/// <summary> /// 学校--审核列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult CoursemarketVerify(int? pageIndex, int? planId, int? status, int? trainingId, int? myclassId, string searchTitle) { ViewBag.Title = "教师报名管理"; int i = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(pageIndex, 1); int groupId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.GroupId;//4,学校管理7,普通教师 //int groupId = 4; Organ_DetailBLL organ_DetailBLL = new Organ_DetailBLL(); int OrganId = 0; string where = ""; if (groupId == 4) { OrganId = (int)organ_DetailBLL.GetModel(Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId).ParentId; ViewBag.Yes = 2; ViewBag.No = 3; where += " and ma.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'"; //where += " and mcr.Status<=3"; } else if (groupId == 2) { OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId; ViewBag.Yes = 4; ViewBag.No = 5; where += " and cd.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'"; where += " and mcr.Status in(2,4,5)"; } else if (groupId == 3) { OrganId = Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId; ViewBag.Yes = 4; ViewBag.No = 5; where += " and cd.OrganId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.ManageOrganId + "'"; where += " and mcr.Status in(2,4,5)"; } else { where += " and 1=2"; } if (planId != null && planId > 0) { where += " and mcr.PlanId='" + planId + "' "; } else { planId = -1; } if (status != null && status > 0) { where += " and mcr.Status='" + status + "' "; } else { status = -1; } if (trainingId != null && trainingId > 0) { where += " and mcr.TrainingId='" + trainingId + "' "; } else { trainingId = -1; } if (myclassId != null && myclassId > 0) { where += " and mcr.ClassId='" + myclassId + "' "; } else { myclassId = -1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle)) { where += " and (mbi.RealName like'%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or ma.Nickname like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or ma.UserName like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or mbi.TeacherNo like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or mbi.CredentialsNumber like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or td.Title like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%' or cd.Title like '%" + searchTitle.Replace("'", "''") + "%')"; } int total = 0; Member_ClassRegisterBLL member_ClassRegisterBLL = new Member_ClassRegisterBLL(); List<ClassRegisterManage> tdlist = member_ClassRegisterBLL.GetListManage(10, i, where, "CreateDate desc", out total); ViewData["searchTitle"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTitle) ? "" : searchTitle; ViewData["planId"] = planId; ViewData["status"] = status; ViewData["trainingId"] = trainingId; ViewData["myclassId"] = myclassId; ViewData["groupId"] = groupId; ViewBag.pageIndex = i; ViewBag.totalPage = total; Training_PlanBLL training_PlanBLL = new Training_PlanBLL(); ViewBag.PlanList = training_PlanBLL.GetListModel(" Display=1 and Delflag='false'"); Traning_FieldBLL traning_FieldBLL = new Traning_FieldBLL(); ViewBag.FieldList = traning_FieldBLL.GetList(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' and IsSpec=0", " Sort"); Traning_DetailBLL traning_DetailBLL = new Traning_DetailBLL(); ViewBag.TraningList = traning_DetailBLL.GetList(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' and PartitionId='" + Code.SiteCache.Instance.LoginInfo.PartitionId + "' and Status=5 and (OrganId='" + OrganId + "' or Range=2)", " Id"); Class_DetailBLL class_DetailBLL = new Class_DetailBLL(); ViewBag.ClassList = class_DetailBLL.GetListModel(" Display=1 and Delflag='false' "); return View(tdlist); }