null) RemovePlatformDependencies(config, viOld); SetupConfiguration(config, viNew); } } SelectSolutionPlatform(newPlatform); }
public void SetupConfiguration(VCConfiguration config, VersionInformation viNew) { bool isWinPlatform = (!viNew.IsWinCEVersion()); CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); SimpleSet ppdefs = new SimpleSet(compiler.PreprocessorDefinitions); ICollection newPPDefs = viNew.GetQMakeConfEntry("DEFINES").Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }); compiler.SetPreprocessorDefinitions(ppdefs.Union(newPPDefs).JoinElements(',')); #if ENABLE_WINCE // search prepocessor definitions for Qt modules and add deployment settings if (!isWinPlatform) { DeploymentToolWrapper deploymentTool = DeploymentToolWrapper.Create(config); if (deploymentTool != null) { deploymentTool.Clear(); deploymentTool.AddWinCEMSVCStandardLib(IsDebugConfiguration(config), dte); List<QtModuleInfo> availableQtModules = QtModules.Instance.GetAvailableModuleInformation(); foreach (string s in ppdefs.Elements) { foreach (QtModuleInfo moduleInfo in availableQtModules) { if (moduleInfo.Defines.Contains(s)) AddDeploySettings(deploymentTool, moduleInfo.ModuleId, config, null, viNew); } } } } #endif VCLinkerTool linker = (VCLinkerTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLinkerTool"); if (linker == null) return; if (isWinPlatform) linker.SubSystem = subSystemOption.subSystemWindows; else linker.SubSystem = subSystemOption.subSystemNotSet; SetTargetMachine(linker, viNew); }
private static bool CheckQtVersion(VersionInformation vi) { if (!vi.qt4Version) { Messages.DisplayWarningMessage(SR.GetString("ExportProject_EditProjectFileManually")); return false; } return true; }
private FileInfo RunQmake(FileInfo mainInfo, string ext, bool recursive, VersionInformation vi) { string name = mainInfo.Name.Remove(mainInfo.Name.IndexOf('.')); FileInfo VCInfo = new FileInfo(mainInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + name + ext); if (!VCInfo.Exists || DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(SR.GetString("ExportProject_ProjectExistsRegenerateOrReuse", VCInfo.Name), SR.GetString("ProjectExists"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Generating new project of " + mainInfo.Name + " file"); InfoDialog dialog = new InfoDialog(mainInfo.Name); QMake qmake = new QMake(dteObject, mainInfo.FullName, recursive, vi); qmake.CloseEvent += new QMake.ProcessEventHandler(dialog.CloseEventHandler); qmake.PaneMessageDataEvent += new QMake.ProcessEventHandlerArg(this.PaneMessageDataReceived); System.Threading.Thread qmakeThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(qmake.RunQMake)); qmakeThread.Start(); dialog.ShowDialog(); qmakeThread.Join(); if (qmake.ErrorValue == 0) return VCInfo; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Check if all Qt versions are valid and readable. /// </summary> /// Also sets the default Qt version to the newest version, if needed. /// <param name="errorMessage"></param> /// <returns>true, if we found an invalid version</returns> public bool HasInvalidVersions(out string errorMessage) { List <QtVersion> validVersions = new List <QtVersion>(); List <string> invalidVersions = new List <string>(); foreach (string v in GetVersions()) { if (v == "$(DefaultQtVersion)") { continue; } try { VersionInformation vi = new VersionInformation(GetInstallPath(v)); QtVersion qtVersion = new QtVersion(); = v; = vi; validVersions.Add(qtVersion); } catch (Exception) { invalidVersions.Add(v); } } if (invalidVersions.Count > 0) { errorMessage = "These Qt version are inaccessible:\n"; foreach (string invalidVersion in invalidVersions) { errorMessage += invalidVersion + " in " + GetInstallPath(invalidVersion) + "\n"; } errorMessage += "Make sure that you have read access to all files in your Qt directories."; // Is the default Qt version invalid? bool isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = false; string defaultQtVersionName = GetDefaultVersion(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultQtVersionName)) { isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = true; } else { foreach (string name in invalidVersions) { if (name == defaultQtVersionName) { isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = true; break; } } } // find the newest valid Qt version that can be used as default version if (isDefaultQtVersionInvalid && validVersions.Count > 0) { QtVersion defaultQtVersion = null; foreach (QtVersion v in validVersions) { if ( { continue; } if (defaultQtVersion == null) { defaultQtVersion = v; continue; } if ( < || ( == && ( < || ( == && < { defaultQtVersion = v; } } if (defaultQtVersion != null) { SaveDefaultVersion(; } } return(true); } errorMessage = null; return(false); }
