private string Preview(string workspacePath, string relativePath, string markdownContent, bool isFirstTime = false, string previewFilePath = null, string pageUpdateJsFilePath = null, string builtHtmlPath = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workspacePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Base directory should not be null or empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Relative path should not be null or empty"); } var markupResult = DfmMarkup(workspacePath, relativePath, markdownContent); if (!isFirstTime) { return(markupResult); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(builtHtmlPath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Built Html path should not be null or empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUpdateJsFilePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Page update js file path should not be null or empty"); } PreviewJsonConfig config = PreviewCommand.ParsePreviewCommand(workspacePath); builtHtmlPath = new Uri(builtHtmlPath).LocalPath; pageUpdateJsFilePath = new Uri(pageUpdateJsFilePath).LocalPath; previewFilePath = new Uri(previewFilePath).LocalPath; string htmlString = File.ReadAllText(builtHtmlPath); CQ dom = htmlString; CQ addElements = $"<script type='text/javascript' src='{pageUpdateJsFilePath}'></script>" + $"<meta name='pageRefreshFunctionName' content ='{config.PageRefreshFunctionName}'>" + $"<meta name='port' content='{config.NavigationPort}'>" + $"<meta name='filePath' content='{relativePath}'>" + $"<meta name='markupTagType' content='{config.MarkupTagType}'>" + $"<meta name='markupClassName' content='{config.MarkupClassName}'>"; foreach (var addElement in addElements) { dom.Select(addElement.NodeName) .Last() .After(addElement); } // Replace 'https' to 'http' for that VS Code don't support reference which use https protocol now // Replace reference relative path to absolute path foreach (var item in config.References) { dom.Select(item.Key).Each((i, e) => { var path = e.GetAttribute(item.Value); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } // VSCode bug: // Remove when bug fixed if (path.StartsWith("http")) { if (path.StartsWith("https")) { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, ReplaceFirstOccurrence(path, "https", "http")); } return; } if (Path.IsPathRooted(path)) { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, path); } else { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, GetAbsolutePath(builtHtmlPath, path)); } }); } // For Docs // Replace toc relative path to absolute path dom.Select("meta").Each((i, e) => { // TODO: Implement breadcrumb var metaName = e.GetAttribute("name"); if (metaName == config.TocMetadataName) { e.SetAttribute("content", GetAbsolutePath(builtHtmlPath, e.GetAttribute("content"))); } }); File.WriteAllText(previewFilePath, dom.Render()); return(markupResult); }
private string Preview(CommandMessage contextMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextMessage.WorkspacePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Base directory should not be null or empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextMessage.RelativePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Relative path should not be null or empty"); } string result = DfmMarkup(contextMessage.WorkspacePath, contextMessage.RelativePath, contextMessage.MarkdownContent); if (contextMessage.ShouldSeparateMarkupResult) { var htmlInfo = HtmlDocumentUtility.SeparateHtml(result); var separatedMarkupResult = new { rawTitle = htmlInfo.RawTitle, contentWithoutRawTitle = htmlInfo.Content }; result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(separatedMarkupResult); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextMessage.TempPreviewFilePath)) { return(result); } // TODO: move this part to client if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextMessage.OriginalHtmlPath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Built Html path should not be null or empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextMessage.PageRefreshJsFilePath)) { throw new HandlerClientException("Page update js file path should not be null or empty"); } PreviewJsonConfig config = PreviewCommand.ParsePreviewCommand(contextMessage.WorkspacePath); var originalHtmlPath = new Uri(contextMessage.OriginalHtmlPath).LocalPath; var pageRefreshJsFilePath = new Uri(contextMessage.PageRefreshJsFilePath).LocalPath; var tempPreviewFilePath = new Uri(contextMessage.TempPreviewFilePath).LocalPath; string htmlString = File.ReadAllText(originalHtmlPath); CQ dom = htmlString; CQ addElements = $"<script type='text/javascript' src='{pageRefreshJsFilePath}'></script>" + $"<meta name='port' content='{contextMessage.NavigationPort}'>" + $"<meta name='filePath' content='{contextMessage.RelativePath}'>"; foreach (var addElement in addElements) { dom.Select(addElement.NodeName) .Last() .After(addElement); } // Replace 'https' to 'http' for that VS Code don't support reference which use https protocol now // Replace reference relative path to absolute path foreach (var item in config.References) { dom.Select(item.Key).Each((i, e) => { var path = e.GetAttribute(item.Value); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } // VSCode bug: // Remove when bug fixed if (path.StartsWith("http")) { if (path.StartsWith("https")) { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, ReplaceFirstOccurrence(path, "https", "http")); } return; } if (Path.IsPathRooted(path)) { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, path); } else { e.SetAttribute(item.Value, GetAbsolutePath(originalHtmlPath, path)); } }); } // For Docs // Replace toc relative path to absolute path dom.Select("meta").Each((i, e) => { // TODO: Implement breadcrumb var metaName = e.GetAttribute("name"); if (metaName == config.TocMetadataName) { e.SetAttribute("content", GetAbsolutePath(originalHtmlPath, e.GetAttribute("content"))); } }); File.WriteAllText(tempPreviewFilePath, dom.Render()); return(result); }