public static List <StockReal> sel(Guid ProductsCustumerId, Guid Establishment_CustomerId) { List <object[]> l = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse( "SELECT * FROM StockReal WHERE (ProductsCustumerId = '" + ProductsCustumerId + "' AND Establishment_CustomerId ='" + Establishment_CustomerId + "') "); return(ListObjToStockReal(l)); }
public static void set() { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM InfoClients WHERE TypeClient ='2'"); foreach (object[] s in S) { InfoClients ic = new InfoClients(); ic.custumerId = (Guid)s[0]; ic.TypeClient = (int)s[1]; ic.Sex = (int)s[2]; ic.Name = s[3].ToString(); ic.Surname = s[4].ToString(); ic.NameCompany = s[5].ToString(); ic.SIRET = s[6].ToString(); ic.FRTVA = s[7].ToString(); ic.OfficeAddress = s[8].ToString(); ic.OfficeZipCode = s[9].ToString(); ic.OfficeCity = s[10].ToString(); ic.HomeAddress = s[11].ToString(); ic.HomeZipCode = s[12].ToString(); ic.HomeCity = s[13].ToString(); ic.Telephone = s[14].ToString(); ic.Mail = s[15].ToString(); ic.Password = s[16].ToString(); ic.Countrys_CustomerId = (Guid)s[17]; ic.FavoritesProductAutoCustomerId = (Guid)s[18]; ic.Nclient = s[19].ToString(); list.Add(ic); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> l = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM TVA"); foreach (object[] o in l) { TVA_ t = new TVA_(); t.CustumerId = (Guid)o[0]; t.Id = (string)o[1]; t.val = (string)o[2]; L.Add(t); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> l = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM SubGrpNameSet"); foreach (object[] o in l) { SubGrpProduct sg = new SubGrpProduct(); sg.Id = (int)o[0]; sg.SubGroupName = (string)o[1]; sg.GrpProductId = (int)o[2]; sg.GrpProductSet = null; L.Add(sg); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM TranslateNameProductsSet"); foreach (object[] s in S) { TranslateNameProductsSet t = new TranslateNameProductsSet(); t.CustomerId = (Guid)s[0]; t.ProductCustomerId = (Guid)((s[1] is DBNull ? Guid.Empty : s[1])); t.cod_lng = s[2].ToString(); t.Name = s[3].ToString(); t.Details = s[4].ToString(); list.Add(t); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM ProductsBC"); foreach (object[] s in S) { ProductsBC_ p = new ProductsBC_(); p.CustomerId = (Guid)s[0]; p.CustomerIdProduct = (Guid)((s[1] is DBNull ? Guid.Empty : s[1])); p.CodeBar = s[2].ToString(); p.QTY = (decimal)(s[3] is DBNull ? 1.0m : s[3]); p.Description = s[4].ToString(); list.Add(p); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> l = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM GrpProductSet"); foreach (object[] o in l) { GrpProduct sg = new GrpProduct(); sg.Id = (int)o[0]; sg.GroupName = (string)o[1]; foreach (var s in SubGrpProduct.L.FindAll(k => k.GrpProductId == sg.Id)) { sg.SubGrpNameSet.Add(s); } L.Add(sg); } }
public static List <Products> selAB(DateTime a, DateTime b) { string cmd = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (" + "[Date] >= CAST('{DATETIME_A}' AS DateTime) AND [Date] <= CAST('{DATETIME_B}' AS DateTime))"; string c = cmd.Replace("{DATETIME_A}", a.ToString()).Replace("{DATETIME_B}", b.ToString()); List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse(c); List <Products> R = new List <Products>(); foreach (object[] s in S) { Products p = new Products(); p.CustumerId = (Guid)s[0]; p.Name = (string)s[1]; p.CodeBare = (string)s[2]; p.Desc = (string)s[3]; p.Chp_cat = (short)s[4]; p.Balance = (bool)s[5]; p.Contenance = (decimal)s[6]; p.UniteContenance = (int)s[7]; p.Tare = (int)s[8]; p.Date = (DateTime)s[9]; p.TVACustumerId = (Guid)s[10]; p.ProductsWeb_CustomerId = (Guid)s[11]; // p.ProductsAwaitingDeliveryCustomerId = (Guid)s[11]; List <ClassSync.ProductDB.GrpProduct> L = ClassGroupProduct.groupXMLToGrpProductTabl(); List <SubGrpProduct> lgp = L.Find(l => l.SubGrpNameSet.SingleOrDefault(lz => lz.Id == (int)s[12]) != null).SubGrpNameSet.ToList(); p.SubGrpProduct = lgp.Find(l => l.Id == (int)s[12]); p.TVA = ClassTVA.xmlToDb().Find(l => l.CustumerId == p.TVACustumerId); List <StockReal> lsr = StockReal.sel(p.CustumerId, ClassGlobalVar.IdEstablishment); tstDubl(lsr, p, out p, false); R.Add(p); } return(R); }