public QMakeConf(VersionInformation versionInfo) { Init(versionInfo); }
private void CreateProject(EnvDTE.DTE app, string proName, string proPath, string slnName, bool exclusive, FakeFilter[] filters, string qtVersion, string platformName) { QtVersionManager versionManager = QtVersionManager.The(); if (qtVersion == null) { qtVersion = "$(DefaultQtVersion)"; } if (qtVersion == null) { throw new Qt4VSException("Unable to find a Qt build!\r\n" + "To solve this problem specify a Qt build"); } string solutionPath = ""; Solution newSolution = app.Solution; if (platformName == null) { string tmpQtVersion = versionManager.GetSolutionQtVersion(newSolution); qtVersion = tmpQtVersion != null ? tmpQtVersion : qtVersion; try { VersionInformation vi = new VersionInformation(versionManager.GetInstallPath(qtVersion)); if (vi.is64Bit()) { platformName = "x64"; } else { platformName = "Win32"; } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(e); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slnName) && (exclusive == true)) { solutionPath = proPath.Substring(0, proPath.LastIndexOf("\\")); newSolution.Create(solutionPath, slnName); } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(proPath); string templatePath = HelperFunctions.CreateProjectTemplateFile(filters, true, platformName); pro = newSolution.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, proPath, proName, exclusive); HelperFunctions.ReleaseProjectTemplateFile(); qtPro = QtProject.Create(pro); QtVSIPSettings.SaveUicDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveMocDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveMocOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveRccDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLUpdateOnBuild(pro); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLUpdateOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLReleaseOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveDesignerOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLinguistOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveAssistantOptions(pro, null); foreach (string kPlatformName in (Array)pro.ConfigurationManager.PlatformNames) { versionManager.SaveProjectQtVersion(pro, "$(DefaultQtVersion)", kPlatformName); } qtPro.MarkAsQtProject("v1.0"); qtPro.AddDirectories(); qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slnName) && (exclusive == true)) { newSolution.SaveAs(solutionPath + "\\" + slnName + ".sln"); } }
public void WriteProjectBasicConfigurations(uint type, bool usePrecompiledHeader, VersionInformation vi) { ConfigurationTypes configType = ConfigurationTypes.typeApplication; string targetExtension = ".exe"; string qtVersion = null; QtVersionManager vm = QtVersionManager.The(); if (vi == null) { qtVersion = vm.GetDefaultVersion(); vi = vm.GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); } switch (type & TemplateType.ProjectType) { case TemplateType.DynamicLibrary: configType = ConfigurationTypes.typeDynamicLibrary; targetExtension = ".dll"; break; case TemplateType.StaticLibrary: configType = ConfigurationTypes.typeStaticLibrary; targetExtension = ".lib"; break; } foreach (VCConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Configurations) { config.ConfigurationType = configType; CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); VCLinkerTool linker = (VCLinkerTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLinkerTool"); VCLibrarianTool librarian = (VCLibrarianTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLibrarianTool"); // for some stupid reason you have to set this for it to be updated... // the default value is the same... +platform now #if (VS2010 || VS2012 || VS2013) config.OutputDirectory = "$(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)\\"; #else config.OutputDirectory = "$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\\$(ConfigurationName)"; #endif #if ENABLE_WINCE // This is mainly for Visual Studio consistency compared with a smartdevice MFC project. config.IntermediateDirectory = config.OutputDirectory; #endif // add some common defines compiler.SetPreprocessorDefinitions(vi.GetQMakeConfEntry("DEFINES").Replace(" ", ",")); if (!vi.IsStaticBuild()) { compiler.AddPreprocessorDefinition("QT_DLL"); } if (linker != null) { if (vi.IsWinCEVersion()) { linker.SubSystem = subSystemOption.subSystemNotSet; SetTargetMachine(linker, vi); } else { if ((type & TemplateType.ConsoleSystem) != 0) linker.SubSystem = subSystemOption.subSystemConsole; else linker.SubSystem = subSystemOption.subSystemWindows; } linker.OutputFile = "$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName)" + targetExtension; linker.AdditionalLibraryDirectories = "$(QTDIR)\\lib"; if (vi.IsStaticBuild()) { linker.AdditionalDependencies = vi.GetQMakeConfEntry("QMAKE_LIBS_CORE"); if ((type & TemplateType.GUISystem) != 0) { linker.AdditionalDependencies += " " + vi.GetQMakeConfEntry("QMAKE_LIBS_GUI"); if (vi.IsWinCEVersion()) linker.AdditionalDependencies += " qmenu_wince.res"; } } } else { librarian.OutputFile = "$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName)" + targetExtension; librarian.AdditionalLibraryDirectories = "$(QTDIR)\\lib"; } if ((type & TemplateType.GUISystem) != 0) compiler.SetAdditionalIncludeDirectories(QtVSIPSettings.GetUicDirectory(envPro) + ";"); if ((type & TemplateType.PluginProject) != 0) { compiler.AddPreprocessorDefinition("QT_PLUGIN"); } bool isDebugConfiguration = false; if (config.Name.StartsWith("Release")) { compiler.AddPreprocessorDefinition("QT_NO_DEBUG,NDEBUG"); compiler.SetDebugInformationFormat(debugOption.debugDisabled); compiler.SetRuntimeLibrary(runtimeLibraryOption.rtMultiThreadedDLL); } else if (config.Name.StartsWith("Debug")) { isDebugConfiguration = true; compiler.SetOptimization(optimizeOption.optimizeDisabled); compiler.SetDebugInformationFormat(debugOption.debugEnabled); compiler.SetRuntimeLibrary(runtimeLibraryOption.rtMultiThreadedDebugDLL); } compiler.AddAdditionalIncludeDirectories( ".;" + "$(QTDIR)\\include;" + QtVSIPSettings.GetMocDirectory(envPro)); compiler.SetTreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType(true); if (linker != null) linker.GenerateDebugInformation = isDebugConfiguration; #if ENABLE_WINCE if (vi.IsWinCEVersion()) { compiler.SetWarningLevel(warningLevelOption.warningLevel_3); compiler.SetBufferSecurityCheck(isDebugConfiguration); DeploymentToolWrapper deploymentTool = DeploymentToolWrapper.Create(config); if (deploymentTool != null) { deploymentTool.AddWinCEMSVCStandardLib(isDebugConfiguration, dte); string signatureFile = vi.GetSignatureFile(); if (signatureFile != null) { Object postBuildEventToolObj = ((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCPostBuildEventTool"); VCPostBuildEventTool postBuildEventTool = postBuildEventToolObj as VCPostBuildEventTool; if (postBuildEventTool != null) { string cmdline = postBuildEventTool.CommandLine; if (cmdline == null) cmdline = ""; if (cmdline.Length > 0) postBuildEventTool.CommandLine += "\n"; cmdline += "signtool sign /F " + signatureFile + " \"$(TargetPath)\""; postBuildEventTool.CommandLine = cmdline; } } } IVCCollection tools = ((IVCCollection)config.Tools); object cst = tools.Item("VCCodeSignTool"); if (cst != null) { Type t = cst.GetType(); object r = t.InvokeMember("ExecutionBucket", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, cst, null); if (r != null) config.ExcludeBuckets = r.ToString(); } } #endif if (usePrecompiledHeader) UsePrecompiledHeaders(config); } if ((type & TemplateType.PluginProject) != 0) MarkAsDesignerPluginProject(); }
private void AddDeploySettings(DeploymentToolWrapper deploymentTool, QtModule module, VCConfiguration config, QtModuleInfo moduleInfo, VersionInformation versionInfo) { // for static Qt builds it doesn't make sense // to add deployment settings for Qt modules if (versionInfo.IsStaticBuild()) return; if (moduleInfo == null) moduleInfo = QtModules.Instance.ModuleInformation(module); if (moduleInfo == null || !moduleInfo.HasDLL) return; if (deploymentTool == null) deploymentTool = DeploymentToolWrapper.Create(config); if (deploymentTool == null) return; string destDir = deploymentTool.RemoteDirectory; const string qtSrcDir = "$(QTDIR)\\lib"; string filename = moduleInfo.GetDllFileName(IsDebugConfiguration(config)); if (deploymentTool.GetAdditionalFiles().IndexOf(filename) < 0) deploymentTool.Add(filename, qtSrcDir, destDir); // add dependent modules foreach (QtModule dependentModule in moduleInfo.dependentModules) AddDeploySettings(deploymentTool, dependentModule, config, null, versionInfo); }
public List<string> GetLibs(bool isDebugCfg, VersionInformation vi) { return GetLibs(isDebugCfg, vi.IsStaticBuild(), vi.IsWinCEVersion()); }