public Establishment sel(Guid CustomerId) { object[] o = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM Establishment WHERE CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "'")[0]; Establishment res = new Establishment(); res.CustomerId = (Guid)o[0]; res.Type = (int)o[1]; res.Name = (string)o[2]; res.CP = (string)o[3]; res.Ville = (string)o[4]; res.Adresse = (string)o[5]; res.Phone = (string)o[6]; res.Mail = (string)o[7]; return(res); }
public void del(object o) { string cmd = "DELETE FROM StockReal WHERE ProductsCustumerId = '{CustumerId}'"; ClassProducts.product p = (ClassProducts.product)o; string c = cmd.Replace("{CustumerId}", p.CustumerId.ToString()); int i = new ClassDB(null).queryNonResonse(c); cmd = "DELETE FROM Products WHERE CustumerId= '{CustumerId}'"; c = cmd.Replace("{CustumerId}", p.CustumerId.ToString()); i = new ClassDB(null).queryNonResonse(c); cmd = "DELETE FROM ProductsWeb WHERE CustomerId= '{CustomerId}'"; c = cmd.Replace("{CustomerId}", p.ProductsWeb_CustomerId.ToString()); i = new ClassDB(null).queryNonResonse(c); new LastUpdDB().mod(ClassGlobalVar.nameTicket, DateTime.Now, ClassGlobalVar.user, ClassGlobalVar.CustumerId, true); }
public static void set() { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM Products"); foreach (object[] s in S) { Products p = new Products(); p.CustumerId = (Guid)s[0]; var t = TranslateNameProductsSet.get(p.CustumerId, "FR"); p.Name = t != null ? t.Name : (string)s[1]; p.CodeBare = (string)s[2]; p.Desc = (string)s[3]; p.Chp_cat = (short)s[4]; p.Balance = (bool)s[5]; p.Contenance = (decimal)s[6]; p.UniteContenance = (int)s[7]; p.Tare = (int)s[8]; p.Date = (DateTime)s[9]; p.TVACustumerId = (Guid)s[10]; p.ProductsWeb_CustomerId = (Guid)s[11]; // p.ProductsAwaitingDeliveryCustomerId = (Guid)s[11]; p.SubGrpProduct = SubGrpProduct.L.Find(l => l.Id == (int)s[12]) ?? SubGrpProduct.L.First(); p.TVA = TVA_.L.Find(l => l.CustumerId == p.TVACustumerId); List <StockReal> lsr = StockReal.L.FindAll(l => (l.ProductsCustumerId == p.CustumerId) && (l.IdEstablishment == ClassGlobalVar.IdEstablishment) ); tstDubl(lsr, p, out p, true); p.ProductsWeb_ = ProductsWeb_.R.Find(l => l.CustomerId == p.ProductsWeb_CustomerId); p.bc = new List <ProductsBC_>(); p.bc.AddRange(ProductsBC_.list.Where(l => l.CustomerIdProduct == p.CustumerId)); L.Add(p); } }
public static TranslateNameProductsSet get(Guid ProductCustomerId_, string cod_lng_) { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM TranslateNameProductsSet WHERE ProductCustomerId='" + ProductCustomerId_.ToString() + "' AND cod_lng=' " + cod_lng_ + "'"); List <TranslateNameProductsSet> l = new List <TranslateNameProductsSet>(); foreach (object[] s in S) { TranslateNameProductsSet t = new TranslateNameProductsSet(); t.CustomerId = (Guid)s[0]; t.ProductCustomerId = (Guid)((s[1] is DBNull ? Guid.Empty : s[1])); t.cod_lng = s[2].ToString(); t.Name = s[3].ToString(); t.Details = s[4].ToString(); l.Add(t); } return(l.FirstOrDefault()); }
public static void set() { List <object[]> S = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM ProductsWeb"); foreach (object[] s in S) { ProductsWeb_ p = new ProductsWeb_(); p.CustomerId = (Guid)s[0]; p.Visible = (bool)((s[1] is DBNull ? false : s[1])); p.Images = s[2].ToString(); p.DescrCourt = s[3].ToString(); p.DescrLong = s[4].ToString(); p.Volume = (decimal)(s[5] is DBNull ? 0.0m : s[5]); p.UniteVolume = (int)(s[6] is DBNull ? 0 : s[6]); p.ContenanceBox = (decimal)(s[7] is DBNull ? 0.0m : s[7]); p.ContenancePallet = (decimal)(s[8] is DBNull ? 0.0m : s[8]); p.Weight = (decimal)(s[9] is DBNull ? 0.0m : s[9]); p.Frozen = (bool)(s[10] is DBNull ? false : s[10]); R.Add(p); } }
public static void set() { List <object[]> l = new ClassDB(null).queryResonse("SELECT * FROM StockReal "); L = ListObjToStockReal(l); }