private void CreateProject(EnvDTE.DTE app, string proName, string proPath, string slnName, bool exclusive, FakeFilter[] filters, string qtVersion, string platformName) { QtVersionManager versionManager = QtVersionManager.The(); if (qtVersion == null) qtVersion = "$(DefaultQtVersion)"; if (qtVersion == null) throw new Qt4VSException("Unable to find a Qt build!\r\n" + "To solve this problem specify a Qt build"); string solutionPath = ""; Solution newSolution = app.Solution; if (platformName == null) { string tmpQtVersion = versionManager.GetSolutionQtVersion(newSolution); qtVersion = tmpQtVersion != null ? tmpQtVersion : qtVersion; try { VersionInformation vi = new VersionInformation(versionManager.GetInstallPath(qtVersion)); if (vi.is64Bit()) platformName = "x64"; else platformName = "Win32"; } catch (Exception e) { Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(e); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slnName) && (exclusive == true)) { solutionPath = proPath.Substring(0, proPath.LastIndexOf("\\")); newSolution.Create(solutionPath, slnName); } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(proPath); string templatePath = HelperFunctions.CreateProjectTemplateFile(filters, true, platformName); pro = newSolution.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, proPath, proName, exclusive); HelperFunctions.ReleaseProjectTemplateFile(); qtPro = QtProject.Create(pro); QtVSIPSettings.SaveUicDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveMocDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveMocOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveRccDirectory(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLUpdateOnBuild(pro); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLUpdateOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLReleaseOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveDesignerOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveLinguistOptions(pro, null); QtVSIPSettings.SaveAssistantOptions(pro, null); foreach (string kPlatformName in (Array)pro.ConfigurationManager.PlatformNames) { versionManager.SaveProjectQtVersion(pro, "$(DefaultQtVersion)", kPlatformName); } qtPro.MarkAsQtProject("v1.0"); qtPro.AddDirectories(); qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slnName) && (exclusive == true)) newSolution.SaveAs(solutionPath + "\\" + slnName + ".sln"); }
public List <string> GetLibs(bool isDebugCfg, VersionInformation vi) { return(GetLibs(isDebugCfg, vi.IsStaticBuild(), vi.IsWinCEVersion())); }
public VersionInformation GetVersionInfo(string name) { if (name == null) return null; if (name == "$(DefaultQtVersion)") name = GetDefaultVersion(); if (versionCache == null) versionCache = new Hashtable(); VersionInformation vi = versionCache[name] as VersionInformation; if (vi != null) return vi; string qtdir = GetInstallPath(name); vi = new VersionInformation(qtdir); versionCache[name] = vi; return vi; }
public void UpdateModules(VersionInformation oldVersion, VersionInformation newVersion) { foreach (VCConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)vcPro.Configurations) { VCLinkerTool linker = (VCLinkerTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLinkerTool"); if (linker != null) { if (oldVersion == null || oldVersion.IsWinCEVersion() != newVersion.IsWinCEVersion()) { LinkerToolWrapper linkerWrapper = new LinkerToolWrapper(linker); List<string> additionalDependencies = linkerWrapper.AdditionalDependencies; List<string> libsDesktop = new List<string>(); List<string> libsWinCE = new List<string>(); foreach (QtModuleInfo module in QtModules.Instance.GetAvailableModuleInformation()) { if (HasModule(module.ModuleId)) { libsDesktop.AddRange(module.AdditionalLibraries); libsWinCE.AddRange(module.AdditionalLibrariesWinCE); } } List<string> libsToAdd = null; List<string> libsToRemove = null; if (newVersion.IsWinCEVersion()) { libsToAdd = libsWinCE; libsToRemove = libsDesktop; } else { libsToAdd = libsDesktop; libsToRemove = libsWinCE; } bool changed = false; foreach (string libToRemove in libsToRemove) { if (additionalDependencies.Remove(libToRemove)) changed = true; } foreach (string libToAdd in libsToAdd) { if (!additionalDependencies.Contains(libToAdd)) { additionalDependencies.Add(libToAdd); changed = true; } } if (changed) linkerWrapper.AdditionalDependencies = additionalDependencies; } #if ENABLE_WINCE if (newVersion.IsWinCEVersion() && newVersion.IsStaticBuild() && oldVersion != null && !(oldVersion.IsWinCEVersion() && oldVersion.IsStaticBuild()) && config.DeploymentTool != null) { RemoveQtDeploys(config); } #endif if (oldVersion == null || newVersion.IsStaticBuild() != oldVersion.IsStaticBuild()) { CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); if (newVersion.IsStaticBuild()) { linker.AdditionalDependencies = Regex.Replace(linker.AdditionalDependencies, "Qt(\\S+)4\\.lib", "Qt${1}.lib"); linker.AdditionalDependencies = Regex.Replace(linker.AdditionalDependencies, "(phonond?)4\\.lib", "${1}.lib"); if (compiler != null) compiler.RemovePreprocessorDefinition("QT_DLL"); } else { linker.AdditionalDependencies = Regex.Replace(linker.AdditionalDependencies, "Qt(\\S+[^4])\\.lib", "Qt${1}4.lib"); linker.AdditionalDependencies = Regex.Replace(linker.AdditionalDependencies, "(phonond?)\\.lib", "${1}4.lib"); if (compiler != null) compiler.AddPreprocessorDefinition("QT_DLL"); } } #if ENABLE_WINCE if (newVersion.IsWinCEVersion() && !newVersion.IsStaticBuild() && (oldVersion == null || !(oldVersion.IsWinCEVersion() && !oldVersion.IsStaticBuild())) && config.DeploymentTool != null) { MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(linker.AdditionalDependencies, "Qt(\\S+)4\\.lib"); foreach (Match m in matches) { string moduleName = m.ToString().Substring(0, m.ToString().Length - 5); if (config.ConfigurationName.StartsWith("Debug")) moduleName = moduleName.Substring(0, moduleName.Length - 1); QtModule module = QtModules.Instance.ModuleIdByName(moduleName); AddDeploySettings(null, module, config, null, newVersion); } } #endif } } }
private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QtVersionManager vm = QtVersionManager.The(); VersionInformation versionInfo = null; try { versionInfo = new VersionInformation(pathBox.Text); } catch (Exception exception) { if (nameBox.Text == "$(QTDIR)") { string defaultVersion = vm.GetDefaultVersion(); versionInfo = vm.GetVersionInfo(defaultVersion); } else { Messages.DisplayErrorMessage(exception.Message); return; } } if (versionInfo.IsWinCEVersion()) { // check whether we have an SDK installed for this platform string platformName = versionInfo.GetVSPlatformName(); if (!HelperFunctions.IsPlatformAvailable(Connect._applicationObject, platformName)) { MessageBox.Show(SR.GetString("AddQtVersionDialog_PlatformNotFoundError", platformName), null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } } string makefileGenerator = versionInfo.GetQMakeConfEntry("MAKEFILE_GENERATOR"); if (makefileGenerator != "MSVC.NET" && makefileGenerator != "MSBUILD") { MessageBox.Show(SR.GetString("AddQtVersionDialog_IncorrectMakefileGenerator", makefileGenerator), null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } vm.SaveVersion(nameBox.Text, pathBox.Text); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
public static void RemovePlatformDependencies(VCConfiguration config, VersionInformation viOld) { CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); SimpleSet minuend = new SimpleSet(compiler.PreprocessorDefinitions); SimpleSet subtrahend = new SimpleSet(viOld.GetQMakeConfEntry("DEFINES").Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' })); compiler.SetPreprocessorDefinitions(minuend.Minus(subtrahend).JoinElements(',')); }
private static void SetTargetMachine(VCLinkerTool linker, VersionInformation versionInfo) { String qMakeLFlagsWindows = versionInfo.GetQMakeConfEntry("QMAKE_LFLAGS_WINDOWS"); Regex rex = new Regex("/MACHINE:(\\S+)"); Match match = rex.Match(qMakeLFlagsWindows); if (match.Success) { linker.TargetMachine = HelperFunctions.TranslateMachineType(match.Groups[1].Value); } else { string platformName = versionInfo.GetVSPlatformName(); if (platformName == "Win32") linker.TargetMachine = machineTypeOption.machineX86; else if (platformName == "x64") linker.TargetMachine = machineTypeOption.machineAMD64; else linker.TargetMachine = machineTypeOption.machineNotSet; } String subsystemOption = ""; String linkerOptions = linker.AdditionalOptions; if (linkerOptions == null) linkerOptions = ""; rex = new Regex("(/SUBSYSTEM:\\S+)"); match = rex.Match(qMakeLFlagsWindows); if (match.Success) subsystemOption = match.Groups[1].Value; match = rex.Match(linkerOptions); if (match.Success) { linkerOptions = rex.Replace(linkerOptions, subsystemOption); } else { if (linkerOptions.Length > 0) linkerOptions += " "; linkerOptions += subsystemOption; } linker.AdditionalOptions = linkerOptions; }
/// <summary> /// Check if all Qt versions are valid and readable. /// </summary> /// Also sets the default Qt version to the newest version, if needed. /// <param name="errorMessage"></param> /// <returns>true, if we found an invalid version</returns> public bool HasInvalidVersions(out string errorMessage) { List<QtVersion> validVersions = new List<QtVersion>(); List<string> invalidVersions = new List<string>(); foreach (string v in GetVersions()) { if (v == "$(DefaultQtVersion)") continue; try { VersionInformation vi = new VersionInformation(GetInstallPath(v)); QtVersion qtVersion = new QtVersion(); = v; = vi; validVersions.Add(qtVersion); } catch (Exception) { invalidVersions.Add(v); } } if (invalidVersions.Count > 0) { errorMessage = "These Qt version are inaccessible:\n"; foreach (string invalidVersion in invalidVersions) errorMessage += invalidVersion + " in " + GetInstallPath(invalidVersion) + "\n"; errorMessage += "Make sure that you have read access to all files in your Qt directories."; // Is the default Qt version invalid? bool isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = false; string defaultQtVersionName = GetDefaultVersion(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultQtVersionName)) { isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = true; } else { foreach (string name in invalidVersions) { if (name == defaultQtVersionName) { isDefaultQtVersionInvalid = true; break; } } } // find the newest valid Qt version that can be used as default version if (isDefaultQtVersionInvalid && validVersions.Count > 0) { QtVersion defaultQtVersion = null; foreach (QtVersion v in validVersions) { if ( continue; if (defaultQtVersion == null) { defaultQtVersion = v; continue; } if ( < || ( == && ( < || ( == && < { defaultQtVersion = v; } } if (defaultQtVersion != null) SaveDefaultVersion(; } return true; } errorMessage = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a moc step to a given file for this project. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">file</param> public void AddMocStep(VCFile file) { string oldItemType = file.ItemType; try { string mocFileName = GetMocFileName(file.FullPath); if (mocFileName == null) return; bool hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig = QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerConfig(envPro); bool hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform = QtVSIPSettings.HasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform(envPro); bool mocableIsCPP = mocFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".moc"); #if (VS2010 || VS2012 || VS2013) if (!mocableIsCPP && file.ItemType != "CustomBuild") { file.ItemType = "CustomBuild"; } #endif #if VS2013 file = Update(this, file); #endif #region Add moc for each configuration foreach (VCFileConfiguration config in (IVCCollection)file.FileConfigurations) { string name = ((VCCustomBuildTool)config.Tool).toolName; VCConfiguration vcConfig = config.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform platform = vcConfig.Platform as VCPlatform; string platformName = platform.Name; string mocRelPath = GetRelativeMocFilePath(file.FullPath, vcConfig.ConfigurationName, platformName); string platformFilterName = null; string configFilterName = null; if (mocRelPath.Contains(platformName)) { platformFilterName = platformName; } if (mocRelPath.Contains(vcConfig.ConfigurationName)) { configFilterName = vcConfig.ConfigurationName; } VCFile mocFile = GetFileFromProject(mocRelPath); if (mocFile == null) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(this.VCProject.ProjectDirectory + "\\" + mocRelPath); if (!fi.Directory.Exists) fi.Directory.Create(); mocFile = AddFileInSubfilter(Filters.GeneratedFiles(), platformFilterName, configFilterName, mocRelPath); #if (VS2010 || VS2012 || VS2013) if (mocFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".moc")) { ProjectItem mocFileItem = mocFile.Object as ProjectItem; if (mocFileItem != null) HelperFunctions.EnsureCustomBuildToolAvailable(mocFileItem); } #endif } if (mocFile == null) throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotAddMocStep", file.FullPath)); VCCustomBuildTool tool = null; string fileToMoc = null; if (!mocableIsCPP) { tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(config); fileToMoc = ProjectMacros.Path; } else { VCFileConfiguration mocConf = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocFile, vcConfig.Name); tool = HelperFunctions.GetCustomBuildTool(mocConf); fileToMoc = HelperFunctions.GetRelativePath(vcPro.ProjectDirectory, file.FullPath); } if (tool == null) throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotFindCustomBuildTool", file.FullPath)); if (hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform && hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; if (projectCfg.Name != vcConfig.Name || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP)) { if (!mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else if (hasDifferentMocFilePerPlatform) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform mocConfPlatform = projectCfg.Platform as VCPlatform; if (projectCfg.ConfigurationName != vcConfig.ConfigurationName) continue; bool exclude = mocConfPlatform.Name != platformName || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP); if (exclude) { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != exclude) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = exclude; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else if (hasDifferentMocFilePerConfig) { foreach (VCFileConfiguration mocConf in (IVCCollection)mocFile.FileConfigurations) { VCConfiguration projectCfg = mocConf.ProjectConfiguration as VCConfiguration; VCPlatform mocConfPlatform = projectCfg.Platform as VCPlatform; if (platformName != mocConfPlatform.Name) continue; if (projectCfg.Name != vcConfig.Name || (IsMoccedFileIncluded(file) && !mocableIsCPP)) { if (!mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } else { if (mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) mocConf.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } } else { VCFileConfiguration moccedFileConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(mocFile, config.Name); if (moccedFileConfig != null) { VCFile cppFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(file); if (cppFile != null && IsMoccedFileIncluded(cppFile)) { if (!moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild) { moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = true; } } else if (moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild != config.ExcludedFromBuild) moccedFileConfig.ExcludedFromBuild = config.ExcludedFromBuild; } } string dps = tool.AdditionalDependencies; if (dps.IndexOf("\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\"") < 0) { if (dps.Length > 0 && !dps.EndsWith(";")) dps += ";"; tool.AdditionalDependencies = dps + "\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\";" + fileToMoc; } tool.Description = "Moc'ing " + file.Name + "..."; string inputMocFile = ProjectMacros.Path; if (mocableIsCPP) inputMocFile = file.RelativePath; string output = tool.Outputs; string outputMocFile = ""; string outputMocMacro = ""; string baseFileName = file.Name.Remove(file.Name.LastIndexOf('.')); string pattern = "(\"(.*\\\\" + mocFileName + ")\"|(\\S*" + mocFileName + "))"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regExp = new Regex(pattern); MatchCollection matchList = regExp.Matches(tool.Outputs.Replace(ProjectMacros.Name, baseFileName)); if (matchList.Count > 0) { if (matchList[0].Length > 0) { outputMocFile = matchList[0].ToString(); } else if (matchList[1].Length > 1) { outputMocFile = matchList[1].ToString(); } if (outputMocFile.StartsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(1); if (outputMocFile.EndsWith("\"")) outputMocFile = outputMocFile.Substring(0, outputMocFile.Length-1); string outputMocPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputMocFile); string stringToReplace = Path.GetFileName(outputMocFile); outputMocMacro = outputMocPath + "\\" + stringToReplace.Replace(baseFileName, ProjectMacros.Name); } else { outputMocFile = GetRelativeMocFilePath(file.FullPath); string outputMocPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputMocFile); string stringToReplace = Path.GetFileName(outputMocFile); outputMocMacro = outputMocPath + "\\" + stringToReplace.Replace(baseFileName, ProjectMacros.Name); if (output.Length > 0 && !output.EndsWith(";")) output += ";"; tool.Outputs = output + "\"" + outputMocMacro + "\""; } string newCmdLine = "\"" + Resources.moc4Command + "\" " + QtVSIPSettings.GetMocOptions(envPro) + " \"" + inputMocFile + "\" -o \"" + outputMocMacro + "\""; // Tell moc to include the PCH header if we are using precompiled headers in the project CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(vcConfig); if (compiler.GetUsePrecompiledHeader() != pchOption.pchNone) { newCmdLine += " " + GetPCHMocOptions(file, compiler); } QtVersionManager versionManager = QtVersionManager.The(); VersionInformation versionInfo = new VersionInformation(versionManager.GetInstallPath(envPro)); bool mocSupportsIncludes = (versionInfo.qtMajor == 4 && versionInfo.qtMinor >= 2) || versionInfo.qtMajor >= 5; string strDefinesIncludes = ""; VCFile cppPropertyFile; if (!mocableIsCPP) cppPropertyFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(file); else cppPropertyFile = GetCppFileForMocStep(mocFile); VCFileConfiguration defineIncludeConfig; if (cppPropertyFile != null) defineIncludeConfig = GetVCFileConfigurationByName(cppPropertyFile, config.Name); else // No file specific defines/includes but at least the project defines/includes are added defineIncludeConfig = config; strDefinesIncludes += GetDefines(defineIncludeConfig); strDefinesIncludes += GetIncludes(defineIncludeConfig); int cmdLineLength = newCmdLine.Length + strDefinesIncludes.Length + 1; if (cmdLineLength > HelperFunctions.GetMaximumCommandLineLength() && mocSupportsIncludes) { // Command line is too long. We must use an options file. string mocIncludeCommands = ""; string mocIncludeFile = "\"" + outputMocFile + ".inc\""; string redirectOp = " > "; int maxCmdLineLength = HelperFunctions.GetMaximumCommandLineLength() - (mocIncludeFile.Length + 1); string[] options = strDefinesIncludes.Split(' '); int i = options.Length - 1; for (; i >= 0; --i) { if (options[i].Length == 0) continue; mocIncludeCommands += "echo " + options[i] + redirectOp + mocIncludeFile + "\r\n"; cmdLineLength -= options[i].Length + 1; if (cmdLineLength < maxCmdLineLength) break; if (i == options.Length - 1) // first loop redirectOp = " >> "; } strDefinesIncludes = "@" + mocIncludeFile; for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) if (options[k].Length > 0) strDefinesIncludes += " " + options[k]; newCmdLine = mocIncludeCommands + newCmdLine + " " + strDefinesIncludes; } else { newCmdLine = newCmdLine + " " + strDefinesIncludes; } if (tool.CommandLine.Trim().Length > 0) { string cmdLine = tool.CommandLine; // remove the moc option file commands { Regex rex = new Regex("^echo.+[.](moc|cpp)[.]inc\"\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline); cmdLine = rex.Replace(cmdLine, ""); } Match m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(cmdLine, @"(\S*moc.exe|""\S+:\\\.*moc.exe"")"); if (m.Success) { int start = m.Index; int end = cmdLine.IndexOf("&&", start); int a = cmdLine.IndexOf("\r\n", start); if ((a > -1 && a < end) || (end < 0 && a > -1)) end = a; if (end < 0) end = cmdLine.Length; tool.CommandLine = cmdLine.Replace(cmdLine.Substring(start, end - start), newCmdLine); } else { tool.CommandLine = cmdLine + "\r\n" + newCmdLine; } } else { tool.CommandLine = newCmdLine; } } #endregion } catch { file.ItemType = oldItemType; throw new Qt4VSException(SR.GetString("QtProject_CannotAddMocStep", file.FullPath)); } }
public void ImportProject(FileInfo mainInfo, string qtVersion) { VersionInformation versionInfo = QtVersionManager.The().GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); FileInfo VCInfo = RunQmake(mainInfo, projectFileExtension, false, versionInfo); if (null == VCInfo) { return; } ReplaceAbsoluteQtDirInProject(VCInfo); try { if (CheckQtVersion(versionInfo)) { // no need to add the project again if it's already there... if (!HelperFunctions.IsProjectInSolution(dteObject, VCInfo.FullName)) { try { dteObject.Solution.AddFromFile(VCInfo.FullName, false); } catch (Exception /*exception*/) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Generated project could not be loaded."); Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Please look in the output above for errors and warnings."); return; } Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Added " + VCInfo.Name + " to Solution"); } else { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "Project already in Solution"); } EnvDTE.Project pro = null; foreach (EnvDTE.Project p in HelperFunctions.ProjectsInSolution(dteObject)) { if (p.FullName.ToLower() == VCInfo.FullName.ToLower()) { pro = p; break; } } if (pro != null) { QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(pro); qtPro.SetQtEnvironment(); string platformName = versionInfo.GetVSPlatformName(); if (qtVersion != null) { QtVersionManager.The().SaveProjectQtVersion(pro, qtVersion, platformName); } if (!qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName) || !qtPro.HasPlatform(platformName)) { bool newProject = false; qtPro.CreatePlatform("Win32", platformName, null, versionInfo, ref newProject); if (!qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName)) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "Can't select the platform " + platformName + "."); } } // try to figure out if the project is a plugin project try { string activeConfig = pro.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName; VCConfiguration config = (VCConfiguration)((IVCCollection)qtPro.VCProject.Configurations).Item(activeConfig); if (config.ConfigurationType == ConfigurationTypes.typeDynamicLibrary) { CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); VCLinkerTool linker = (VCLinkerTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLinkerTool"); if (compiler.GetPreprocessorDefinitions().IndexOf("QT_PLUGIN") > -1 && compiler.GetPreprocessorDefinitions().IndexOf("QDESIGNER_EXPORT_WIDGETS") > -1 && compiler.GetAdditionalIncludeDirectories().IndexOf("QtDesigner") > -1 && linker.AdditionalDependencies.IndexOf("QtDesigner") > -1) { qtPro.MarkAsDesignerPluginProject(); } } } catch (Exception) { } ApplyPostImportSteps(qtPro); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.DisplayCriticalErrorMessage(SR.GetString("ExportProject_ProjectOrSolutionCorrupt", e.ToString())); } }
public QMakeQuery(VersionInformation vi) : base(null, "", false, vi) { qtVersionInformation = vi; }